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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


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Digger zombies on/off []

Teleporter zombies on/off []


and then do what you want about that topic because we can remove the whole anoying part of the game.


Aren't you a little panicking here? Removing a certain zombie is one of the easiest xml-changes you can think of. I can understand the dislike of the "mod it" answer for complex requests, but you are making a request to TFP for options that are easy to mod AND would remove stuff that isn't proposed, not even acknowledged by TFP (!!!) but some idle speculation of forum participants.

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Again subjective, your fun does not equal someone else's fun.

So yours do not too.

Why do we talk since over 200 Posts about a way to screw Baserock dwellers ?

Btw i speak about the challenge, not fun. A challenge is objective measurable


but you are making a request to TFP for options that are easy to mod

Please explain this people with no idea that mods exists, and the people inside the Console forums that suffer actuall because we PC player prefer to mod the issues silent out of the game.


AND would remove stuff that isn't proposed, not even acknowledged by TFP (!!!) but some idle speculation of forum participants.

You know sarksm ?

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So yours do not too.

Why do we talk since over 200 Posts about a way to screw Baserock dwellers ?




Please explain this people with no idea that mods exists, and the people inside the Console forums that suffer actuall because we PC player prefer to mod the issues silent out of the game.


You know sarksm ?


I am not trying to remove underground play by any means or 'screw' bedrock dwellers.

I have stated several times I am happy for this to be an on/off toggle.

The point you are missing is you just want the topic to go away because you don't care for it (just like the other 50% of the game you don't care for, BM Hordes etc.), BUT you are happy for it to be an optional toggle.

So I don't see a problem here, we are both happy for options, which option you choose to toggle on or off is irrelevant to me, go nuts :)

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I am not a programmer but your reply will more than likely get lost in this thread.


I dont want a answer but why you are using a system timer instead of game tick i dont know and adding a unique ID for every POI in the map including random gen and testing it fully before its got to the stage of experimental doesnt sound a simple task also you dont know the overhead of adding a timer to each entitiy and how when the region is not active this is effected.


I dont want answers and i am not shooting you down but a less stressed post and in some place that is more visible might be an option as it could get lost in here


Thanks for the response. I enjoy a good discussion. You didnt start calling me an idiot so I appreciate that.


timer system can be made to work off serialized numbers so when the world first gens, it sets 0000001 to a poi internally, map data would save this. next poi is 0000002. when the spawn for that poi is triggered, it tosses that 000002 into the timer code so that poi spawn is in time out. A timeout could be used in this case too. That is why i say I gave a very basic run down. without seeing their code I cant truly recommend a direct coding method but my point was that this isn't a hard task.... the problem was their logic around broken code was not even a solution.


t.tick = t.delay if placed under a systems timer or other type, they are both the same thing.


you are likely referencing a thread tick... that locks up entire cpu threads from being utilized and is one of the worst programming methods you can use for a timer like delay. It should only be used when you have to. I really hope pimps arent using thread ticks...


Pimps changed some base code where system timers vs unity timers vs standard timers are all different and some are missing code options strangely. I wrote this as a brief thing to give them an idea. Without looking directly at their code its hard for me to write anything appropriate but you are right , this will get lost.


I am not even stressed mate. I think its funny. My use of the word f*** is how I talk. I am giving them a heads up because they are losing customers at this rate. Many people cant recommend the game yet and when someone asks how is 7 years of development going, all I can tell them is we have an advanced minecraft zombie mod with more bugs than most alphas have after this much time.


I am reminded of the Blakewake devs that were okay with 18,000 sales per week or month, I forget which it was but the point was that they were seeing at max 2000 players play their game concurrently. That has now dropped to less than 1000. Those devs have ignored simple stuff players didn't ask for or like but their thought is that as long as people come back during a patch, we are doing good. They also stated directly to my friend that got in contact with them, they assume anyone that didn't like terrible changes were on their way out anyways. That is so far off from reality.


Not saying thats what the pimps are doing but i have heard from countless players, that they feel its nearly abandoned with the rate of development. I am friends with three game developers who have all wondered why they are doing things like this. If pimp don't do this right, their next game will be bought by nobody at all. It ruins the trust they need to be building with their community. Dont be a Blakewake!


Still hopeful of course, keep it up pimpsters. Hope to see some major fixes with your new team brought on board.

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As long as Diggers are optional they are more than welcome.

There would be some games i would like to have them enabled.

Sadly this is not what i saw the last Versions.

As simple example the new glowing Cops.

They are so common that they make it senseless to play without guns. I loved it to play 90% of the time without guns, now in A16 there is no way (except modding) to reduce them so far that it again makes fun to have only a Crossbow.


If the Diggers are implemented the way i imagine based on the last >200 Posts (Without disabling option) i am sure many Baserockdwellers will feel more than offended.


- - - Updated - - -


I like your painting selections and block placements. :)



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*Appears out of nowhere with a towel around his waist, holding a rubber duckie*


Oh crap, not again. One of these days you guys are gonna catch me on the toilet.



Prime and I were thinking about having a special terrain block that would go active when a block beside it is destroyed. So when you're digging you might dig beside a zed spawn and wake it up, kinda like a sleeper.


The other idea we discussed was allowing them to spawn in terrain blocks closest to the player near the player height if lower than terrain height - 3, if the player is at terrain height - 2 or higher, spawn above ground. This would probably be best for blood moon hordes. This way if the player is underground they'll spawn underground nearby right at the edge where terrain meets air, inset by one block (basically destroy the two blocks they spawn in, then they can dig their way out). If above ground well, they'll just spawn normal. Then on horde nights, if you go underground, you'll just be having to fight zombies coming out of the ground from around you, losing the ability to attack from further away unless you have a huge underground area hollowed out.


So if we were to do it, I think this would technically work, maybe even include the first idea above as the "biome spawn" just to add a bit of anxiety to digging around a lot.


This was the catalyst to the whatever page discussion and i will point out he did say "So if we were to do it" so it is not solid descision.


But in a later he did say break it which i think would be rude not to.


If someone asks you to break something you should damn well smash it to pieces.


Maybe he didnt say come up with your own system but....




So is this closure on the subject i dont think so it is still on the round table

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Oh please!

where is that a challenge ?

Yes it makes it harder to skip Hordedays.

Only thing you archive is that baserock dwellers leave their screwed ex safe bases and spend the Hordenight on top of such a Zombie Slicer



and this is not harder, its easyer.

One of the reasons i hate the 7th day hordes so much is because they are more a Loot delivery service" as a threat.


The latter choice is far more fun and engaging than spending horde nights at bedrock where you do nothing but wait it out.


That seems to be your play style though and i'm not gonna knock it, just say it isn't for me in the slightest.

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On the servers I run, we ask users to use engines lower than 250. My game server is high end machine with lots of memory and the game runs on an SSDs and we restart the game every 6 hours to deal with memory leaks.


still if you get 4+ minibikes on the game with engines over 400-600 you will notice lag spikes (chunk loading).


as a server owner/admin features in the serverconfig.xml to set speed limits on bikes/vehicles would be really great.


There is no need to have an extra option inside serverconfig.xml, youcan simply edit the min an max speed of the engine item. I did the same on my server and lags where gone caused by minibikes.

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As long as Diggers are optional they are more than welcome.

There would be some games i would like to have them enabled.

Sadly this is not what i saw the last Versions.

As simple example the new glowing Cops.

They are so common that they make it senseless to play without guns. I loved it to play 90% of the time without guns, now in A16 there is no way (except modding) to reduce them so far that it again makes fun to have only a Crossbow.


If the Diggers are implemented the way i imagine based on the last >200 Posts (Without disabling option) i am sure many Baserockdwellers will feel more than offenden.


You are I could happily mod it as required to remove things we didn't like and I am fairly certain we would see a mod pop up fairly quickly in the modding section that accomplished the same thing for those that are unfamiliar with xml modding (as we have seen several times already).

I don't expect the Pimp's to do a huge options toggle on/off until beta at the earliest but I expect we will see something like this before gold.

Console users are probably the key consideration in terms of implementing toggle options ASAP but worst case hold off on porting some features until options exist to toggle them accordingly.

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On the servers I run, we ask users to use engines lower than 250. My game server is high end machine with lots of memory and the game runs on an SSDs and we restart the game every 6 hours to deal with memory leaks.

still if you get 4+ minibikes on the game with engines over 400-600 you will notice lag spikes (chunk loading).

as a server owner/admin features in the serverconfig.xml to set speed limits on bikes/vehicles would be really great.


There is no need to have an extra option inside serverconfig.xml, youcan simply edit the min an max speed of the engine item. I did the same on my server and lags where gone caused by minibikes.


check this out


visitmap -10000 -10000 10000 10000

That will map your entire world. The 4 numbers are coordinates to define a rectangle/square to be mapped. Seems to take about 30 hours to do the whole map on my server. My bike hasn't caused any chunk loading issues since I used this command.

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visitmap -10000 -10000 10000 10000

That will map your entire world. The 4 numbers are coordinates to define a rectangle/square to be mapped. Seems to take about 30 hours to do the whole map on my server. My bike hasn't caused any chunk loading issues since I used this command.


If some of the lag problems in game for chunk loading are due to the initial loading of chunks by a player and the write operations caused by that, I wonder if it would help to have the game, after initially loading up the map for the first time, to send out a thread worker that continues the build out of whatever cache that's being built by this visit map command.


Eventually, it would silently in the background finish out the process, even if taking 60 hours. Just have it start by building out this cache centered on the spawn locations used when loading up the game the first time.


Seems like I would be a potential fix for having to restart games due to terrain generation changes from one alpha to another. Or at least limit how often you'd have to restart a game. I dunno. Maybe?

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I am really hoping that Madmole of another Rep from TFP's comes and gives us the sit-rep on this new zombie spawning underground thing.

Oh, that's easy. There's no such thing.

Just an idea being thrown around.


If every idea someone on the team had was posted on the forum, you wouldn't have enough hours in the day to talk about them. ;)

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Why do we talk since over 200 Posts about a way to screw Baserock dwellers ?


I see it as evaluation or brainstorming, whether digging zombies are possible (despite probable failed attempts by TFP already). You brought a lot of good arguments against the proposals, so there is no need for frustration really.


Like with the SI problem we haven't found a really well-working solution yet, but maybe from all the speculations and idea throwing someone finds a modification of the proposed ideas or an entirely new idea that simply works.


Please explain this people with no idea that mods exists, and the people inside the Console forums that suffer actuall because we PC player prefer to mod the issues silent out of the game.


Silent? Lots of modders are not silent, Mods are available everywhere and I would assume anyone playing an EA game should have a high frustration resistance, be adaptable in his play style and/or have enough PC knowledge to at least install a mod. Otherwise wouldn't it be better to wait for the release version? Console players? Wait for the release version if you don't have fun with your game as it is.

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I see it as evaluation or brainstorming, whether digging zombies are possible (despite probable failed attempts by TFP already). You brought a lot of good arguments against the proposals, so there is no need for frustration really.


Like with the SI problem we haven't found a really well-working solution yet, but maybe from all the speculations and idea throwing someone finds a modification of the proposed ideas or an entirely new idea that simply works.




Silent? Lots of modders are not silent, Mods are available everywhere and I would assume anyone playing an EA game should have a high frustration resistance, be adaptable in his play style and/or have enough PC knowledge to at least install a mod. Otherwise wouldn't it be better to wait for the release version? Console players? Wait for the release version if you don't have fun with your game as it is.

The console Players have buyed the game in a A14 state as finished produkt ^^

I think we shouldnt discuss that here, only for your information XD

But still, since i read accidentially some posts from the Console Forums i try to help preventing the worst issues they will get.


I am not frustrated, but i see the danger if during such a discussion problems for only a part of the players, are not adequate perceived.


And sometimes i dont think that things i modded out are percived as gamebreaking issues.


But finally yes brainstorming and a harder Discussion are a good thing.

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Oh, that's easy. There's no such thing.

Just an idea being thrown around.


If every idea someone on the team had was posted on the forum, you wouldn't have enough hours in the day to talk about them. ;)


Your not going to let us know the secret base ingredient to the special SI sauce.


Thats it i am hedging my bets with calculates from bedrock in a vertical column and to hell with working a from top calculation.


Can you give us another possible game idea that may or may not be on the table as i enjoy crunching them.


Anyone else want another idea ?

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What's the SI on a spaceship in a stable orbit?


Are we to consider QED ,QCD or classical electromagnetism systems.


Ok we need any space engineers or astronauts to speak up we need your expertise.


I thought you where making a skyhook joke and bootstrapping the top down calculation.


But this seems like valid info and we can work with this

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