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Current high demand Pimp Dreams (Constant W.I.P)


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  • 3 weeks later...

- Hello. These are the features that could be added to the game.


>Creating a clan lobby not only by sending a friend request. Clan members could have access to all chests or the possibility to set a new base/claiming the territory etc. Assigning ranks like clan leader, member.


>Teleporting to a clan member. A feature that would be similar to spawning on the bed after the sudden death. This system only would work if both clan members are not being attacked for the last 15-30 sec by zombies or other hostile players within proximity of 150m.


>Pinging system in addition to marking directions on the map. The feature that would enable players to spot (by pressing "Q") or set directions visible in the game, not only on compass similar to already existing (!) that show the direction to the missions.


- WEAPONS OVERHAUL. 4 new weapons and a multi-tool!


>>>Right now blunderbuss and pistol can be found as first-tier weapons during the early minutes of the game. 


>AR-15 - 7.62mm
How about adding a nerfed civil version of AR-15 weapon with 15-20 round mag size rifle, single fire mode only? This rifle could be found in the early game and mods might enable full auto or burst fire mods, 30 or 40, drum 50 mag size? Plus heavy/long barrel and proper stock might be modified. That would send players right off grinding to the desert/snow/radiated zone.
I bet all my money that players would love such a weapon that is essentially progressively upgraded. From weakling day one to badass gun just by magic of visiting a few places...


>Heavy Sniper Rifle cal.50 
Right now it feels like in-game there is 1 bolt action rifle (Hunting rifle) plus 2 DMRs. It's nothing wrong but the addition of a kickass bolt action sniper rifle cal.50 that takes some more time to shoot in between shots and take some time to reload would be desirable. Zombified and their parts might be decimated completely by such weapon. Situated only in radiated/burnt biome or as a reward at tier 5 missions. 


>New Pistolero 9mm
Slightly better pistol but not really. The pistol with better damage/stats but instead of 14 only 10 rounds in mag compared to 9mm. Found mostly in more demanding biomes.


>New Shredding SMG 9mm
Low DPS (armor penetration). Relatively low damage but granting a stun to weaker as well as radiated (more buffed) zombies, a fast-firing
1000 RPM (round per minute) weapon with 40 plus mag.


>Combat shotgun or long double barrel
This shotgun would have a better range than the current shotgun with 8 round mag. Or add guys some classy long double-barrel shotgun besides shorty... easy to implement with the existing shorty mechanics.

That would be enough of a variety of weapons at least for me and I would be truly happy and satisfied.




>Diamond Blade Wall Cutter/Slotter/Diamond Chainsaw
Used for cutting narrow grooves in walls made of hard materials. Wall cutters are equipped with a pair of the abrasive disc(s). The tool can be used for busting through metal doors or safes as well as walls. Cutting through timber etc. All in wonder tool with replaceable cutting discs. 
Best at busting metal objects, far less effective in cutting/busting thick walls or extracting resources so would not outshine other tools. Effective rotating disc against zombies and other opponents.


It would be nice to have any red dot or holo 1x scope customizable in a separate options menu. Size of the dot, the color, and the intensity of the glare in scope, so we would not be bound only with one crappy red dot scope and undesirable effects.


>It would be nice to apply 1x, 2x, 3.4x, 4x, 6x, 7x, 8x scopes with a distinguishable look while in zoom mode, etc. Right now no matter what magnification, every scope looks the same while in zoom mode.


>It would be nice to have any other variety new 1x scope except for red dot-like holo scope etc.




> Currently we do have as weapon mods; foregrip, extended mag, drum mag, auto/burst fire mod, scopes, zombie neutralizing radiation mod, suppressor, etc. 


>Foregrip should improve only hip-fire or auto fire accuracy and not necessarily long-range accuracy... but right now buffs long-range weapon damage efficiency as any other (my sweet God) existing mod :<... which leaves a mixed feelings on my side. The only heavy barrel should add to weapon damage and range, please! Mag size, the scope should not affect the weapon damage xD.


>In addition to that might be added heavy/long barrel that would improve effective range as well as damage.


>Upgraded weapon stock might be added to any weapons or to be found/purchased at traders after finishing missions, gaining reputation, etc.



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It's cool to see some things mentioned in this thread we now have, like functioning garage doors.


It's sad to see this thread has not been updated in... a year+?


Damn, it bothers me that so many players want to help and share their ideas for free but end up just getting ignored. It's honestly rude af.

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The fishing idea would be cool but I dont feel very practical with zombies roaming around. I dont see myself standing there waiting for a bite, maybe a fish trap would work. However trapping animals and ranching per say would be awesome! Since we can already farm vegetables why not farm meat and eggs as well.

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On 1/13/2021 at 11:15 PM, 2.5cmdonger said:

Damn, it bothers me that so many players want to help and share their ideas for free but end up just getting ignored. It's honestly rude af.


Keep in mind, Fun Pimps is a company of ~30 employees. Unless they hire more programmers, other crafting/zombie apocalypse games will eventually run circles around them. But they also can't hire new programmers unless they have the money to do so.


Quite frankly, I don't see this game ever finishing, unless it's sold to a large company with the manpower to finish it.

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On 1/14/2021 at 6:15 AM, 2.5cmdonger said:


It's cool to see some things mentioned in this thread we now have, like functioning garage doors.


It's sad to see this thread has not been updated in... a year+?


Damn, it bothers me that so many players want to help and share their ideas for free but end up just getting ignored. It's honestly rude af.


Are they really helping though? The developers already said multiple times they have had so many ideas themselves, they don't even have the time to implement all their own ones.


In the desert you might be happy about a glass of water, but not when at home and after nearly drowning in your bathtub 😉


In reality a lot of these ideas are just feature requests, in other words more work for the developers but without any increase in income. Or do you really think fishing in a survival game is a new idea nobody had before?



4 hours ago, WonOnOne said:


Keep in mind, Fun Pimps is a company of ~30 employees. Unless they hire more programmers, other crafting/zombie apocalypse games will eventually run circles around them. But they also can't hire new programmers unless they have the money to do so.


Quite frankly, I don't see this game ever finishing, unless it's sold to a large company with the manpower to finish it.


Depends on your definition of "finished". Once the essential features are in, it probably will be polished for a few months and then released.

Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...


>>>I would like to address player movement, responsiveness etc.


Each time I reload a weapon without investing points into a specific perk my character slows down while just walking. How about making the player able to reload 33% slower while running by maxing out certain perk... yes running. The game would feel much more responsive and intuitive by doing some changes.


New mechanic - Sprinting without any weapon or tools equipped/drawn during this particular action. Sprinting would ALWAYS DRAIN stamina faster than running (let's call it running that is currently implemented in the game) and player movement would be also faster, but weapon/tool/item switching would have some additional delay after cancelling/stopping this particular posture. Enabled by pressing/holding X on the keyboard. Longer sprints might exhaust the player and have a negative impact without perk points. This perk would enable faster travels around the world without having a mean of transport and save the ass in most extreme scenarios (bears, perhaps dogs I have in mind).


Running (present mechanic) just by holding an LSHIFT would never drain the stamina bar unless the player is fully equipped and encumbered, or seriously injured. Players would be able to reload slower and shoot less accurately while running. Running let's say would be slower by 5% to what it is now to make space for sprinting as an additional mechanic.


Zooming/Scoping in and out weapons. Guys... only by holding a right mouse button or by pressing it 2wice (holding and releasing or clicking twice). A mechanic that is implemented now might be more responsive in the future.


Please don't gate the speed and rate that the automatic shotgun shoots behind a perk or skill tree. Additionally shotgun could have shot just by holding a left mouse button. Fire-rate gated by weapon mods and not necessarily weapon quality/level are most welcome.


Customizable crosshair and HUD icons, compass - size, colour and visibility etc.


All of this I presented above would make me happy, zombies could charge at me more often.


>>>Armour, damage taken, healing etc. 


Armour might have 9 types of resistance and protection stats.

1. Resistance to damage caused by fall damage and physical impacts by zombies. Impact stats.

2. Resistance to wounds opening and severity of wounds. Bullet damage, impacts and attacks from wild animals. Rapture stats.

3. Armour protection and resistance against damage caused by fast-moving projectiles like bullets or arrows.

3. Protection against hardcore weather conditions like Heat, Low Temperatures etc. Extreme Weather conditions.

4. Protection against Fire.

5. Protection against Toxic Gas, Chemical Burns.

6. Protection against Contaigents like Viruses.

7. Protection against Radiation.

8. Resistance to damage caused by explosives, nades, rockets, barrels etc. Explosion resistance.

9. Resistance to an Electric Shock.


Plus armour might impact the speed of healing, stamina recovery, bleeding etc.


Each armour might have different weapon/item/toolbelts for like between 6-12 slots. Bigger backpacks and encumbrance stats. Some stuff might be packed with mods etc.


Also bleeding and concussion or practically any damage that might be done to a player could have several levels of severity. Light, medium, severe bleeding with different visual after effects also. That would ultimately translate into any encounter potentially leaving a scratch on a player. Ramboebling POIs would not be a viable option, don't make me wrong it is not an option now, but with more levels of potential aftermath of encounters might be less predictable.


>>>Ammo, loot, zombies.


I would really appreciate it if 240 bullets of 7.62 instead of 150 in could be stacked in one slot. Please consider the rise in the number of certain items. 


I don't see the problem when it comes to equipping UMP style like SMG with .44 magnum ammo. Slow SMG with 30 bullets in mag that has lots of power.


Additional specialistic med-kit that would contain antibiotics and anti radiant etc would be great to be found in tier 5 POIs or to be craftable. Some higher tier meds. 


I would rather see the trader quest progression loot and biome progression rather than forcefully limit everyone behind game staging or how many blood moons passed. A simple solution is to keep on adding content and scattering it across the map - the best thing to do. 



Really awesome to see the restore power quest. This quest might be easily implemented in the military base or any underground complex. A scary tunnel-like sewage complex or metro like POIs would be cool to see. Quests like neutralizing hazard like fire, toxic spill, etc might be easily implemented. Neutralising a mutating zombie. Some quest could require a gas mask, some tool to put up a fire, scuba diving equipment to get into certain parts of POIs. Such a quest would be only accomplished by a player that had been equipped with necessary gear rewarded by the trader.


Thank You Guys for Improving 7DTD


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  • 1 month later...

guys guys guys....before i tell you what i think this is the first and MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE!!!



make sure to have coal or something so you don't crash lol that would be amazing

install lights on it also and storage and let your buddy to get in to

maybe in cold areas the fire burns faster..

you upgrade the energy intact to go faster higher.. etc

and you can park it on top of your base or roof



still same concept, same mobs, same type of buildings and vehicles..


one you reach certain level, there is no more challenge, no boss, no hard mobs, no places to go discover with different ideas and challenges..


the game can go on forever but need to put some challenging features in it. 


its all good to put fishing and this and that but what's the point when it will get super easy with higher levels too fast.


need newer areas, special areas with harder mobs, different mobs, several boss's and mutated giant mobs....


so all that fishing and harvesting pays off! what is the point to get so strong when you will have to kill the same stupid waitress mob or fat cop..


also i tell you what to add ;


-automatic garage door opener (remote) when i am in a vehicle and coming to my base i would like to be able to open my powered garage door with a assigned key

ex: press # 9 or 0 or wtv so the garage door opens and i don't have to come out of the car and run to it open it and then run back to the car and go in and come out and close it..


what is the point of a powered door if you cant open it by distance like the remote in your car..


-i always said this game needs a lawnmower! a grass trimmer .. instead of hitting it with a knife or your fists...


over 12 million copies sold at min 20$usd/copy and over 240mill $ USD and 8 years later game moving slower than a sloth !!!



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/13/2021 at 7:32 PM, saoron666 said:



-automatic garage door opener (remote) when i am in a vehicle and coming to my base i would like to be able to open my powered garage door with a assigned key

ex: press # 9 or 0 or wtv so the garage door opens and i don't have to come out of the car and run to it open it and then run back to the car and go in and come out and close it..


what is the point of a powered door if you cant open it by distance like the remote in your car..


I think this can already be done by wiring a pressure plate to the door, so that when you drive over it with your vehicle the door triggers/opens.

Never tried it myself though, but I'm pretty sure the devs even showcased that during a vid/stream.

Edited by meilodasreh (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

I think this can already be done by wiring a pressure plate to the door, so that when you drive over it with your vehicle the door triggers/opens.

Never tried it myself though, but I'm pretty sure the devs even showcased that during a vid/stream.

Nope, vehicles right now don't activate the trigger plates.

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16 hours ago, katarynna said:

It can easily be done with motion sensors though. 


The inside and outside motion sensors need to be wired directly to each other with nothing in between (relay, switches, etc) and then to the door.

would the motion sensor work and detect me in the car ? or i would have to come out of the car ?

cause the idea is to open it and continue driving in and close back the door or bridge ...

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34 minutes ago, saoron666 said:

would the motion sensor work and detect me in the car ? or i would have to come out of the car ?

cause the idea is to open it and continue driving in and close back the door or bridge ...

The only thing of concern is where the garage is.  I had motion sensors on both the inside and out, but since the garage area was where I also had all my crafting benches and forges, I found it frustrating to have the garage doors keep opening and closing as I was working or unloading loot from my vehicle at night.  I went with a pressure plate on the inside so I could have complete control over the doors (I would walk around the vehicle and step on the plate before getting in).  If your garage is separate from your night activities, then the 2 motion detectors recommended by @katarynna works great.

Edited by BFT2020 (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, katarynna said:

Motion sensors can detect you in a vehicle. Pressure plates don't, so with them you have to get out of the vehicle.


It will work better if you use the motion sensor settings so that the bridge stays down for 8-10 seconds though.

You give me idea : cameras with sensors and monitors . just put camera on wall connect it with monitor and you will know who or what going near you base!


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On 4/28/2021 at 11:48 PM, BFT2020 said:

Nope, vehicles right now don't activate the trigger plates.

Hm but then, did it work in a previous Alpha?

I'm so damn sure I saw a vid where somebody drove through a "wired-up" automatically opening garage door with a motorcycle, going back and forth several times, trying from both sides. It didn't work every time though, but the concept in general was functional.


It is long ago I can't even remember when and also searched youtube for that vid, didn't find it.


Maybe it WAS done with motion sensors though and not with trigger plates...🤔


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3 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

Hm but then, did it work in a previous Alpha?

I'm so damn sure I saw a vid where somebody drove through a "wired-up" automatically opening garage door with a motorcycle, going back and forth several times, trying from both sides. It didn't work every time though, but the concept in general was functional.


It is long ago I can't even remember when and also searched youtube for that vid, didn't find it.


Maybe it WAS done with motion sensors though and not with trigger plates...🤔


Does it really matter much what worked in A11 or A6? Important is that vehicle+pressure plate is on a bug list and will probably work sometime in the future (line 52 in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YNo1DLatARAXCyRWwLxOhrjKnZKLL-onr4hwc3IIUuI/edit#gid=0 )


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1 hour ago, meganoth said:

Does it really matter much what worked in A11 or A6? Important is that vehicle+pressure plate is on a bug list and will probably work sometime in the future (line 52 in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YNo1DLatARAXCyRWwLxOhrjKnZKLL-onr4hwc3IIUuI/edit#gid=0 )


Ah so it is a bug and not an intendedly removed feature cause it was too exploitable like the "floating drawbridge base thingy" or whatever (that's why I was wondering).

Thx for the info.

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Color code the melee crosshair to indicate if you have enough stamina to attack or not. For example, a yellow crosshair could mean that you can only perform a normal attack, and a red one could mean that no attack is currently possible.

I think this would improve melee combat flow somewhat, especially for early game. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

As a base builder, I'd like to have more different paints, drapes and high end Fürni. Gotta to make that base look pretty and representative, you know. High end storage crates with more paint options. Aaaalso a metal sign would be nice, since the wooden one don't fit in an otherwise stylish environment. Vanity, I know, but hey, need to have a sweet base!

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/29/2016 at 1:00 PM, Kage said:


Skills and Abilities



- Include the ability to Fish

(Crafting of required tools, Ability to catch and harvest Fish, Forge for bait)


*Animal Traps

- Include the ability to craft and place traps that over time will catch animals which we can harvest

(See below for a list of Farm Animals, Birds can be captured for Harvest of Feathers and Wild Eggs)



- Include the ability to raise or capture Farm style animals using feed (Corn, Seeds, vegetables)

(Chickens, rabbits, Pigs)

- Ability for Farm Style Animals to breed to produce offspring which grow to harvest-able adults.

- Other types of farm animals to be used for Farming lifestyles

(Goats, Lamb, Cows - Eat grass, Harvest Milk, Harvested for Meat, etc)

(Bees - For harvest of Honey, medical research for curing disease and illness. etc)


- More plants and Abilities to harvest all grow-able plants to be planted.

(Any plant that grows, the ability to harvest them and plant them)




Hello wild dream fulfilment, it's great to see you~  ❤️ 

Edited by Daitoshi (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Inspired by the coming new Update A20 I think it would be cool to have a new book series Vehicles. 


While the books 1 to 6 allow for the crafting of mods or give buffs like better handling/fuel consumption, the 7th book will grant you access to a heavy duty vehicle. 


This vehicle should have high material crafting costs like 1000 steel etc. but grants unique features. 


For example a big Truck with a workbench on top or with a huge storage space that enables you to transport all the loot from POI 5 buildings back home. 


PS: A simple mod to upgrade the storage space of a 4x4 truck would also be very helpful. e.g. large rack body truck

Edited by Zaryusa (see edit history)
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10 hours ago, Zaryusa said:

Inspired by the coming new Update A20 I think it would be cool to have a new book series Vehicles. 


While the books 1 to 6 allow for the crafting of mods or give buffs like better handling/fuel consumption, the 7th book will grant you access to a heavy duty vehicle. 


This vehicle should have high material crafting costs like 1000 steel etc. but grants unique features. 


For example a big Truck with a workbench on top or with a huge storage space that enables you to transport all the loot from POI 5 buildings back home. 


PS: A simple mod to upgrade the storage space of a 4x4 truck would also be very helpful. e.g. large rack body truck

well that's sound good

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  • 3 weeks later...

an Electric automatic warehouse.


i wish it gives an posibility for an chest system where i can give all my items in and can eventually craft out of the chests via ordering system or can search after the item that i want and can send it to an output box where i can pick it up.


i know its not an realy immersive feature.


But when you play a month or more on the same game than you have tons of items.

Not only things for scraping also cement and more for building.


so an Operational Storage system is the greatest wish i have in 7days.



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  • 1 month later...

I have no idea if TFP's are going to make the Feral Wight a special infected with any abilities. If not, I'd like to make suggestion to make him have a more destinct goal compared to normal zombies. Currently The Feral Wight has no ability aside from having more HP than regular zombies. My idea is to make him a pathfinder for zombies to create entrences by breaching down doors, iron bars. I assume with A21 that zombies will be able to navigate through 1 block terrain meaning that it won't be neacessary to have him brake down a hatch that has been folded up in a doorway, such as a hatch base design. I want the Feral Wight to be a threat on Horde Nights aswell as finding him inside of POIS or in the wilderness. I like the idea of him being a very vigor fueled monster that is very relentless, meaning that he will be a frontline fighter that will focus as a towering vanguard drawing all attention towards him.


Why should the Feral Wight be a special infected?


The foundation is already set by having a nice model that got updated in A20. So I thought that it would be a shame to not equip an ability to The Feral Wight. We currently don't have any special infected that can preform such a feat and could be a fun element to challenge the players ability to rely less on hatches or door spamming and create more chaos. He would also be a fun surprise element for player when they see how he can chew down on their defences. 


Special Abilities


Basic Traits:

HP: 750







Door Denter: 

This ability speaks for it self in terms of it's main target, doors. The Feral wight once mounted within a blocks distance away from a door will perform an action which will make the zombie hurl it's towering mass against the door to cause 20% damagae increase on doors. The Feral Wight makes a grunt to indicate that he has started performing the action. Zombies are naturally attracted to doors which The Feral Wight creates an even weaker spot on the base/structures. 


Bar Bender:

Bar Bender is an ability that allows the feral wight to instantaneously break a bar block. It will perform a quick animation of his hands grabbing the bars and janking his hands away from it to instantly break it. Grunt notification is present on this ability too. 


Rapid Regrowth:

The ability activates upon the Feral Wight taking any damage to quickly recover HP as time goes on, but that's not it. If a player were to shoot of or decapitate any limb from the feral wight it would grow back again. So for example: if a leg were to be blown off it would start to crawl but as soon as it fully regenerates it gets back up to startsprinting again. IMG_E0887.jpg



To counter The Feral Wight from not being an unstoppable force of mutated nature, there are some weapons that can effectivly damage the Wight over time such as the molotov or blade trap or any fast firing rate weapon that won't let him regain any health making him vulnerable. While a arm has been decapitated it will do 50% less damage. So focus on damaging a limb or target a head and kill him quickly. He is very hard to kill in a crowd unless there are explosives. 

Edited 4 hours ago by SKINK

The Screamer


The Screamer have recieved a brand new model for A20 which looks fantastic, but I really find it unusual how she doesn't have any purpose around Horde Nights and therefor being left out from the group. I think it's very important that we try and include all special infected and make them spawn at Horde Nights, POIS and in the general vicinity. 

So I've decided to try and figure out a way to make her be eligible for all scenarios.


Why should The Screamer be remade when she is already has a ability?


The Screamer currently has 2 features which is heat detection and zombie spawning. These mechanics are ok but I think that for this game to be more unique I think it's better to focus on making each special infected good at certain task that can be usefull in every scenario. By reworking her abilities we could lend her spawning feature of zombies to another zombie and finetune the spawn mechanic to make it fair even for horde nights. So I want to make her in to a DEBUFF focused zombie. I still want her to have a call to attract not zombies, but birds and dogs instead.




Basic Stats

HP: 235

Armor: None

Damage: Bleed

No Feral version

Games Stage appearence 35 - Max

Seeks out heat scources like normally

Spawns zombie dogs and vultures






When The Screamer has spotted a survivor it shreaks. She goes in to a animation which steches her tounge out and intimidates the player to know that reinforcment is coming. If the Screamer goes in to the animation to shreak, the player has a small window to stagger her with either explosives or a sledge turret or something that knocks her over. The shreak has a 20 block player affecting radius around the Screamer and can pass through walls or any object.

Once inflicted by the scream the player will recieve a minor speed penalty and a 3 sec vision blur along side a 15 sec timer that removes a player crafted/perk buff for example: Mega Crush, Recog, Brawler effect, Beer buzz etc. Along side the timer penalty to your buffs she gives you an concussion that hurts your head when you get a random blur effect similar to what the game already has.


Her scream attracts however vultures and zombie dogs to spawn but instead much further away so the player won't really notice them just appear out of nothing. Her ability should work fine since she is ''limited'' to dogs and birds but she will become easier to deal with during horde nights because can't spawn in tougher enemies to give you too much preassure


Here is the debuff process: 1. Screams -> 2. player gets councussion/timer on buffs + speed penalty -> 3. Zombie dogs and vultures start spawning -> 4. They all attack you


 image.jpg            image59e39741cd2a0c6f.png


-Neck Chewer:


There is no real surprise that sharp teeth cause alot of trouble. Once the Screamer has landed a hit sucsessvly the player begins to bleed for 8 seconds.

Each second removes 5 HP from the health pool making this a death sentence if not treated properly. Medkits and bandages of any kind will stop the bleeding. 

Try and stay further away and deal kill her quickly before she goes in to her animation to call the dogs and birds.


teeths-1.jpg            image0f922c9958db2b6e.jpg

I've had some ideas of special infected for a little while and I wanted to suggest some concept ideas of unique special infected, this zombie would make the game more dynamic and make for a fun encounter during Horde Nights and POIS.


-The Gorger



A creature devoided of any resmblence to what it once was. A figure that ignite husks in to flesh starved beasts. A menace that looms the wasteland that will devour you.

An omen of death that comes closer. The only task for a Gorger.




Gore husk: allows The Gorger to emit a pulse surrounding a 6 block radius around itself to rapidly mutate zombies in the area of effect. Once a zombie have been effected by this pulse it will start to radiate and regain previous HP loss back. Speed and Damage increase with 15%. The Gorger is support focused special infected that tends to stick closer to other zombies but can fend off for itself. It has 275 HP with no armor and normal resistances. It has no alternative versions such as feral or radiated.

This special ability could only work if radiation was reworked to only appear when the Gorger was around to do the pulse. 


Game Stage/Where to be found?

The Gorger will show up through the game stage of 30-Max meaning that as soon as players reach this threshold they will start seing this zombie during Horde Nights and inside POIS. The function of this zombie is to enhance zombies and make use of the very aimless radiation feature on zombies into a more streamlined special zombie that can make it unique.


Requirments for The Gorger:

A animation for the pulse

animation for a stance for the Gorger A different running and stance animation.  He is alos hunched over a bit.                                         Gorger.png    THIS IS THE CONCEPT ART/SKETCH FOR THE GORGER

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