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Trader Quest limit?!



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Some people, myself included, feel like traders and quests are a bit OP and it just draws you into this unlimited cycle of questing all the time, because that`s just so brokenly rewarding and it results in unintentional burn-out and boredom after few hours/days/weeks.


So I thought about a solution that could be just as easy as limiting amount of quests per day!? 

Currently we have 5 (I think) quests per day we can choose from and they reset each day, but we can do all of them if we choose to. So my idea was that you could only choose 1 of these 5 quests to do per trader and that`s it for a day. Next day you would get new different 5 quests and you could choose only 1. Or maybe it depends on quest tiers, so T5 quests could be done once every 3 days or something.


This would also make more meaningful choice in choosing your quest type instead of selecting the closest ones and just run them all ASAP  and on top of that it would give you free time exploring the map and engaging in games other aspects such as building, mining or even exploring different POI that you are skipping over because you are rushing to do a quest. 


 I know this is not games fault or problem, you can just ignore traders/questing and limit yourself, but... weak mind😀


Thought this was a nice, easy solution and wanted to hear fellow players thoughts on it. Could it be easily modable?

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I'm not one for a daily limit. It just seems arbitrary and pressures a player to do particular quests (clears) because you don't want to 'waste' a quest slot on a fetch quest that brings lower rewards.


I do like the way traders run out of work, and having them have more jobs but not refilling every day might be good. Moving to something like 10 quests and they restock when the trader does. There's also what I assume is a bug that logging out and back in again regenerates the trader's quests.


I'd love it if traders prioritised each tier by distance, and had quite a high maximum distance, so they give quests further and further away as you progress in the tier.  Especially if you keep repeating a lower tier you'll get more distant quests. This would also allow a rule that a trader won't repeat a POI until every POI of that tier, within their maximum distance, has been quested at least once. That would avoid the situation where you keep getting repeat quests to the same POI.


Implementing such a system would require keeping track of which quests have been completed by each individual player, and might get problematic in multiplayer if everyone who starts together is getting identical quests, but those aren't insurmountable difficulties.

Edited by Uncle Al (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Uncle Al said:

I'd love it if traders prioritised each tier by distance, and had quite a high maximum distance, so they give quests further and further away as you progress in the tier.  Especially if you keep repeating a lower tier you'll get more distant quests. This would also allow a rule that a trader won't repeat a POI until every POI of that tier, within their maximum distance, has been quested at least once. That would avoid the situation where you keep getting repeat quests to the same POI.


Now that would be nice.  Not refreshing the Shotgun Messiah for the umpteenth time that week to get better guns but instead force players to hit other buildings.  This would keep the refreshing of the lootboxes in POI's over and over.  Make it happen once every 7 or 14 days instead of every day or several times a day.

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I think the main change needed other than not resetting Shotgun Messiah is for the rewards to be less OP. It's crazy enough getting full sets of Q6 steel tools/melee from T4 quests in the first or second week just as standard single-quest rewards, but on top of that you get the absolutely insane tier completion rewards like 500 steel blocks and a full set of Q5-6 steel armor. If your trader is near a Zelext you can complete T4 and T5 in two days apiece to reap those sweet rewards.


I play without traders in vanilla because I no longer enjoy being fully geared out while my horde nights are still nothing more than a few feral party girls. And, trader quests discourage exploration. Going to another city with a lower-tier trader is an extremely inefficient use of your time. Staying in one area but exploring PoIs not included in quests is suboptimal. If you want to play the 'best' you're going to be caught in an endless loop of running the same fast-clear T4 PoIs over and over. It's too easy to fall into the trap of optimizing the fun out of the game, so I just don't allow myself to get involved with it.

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I removed all trader rewards (except for the tier rewards) and found it refreshing.  You still want to do trader missions to get coin, but since you don't get rewards now for completion, it motivates you to loot non-mission POIs to find gear and items.

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3 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

I removed all trader rewards (except for the tier rewards) and found it refreshing.  You still want to do trader missions to get coin, but since you don't get rewards now for completion, it motivates you to loot non-mission POIs to find gear and items.


This sounds interesting, will give it a try! Thanks.

5 hours ago, Orclover said:

If you don't like the idea of unlimited quest, then you might hate the idea of not having anything to do but wait for horde night.


There is plenty to do in this game, problem is that I subconsciously want to do only quests at daytime because it just feels good to do something you are 'supposed to" and get rewarded for it. 

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A limit like 1 quest per day may result in more people ditching buried supplies quests for fetch/clear instead, just because of how much loot you could get from a house compared to 1 chest.


There also needs to be consideration for servers with 2hr days, and servers with a lot of traffic. From my experience playing highly populated servers, there are almost never any animals in the forest for whatever reason (other than hostile bears/wolves), so usually my only source of food is from vending machine/looting. And if most of the forest POIs have already been looted by others, it makes questing unavoidable.

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1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

If I could, I would mod the game so the traders would just mock you both and laugh at you

I would suggest to add me as trader in Newsstand but i think that not only this mod but game would be consider as "too edgy" and baned in 93 countries!

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I voted for a limit. It is just stupid having unlimited jobs all the time. A limit would not be unrealistic at all. It doesn't have to be an artificial "you reached your limit for today". Instead it would simply be the trader telling you that there are no more jobs that day. In fact, I'd like the limit to be a random number between 0 - 4 so that some days there is plenty of work and other days there is none and you'll have to go exploring on your own or get other things done.


Unlimited quests is too much like LBD. You can spam them and you rise in tier quickly by spamming them getting better at them the more you do them and so it dominates the game which was one of the big weaknesses of LBD. It also feels contrived and unnatural that there would be so much work available to do. Obviously, there are other survivor associates of the traders who can also take jobs and so it makes sense that the list of jobs available for a day dwindle until the Trader tells you there are none left for the day so please come back tomorrow.


Of course, the limit would be per trader so as you found more traders your opportunities to work would expand. If Jen has no work today (or no more work) then you drive over to Rekt's and see what he has for you to do. This would encourage players to "do the rounds" between traders and progress the quest tiers up for all of them instead of just sticking to the one that gives unlimited highest tier quests and ignoring the rest.


On a similar note I'd like to see random open and closed times so that maybe a trader isn't even open when you go and so you have to visit a different one. Random amount of jobs, random open/close times all make the traders seem more alive like maybe THEY are doing a job or on a loot run so no jobs to give out today or even "sorry, we're not open right now".


The only downside of this is that those who LIKE spamming quests and having zero limits won't be able to have their playstyle. If it remains the same I can always voluntarily limit myself if that's what I want to do. Best would probably be a slider in the options menu for 1 quest per day, variable quests per day, and unlimited quests per day on a per trader basis. Don't forget the switch for variable trader open times and I'd be happy.


But if I had control I would screw over all those quest spammers and make it variable quests per day with no other option...heheh.

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28 minutes ago, Roland said:

I voted for a limit. It is just stupid having unlimited jobs all the time. A limit would not be unrealistic at all. It doesn't have to be an artificial "you reached your limit for today". Instead it would simply be the trader telling you that there are no more jobs that day. In fact, I'd like the limit to be a random number between 0 - 4 so that some days there is plenty of work and other days there is none and you'll have to go exploring on your own or get other things done.

I approve of this 100%.

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I don´t use the trader usually, but if one feels you can do too much in one day, simply don´t do them. You can´t do that for long anyways, once you reach tier 3 it gets impossible to do so i guess. Unless T3 are weaker than they used to be.


How are you gonna solve that limit in MP where this matters the most as in SP you can simply ignore them and others can´t take advantage of doing all the quests they can? Can you still do quests that others share once your limit is reached? It would propably destroy the Coop element a bit, because if there is a limit people who do as much quests as they can, will do solo quests instead of doing them in a group.

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A question for all who want to have a limit. How many quests can you realistically do in a day with a default day length of 60 minutes? In the best case I can complete 2 or 3, depending on tier and distance. For most T5 I need more than one day and for the T4 it depends on the POI but there I can usually only complete a maximum of 2. Most of the time it is only one T4 POI.


Edited by RipClaw (see edit history)
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I'm not in favour of limits, but it really depends on play style and as you said tier and distance. 


Heavy armour, sledge hammer and Leeroy Jenkins? I have once done 5, some of which was just fetch. (Didn't waste time clearing) Most of the time it's 2 or 3 until I reach T4. Then it's one, or even less than one. A  full stealth clear of one of the skyscrapers takes a day and part of the night. Even Shotgun Messiah factory can take over a day, (18 in game hours ) if I miss a bunch and have to go back.


On a side note, I started playing Darkness Falls. That mod has gone way too far the other way. You can quest both day and night (traders don't close) and the day of horde night,  still each quest is like "here, choose between your jar of honey, stone axe or 8 rounds of 9mm". Dammit Jen, I'm dying by nightfall if you don't give me something I can use!

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1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

A question for all who want to have a limit. How many quests can you realistically do in a day with a default day length of 60 minutes? In the best case I can complete 2 or 3, depending on tier and distance. For most T5 I need more than one day and for the T4 it depends on the POI but there I can usually only complete a maximum of 2. Most of the time it is only one POI.



Imagine a group of 5. Get 5 T1 (or T2 fetch) quests, do them without much looting and you could do this twice per day at least. On day 4 you would have all tier reputation rewards.


Now the question is if a sensible limit is even possible that isn't punishing single players and players on open servers while still providing a limit to co-op groups.


But even though they might not provide meaningful limits I like the ideas of a trader not being open at some days and of ever increasing quest distances without repetition. We got a big map, why not use it?


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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13 minutes ago, meganoth said:

But even though they might not provide meaningful limits I like the ideas of a trader not being open at some days and of ever increasing quest distances without repetition. We got a big map, why not use it?

I'm not a fan of the idea of traders not being open on random days. That makes a trader round trip quite frustrating when half of the traders are closed.

But I would be in favor of POIs being blocked for the player for a while after completing a quest so that he gets offered other POIs.


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