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Thinking about buying 7 Days to Die


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Hello everyone. 

I have come across 7 days to die on steam, it looks interesting t say the least, in the past i played mostly DayZ, that was the one that got me into the survival genre, also a bit of Zomboid, Valheim and a few others. I love the fact that in 7 days to die, unless i'm wrong, you can do a lot of scavenging, crafting, building and so on.

I was wondering is the game multiplayer or single player, if there is a multiplayer mode/servers does it force you to be PvP?


About the game development itself, i have noticed that the game was launched in December 2013 and to this day is in alpha stage, is that because the game's development has been slow or because the devs are really invested into shaping this game as one of the best on the genre?

The developers themselves, are they interactive and active with the community or are they just one of those teams that throws out updates just for the sake of updating without exchanging feedback with the players? 


Knowing that the game is in early access how well does it run on PC, are the issues with frame rate and sever lag a big issue?


About the game itself, the name 7 days to die entails that at the 7th day we will be attacked by a zombie horde, my question is if until that time we the player have time to build something where we can be protected or can we hide inside buildings or caves?

The game's world seems to be huge, does it motivate us to explore? Can we find or come across huge buildings, underground areas like caves and so on?


I'm really sorry for all the questions i just want a bit more of clarification before i decide to buy the game since i was disappointed with early access games in the past. 

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Well the Building is like Minecraft but with over a thousand shapes to use. The World is almost fully destructable (The Trader can't be destroyed) so you can mine, destroy walls, doors, etc. So a lot of room to shape your surroundings.


The game is playable as SP and MP both PVE and PVP. You can either get yourself/join a server or just start a game yourself without a server where people can only join, when you're online.


The game is in active development and they focus on their vision to create the game they want, but also listen to the community on some things. They are very active here.


The game works pretty well on my old and new PC. Don't expect to play Ultra on a potato :D they won't fully optimize the game until it's finished. Sure they polish most stuff to a point where it works good enough, but not perfect.


You can explore a lot and find hundreds of different Buildings all unique. Try out the Random World generator they got really nice city tiles to explore.


You can build your Base however you like and try to defend yourself from the upcoming hordes every 7 days.

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35 minutes ago, Diragor said:

Well the Building is like Minecraft but with over a thousand shapes to use. The World is almost fully destructable (The Trader can't be destroyed) so you can mine, destroy walls, doors, etc. So a lot of room to shape your surroundings.


The game is playable as SP and MP both PVE and PVP. You can either get yourself/join a server or just start a game yourself without a server where people can only join, when you're online.


The game is in active development and they focus on their vision to create the game they want, but also listen to the community on some things. They are very active here.


The game works pretty well on my old and new PC. Don't expect to play Ultra on a potato :D they won't fully optimize the game until it's finished. Sure they polish most stuff to a point where it works good enough, but not perfect.


You can explore a lot and find hundreds of different Buildings all unique. Try out the Random World generator they got really nice city tiles to explore.


You can build your Base however you like and try to defend yourself from the upcoming hordes every 7 days.


Hello Diragor and thank you for the reply.

Can i ask what are the specs that you have on your new PC?

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operating system
     Windows 11 Home, 64-bit


     AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 8x 3600MHz


processor cooler
     Deepcool Gammaxx C40


graphic card
     ASUS GeForce RTX 3060, ASUS ROG-STRIX-RTX3060-O12G-GAMING, 12 GB GDDR6, 2x HDMI, 3x DisplayPort




random access memory
     2 x 16 GB DDR4 RAM, dual channel (2x 8 GB), 3200 MHz, Kingston FURY Beast


1. hard drive
     500 GB M.2 PCIe SSD Kingston NV1 (Read/Write: max. 2100 MB/s | 1700 MB/s)


More hard drives / SSD / m.2 SSD
     1000 GB M.2 PCIe SSD Kingston NV1 (read/write: max. 2100 MB/s | 1700 MB/s)

      Thats my PC :D  
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To add to what Diragor said, if you ever get bored of the vanilla game, the modding community is very active, with 100s of mods and a few complete game overhauls available. 


To your question about "will I have time to build defenses before the 7th day horde", that is to some extent dependent on how long you set your game days. On 60-minute days it will be more of a challenge than on 120-minute days. If you want advice for a beginner on just how to go about surviving the first horde or two, just ask (or search this forum - there are dozens of such threads). I won't spoil it here - maybe you want to learn from Day 1 yourself (which I recommend!). The game only holds your hand for a very short while in the beginning. READ THE JOURNAL.


At 4,300 hours played, 7D2D is my #2 best-value-for-money game ever. And I've bought it at full price twice, once on console and once on PC. I'll buy it a 3rd time if they make me when it comes back to console. It's just that fun even with a few Alpha-game warts.

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You are asking your question in a forum where most people are hardcore fans of this game so there is only one answer here: buy the game.


On a serious note, buy the game, it is worth every Cent. Maybe watch a few of the thousands of gameplay videos on YouTube first and buy it after that.


TL;DR: Buy the game.


One last note: If you buy the game, which you should, I'd recommend you to not watch and YT videos or read anything game related here to not spoil anything. Just buy the game (did I say that already?) and learn everything yourself from scratch. Most exciting and fun approach and I wish I could be you. If I was you I'd buy the game by the way.

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Game is definitely worth it.


As far as gameplay goes, you can set it up (with in-game options), or mod it (external mods) to your satisfaction pretty easy.


Playing with pretty high-ish settings on:


Windows 10 Pro


Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz   3.20 GHz

16.0 GB RAM

GTX 1650 4GB GDDR6

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This depends about few things : you want to play mostly in SP, Coop or MP? 

If you prefer SP - if you like playing alone for long time in minecraft buy it, if you have friends and you want to play  with them yep this is good choice, if you want to play MP - read multiplayer section first and then make a choice

About blood moon - no chance to hide you have to fight with zombies, you can make a base but you have to find yourself because pasive traps don't give you EXP.

Maps depends on your options - there is a lot of  diffrent POI.

If you want mostly to play realistic mods - wait few years.

If you don't care about art style and you want to just play for fun - buy it

If you don't like mods - wait until devs will comfirmed if there will be dlc or not

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7 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

This depends about few things : you want to play mostly in SP, Coop or MP?

About blood moon - no chance to hide you have to fight with zombies, you can make a base but you have to find yourself because pasive traps don't give you EXP.

Maps depends on your options - there is a lot of  diffrent POI.

If you want mostly to play realistic mods - wait few years.

If you don't care about art style and you want to just play for fun - buy it

If you don't like mods - wait until devs will comfirmed if there will be dlc or not

1. Coop IS MP so.......... should have said SP, Coop or PvP

2. Some traps DO give xp when perked into them.

4. So everyone's definition of "realistic" is the same?

5. Same as above but for art style.

6. Huh? What does that have to do with anything? The game is more than worth buying even if there were no mods or never would be DLC, imo ofc.


Tl;Dr to the OP. Buy the game. If you're really that on the fence then wishlist it and wait and buy it on sale, it happens often.

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For horde nights you have some menu choices when setting up your game. Could have it set to one of these 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 20, 30.

From every night to having it turned off all together and just have the wandering zombies.

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11 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

1. Coop IS MP so.......... should have said SP, Coop or PvP

2. Some traps DO give xp when perked into them.

4. So everyone's definition of "realistic" is the same?

5. Same as above but for art style.

6. Huh? What does that have to do with anything? The game is more than worth buying even if there were no mods or never would be DLC, imo ofc.


Tl;Dr to the OP. Buy the game. If you're really that on the fence then wishlist it and wait and buy it on sale, it happens often.

1. yes and no. Coop is PVE , MP usually is PVPVE

2. i mean spikes etc. It's hard to call turrets traps in this game because are part of INT with batons ( strange but well)

4.  Well "realistic " zombie setting - days gone, l4d2 , no more room in hell. Not realistic but seriouse NZA 3, cod.  Not seriouse and not realisitc  NZA 4, DR4

5. Succubues, lasers, UFO, rockets man, elemental mans looks terrible like asia FPS  and not realistic.

6.  Yes, bannerlord, conan or ark have much more content. So if you want to play clear game it's important. Without dlc after gold and if you play SP only there is big chance that will be too boring after few months

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8 hours ago, Splat86 said:

Hello everyone. 

I have come across 7 days to die on steam, it looks interesting t say the least, in the past i played mostly DayZ, that was the one that got me into the survival genre, also a bit of Zomboid, Valheim and a few others. I love the fact that in 7 days to die, unless i'm wrong, you can do a lot of scavenging, crafting, building and so on.

I was wondering is the game multiplayer or single player, if there is a multiplayer mode/servers does it force you to be PvP?


About the game development itself, i have noticed that the game was launched in December 2013 and to this day is in alpha stage, is that because the game's development has been slow or because the devs are really invested into shaping this game as one of the best on the genre?

The developers themselves, are they interactive and active with the community or are they just one of those teams that throws out updates just for the sake of updating without exchanging feedback with the players? 


Knowing that the game is in early access how well does it run on PC, are the issues with frame rate and sever lag a big issue?


About the game itself, the name 7 days to die entails that at the 7th day we will be attacked by a zombie horde, my question is if until that time we the player have time to build something where we can be protected or can we hide inside buildings or caves?

The game's world seems to be huge, does it motivate us to explore? Can we find or come across huge buildings, underground areas like caves and so on?


I'm really sorry for all the questions i just want a bit more of clarification before i decide to buy the game since i was disappointed with early access games in the past. 

There's already a handful of good responses here, but I'll just add a few points:


In terms of the game world, the game has a handful of pre-generated worlds, including a hand-crafted world called "Navezgane". As a new player, you can play any of those and have a fun experience, but I always recommend generating a new world on almost any playthrough. Right now the Random World Generator is pretty good, usually takes 5-7 minutes to build on a decent machine, but your options are slightly limited. Every world will have 4 biomes (in order of difficulty: Forrest, Desert, Snow, Wasteland) of varying sizes, but there's currently no way to customize those sizes manually. (The next major update is looking to change that)


There are sadly no caves in the world, at least none that are randomly generated. There are some that are included as part of different POIs, but like I said, they're never random. Speaking of POIs, though, there are hundreds of different ones that are all fully explorable and destructible (except for the Traders, as was previously mentioned). POIs range from small houses to large factories and skyscrapers. The general rule of thumb is the bigger the POI, the harder enemies it will contain, but also the more lucrative the loot (some POIs are deceptively large as they might contain a secret underground bunker of sorts, so that rule of thumb isn't ALWAYS true). Every POI (with very few exceptions) will have a loot room. Also, with very little exception, every POI has a pre-determined path that the level designer wants you to follow (usually indicated by lights/torches, etc). Following that path is not necessary (again, fully destructible so you can break through locked doors if you want) but following that path ensures you will explore every inch of the place and not miss anything.


For the every 7-day zombie horde, or Blood Moon, the default setting is 7 days. The player can adjust this if they want an easier or harder experience, however it is not the frequency of the blood moons that necessarily make them hard. Yes, having them more often is a drain on resources, but the difficulty (number and types of zombies) is ultimately determined by your game stage, so even if you set the BMs to occur less often and your character is still leveling up at a normal rate, a day 35 horde will be pretty much the same, regardless if you have blood moons every 7 days or every 20 days.


Building a defensive structure is one of the critical mechanics of surviving a BM. That being said, early BMs are relatively easy. You could probably run around melee-killing zombies if you managed your stamina right. But eventually you'll want some sort of permanent place to fend them off. You can either take over an existing POI or quickly build yourself a small platform to fight from. Searching YT for early game horde base ideas is helpful (look up Hells Janitor, he's got a pretty solid custom build any player can make before day 7)


It does run fairly well on even a slightly outdated machine, but the key is your CPU. This game is VERY demanding of the CPU right now. I currently run a Ryzen 5 3600 and it runs pretty well, usually 45-60 FPS with a GeForce RTX 3060 on pretty high settings.



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9 hours ago, Splat86 said:

I love the fact that in 7 days to die, unless i'm wrong, you can do a lot of scavenging, crafting, building and so on.


Scavenging 10/10

Crafting 8/10

Building 10/10


9 hours ago, Splat86 said:

I was wondering is the game multiplayer or single player, if there is a multiplayer mode/servers does it force you to be PvP?


Singleplayer PvE 9/10

Multiplayer Cooperative PvE 10/10

Multiplayer PvP 5/10


9 hours ago, Splat86 said:

About the game development itself, i have noticed that the game was launched in December 2013 and to this day is in alpha stage, is that because the game's development has been slow or because the devs are really invested into shaping this game as one of the best on the genre?


Both. lol

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Game is definitely worth the purchase... and it goes on sale frequently.  If you're looking for end game content - it might not be the game for you - but the beginning and mid is pretty great thus far.  Best part about the game is that it suits lots of different play styles and interests.  If you're a fan of killing zombies, building, crafting, scavenging, looting all the things, this game is for you!


I have almost 3K hours in the game thus far (and typically I only put 100-200 max into a game...) and have created lots of modlets for the game as well.  If you finally get bored with vanilla you can begin to dive into the countless overhauls and mods which further add to the game.

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Once when I didn't  have internet/wifi access for an extended period I figured out how to play the game on my phone, using the phones data, the GeForceNow app, and wireless keyboard/mouse. I don't recommend playing that way, but I was that determined to play the game. 


If only I had known about the play offline option at the time..... 😕 

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Lemme just say this.  With over 5k hours of play time?

7 Days to Die has been the absolute best value for my gaming dollar, EVER.

The incredibly long Alpha development period means that every 6 months to a year or so, I've gotten a new game to play and learn.


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Yeah, like other people have said, the game has totally been worth the $30 I put into it. I play PVP which is kind of like a minecraft/FPS meld. You invest time in building in the world and join a community. Teaming up has insane benefits, so there is a lot of cooperation and backstabbing. PVP can come from literally anywhere and sniping and stalking tactics can bring victory while running around clumsily making noise will draw deathdealers your way. You also have to learn about the game by playing it, talking to people, reading what they discover - while the basics are up on the website wiki, there are a hundred different things to learn about in the game in order to run it quicker and rack up those player kills. :)

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On 6/5/2022 at 8:27 AM, bandersnatch said:

Its worth it as long as you get it on sale and stick to a20.3.  20.4 is broken AF.  Unfortunately that means you'll only find a handful of MP servers still on that version.

We're well into A20.5 now and not personally had any issues in MP servers.

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  • 1 month later...

when u buy this 10euro game

its the best decision

iv played 3600hours...its nice and freaky, i play it every day


versions that are good are ACTUAL 20.5 or the old 18.4 (a lot more flair and no annoying earth driller or woodsaw XD)

u get bored from vanilla? (standard map)


create a own map with the EXTRA HOUSES pack (i think there are 1000houses in it), make a 10k map

u will explore looooooooooooooong time

make the daytime on a server to 180min per day...more time to explore

make game difficult 4/5

at day 100 u can put a MOD called INFINITY HORDE from boises in it...from 22.00-4.00 it come unlimited zombies

at day 150 put the difficult to 5/5 and the zombie speed move on JOG

then u have a "little" nightmare XD


a game server is cheap..it costs 8euro a month, u can play with 10friends

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