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59 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

No, there was never the possibility of multiple bedroll respawn choice after death.

The only option has always been to choose between spawning on the bedroll or near the bedroll.

In A21, for the first time, we will have the option to spawn at the location where we dropped the backpack after dying.

Thank you) now I’m thinking ... from what game did I take the revival in different places ... and I definitely played it .. also a survivalist ... there are also zombies ... there are no ideas in my head at all ...

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@Gazz , I noticed in the stream that primitive weapons and tools like stone axe, bow and club have the exact number of resources needed for crafting. Shouldn't they have a bit of progression in order to not make crafting previous quality levels useless? I mean, a bow costs 8 wood and 3 fibers to craft, I expected higher quality levels to use like 12 wood and 6 plant fibers , and the poor quality one to use the intended original amount  , just to put an example.


Thoughts? Thanks in advance.

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12 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

@Gazz , I noticed in the stream that primitive weapons and tools like stone axe, bow and club have the exact number of resources needed for crafting. Shouldn't they have a bit of progression in order to not make crafting previous quality levels useless? I mean, a bow costs 8 wood and 3 fibers to craft, I expected higher quality levels to use like 12 wood and 6 plant fibers , and the poor quality one to use the intended original amount  , just to put an example.

Makes sense to me.

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6 hours ago, Riamus said:

A big problem with that type of quest is that they are talking about fast travel between traders, so such a quest would be too easy.  I suppose you could require not using fast travel for that quest, but that just feels wrong if you have fast travel.


It may be that before you can use fast travel to a specific trader that you have to perform the "open trade route" quest to turn on being able to travel between those two merchants. In that case, you have a motivation to perform this quest between lots of traders. If so, opening up a complete set of trade routes between 6 traders would be something like 15 missions. I think I used the right formula for that: n * (n-1) / 2.

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1 minute ago, zztong said:


It may be that before you can use fast travel to a specific trader that you have to perform the "open trade route" quest to turn on being able to travel between those two merchants. In that case, you have a motivation to perform this quest between lots of traders. If so, opening up a complete set of trade routes between 6 traders would be something like 15 missions. I think I used the right formula for that: n * (n-1) / 2.


That would be my assumption that if there is fast travel between traders, you'll need to have visited the traders first before being allowed to fast travel there. Maybe there'll even be a new quest at the trader to find the parts to fix the radio or something before fast travel will work

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2 minutes ago, Doomofman said:


That would be my assumption that if there is fast travel between traders, you'll need to have visited the traders first before being allowed to fast travel there. Maybe there'll even be a new quest at the trader to find the parts to fix the radio or something before fast travel will work


That's probably closer to what is planned... open it up trader by trader, rather than route by route.

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2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

No, there was never the possibility of multiple bedroll respawn choice after death.

The only option has always been to choose between spawning on the bedroll or near the bedroll.

In A21, for the first time, we will have the option to spawn at the location where we dropped the backpack after dying.

Yes there was.   Iirc you'd choose your bedroll on the map. 

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32 minutes ago, Guppycur said:

Yes there was.   Iirc you'd choose your bedroll on the map. 


So I'm still not crazy !!!) Because I remember that I had a moment that I had 3 sleeping bags. Models then were angular ... and after death I mistakenly revived very far, because 2 sleeping bags were nameless ... it was 2014, it seems .. And maybe I'm definitely wrong now, but at that time the food spoiled in the game and attracted the smell of undead .. here I'm not sure.

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43 minutes ago, DuHast_Play said:


So I'm still not crazy !!!) Because I remember that I had a moment that I had 3 sleeping bags. Models then were angular ... and after death I mistakenly revived very far, because 2 sleeping bags were nameless ... it was 2014, it seems .. And maybe I'm definitely wrong now, but at that time the food spoiled in the game and attracted the smell of undead .. here I'm not sure.

It didn't spoil but there was a smell mechanic.


... The system was unfortunately replaced when they decided to minimize the amount of zombies in the game by sticking them inside cupboards instead of outside in the cities. 

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3 hours ago, Blake_ said:

@Gazz , I noticed in the stream that primitive weapons and tools like stone axe, bow and club have the exact number of resources needed for crafting. Shouldn't they have a bit of progression in order to not make crafting previous quality levels useless? I mean, a bow costs 8 wood and 3 fibers to craft, I expected higher quality levels to use like 12 wood and 6 plant fibers , and the poor quality one to use the intended original amount  , just to put an example.


Thoughts? Thanks in advance.

That was confusing Lathan, too.  Did you notice his expression when he was trying a couple different stone items?  I don't pay attention to the costs to craft stone right now, but IIRC it is the same for all levels of stone weapons and tools.  You only see a difference with iron or steel.  It seems they left that the same for A21 and he also probably hasn't looked at the costs for stone for so long that he forgot that it was different.


2 hours ago, zztong said:


It may be that before you can use fast travel to a specific trader that you have to perform the "open trade route" quest to turn on being able to travel between those two merchants. In that case, you have a motivation to perform this quest between lots of traders. If so, opening up a complete set of trade routes between 6 traders would be something like 15 missions. I think I used the right formula for that: n * (n-1) / 2.

I would be fine with an expansion of the open a trade route quests, but these should only be once per quest tier as they are now.  Having a quest that has a chance to appear one or more times every day and take up a quest slot would be annoying to me if it was a "mailman" quest.


I also believe that fast travel is unlocked by visiting the traders - either through the opening trade route quest or just by talking to them once.  As you mentioned after this quote, I too believe that it is once per trader and not per route.  Per route wouldn't make much sense.  Trader: "You can travel to this trader that you have talked to for me, but even though you know that trader, you can't go there because you haven't talked to them for me yet."  ;) Maybe from Rekt.... Lol!

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Guppycur said:

It didn't spoil but there was a smell mechanic.


... The system was unfortunately replaced when they decided to minimize the amount of zombies in the game by sticking them inside cupboards instead of outside in the cities. 

Welp, time to revive this once again. 



...in 7 days to die 2 ☺


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3 hours ago, Blake_ said:

@Gazz , I noticed in the stream that primitive weapons and tools like stone axe, bow and club have the exact number of resources needed for crafting. Shouldn't they have a bit of progression in order to not make crafting previous quality levels useless?


What is the use of lesser quality levels being easier to be crafted when you absolutely can't because the UI has no way to select a previous quality level?


Remember the problem that in A20 you could, by simply advancing your crafting make yourself unable to craft a weapon or tool because it now needed more resources? I can think of two solutions to this without changing the UI: 1) Crafting quality also depends on the amount of resources you have in your inventory or 2) all quality levels need the same amount of resources.


3 hours ago, Blake_ said:



I mean, a bow costs 8 wood and 3 fibers to craft, I expected higher quality levels to use like 12 wood and 6 plant fibers , and the poor quality one to use the intended original amount  , just to put an example.


Thoughts? Thanks in advance.


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There is no point to making a higher tier stone weapon need more stone. Getting stone is trivial. Please devs, do not waste a moment on figuring out whether yellow tier should require 12 stones and 15 wood rather than 9 stones and 12 wood. It just isn't worth it...

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6 minutes ago, Roland said:

There is no point to making a higher tier stone weapon need more stone. Getting stone is trivial. Please devs, do not waste a moment on figuring out whether yellow tier should require 12 stones and 15 wood rather than 9 stones and 12 wood. It just isn't worth it...

not sure if you are memeing here but  It shouldnt matter what the primitive tier of tools cost to make per quality because these resources are incredibly abundant and easy to gather.

now with something like an augur or a steel pick axe, where you might not have as many parts to make a quality 5 augur because weapon parts are harder to find than primitive weapon mats, it makes sense becuase it makes you make a  meaninful decision? do you make the quality 2 or 3 augur right now or struggle without one untill you have enough parts to make a quality 5 one, I think in most cases you would rather have a working augur, regardless of quality than none at all because it makes things so much easier.

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27 minutes ago, Roland said:

There is no point to making a higher tier stone weapon need more stone. Getting stone is trivial. Please devs, do not waste a moment on figuring out whether yellow tier should require 12 stones and 15 wood rather than 9 stones and 12 wood. It just isn't worth it...

Agreed. The quality level is just that, quality. It should not necessarily require more materials.

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49 minutes ago, meganoth said:


What is the use of lesser quality levels being easier to be crafted when you absolutely can't because the UI has no way to select a previous quality level?


Remember the problem that in A20 you could, by simply advancing your crafting make yourself unable to craft a weapon or tool because it now needed more resources? I can think of two solutions to this without changing the UI: 1) Crafting quality also depends on the amount of resources you have in your inventory or 2) all quality levels need the same amount of resources.



I think they were referring to A21 and the change to allow creating lesser quality and that the stream all used the same numbers.  If you look at Lathan during the stream, you can see the gears turning trying to see why the numbers didn't change after they just talked about the numbers changing.  He even tried a different item (still stone) to see what was going on.  At least, that is how I read his expression and actions at that point in the stream.


The UI is already changed, so no need for alternatives.  It is just a question of whether or not to have different values for stone items.  I don't think it is necessary, but it should be trivial to change the quantities needed.  Everything is already in place for that.

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28 minutes ago, Riamus said:

I think they were referring to A21 and the change to allow creating lesser quality and that the stream all used the same numbers.  If you look at Lathan during the stream, you can see the gears turning trying to see why the numbers didn't change after they just talked about the numbers changing.  He even tried a different item (still stone) to see what was going on.  At least, that is how I read his expression and actions at that point in the stream.


The UI is already changed, so no need for alternatives.  It is just a question of whether or not to have different values for stone items.  I don't think it is necessary, but it should be trivial to change the quantities needed.  Everything is already in place for that.


Ah, ok. I forgot (or never heard of) that UI change. I even looked for the feature on the first page before posting but looked in the wrong place


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On 15.04.2023 at 22:23, Riamus said:

В конечном итоге может появиться какой-нибудь плот, но вряд ли на нем появятся акулы или другие подводные существа. Точки доступа к воде могут быть добавлены, учитывая, что они проделали некоторую работу на яхте, но если в конечном итоге они не найдут простого способа доступа к таким точкам доступа, то, вероятно, решат их не добавлять.

Да, они сказали, что рассматривают возможность добавления еще пары зомби, но я хотел сказать, что более уникальные зомби окажут значительно меньшее влияние на добавление разнообразия, чем использование скинов. С помощью скинов вы могли бы легко придать зомби более 50 разных обликов, сохраняя при этом меньшее количество уникальных зомби. И 50 - это все крайне низкая оценка. Добавьте несколько причесок, полдюжины цветов одежды и несколько оттенков кожи для каждого зомби, и вы сможете легко получить более 100 комбинаций с относительно небольшими усилиями, учитывая, что они уже разрабатывают систему для бандитов, которая может быть реализована для зомби, если я не ошибаюсь в своих предположениях. И, честно говоря, если они не планировали, что это будет работать с обоими, они действительно должны были это сделать, поскольку разница, необходимая для этого, была бы минимальной, если бы планировалась заранее.

thank you very much for your reply. I hope they add water vehicles to the release or after))


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On 15.04.2023 at 22:20, Crypted said:

Я не помню, чтобы видел какие-либо яхты или нефтяные вышки, и я думаю, что они сказали "нет" о добавлении лодки. Насколько я знаю, в воде не будет никаких опасностей.

the developers specifically said that 100% will not add surface transport? And why then do we need water locations if they exist? Because you yourself will have to swim for quite a long time and tediously sail to such locations. If maybe they said that at the moment they do not plan to add? It's just that half a year ago I saw a picture with a finished 3D model of the raft. It will be very strange for the developers to add water content. Since I have little experience with the unity engine and it is not difficult to install a water object with physics on the water, I myself did this in a special application, but again I could be wrong, in reality everything can be much more complicated. The only reason the overwater content could be canceled is because the zombies won't be able to reach you and the vultures won't be much of a problem. All the same, I hope that they will add something like this, since the overwater content will greatly diversify the game and make it even more interesting. For example, if the game sells very well on release, then 7 days will get a fresh breath of breath and get a lot of new and canceled content? Sorry for my huge number of questions and huge amount of text. Because I am very much used to writing a lot. I apologize for the errors in the text.

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54 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

I completely forgot then... which version was it?


I don't remember that either, btw. I remember there being multiple set spawn points which showed up as stars on the map and you could select where you would spawn but I don't remember ever being able to lay down multiple bags and select from among them where you would spawn.

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Do we know if the majority of the perks will still be mostly the same as they were in a20? I saw Sexy Rexy was removed, and I read over the 1st post of this topic. Just curious if I missed any other updated perk screens. Trying to plot my a21 build of course...

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