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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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6 hours ago, beerfly said:

@Laz Man, since you are a one that made so much good POIs, have you guys considered a Zoo. A one with all the animals inside and its challenges to not be eaten by them ? 



Yes, we have talked about a Zoo before.  Would be nice to have more animal variations, but I could imagine a few implementations of a small one with what animals we do have.  Thanks for the reminder.

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9 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


Yes, we have talked about a Zoo before.  Would be nice to have more animal variations, but I could imagine a few implementations of a small one with what animals we do have.  Thanks for the reminder.

Did you guys talking about skeletons maybe? 😜

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1 hour ago, Adam the Waster said:

Any plans for a Casino? (Not dukes casino/compound)



No plans right now but I would imagine if we had more casino assets, there could possibly be other casinos if we had the time.

1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

Did you guys talking about skeletons maybe? 😜


Perhaps something in the same spectrum ... 😁

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Have you guys thought about going back to one small part of the old repair system where the item lost max durability each time it was repaired? I just feel like right now, as soon as I've got my favorite weapon(s) at max level, looting really loses some of it's energy... Losing max durability would make it so that eventually I would want to replace my item with a new one (even if it's slightly worse in other stats).


If that's not gonna happen, I'm not too upset. It seems like a simple mod to write once all the modding support is in place.

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Are there any plans to add more ways to get sick/hurt in the game, besides infection, diarrhea etc.
Add more ways to get hurt, types of infections, maybe even parasites, I'm just saying this because I don't feel like there's enough danger in the game besides the zombies.
Maybe if you break, you're left or right hand, the weapon you're holding isn't equipped in that broken hand. Or if you break a hand, you can't use 2 handed melees.
Be realistic/creative 🤕

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