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Sorry, i need to get this off my chest: The shotgun.


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So! i took a peek at the upcoming new alpha that was streamed the other day. managed to catch the host useing the pump action. thought the new model looked cool, a decent upgrade to the unity asset or what ever was before it. 


....and then he reloaded 2 shells to have 8 in the chamber. im sorry but how many alphas we gone through now? i know this is petty and small considering the grand scale of things that are coming but are you seriously telling me its impossible to reload shell by shell due to development time? or some other Excuse that will be thrown my way to defend this lack of polish to the game for a single weapon? 


again, this is a tiny gripe, realy not anything big in the grand scheme. but hoooo boy does it grind my gears. XD 

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There might be several reasons for going this route.


One might be gameplay.  Reloading all 8 shells vs 1 shell would require longer animation times along with a longer reload time.  From a gaming standpoint, they may have decided to simplify the reload time to a default amount of time regardless of the amount of shells being loaded.  At that point, the reload animation would be built around that reload time.


So if gameplay > realism, there wouldn't be anything to fixed.

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1 hour ago, Colin248 said:

to have 8 in the chamber

Ah, the infamous 8-chambered shotgun.


Sure, it's wrong, but.. to make it "right" you'd have to allow for different types of shells in the tube, at least. Also, go look up "pull rack" on youtube and tell me you wouldn't want that implemented as well while they're at it... :)

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2 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Ah, the infamous 8-chambered shotgun.


Sure, it's wrong, but.. to make it "right" you'd have to allow for different types of shells in the tube, at least. Also, go look up "pull rack" on youtube and tell me you wouldn't want that implemented as well while they're at it... :)

my only gripe with the mechanic is that, instead of loading one after the other, it loads 2 and magicly 8 are in the chamber. now, could this be applied to the revolver when it doesnt have 6 rounds in it? sure, but its far less noticable comparitvly. 


even ark with its pump action, knows to load shell after shell till the max amount is loaded, and that games held together by paper mashay and silly straws. 😛 

my issue isnt realism its... just how aggrivateing the animation is with how it works. XD 

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To add more, there is also variation that has to be taken into context.


For the base pump shotgun, the magazine size is variable, so you can see between 7 and 10 shells based on random generation.  Throw in the tube extender mod, the magazine size for the pump shotgun can now be from 7 shells to upwards of 15 shells (I am basing this off the xml code and rounding up).  So there would be a lot more work involved to make the reloading sequence for the pump shotgun to be realistic.


Now they would have to setup the game to take into account the number of shells that the shotgun can load and customize both the reload speed and animation for it.

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10 minutes ago, Colin248 said:

my issue isnt realism its... just how aggrivateing the animation is with how it works.

We all have our pet peeves... :)  to be clear, I wouldn't mind the change; heck, I might prefer having one click of the reload just add one to the tube, with a slightly faster animation than the current one. Sort of reloading on the go while fighting. Now, add the ability to have "max minus two" slugs in the tube and reload some bird shot as needed, and you have a clear upgrade.

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59 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

To add more, there is also variation that has to be taken into context.


For the base pump shotgun, the magazine size is variable, so you can see between 7 and 10 shells based on random generation.  Throw in the tube extender mod, the magazine size for the pump shotgun can now be from 7 shells to upwards of 15 shells (I am basing this off the xml code and rounding up).  So there would be a lot more work involved to make the reloading sequence for the pump shotgun to be realistic.


Now they would have to setup the game to take into account the number of shells that the shotgun can load and customize both the reload speed and animation for it.

yeh i can see how that can be a issue, i was accounting for the animation for a 15 round shotgun. and i can figure it would be annoying to reload all 15 rounds... but come on man, part of what makes a pump action satisfying as hell is clearing a room, and then loading them shells ready for the next encounter. its why people use pumpies over automatics for gods sake. XD 


not everything is a numbers game. unfortunatly it seams the fun pimps disagree, what with there tierd system. 

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very few games make reloading accurate. I dont hear people @%$#ing about keeping the last 3 rounds in your pistol when you reload a fresh clip. In some games you toss the 3 rounds. Why make things so realistic they get in the way of gameplay?


Thats what games like Ghost Recon Breakpoint and Arma are for. Simulation vs. game.

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1 hour ago, warmer said:

very few games make reloading accurate. I dont hear people @%$#ing about keeping the last 3 rounds in your pistol when you reload a fresh clip. In some games you toss the 3 rounds. Why make things so realistic they get in the way of gameplay?


Thats what games like Ghost Recon Breakpoint and Arma are for. Simulation vs. game.

again my frustration isnt towards realism. its more just with shotguns. in most games its the one thing you get right. X3 

example: double barrel has 4 shots, but you reload 2 shells. thats... fine? its just the pump action that riles me up. loading two shells and its back to max, no matter its amount it just... graaagh i duno, its just so annoying. XD 


like, with pistols or, weapons with mags, the ammo count dont matter cos, suspension of disbelife. also i aint a gun nutt. but shottys are special. hell, the auto shotty is fine. its just the pumpy, that baby needs to feel like a proper pumpy.

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5 minutes ago, Colin248 said:

like, with pistols or, weapons with mags, the ammo count dont matter cos, suspension of disbelife. also i aint a gun nutt. but shottys are special. hell, the auto shotty is fine. its just the pumpy, that baby needs to feel like a proper pumpy.


lol...we'll see how you feel about the pipe pistol. The animation for that shows you emptying the six chambers onto the ground and then loading six new rounds. So if you shoot once and then reload it feels like you are dumping 5 perfectly good rounds and then putting 6 new rounds in. The visual is so compelling that I sometimes check my ammo to make sure I didn't waste anything even though I know it is only a visual and not actually what's happening..haha

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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39 minutes ago, theFlu said:

So they're just openly trolling us by now...? :)

They would be openly trolling us if they released the game as is and said it's finished. Although, many people said they could do that, because it feels finished to them. So, if you're one of those who don't feel like it's finished, just be glad it's still not released as finished yet, because that way there's still a chance that all those improvements the game still needs will be made, eventually. Unless... 🤔

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25 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

They would be openly trolling us if they released the game as is and said it's finished.

Eh, there's a pretty active recent thread on the everlasting nomenclature argument.. and I haven't posted there. I don't care what they call it, alpha, meta, gold, finished, apple, bran-flake ... as long as they keep working on it... :)

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It is weird to see the [pump] shotgun reload animation at first and I deffo scratched my head about it many years ago, but I've long since ignored the lack of realism because the weapon works and the ammo count in the HUD is hardly the least realistic thing about a post-apocalyptic, zombie horde, survival, crafting game. Just to name two of the unrealistic things in 7Days: there are brightly glowing undead that cause instant radiation damage when they slap you, and you can quickly cure early-onset, explosive diarrhea by drinking goldenrod tea.


For realistic weapon animations, I have the Arma series. Whenever I feel a bit masochistic and I desire a more "realistic" zombie survival experience, while fending off toxic PKs, I just jump onto a random DayZ server. 👍

Edited by mprojekt (see edit history)
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On 11/30/2021 at 11:21 AM, Colin248 said:

So! i took a peek at the upcoming new alpha that was streamed the other day. managed to catch the host useing the pump action. thought the new model looked cool, a decent upgrade to the unity asset or what ever was before it. 


....and then he reloaded 2 shells to have 8 in the chamber. im sorry but how many alphas we gone through now? i know this is petty and small considering the grand scale of things that are coming but are you seriously telling me its impossible to reload shell by shell due to development time? or some other Excuse that will be thrown my way to defend this lack of polish to the game for a single weapon? 


again, this is a tiny gripe, realy not anything big in the grand scheme. but hoooo boy does it grind my gears. XD 

while i do partly agree who you say the same thing for the auto shotgun with the drum mag mod that can carry 40 shells

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On 12/1/2021 at 4:21 AM, Colin248 said:

So! i took a peek at the upcoming new alpha that was streamed the other day. managed to catch the host useing the pump action. thought the new model looked cool, a decent upgrade to the unity asset or what ever was before it. 


....and then he reloaded 2 shells to have 8 in the chamber. im sorry but how many alphas we gone through now? i know this is petty and small considering the grand scale of things that are coming but are you seriously telling me its impossible to reload shell by shell due to development time? or some other Excuse that will be thrown my way to defend this lack of polish to the game for a single weapon? 


again, this is a tiny gripe, realy not anything big in the grand scheme. but hoooo boy does it grind my gears. XD 


I remember seeing them talk about this years ago, for a video for like A15. Apparently it would require them to rework the entire weapons system in order to reload shotguns shell by shell instead of just have a single reload animation like all the other guns. I think I remember them saying they won't change it because the outcome of a realistic shotgun reload animation wouldn't justify the amount of time and effort they'd have to spend on it.

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We all get to have our pet peeves.  I won't make fun of your peeve about the shotgun reloading. 

And you won't make fun of my pet peeve that in a city or town full of zombies, there should be bicycles just laying around to pick up and use. 
In garages. 
On sidewalks. 
Parked all over schools and in front of libraries...


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3 hours ago, Evil_Geoff said:

We all get to have our pet peeves.  I won't make fun of your peeve about the shotgun reloading. 

And you won't make fun of my pet peeve that in a city or town full of zombies, there should be bicycles just laying around to pick up and use. 
In garages. 
On sidewalks. 
Parked all over schools and in front of libraries...


nevermind the bikes i want me an up armoured humvee those should be laying around too :D

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