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1 quest per day per trader is waaaaay too few. Honestly if a player wants to just spam quests all day then I don't see any reason to tell them their play style is wrong and say it's not allowed, any more than to put locking doors on PoI and say you can only loot 3 PoI per day or block players from entering X tier PoI until they are at the right gamestage etc.


That would just be yet another nerf to Intellect anyway, which definitely doesn't need still more essentially useless perks lol

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1 hour ago, Roland said:

The few of us who play together have talked about quests and whether it might be a good idea to have a 1-job limit per trader per day. It would slow down the questing a bit as well as encourage people to spread their work around to all the traders. Right now if you find a new trader they only offer T1 quests so you’d rather just work for your first trader. But if you can only do one job for your trader then you might feel better doing a T1 at the next trader as a bonus. 

I'm not sure how I feel about that. Yes it would gate progression, but I feel it would be an absolutely terrible idea for servers. Food, cars, and even trash would be so much more difficult on servers at 50+ days. If the trader special quest gave less crucial loot that's one thing. Hindering a new player on a higher day server? No.

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38 minutes ago, Khalagar said:

Honestly if a player wants to just spam quests all day then I don't see any reason to tell them their play style is wrong and say it's not allowed


How did you get that out of what I suggested? People are too eager to be offended these days. I am perfectly happy to let people spam quests all day. Even with this version they could eventually get to a point where they could spam quests all day. Maybe 1 quest per day is too few. Maybe 2 per day or a variable amount. A variable amount might feel more natural. It is pretty weird that there is an endless supply of jobs. But going in one day and there is nothing but then the next day there are three jobs and then the next day two jobs and the next day five jobs seems more dynamic and true.


Just something my fam was talking about as we played. Promise we didn't start the convo with "I wonder how we can end the evil gameplay style of quest spamming!!!!!"


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23 minutes ago, Roland said:

How did you get that out of what I suggested?




2 hours ago, Roland said:

The few of us who play together have talked about quests and whether it might be a good idea to have a 1-job limit per trader per day.

1 job LIMIT means you are limited to one job per day? Driving 1KM+ to a trader to then get sent another 400-1KM+ to do your quest is the same as saying you basically aren't doing more than 2 quests a day max until you get a motorcylce, and by that point quests take so long that doing more than 2 or 3 at most a day from a single trader is already a challenge, not even counting the added 1km+ drive to each trader


I'd say it would need to be like 3 quests per trader a day minimum and even then, arbitrary limiting it is very ???? to me as it just makes intellect even worse by nerfing it's only good perk and doesn't let people play the game how ever they want.

A player set limitation is one thing, but I personally definitely wouldn't want that as a dev enforced design choice going forward

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11 minutes ago, Khalagar said:



I wasn't wondering how you got the idea that questing would be limited. That was pretty much the point of my suggestion.  I was wondering how you got the idea that making such a suggestion was a de facto statement that doing many quests a day is a "wrong" playstyle.  You could have simply stated why you felt it was a bad idea which you finally did, but only after you went straight to characterizing my suggestion as an attack against another playstyle that you think that I believe is the wrong way to play the game. I don't think its wrong. I was wondering how the game would change given a new limit and then decided that I would try it out voluntarily in my own game. Your playstyle (whatever it is) is perfectly safe.


Anyway...I'm not going to debate this on Christmas so I'm done.


I'm going to try it out for myself and if I like it well enough I'll think about how it could be modded in. I'm fine with it not being adopted officially. It can be just fine as a voluntary rule.

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3 minutes ago, Roland said:

I'm going to try it out for myself and if I like it well enough I'll think about how it could be modded in. I'm fine with it not being adopted officially. It can be just fine as a voluntary rule.

Please share if you can mod it.  Im already thinking one quest per week instead of 1 per day.  It would be nice for the trader to enforce it so i dont have to keep track of it.  

This would promote random exploration to get materials and levels and dukes… instead of just cranking out X quests per day like a robot and swimming in dukes and skill points.  

Ideally it can be a menu option provided by @faatal down the road!

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1 hour ago, Khalagar said:

1 quest per day per trader is waaaaay too few. Honestly if a player wants to just spam quests all day then I don't see any reason to tell them their play style is wrong and say it's not allowed, any more than to put locking doors on PoI and say you can only loot 3 PoI per day or block players from entering X tier PoI until they are at the right gamestage etc.


That would just be yet another nerf to Intellect anyway, which definitely doesn't need still more essentially useless perks lol

I completely agree with you here, I don't think that sort of limitation is good, I'd rather them just tune down the rewards a little.

2 hours ago, Callum123456789 said:

speaking of the rewards don't match up i seem to get higher quality weapon's and tools from tier 4 quests than 5 which is really odd and so far i have done easily over 30 of each tier 4 and 5 quests

wow that's really weird, tier 5s are so much harder that I think they should even have some exclusive bonuses. My first death ever in the game (well from what I remember, I've owned it since steam release but only got into it in A18) was in my first tier 5 after countless quests and roaming around (which is now why I mess with the default settings to my liking to make it harder to survive). 
I'd suggest to everyone to play with 300% AI block damage, nightmare night speed with maybe sprint on blood moon, and run or higher during the day, makes everything more fun and you can really get surrounded.
I'd also like if the devs removed difficulty and instead added separate zombie health and damage scalers, something along those lines. For me it feels like zombies have too much health but deal too little damage overall, so having the setting tied together makes me have to make a difficult choice on how I want it, in the end I have settled for lower difficulty than I'd like because I just don't like bullet sponge enemies.

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29 minutes ago, SnowDog1942 said:

Please share if you can mod it.  Im already thinking one quest per week instead of 1 per day.  It would be nice for the trader to enforce it so i dont have to keep track of it.  

I like the idea of one per week more than 1 per day, but it should be a multi-parter, like "clear these 3 (or 10) locations."
It would feel way less intrusive than one per day since you can take your time or do it immediately.

It would also add some nice time management decisions and force you to possibly do POIs at night if you're running behind.

It'd also reduce back and forth travel time from the trader and POI locations.


@Khalagar what do you think of this? Seems way less intrusive and restrictive to me personally. That'd also mean you could rush if you wanted and head to a 1km+ away trader for the other part of the week. 

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3 hours ago, Roland said:

The few of us who play together have talked about quests and whether it might be a good idea to have a 1-job limit per trader per day. It would slow down the questing a bit as well as encourage people to spread their work around to all the traders. Right now if you find a new trader they only offer T1 quests so you’d rather just work for your first trader. But if you can only do one job for your trader then you might feel better doing a T1 at the next trader as a bonus. 

I'm doing the same thing on my current playthrough. 

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19 minutes ago, hytalego said:

can someone please answer my question?

Hi, I haven't seen a subway so far, I'd think there isn't one but I cannot say for sure. 



Trying to figure out the right difficulty balance, tempted to turn on Feral Sense at night but unsure if that's overkill with 300% AI damage and nightmare speed, this is all to compensate for playing on lower base difficulty.

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Just make the Traders quests they each offer stay the same all game day...So the 4 quests offered , you have to do them all or whichever ones you want...

so you see that digging quest you usually avoid...well you are going to have to do it...See that restore power quest? yep...wait till later in the day and do that one...IF you want to keep questing in that same day...maybe provide a small bonus if you do all their tasks in a single day?

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44 minutes ago, hytalego said:

can someone please answer my question?


There is a subway station with the outgoing and incoming tunnels all caved in. It is part of one of the tiles for the downtown area. There are not long underground tunnels to explore.

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1 hour ago, Tmodloader said:

@Khalagar what do you think of this? Seems way less intrusive and restrictive to me personally. That'd also mean you could rush if you wanted and head to a 1km+ away trader for the other part of the week. 


A general "daily quest" / weekly quest like MMOs have would definitely be nice to give something to do, but IMO that would be more something that would exist along side the trader quests. Like if the Duke himself would send you a quest of like "Clear these 15 PoI for me" and you'd have a week to do it and some would be T5's etc so it was a challenge for early game.


The problem them replacing the trader quests completely is it would still kill the trader reward perk from intellect because you wouldn't be able to collect rewards very often, and atm that perk is literally the only thing giving int a purpose lol. Even the junk turret perk is F tier atm because you can't use them without them falling through the floor so they are essentially useless / extremely unreliable


I like the idea of the weekly quest as a standalone thing though. They could add new quest types really easily too, using already in game assets. Like quests to raid a nearby abandoned settlement that has power and turrets etc on, with zombies inside once you get past the turrets.


17 minutes ago, hytalego said:

I don't know for sure whether he built it himself or was it generated


That looks like a pre-gen PoI but I've never seen it. None of the cities I've found have subways that big


1 hour ago, Roland said:

I was wondering how you got the idea that making such a suggestion was a de facto statement that doing many quests a day is a "wrong" playstyle.


Because limiting it to 1 quest a day, by default, means nobody elses play style even *can* exist. For anyone who chain does quests, they suddenly wouldn't be able to play their own preferred play style


Like I said, it's fine if it's a player set limitation, but I was just saying that I wouldn't want it in official


19 minutes ago, Demonoid74 said:

Just make the Traders quests they each offer stay the same all game day...So the 4 quests offered , you have to do them all or whichever ones you want...

so you see that digging quest you usually avoid...well you are going to have to do it


I mean, why? Why change it at all lol


if a player doesn't find X quest type fun / rewarding enough  or just wants to do quests why slap them on the wrist and tell them to eat their veggies?


I guess I'm confused on why break something that ain't broke. There's a lot of other things that *do* need fixing instead rather than destabilizing the game by hitting quests that hard

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4 minutes ago, Roland said:


Есть станция метро с обрушенными входящими и исходящими туннелями. Это часть одной из плиток центральной части города. Здесь нет длинных подземных туннелей, которые стоит исследовать.

thanks, but what is better then? if it `s not a secret?


by the way, since I have not done modding in this game, I want to ask if I can create several templates and so that these templates then connect themselves and be generated in the generated map?

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5 minutes ago, hytalego said:

thanks, but what is better then? if it `s not a secret?


I don't understand your question. What is better than what? All I did was let you know that there is a subway station location sometimes in the downtown area if the tile that contains it spawns. It's not a secret now that A20 is out.


7 minutes ago, hytalego said:

by the way, since I have not done modding in this game, I want to ask if I can create several templates and so that these templates then connect themselves and be generated in the generated map?


We were told that tiles could be created by users. I don't know how to do it, though. You could probably learn by asking in the modding forum.

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2 minutes ago, Roland said:


Я не понимаю твоего вопроса. Что лучше чего? Все, что я сделал, - это сообщил вам, что иногда в центре города есть станция метро, если она появляется. Ни для кого не секрет, что A20 сейчас нет.

I meant what else is there besides the sewage system and the metro, what other underground things are there that can be explored

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just doing a  level 2 quest on barn_03 where the quest marker is between 2 sets of metal doors.. 3 times in a row after pressing e if i turn around to the doors nearest the street the game hung and got a game has stopped working windows error . The third time i moved a bit before turning to check behind me and game hung and error message again. On the  4th time i didnt turn around just stepped forward and opened the second pair of doors and went into the barn before turning around to check behind.. didnt crash that time... 


weird. got through that quest turned it in to the trader and got another quest for the same poi in a different part of the city west instead of east of the trader. same thing happened. can move and turn but as soon as you look at the first doors the program crashes. the doors are not in the correct position they are 90 degrees turned. 


sorry wrong section will post in the bugs section.

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Have you guys ever talked about moving rule 1 cardio back into the agility tree? 


I like fortitude as well, so it does not really matter, but if cardio were in agility, it would probably be my perfect insane nightmare attribute, when I do not feel like going strength first.

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