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POLL: Dynamic combat music vs. zombie death confirmation


Preference for Dynamic Combat Music vs. Zombie Death Confirmation  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your preferences for Dynamic Combat Music and Zombie Death confirmation?

    • Dynamic Music YES (change music if a zombie notices me) + Zombie Death YES (show clearly when a zombie dies, via XP popup or animation)
    • Dynamic Music YES + Zombie Death NO (don't obviously show when a zombie is dead)
    • Dynamic Music NO (don't change music if a zombie notices me) + Zombie Death YES
    • Dynamic Music NO + Zombie Death NO

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A19 is introducing dynamic combat music, which will trigger when a zombie notices you and moves towards you. This will give you confirmation that you have lost stealth (if you were sneaking) and otherwise will clue you in that a zombie somewhere is targeting you.


The game already has two "zombie death confirmations" beyond the obvious decapitation or dismemberment:

  • XP Popup
  • Obvious/repetitive death animations (that is, we know what it looks like when an Arlene falls down for good)

These death confirmations are not universally liked, with some players preferring to not know for certain when a zombie is dead.


Both of these features - dynamic combat music and zombie death confirmation - involve the game UI giving the player a clue that might otherwise not be obvious. This poll is asking which of these two "clues" do you want the game to give you (or not)?


  • Dynamic Music YES + Zombie Death YES
  • Dynamic Music YES + Zombie Death NO
  • Dynamic Music NO + Zombie Death YES
  • Dynamic Music NO + Zombie Death NO



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This thread is a little bit misleading and a little bit pointless and here's why:


1. Dynamic music can be simply turned off by dragging the music slider all the way down which IS by the way my prefered way most of the time as I am usually listening to political talks in the background as I play, but at the same time, I know that some people do like and do prefer to have dynamic music on in this game. If there was no dynamic music at all, one could hardly enable it, but if it's already in game, disabling it is easy, so even though I would most likely have it turned off myself, I totally support those who wish to have that option on, because I know that their preference doesn't affect mine in this case. With that being said, dynamic music is not forced on everyone despite their personal preference, so what's the point of asking people whether they like that feature or not in the poll?


2. Zombie death clue - XP

This is NOT a new feature of Alpha 19, so what's the point of asking people whether they like it or not in the poll? Also, there's a mod that allows you to disable this. While it's not an official feature, it's also not a big deal for those who usually focus more on the gameplay itself rather than how many XP points they earn. Honestly, I always found it ridiculous that some people prefer to hide the amount of XP they earn, but at the same time, they want to see how much more they need to earn to level up their character - kinda defeats the purpose of hiding the XP counter, doesn't it? To each their own I guess, but still, this can be easily disabled with a mod.


3. Zombie death animation

Since we're talking about Alpha 19, the way I understood the info disclosed in the dev streams, death animation will be different in Alpha 19 and future versions of the game and possibly they will not always be the same, but more dynamic and I guess that's what everyone would like to see - unless DYNAMIC factor is really what you want developers to remove from this game...

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23 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

This thread is a little bit misleading and a little bit pointless and here's why

Thanks for your kind input! You appear to be laboring under several misunderstandings and the urge to be insulting can be overwhelming, I understand. I will try to help you.


23 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

1. Dynamic music can be simply turned off by dragging the music slider all the way down

This poll is not about how to change dynamic music. It is about people's preferences.


23 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

This is NOT a new feature of Alpha 19, so what's the point of asking people whether they like it or not in the poll?

The poll does not suggest that zombie death confirmation is a new feature. It has, in fact, been a discussion topic in several threads stretching back at least a year. I have adjusted a verb phrase in the OP case others jump to the same conclusion that you did.


23 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

Since we're talking about Alpha 19

The poll is not talking specifically and only about A19. It is asking about player preference for two game systems, one of which was introduced in A19. If it helps, imagine that these are in a fabled A20 and go from there.

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14 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

This thread is a little bit misleading and a little bit pointless and here's why:


1. Dynamic music can be simply turned off by dragging the music slider all the way down which IS by the way my prefered way most of the time as I am usually listening to political talks in the background as I play, but at the same time, I know that some people do like and do prefer to have dynamic music on in this game. If there was no dynamic music at all, one could hardly enable it, but if it's already in game, disabling it is easy, so even though I would most likely have it turned off myself, I totally support those who wish to have that option on, because I know that their preference doesn't affect mine in this case. With that being said, dynamic music is not forced on everyone despite their personal preference, so what's the point of asking people whether they like that feature or not in the poll?


2. Zombie death clue - XP

This is NOT a new feature of Alpha 19, so what's the point of asking people whether they like it or not in the poll? Also, there's a mod that allows you to disable this. While it's not an official feature, it's also not a big deal for those who usually focus more on the gameplay itself rather than how many XP points they earn. Honestly, I always found it ridiculous that some people prefer to hide the amount of XP they earn, but at the same time, they want to see how much more they need to earn to level up their character - kinda defeats the purpose of hiding the XP counter, doesn't it? To each their own I guess, but still, this can be easily disabled with a mod.


3. Zombie death animation

Since we're talking about Alpha 19, the way I understood the info disclosed in the dev streams, death animation will be different in Alpha 19 and future versions of the game and possibly they will not always be the same, but more dynamic and I guess that's what everyone would like to see - unless DYNAMIC factor is really what you want developers to remove from this game...

I think you're missing the point completely.


1. This is not a discussion about dynamic music as a whole, but dynamic combat music. Turning dynamic music off completely is a bandaid since it disables ALL the dynamic music, while only the dynamic combat music is problematic to some of us because of the advantage it brings. It's like telling people that if they don't like demolishers, they can always turn off zombies. 

2. We don't want to hide XP because we don't want to know how much XP we are gaining, we want to hide it so that it isn't dead obvious you confirmed the kill everytime you knock down an enemy and something moves in the bottom right corner of the screen.

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Srsly, this is just an academic inquiry. I'm interested in how people think about the two features. Not a bash on A19, not an argument about what is right/wrong or how to "fix" either feature. I said in the other thread I was interested in the Venn diagram of people who don't like zombie kill confirmations and people who don't like (or who don't think they will like) the dynamic combat music.


Just something interesting, IMO. Nobody needs to get defensive or insulting.


FWIW, I do not think I will like the dynamic combat music, as it has been described. I do like the XP/zombie death confirmation even though I completely understand why others do not like it. I might even try turning it off myself one day especially if the A19 death animations are better camouflaged. I voted the 3rd option.

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5 minutes ago, Boidster said:

Thanks for your kind input! You appear to be laboring under several misunderstandings and the urge to be insulting can be overwhelming, I understand. I will try to help you.


This poll is not about how to change dynamic music. It is about people's preferences.


The poll does not suggest that zombie death confirmation is a new feature. It has, in fact, been a discussion topic in several threads stretching back at least a year. I have added a parenthetical in case others jump to the same conclusion that you did.


The poll is not talking specifically and only about A19. It is asking about player preference for two game systems, one of which was introduced in A19. If it helps, imagine that these are in a fabled A20 and go from there.

First of all, I was not trying to insult in any way, I have no idea where did you get that impression from. Also, I appreciate that you took time to explain thoroughly what this poll isn't about even though that was not the question, neither was it any mystery, but I still haven't found an answer to my question which was: What is the point of such a poll, if all the features are optional?

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Been watching the streams. 

At first it was pretty cool, then noticed the streamers using it more and more as a 'cue', to tell them to get prepared. Kinda removes some of the "O-sh*t!" factor.


Still like the combat music, but (just imo ofc) it needs a bit more tweaking for when it starts/ends.

Like maybe have 2 conditions for it to play?

Condition 1) Number of active zeds around the player and: Condition 2 or Condition 3

Condition 2) Player 'damages' a zombie.

Condition 3) Player is 'damaged' by a zombie.


So: Condition 1 and Condition 2 are met? then play combat clip.


Condition 1 and condition 3 are met? Ten play combat clip.

5 second delay check? Are both conditions still meet? continue playing the clip.


Again. Just my opinion. Will play either way, if it gets changed or not.

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2 minutes ago, mr.devolver said:

First of all, I was not trying to insult in any way, I have no idea where did you get that impression from. Also, I appreciate that you took time to explain thoroughly what this poll isn't about even though that was not the question, neither was it any mystery, but I still haven't found an answer to my question which was: What is the point of such a poll, if all the features are optional?

Well, we may have different aims when calling other people's posts misleading and pointless. But let that go; I will take no insult.


I guess I struggle with your struggling to understand the point of the poll. It is to gauge people's preferences, I guess? I mean, why poll anything? "Do you prefer automatic or manual transmission?" "Do you prefer chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?" "Do you prefer AK or shotgun?" I'm just interested in what people think, man. It's a poll. That is what they do: record people's preferences. Don't look for any deeper meaning, you will come up empty.

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18 minutes ago, beHypE said:

I think you're missing the point completely.


1. This is not a discussion about dynamic music as a whole, but dynamic combat music. Turning dynamic music off completely is a bandaid since it disables ALL the dynamic music, while only the dynamic combat music is problematic to some of us because of the advantage it brings. It's like telling people that if they don't like demolishers, they can always turn off zombies. 

2. We don't want to hide XP because we don't want to know how much XP we are gaining, we want to hide it so that it isn't dead obvious you confirmed the kill everytime you knock down an enemy and something moves in the bottom right corner of the screen.

1. General consensus is that you shouldn't complain about this or that feature if it can be disabled or modded out. Hey, I don't make the rules lol

2. Since this thread is about people's personal preference, I can share mine regarding XP popups. I simply don't care what shows at the bottom-right corner, because I am focused on the gameplay itself rather than on things that only distract me from whatever I was doing in game.

6 minutes ago, Boidster said:

Well, we may have different aims when calling other people's posts misleading and pointless. But let that go; I will take no insult.


I guess I struggle with your struggling to understand the point of the poll. It is to gauge people's preferences, I guess? I mean, why poll anything? "Do you prefer automatic or manual transmission?" "Do you prefer chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?" "Do you prefer AK or shotgun?" I'm just interested in what people think, man. It's a poll. That is what they do: record people's preferences. Don't look for any deeper meaning, you will come up empty.

I prefer there to be always an option for everything, but hey that's just me.

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We're not complaining we're having a fair poll / discussion on whether we like something or not. That is kinda the purpose of a forum right ? And sure, you can share your experience with XP popups, but you seemed to think people complaining about seeing the xp are the same that go to their sheet all the time to see when they level up, which is first and foremost wrong, but also has nothing to do with the discussion.


Options would be great indeed.

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For the off-topic start of the thread: next time someone posts a "pointless thread", don't waste people's time by even more pointlessly complaining about it, just move on to a more interesting one?


As for the thread; I voted NOx2, although neither one will really bother me in the current implementation, both ways can make for a good game. For the jump-scare game as the sleeper system is trying to become, such indicators should be off, or at least somewhat delayed. Maybe tie the dynamic music to purely player actions.. stealth + visible sleeper = suspense music, first hit (in or out) = combat music, which carries on for x seconds after last hit.


The death indicators are only really useful if the threat is real with even a single zombie; only the last one you know of will have a real chance of surprising you.. as things stand, I wouldn't really care if the last zed to die gets a new life. If the difficulty end up tuned towards more dangerous singles, then sure, the indicators would be better off.


Of course they could also be made misleading, give the XP before the zed actually dies.. or give it in two halves, first some for the half-health-stun and then some more for the actual death - that way you could get confused with several targets, not being sure which ones are just down for the first time.

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Well, I find it difficult to vote on this. Like, thinking back to my game last night, we found Red Mesa and z's were pouring out from everywhere, and at one point I almost died. There were so many of them I was worried it would be our base for the night because me and my roommate were there for so long just clearing the place. The music I like but I can imagine that the scenario I experienced last night would have been more annoying than terrifying if the music had been there. The music would have stopped then ended, then started again, then ended, then started then ended again.


But the music sounds delightfully creepy, excluding moments where it would do that sort of annoying thing. I think it would work best for either big POI (the sham factory in the wasteland) where it starts when you get to the POI, regardless if a zombie sees you or not, and it doesn't end until the last z for that POI is gone, or until you leave the POI. But for smaller ones (starter houses, stand alone store POI) I say exclude the music completely, maybe?

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What music? They're adding like, soundtrack scoring that plays all the time? And interrupts with combat music, like Skyrim? Or only music during combat?

Either way, bleh. How's that for taking a big piss on any idea of immersion. I'm muting music immediately.

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10 hours ago, Feycat said:

What music?

When a zombie notices you and moves in for the kill, the music will change to a 'combat' theme. So yeah, kinda like Skyrim.


As usual, my own preferences are the minority opinion, but many people get through life just fine being wrong about everything, so I have hope for you all. 😄 Thanks to everybody who voted/commented. I think we have a large enough sample set here to definitively conclude that we can draw no conclusions. There goes my research grant...

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  • 5 months later...
4 hours ago, EichmannCharity said:

Zombie Groans, sure. Birds ofc. But these "music" tracks just to try to force "fear" are just forcing me to be annoyed. Sometimes im sitting crouched in my base and wait for the night to go over while watching netflix. I COULD turn off sounds at all in that case, but then i wouldnt be able to hear it if zombies start to break my base.

Or you COULD just turn off the dynamic music and not be annoyed anymore and still be able to hear zombies attacking your base. No need for turning off global sounds just to get rid of dynamic music. 

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Just noticed this POLL: I voted both NO.


To clarify... I like the dynamic music system but I don't want it to be a "cue system" to help me survive. Same goes for the death music.

What I would like (missing option there) is that when I actually START combat, because I'm already engaging the zombie, then the combat music should start. :nod:

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I like what they're doing with the dynamic music scores.  I wish they were more subtle, though.  As for knowing when a zombie is dead, I wish they would do away with that completely.  Once the corpse disappears then you know it is dead.  Or, better yet, go back to allowing us to hack the corpses for resources.  :p

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1 hour ago, Maharin said:

I like what they're doing with the dynamic music scores.  I wish they were more subtle, though.  As for knowing when a zombie is dead, I wish they would do away with that completely.  Once the corpse disappears then you know it is dead.  Or, better yet, go back to allowing us to hack the corpses for resources.  :p

I loved hacking up the corpses after hordenight. I found it oddly therapeutic.

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