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2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

I never said everything is perfect or that every change is ok.

My point is not that feedback (by anyone) is good or bad for whatever <insert reason here>.


My point is that some people (more often than not the so called hardcore players) keep spamming their opinion over and over.


Obviously, people think their opinions are "right", they would be foolish to have an opinion they don't believe in.

The problem is when they keep pushing their opinion as a fact or just keep repeating it over and over spamming the forums.


Without question there are a few people on any forum that misuse it for one-man crusades. We could call them evangelists if you need a catchy name. And naturally all other forum users have less tolerance for such opinion spamming when the message is different to their own opinion.


So it always looks like the other group is doing this mostly. If you are not a hardcore player, you notice mostly hardcore players doing it, while if you are a hardcore player you will spot mostly non-hardcores doing this annoying preaching. But I'm sure you also know a lot of hardcore players that don't get on your nerves. So redefining "hardcore" to be just the annoying hardcore players makes no sense (even if you could prove that more hardcore players are also evangelists than non-hardcores).




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6 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

So... what are hardcore players gonna say about A19? 

Well let's see ... There's now a giant "dig exactly right here" sign for digging quests, your spears glow when on the ground, and even the "hidden" satchel in a poi quest glows or something.  Oh, and for those who like perks/skills (I don't) they removed what, 2 levels?


So we will probably say "they dumbed down the game".


And as far as us being repetitious, it's because tfp dumbs down the game every alpha, AND, it's a forum designed to allow us to express our opinions.  


But hey, if you're only interested in adam's poor grammar, mechs deleted posts or snows sexual innuendos, madmoles success story or people's mods, there's plenty of that too.  

Something for everyone. 

1 hour ago, hotpoon said:

lol, my husband and I have always referred to him as the 'tik' zombie. Tik is a cheap and nasty meth amphetamine that is rife in the Cape flats of South Africa.

Tweaker is what I call him.  Definitely has that meth vibe. 

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3 minutes ago, Guppycur said:

Well let's see ... There's now a giant "dig exactly right here" sign for digging quests, your spears glow when on the ground, and even the "hidden" satchel in a poi quest glows or something.  Oh, and for those who like perks/skills (I don't) they removed what, 2 levels?


So we will probably say "they dumbed down the game".


And as far as us being repetitious, it's because tfp dumbs down the game every alpha, AND, it's a forum designed to allow us to express our opinions.  


But hey, if you're only interested in adam's poor grammar, mechs deleted posts or snows sexual innuendos, madmoles success story or people's mods, there's plenty of that too.  

Something for everyone. 

So.... which one are you? Statler or Waldorf? 😉

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5 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

I never said everything is perfect or that every change is ok.

My point is not that feedback (by anyone) is good or bad for whatever <insert reason here>.


My point is that some people (more often than not the so called hardcore players) keep spamming their opinion over and over.


Obviously, people think their opinions are "right", they would be foolish to have an opinion they don't believe in.

The problem is when they keep pushing their opinion as a fact or just keep repeating it over and over spamming the forums.

The problem with both sides of the fence is they love to use their labels (e.g. haedcore vs casual, dumbed down vs robust/detailed) and it rubs alot of being the wrong way and this is what usually turns the conversations from healthy discussions to all out arguments / flame wars.


Although I agree with many of the observations that you stated, you will lose most people by implying a negative connotation to the label "Hardcore."



27 minutes ago, Guppycur said:

Well let's see ... There's now a giant "dig exactly right here" sign for digging quests, your spears glow when on the ground, and even the "hidden" satchel in a poi quest glows or something.  Oh, and for those who like perks/skills (I don't) they removed what, 2 levels?


So we will probably say "they dumbed down the game".


And as far as us being repetitious, it's because tfp dumbs down the game every alpha, AND, it's a forum designed to allow us to express our opinions.  


But hey, if you're only interested in adam's poor grammar, mechs deleted posts or snows sexual innuendos, madmoles success story or people's mods, there's plenty of that too.  

Something for everyone. 

Tweaker is what I call him.  Definitely has that meth vibe. 

I prefer the words "streamlined" and "simplifed" to some of those changes.  Some of which makes sense objectively if the devs want specific activities to take a specific amount of time (e.g. 4 game hours vs 16) 


Why is this importamt?  For example, most people probably dont find it enjoyable to dig for buried supplies in a mountain for 16 game hours.


This is of course is a moving target and I hope the new telemetry software will help tell them objectively where additional streamlining/simplification is needed.


In regards to nav beacon for hidden stashes, im with you on that one.  That one might be too much guidance for my personal tastes.


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1 hour ago, Guppycur said:

And as far as us being repetitious, it's because tfp dumbs down the game every alpha, AND, it's a forum designed to allow us to express our opinions.  


But hey, if you're only interested in adam's poor grammar, mechs deleted posts or snows sexual innuendos, madmoles success story or people's mods, there's plenty of that too.  

Something for everyone. 


Yes.  Your tastes.  And you used your account to talk about your tastes.  


...that's all we're doing. 

I see you are apparently trying to twist my words to justify, what?, unacceptable behavior of forum spammers?

... please read my post again and tell me the part where I said hardcore players shouldn't state their opinions.


No one said people can't have opinions or that they can't express them on the forums, exactly the opposite.


But, as I said (and I'll repeat here once more for your benefit) most of those hardcore players who think their opinion is "the right one" often literally start spamming the forums (here and on Steam) with a stunning stubbornness and time commitment that is border line OCD.


If that's what you think the forums are for then I'm happy you're not a moderator lol :-]

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2 hours ago, Guppycur said:

Yes.  Your tastes.  And you used your account to talk about your tastes.  


...that's all we're doing. 

Not sure what your implying...maybe be more direct so it's clear.  It's too early in the morning to read your mind and I'm not about to start making assumptions. 😃


Edit: or send me a PM...👍

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I generally just only read posts with orange names.  But I was a little bored earlier and damn...


If this is the worst you have to deal with in life... you all need to STFU and be thankful.  I say this with love and respect. =)

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15 minutes ago, Trekkan said:

I generally just only read posts with orange names.  But I was a little bored earlier and damn...


If this is the worst you have to deal with in life... you all need to STFU and be thankful.  I say this with love and respect. 😃

You're right. We all have more pressing issues to deal with. Like who stole my apple pie from my fridge in the middle of the night... Was it any of you, hmm? Well... it could have been me... I've been known to execute tasks while I'm not around to do them...

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2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

I see you are apparently trying to twist my words to justify, what?, unacceptable behavior of forum spammers?

... please read my post again and tell me the part where I said hardcore players shouldn't state their opinions.


No one said people can't have opinions or that they can't express them on the forums, exactly the opposite.


But, as I said (and I'll repeat here once more for your benefit) most of those hardcore players who think their opinion is "the right one" often literally start spamming the forums (here and on Steam) with a stunning stubbornness and time commitment that is border line OCD.


If that's what you think the forums are for then I'm happy you're not a moderator lol :-]

Uh, you're twisting words, not me.  I never said or even implied you said hard core people can't have opinions.  I merely answered your concerns about people being repetitious, and offering an explanation as to why.


Forums are for offering opinions and sharing experiences; if you find the opinions tedious to read or too repetitious for your taste, there are a number of ways you can alleviate your discomfort.


/also happy I'm not a moderator... what was your point?

1 hour ago, Laz Man said:

Not sure what your implying...maybe be more direct so it's clear.  It's too early in the morning to read your mind and I'm not about to start making assumptions. 😃


Edit: or send me a PM...👍

That wasn't actually for you, it was for those who don't seem to understand what forums are for.

34 minutes ago, Trekkan said:

I generally just only read posts with orange names.  But I was a little bored earlier and damn...


If this is the worst you have to deal with in life... you all need to STFU and be thankful.  I say this with love and respect. 😃

It's definitely first world problems. 😃

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Its always been a battle between the Hardcore verses the... what?  Softcore? Rottencore?


OK Rottencore it is!

Now, of course you will hate hardcore people when you're a dirty Rottencore.  Nobody likes rotten cores anyway.


Maybe they have no core?  No core values, empty as a tomb...

Hope this helps!  :D


***At the new Al's Marina (down the road from PAL's Marina which will soon be firebombed) we don't care what cores you have or don't have.  If you got caps, you're as good as gold! 

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On 5/31/2020 at 6:25 AM, Jost Amman said:

I never said everything is perfect or that every change is ok.

My point is not that feedback (by anyone) is good or bad for whatever <insert reason here>.


My point is that some people (more often than not the so called hardcore players) keep spamming their opinion over and over.


Obviously, people think their opinions are "right", they would be foolish to have an opinion they don't believe in.

The problem is when they keep pushing their opinion as a fact or just keep repeating it over and over spamming the forums.

Which is exactly what you are doing now. Pushing your opinion. See how we can go round and round on this all day. So again, stop with the "hardcores can be elitist" attitude because reading your "dumbed down" post is just as elitist and privileged. 


Maybe we can change the narrative here. Maybe we can ALL be right, and we can respect each others opinions instead if playing a game of one upmanship on who has the better idea and what kind of player is the best one to make money from and what category of game this should be. Instead of pointing fingers at a type of player and yelling "you ruined it" lets acknowledge that we all paid our money, we all put in the hours so we all have the right to love and experience the game as we wish. So its ok to miss sticks and the crafting grid, its ok to like the perk system but its also ok to NOT like some of the changes and its also ok to NOT like a new direction for something when for years the old direction was so well loved.


Stones and glass houses and such.

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6 hours ago, JaxTeller718 said:

Which is exactly what you are doing now. Pushing your opinion. See how we can go round and round on this all day. So again, stop with the "hardcores can be elitist" attitude because reading your "dumbed down" post is just as elitist and privileged. 


Maybe we can change the narrative here. Maybe we can ALL be right, and we can respect each others opinions instead if playing a game of one upmanship on who has the better idea and what kind of player is the best one to make money from and what category of game this should be. Instead of pointing fingers at a type of player and yelling "you ruined it" lets acknowledge that we all paid our money, we all put in the hours so we all have the right to love and experience the game as we wish. So its ok to miss sticks and the crafting grid, its ok to like the perk system but its also ok to NOT like some of the changes and its also ok to NOT like a new direction for something when for years the old direction was so well loved.


Stones and glass houses and such.

Yes, it's okay to like/dislike things as long as people dont beat the dead horse over and over again in the dev diary (not directed at u specifically jax).


Edit: Bravo to those out there who actually mod things they like back in versus only complaining how the devs should do it.


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