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A19/A18 CreaturePacks - A community entity project


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I got a problem with this mod. This pack is a part of the war of the walkers mod but what I see is only vanilla zombies and animals. I found new zombies maybe twice and only in wandering horde. I am using 7days to die launcher to start the game.


Pleae help

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23 hours ago, Guppycur said:

Edit the entitygroups and add the zombies to those groups.  


Guppy is correct. For horde nights, you want to target the "feralHordeStageGS(N)" entity groups (where "(N)" is a game stage number).


There are quite a lot of them, so adding them to each game stage group is a PITA. One thing I have done, that works OK, is to search for specific vanilla zombies within these entity groups, then append an NPC after it.



<append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[starts-with(@name, 'feralHordeStage')]/entity[@name='zombieArlene']">
  <entity name="npcWhispererFemale02EmptyHand" prob="0.3" />
  <entity name="npcWhispererFemale02Club" prob="0.3" />
  <entity name="npcWhispererFemale02Knife" prob="0.3" />
  <entity name="npcWhispererFemale02Bow" prob="0.3" />


This will append one of the female whisperer NPCs into all of those groups, after the vanilla Arlene zombie. If the entity group doesn't have Arlene, the NPC won't  be added. By choosing which vanilla zombie to associate with the NPC, you can sort of game stage the NPCs - for example, a very powerful NPC could be associated with demolishers, so only spawn in later game stages.


(Note: That's the NPCPackHuman version of the female whisperer. I'm not positive what WotW uses, but if it's the CPHuman version, it starts with "human" not "npc".)

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/25/2021 at 4:45 PM, xyth said:

The fantasy mod was released as part of the WinterWeen project and never released as a solo mod and was never tested outside of WW.  The release version is  <Version value="" />  so no idea how you got that other version.  You can remove that entity from spawning if you think its that one.  Let me now if you confirm its that one.  

About version, I have no idea, not sure where I downloaded from.
I removed all fantasy zeds from the game, was not sure who that caused the errors.

This is the ModInfo file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Name value="0-CreaturePackFantasy" />
    <Description value="Fantasy Creature Pack Base Modlet" />
    <Author value="XythCommunityProject" />
    <Version value="" />
    <Website value="" />
  <DMT Hash="b53e312d4ea0271a517226a87b55fad0">
    <dependencies />
    <conflicts />


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/28/2021 at 5:38 AM, nickuk01 said:

Would I be correct in assuming that the zombies in this pack do not catch fire for some reason? Hit some several times with my lit torch and no fire. Hit vanilla normal zombie couple times and will always catch alight?

They should all catch fire.  Some need a different particle included in the effectspack.  I should move that to the main zombiepack I guess. Which zombie isn't catching fire?

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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On 3/29/2021 at 2:45 PM, xyth said:

They should all catch fire.  Some need a different particle included in the effectspack.  I should move that to the main zombiepack I guess. Which zombie isn't catching fire?

I'm sorry did not note which ones in particular. I remember one was a tall dude in dungarees i think

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is an error, how it was intended to work or how to fix this, but here goes


My game has Friendly Fire disabled, so we cannot kill each others.

My brother and I are playing on it. We are in the same party and live in the same base.

We use CreaturePack Zombies, Humans, Animals, but also the DMT versions for Humans, Animals (NPCPackAnimals and NPCPackHumans), all with default settings.

We also use NPCFactions but again all settings were left as default (so I guess we could remove that mod as it doesnt seem to do anything if we leave the setting to default?).

We also use Khzmusik's NPCPackHumans Adjustments with the default settings, but I do not see anything in his changes that could change the behaviors below.


First problem

 - I find a goat that can be recruited. The goat says "Howdy" in a human male voice. Can we completely disable their voice anywhere?


I tame the Goat, which required 10 raw meat (I guess I could change the item needed to something more fitting in the xml file).

My brother, while fighting, unfortunately hit the goat, probably doing no damage as Friendly Fire is off, but the goat sure does kill him. Goat does not turn against me.

My Brother comes back to life, fight another zombie, and again hit the goat by mistake and gets killed by it again.


Later on, my brother also find a goat, and tames it. So we both have a goat. Not sure why, but he still get the option to recruit my goat, and I still get the option to recruit his goat when we click on it. We haven't tried yet to see what happen if we do.


Then, My brother finds a farmer, and hires him. Automatically the farmer runs for my goat and start beating on it, doing no damage as Friendly Fire is on.


Second Problem

 - The farmer won't respond to any command as he's involved in a endless 0 damage battle with the goat who's not even reacting to him. We can't kill the goat nor the farmer as we have Friendly Fire off and both were hired. We have no idea why the farmer is now attacking the goat, who's no longer aggro on my brother.


Any idea of what we could change so that hired npcs from same party members are not attacking each others?



Edited by Yerkisk (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, Yerkisk said:

Not sure if this is an error, how it was intended to work or how to fix this, but here goes


My game has Friendly Fire disabled, so we cannot kill each others.

My brother and I are playing on it. We are in the same party and live in the same base.

We use CreaturePack Zombies, Humans, Animals, but also the DMT versions for Humans, Animals (NPCPackAnimals and NPCPackHumans), all with default settings.

We also use NPCFactions but again all settings were left as default (so I guess we could remove that mod as it doesnt seem to do anything if we leave the setting to default?).

We also use Khzmusik's NPCPackHumans Adjustments with the default settings, but I do not see anything in his changes that could change the behaviors below.


First problem

 - I find a goat that can be recruited. The goat says "Howdy" in a human male voice. Can we completely disable their voice anywhere?


I tame the Goat, which required 10 raw meat (I guess I could change the item needed to something more fitting in the xml file).

My brother, while fighting, unfortunately hit the goat, probably doing no damage as Friendly Fire is off, but the goat sure does kill him. Goat does not turn against me.

My Brother comes back to life, fight another zombie, and again hit the goat by mistake and gets killed by it again.


Later on, my brother also find a goat, and tames it. So we both have a goat. Not sure why, but he still get the option to recruit my goat, and I still get the option to recruit his goat when we click on it. We haven't tried yet to see what happen if we do.


Then, My brother finds a farmer, and hires him. Automatically the farmer runs for my goat and start beating on it, doing no damage as Friendly Fire is on.


Second Problem

 - The farmer won't respond to any command as he's involved in a endless 0 damage battle with the goat who's not even reacting to him. We can't kill the goat nor the farmer as we have Friendly Fire off and both were hired. We have no idea why the farmer is now attacking the goat, who's no longer aggro on my brother.


Any idea of what we could change so that hired npcs from same party members are not attacking each others?




Just FYI, my adjustments don't touch the animals.


The "friendly fire" issues are hopefully solved with the latest version of SphereII Core. SphereII recently merged a pull request from me that should have fixed the issues. The changes were merged 21 days ago, so you may have to remove, re-download, and re-compile Core if you have a previous version.


I don't have any idea about your brother's ability to recruit your goat. Hopefully @sphereii or @xyth can point you in the right direction.

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There are several known bugs in the A19 NPCs, but we froze development on those a while ago while we work on a new version.  We were hitting the wall on extending zombieAI to be used by humans, so we punted and not going to use zombie AI in A20 version.  TLDR: It is what it is until a20.  


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I am really disappointed with this. I was really hoping for a link to a nice backstory explaining the longstanding feud between the farmer and the talking goat.


I guess I’ll throw this together.

old Macdonald had a farm


and in that farm he fought his goat


And he fought the goat here,

and he fought the goat there,

and he fought the goat everywhere

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey I'm new to modding and I've installed

The creatures mod (humans and zombies)

On A19.4 and when i run the game and create a new save and played a little bit but then (nullreferenceExeption: object reference not set to an instance of an object) starts spamming 

Do i need the A19.2 ?


Can someone help?

Edited by Noobgamer123 (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, bdubyah said:

That is absolutely not your log file. If you want help, maybe help us out and find your log file and post it, as asked. :)

sorry. where am gonna find the log file.

it is in the 7 days to die files?


sorry new at modding and sorry my English is bad

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