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Random Gen is Terrible!

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Hi all,


Am I missing something? Random Gen is REALLY bad. I remember playing a few years ago when it was interesting and fun.


Now I'm getting this:




I've got biomes every few 100m. Towns & Cities that look like they have half the block missing.




How can I fix all of this? Any tips?



Fun Pimps are hard at work fixing it up, you can get some ok maps once in a while.


There are also tools in the mods section to generate some real nice maps, if you don't consider it too cheaty.



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I havent fully explored my current save yet but I really like my seed. I used EmpireMoleBuilding as the seed name (for those wondering why I literally just typed in the most random thing that first popped into my head).


I ended up settling down in a forest biome and shortly after realized I had two traders right next to each other. So close that they were in visual range of each other even through the trees between them. At most they were maybe 100M apart. I promptly decided to set my base up in that area lol as it is super easy to check both inventories and quest lists in almost no time at all even on foot.


So far the seed has been pretty good from my initial explorations. I am only on day 8 but the map seems really promising.

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Random gen is pretty good atm. In 17.1 it was utter garbage but not anymore. 18 will be here soon and RWG has been totally redone for that so it will be much better.


Just wondering, have you started this game in A17? Because it´s still really bad compared to earlier alphas.

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Just wondering, have you started this game in A17? Because it´s still really bad compared to earlier alphas.




Random gen is better now than in 16 when we had totally boring and bland POIs. The lack of POI has been addressed, radio tower city has been addressed roads are not all that likely to be cliff faces (though it still happens) and floating POI has mostly been addressed as well (I may ohave run into one or two after over a hundred hours). Biomes still mesh together like crap (a line) and I do miss some of the variety but overall the random gen is acceptable to play on. It may not be all that good but 18 is a whole new system.


The cities could use a little more natural shapes too. I lmao when I first noticed they are all in circles.

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Random gen is pretty good atm. In 17.1 it was utter garbage but not anymore. 18 will be here soon and RWG has been totally redone for that so it will be much better.


Terrain has been redone. Terrain generation hasn't been touched AFAIK.

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Terrain has been redone. Terrain generation hasn't been touched AFAIK.


In the 18 thread MM has mentioned a few times that they have redone essentially everything. I cant pull the quotes anymore (that thread has becomes MASSIVE) but considering that he just said mining has been totally redone that terrain generation would HAVE to have been changed.

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i liked the infinite maps most. Not sure when they esxisted. 13?14?


@FA-Q2 And yeah POI´s weren´t as much as we have now, but the biomes where nicer mixed than now.


I agree biomes were better. POIs are far more important than biomes and much more impactful on game play. There were many thing in 16's RWG that were better than the current one but I feel overall that they have made progress. Even if you like the previous RWG better in most aspects, it still is not REALLY bad. It is just rather lackluster.


At the start of 17 RWG was literally unplayable for many. Almost no POI at all. Now it is decent and 18 should have fixed most of the issues.

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There are lots of good lessons to be learned with NitroGen. While a big fan, the use of such a small set of predefined cracks and rivers really needs improvement.


My favorite part of random gen are the surprises, and with NitroGen basically being caveless and having predictable cracks and rivers, I still enjoy vanilla's biome quilt a bit more for it's unpredictability.

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There are lots of good lessons to be learned with NitroGen. While a big fan, the use of such a small set of predefined cracks and rivers really needs improvement.


My favorite part of random gen are the surprises, and with NitroGen basically being caveless and having predictable cracks and rivers, I still enjoy vanilla's biome quilt a bit more for it's unpredictability.


Unpredictability in current vanilla random gen? Its horribly predictable. The only thing that ISNT predictable is weather or not u will get a decent sized town anywhere on your map.


Nitrogen is 10,000 times better than current vanilla, its almost unplayable its so bad.

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I use this to generate 16K worlds for my server.


Nitrogen generates beautiful worlds. There are a lot of configuration options. I use this to generate 16K worlds for my server and my players all tell me it is by far the best world they have ever seen.


Vanilla RWG is seriously broken. I'm optimistic that A18 will see RWG return to it's glory days.

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infinite maps appeared in A9 along with the first version of the RWG.


Ahh damn. So early. I am here too long already. I miss those crossroads where you had 2,3 or 4 buildings in the middle of nowhere. Like a hotel, a gas n pass and 2 houses. Now it´s just small cabins in the wild and cities/towns.

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For me, biomes are everything. That and a good mix of POI. I could care less about bugs. Occasional floating POI? Who cares? Bad road? Feh!


Now having 3 different biomes in a single city? Thats trash. I cannot stand the fact that I had to carry dessert clothing in order to traverse the city I am looting on a bike. Even worse, I see people showing 'preffered' biomes that have types spread 2K apart. In my mid game, I make mines in every biome for the resources. I dont need to drive half a day out of my way.


And out of 4 RWG so far, it always seems like at least 2 or 3 key interesting POIs are missing. Not the same ones each time. Sometimes its the hospital, sometimes its the MSG factory. Sometimes I will not have any POI that specializes Working Stiff crates, but there will be a dozen Pop-a-pill stores. Is this Hollywood?


Dont get me wrong, the terrain and prefabs are a great improvement. But so far when it comes to just the shuffling up of biomes, buildings, and land shapes (like how lakes and rivers used to be generated), A16 was much better RWG rules. I could live with a few broken roads. Better than seeing an entire flat world from the gyro at +100.

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Granted the pois are much better in A17, but I like the road layout of A16 better. The circle shaped cities are not as interesting as the randomly shaped cities and towns of A16. But I would bet that's something TFP are already improving for A18 or beyond.

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