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Everything posted by Cynyr

  1. Hi, couple of questions: 1. In the underground science bunker that has entrance through the well, is it that zombie respwan forever or how long? 2. The laborer class it seems that invalidates the perk steel crafting untill you finish the class? 3. How can I make the weapons have the same amount of mod slots no matter the lost in degradation leves, I know that I need to change this line <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" tier="1,11,21,31,41,51,61,71,80"/> made a modlet that change tier to 80 for everything but it`s not working. Do i need to change anything else? Thank you.
  2. Hi, short story drunk an Fergit`n elixir now all my do skills are 0 atheltics, scavenging, etc. can't do quest lvl 2. How can I set back to their level? Mechanic book dont allow to do the quest again.
  3. try reinstall the mod fresh, no other mods, run an integrity check in Steam or a fresh reinstall of game, and get the mod directly from https://github.com/dwallorde/War-of-the-Walkers-Mod-V6.0.0-Beta SDX mentions are when you run an SDX mod, are not important. Usually this big mods take a little longer to load. I have another dozen mods that run with WOW with no problems.
  4. Hi, I have a small request. I would like you to add health bar for zombies and put some stats on mods that dont have like flammable oil to set them on fire. Thanks.
  5. Hi, great mode I really enjoy it. I have a question is it possible to change the color of the crosshair with something more visible, like full white, green or blue?
  6. This happens because there are so many new items added in inventory, click the favorites icon so it only displays a few items and the lag should gone.
  7. Hi, first of all I want to say this is an awesome mod, and I have a lot of fun with it. The POI are fantastic, amazing design. Second I have some issues that I found and I would like some clarification: 1. How do I get drunk ? I drunk like 10 beers and 10 grain alchool and now effect, except the imunity icon no other buffs debuffs were active, and no message in character window! I was trying to do the quest with kill zombies drunk. Is the immunity level (i have Immunity lvl 20) prevents getting drunk? 2. The Dog Killer Master quest I used a Baretta Shotgun but no zombie dog kill was counted. I even spawn some dogs, kill them and nothing. 3. I found a car, could not interact with it and it showed "Search Air (untouched)" and not search car.
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