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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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MM, I read a lot of posts about the indestructible landscape and I have 3 questions (I want to tell my viewers the right information).


Garden boxes, ore blocks, the presence of these blocks fits very well in a world with an indestructible landscape. MM, do you smoothly prepare the game so that players can’t change the landscape?


MM, you said that indestructible terrain would be optional at some point. Is it planned after gold?


MM, is there any chance that on gold, 7 Days To Die will have only an indestructible landscape, and it will not be possible to choose the old (current at the moment) option?

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The law of thermodynamics is called a law for a reason. Feel free to air quote it as much as you like, but that doesn't change the fact it's been tested and retested repeatedly over the past 100+ years, and has yet to be broken.


I suspect what MM is really saying, is that the system being designed/built is very efficient in using common materials to provide electricity - but a machine providing *free* energy is simply another name for a perpetual motion machine.




Thermodynamics, like Newtonian physics, isn't perfect. They both tend to break down in extreme places such as black holes. They are proven to a 5-Sigma level of certainty only within certain parameters... such as not near a black hole :-)


I think the generator everyone is on about is the system where someone has managed to generate electricity using the temperature differential between the Earth and space. I can hunt down a link if you need it but I'm still on mobile for a few days and I frikkin' hate typing on these things.

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I can admittedly be kind of harsh on science sometimes, I just try to avoid thinking in absolute terms that words like "law" imply. I don't have any major doubts about the laws of thermodynamics being solid and useful, I just think there's more to understand. Unlike Albert E. I love quantum mechanics because it, to me, explains the why/how behind the standard model, as well as many things it cannot explain. Otherwise we're mostly on the same page, agree to *agree. The * sticking point is more of an annoyance with the term law, but it's admittedly a personal sticking point more than anything.(yells at brain to chill out)


I never expected to bring up robotics whilst talking about a zombie game, it's the voxels fault. I learned a ton from studying graphic cards and super computers years ago(the NEC Earth Simulator was my first, and still my fav specimen). Oddly enough the hurdle seems to mostly be caused, unintentionally, by the fields of computer science getting a major case of tunnel vision. Not realizing how specific what we've adopted into use actually is, but I knew long ago that the realm of machine learning would inevitably return to neural nets... slowly at first via simulation inside serial machines, but it's still far more of a hardware problem, first, then the software follows. It's a cart-horse thing, peeps been doing it backwards for years, but like I said it is finally starting to turn around now. And when it does game engines like this are going to be able to handle a ton more detail all at once as a result. I want it for robot brains, to provide an internal simulation, a type of "minds eye", among many other things.


Just a point on 'why.'


Asking why implies intent. You're discussing science. I wouldn't go there 😏

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Just a point on 'why.'


Asking why implies intent. You're discussing science. I wouldn't go there


Ah, good point, need to be careful with that word, it can be implied in different ways, agree. I meant the more how, technical, inference, not the more religious version. Though I am an Agnostic Seeker, I have a list of possibilities I'm still working through, albeit all with a grain of salt or two. I agree it can unnecessarily derail scientific discussion though, so kudos for pointing that out.

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I rage quit and started a new character on the same map. Not sure why the 2nd one went just as bad lol, although I did spawn in the forest instead of the desert. So I died 3 times on day 1, then quit, restarted a new character and died 3x by day 3. I've got an AK and pistol now, doing fine, but getting attacked by wolves is just nasty early game. I want to remove all nasty things from biome spawing in a future alpha, and then do random encounters, which are leveled. Of course nasty biomes would have a raised game stage on these encounters but we could spare new players any hostile animals the first 5 levels or so and slowly add in nasty stuff, and increase the challenge as you level.


Maybe it is time to just gamestage the biome spawns so very low level characters can get a smaller chance to encounter wolves. Gamestaging of the Biomes does not need to be as extreme as hordes or sleepers are atm (where almost all zombies are super powered radiated at some point), but they can shift to more dangerous enemies having a bit higher chance, or a chance at all, to appear. You guys might also want to consider having at least one more stage of power of zombies in between normal and feral. Zombies that are tougher like ferals but do not run all the time, just so you can also up the challenge in biomes without constant runners at some stage. Ideally code could handle the actual toughness, feralness and radiatedness of a zombie spawning, then it could always take the average level of players nearby into account and only need one entry per zombie model in the xml where you can configure all these stages of the zombie...

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Just a point on 'why.'


Asking why implies intent. You're discussing science. I wouldn't go there ��


Ha, just realized, I bet you watched the most recent Rogan podcast with Neil D, he did a good job of breaking down how asking why can cause problems. So I shoulda known better, though again I'm agnostic, so I can't actually rule out many things I wish I could. Like, who's running this simulation, if that happens to be the case. The fun part about this forum is that we can actually talk to those who run this one and occasionally get a response:D


What's neat about Simulation Theory is that, if hypothetically that is the case, then the voxels of our reality are actually really simple to identify: the atom. That one subatomic construct happens to make up everything, and that in itself has only 3 ingredients. Thinking of the elements as different things is actually really distorting of this fact, they are all the same thing that merely act differently, mainly with each other, depending on the number of protons/neutrons(and resulting electron count). But knock out or add a few of those in any atom and you can turn any element into any other, like lead into gold, etc. Totally possible, just far from practical, for now;)

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Maybe it is time to just gamestage the biome spawns so very low level characters can get a smaller chance to encounter wolves. Gamestaging of the Biomes does not need to be as extreme as hordes or sleepers are atm (where almost all zombies are super powered radiated at some point), but they can shift to more dangerous enemies having a bit higher chance, or a chance at all, to appear.


Tying the biomespawns to the gamestage can be a bit tricky because in multiplayer players with extremely different gamestages can be in the same chunk. Imagine a level 200 player and a level 1 player in the same chunk and the level 1 player has to cope with what was actually meant for the level 200 player.

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Tying the biomespawns to the gamestage can be a bit tricky because in multiplayer players with extremely different gamestages can be in the same chunk. Imagine a level 200 player and a level 1 player in the same chunk and the level 1 player has to cope with what was actually meant for the level 200 player.


I was just thinking that same thing, it would be tricky to handle in MP worlds. Imagine spawning n a server as a noob a few blocks from a player with a super high game stage and being greeted by a pack of dire wolves and rads. Ha, hmm, how to solve?

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I was just thinking that same thing, it would be tricky to handle in MP worlds. Imagine spawning n a server as a noob a few blocks from a player with a super high game stage and being greeted by a pack of dire wolves and rads. Ha, hmm, how to solve?


Run :)


I hated that part in pvp, joining a server full of savages. Was fun tho, once because I found a minibike in a whole, 5 mins after joined. Of course I took it and attracted a lot of attention. Final scene on this server was 3-4 mins later, when I got stuck in some half destroyed wall of a tin garage or something like a shed. The two guys that wacked me, much have been laughing a lot.

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If I could do it all over again I'd have thrown out the diggable terrain. Alpha 1 could have had static Unity terrain, a simple water plane, ran 30% better, used way less ram, console wouldn't have been so beat down, allowed faster vehicles, looked as good as 18's terrain does now, (Minus the Justin talent) and we wouldn't have wasted energy on mining, cave systems, multiple versions of trees, etc. Mining could have been mining POIs with respawning nuggets like rust/skyrim/subnautica with a nice model. We'd anger 10% and gain 200% new players that don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about deformable terrain and buggy water.


At some point we might release a static terrain option for 7 days just to see the performance gains. IMO most people would run it for the performance gains and better pvp, none of this wimpy underground base business, fight like a man like in TWD. You don't see those guys living in caves/mines.


What may have made us great has also slowed us down and kept us indy looking/performing. I think mining is ok but its not part of the secret sauce, we'd still have mining it just wouldn't be ugly 3d mining. At this point we'd kind of solved it mostly but it could have saved us a lot of time and headaches, allowing us to focus on cool stuff like we are able to now.


Hmmm....considering zombies don't spawn below ground and underground is really not applicable to the game when you're simply travelling the surface, the game be accelerated by turning off the sub-terrainian details unless:


a) You're within 50m of an area the game knows there is a mine

b) are underground

c) another player is underground - but then only that chunk loads the sub-terrain details.


Likewise, many above-ground things like weather, sun, trees, etc, could also be turned off when underground.


I know this would mainly help single player games. I wonder what % of players that is?

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LOL sorry you have it backwards. There is so much technique now that has been passed down from generations, and all the world styles knowledge available to all, even guys from 5 years ago are nothing in todays meat grinder. Like now you can learn kung fu, ju-jitsu, boxing, wrestling etc all under one roof and have all those tools at your disposal. Plus we're so much bigger and stronger from nutrition and weight training. A badass 1000 years ago was 5'4" and 120 lol. People were tiny from lack of food and didn't even live to be 40 in most cases.


Hey, MM. I believe maybe a year ago there was a discussion going on about your training diet but I forget any big secrets you had to share. Same as most pro body builders of 80% protein, 10% carb and fat? I was on this diet for maybe a year of body building back 7 years ago. Not a particularly fun time for me.


Having said that, have you heard of this?



Coming out this month, I believe.

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Man, I am so torn between Strength and Intelligence.


-Strength for the shotgun and mining (although POI clearing might be the thing in A18).

-Intelligence because the play-style would be so different!


I'll might go by the first good weapon I find too. Listening to the "Wind of Change" as it were. :)


I might go for strength or intelligence with perception. A nice melee to clear POIs and save some bullets. Cause when it comes to zeds I like Perception to build that long distance relationship ;)

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Tying the biomespawns to the gamestage can be a bit tricky because in multiplayer players with extremely different gamestages can be in the same chunk. Imagine a level 200 player and a level 1 player in the same chunk and the level 1 player has to cope with what was actually meant for the level 200 player.


Hence I said the actual amount of variation should not be that great, such a system would be there to prevent low level people from actually seeing treats over their level all the time. Now it is flat, which means they will always encounter things that could be to strong, then they might only encounter if they are close to a level 200, which can kill it for him, he can run, sneak. MP is always going to have these kind of things, happens on horde nights too, wandering hordes, POI spawns.


In this scenario what I would use would have the level 1 guy have about 1/100 chance to meet a wolf and the level 200 would be maybe 1/50, difference would not be to spectacular, but will give the new spawn just that more chance not to run into as much hostile animals all the time.


Not to mention on such MP servers animals would quickly go extinct for a few days because of the frequency of players passing the chunks (that is how the current system works).

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I was just thinking that same thing, it would be tricky to handle in MP worlds. Imagine spawning n a server as a noob a few blocks from a player with a super high game stage and being greeted by a pack of dire wolves and rads. Ha, hmm, how to solve?


Biome spawns do not make packs of direwolves or rads, they make a few zombies and some animals. You are confusing it with Wandering Hordes, which are already gamestaged, although locked in cycle of repeating up to 50 stages.

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Since we've been talking about history and yesterday was 9/11 I think it's good to discuss these significant events so newer generations understand why things are the way they are. Maybe it's not the most engaging subject when we're young and a lot of it can be saved for post high school. There are definitely topics that should be covered and a lot of them are tragic. Unfortunately, history is very political and as a culture, at least in the US, we try and avoid topics about politics and religion to be politically correct. So instead of learning how to have opposing views and have a civil discussion we resort to trash talking and verbal noise.

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Biome spawns do not make packs of direwolves or rads, they make a few zombies and some animals. You are confusing it with Wandering Hordes, which are already gamestaged, although locked in cycle of repeating up to 50 stages.


Good point... except that I was not thinking about it within the context of how it is currently done. I was applying the new idea that animal and zed encounters would be changed, that entities would spawn differently than they do now, in a way that was based on a players game stage. In that case they could make it pretty crazy for high GS characters, thus things like packs of dire wolves and rads could spawn that way within such a new system. There are some variations in hordes as it is, even more so in some of the mods. So I was applying that idea to this new way of doing it that we've been discussing, I know that is not how it works now.

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Well instead of learning about the holocaust, I'd cover it, but spend more time teaching about famous inspirational speakers, inventors, how someone started a business and created 1000's of jobs and transformed a poverty stricken area into a robust community, etc. Inspirational positive history, not tragedy and "what not to do".


So are you planning of opening your own school?

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Good point... except that I was not thinking about it within the context of how it is currently done. I was applying the new idea that animal and zed encounters would be changed, that entities would spawn differently than they do now, in a way that was based on a players game stage. In that case they could make it pretty crazy for high GS characters, thus things like packs of dire wolves and rads could spawn that way within such a new system. There are some variations in hordes as it is, even more so in some of the mods. So I was applying that idea to this new way of doing it that we've been discussing, I know that is not how it works now.


If they remove the loop in WanderingHordes and increase the frequency of them (maybe more smaller hordes) then that system could do such things. But for Biomes it would become to much quickly, since players run away from stuff they cannot handle and will just generate more when they do.

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I rage quit and started a new character on the same map. Not sure why the 2nd one went just as bad lol, although I did spawn in the forest instead of the desert. So I died 3 times on day 1, then quit, restarted a new character and died 3x by day 3. I've got an AK and pistol now, doing fine, but getting attacked by wolves is just nasty early game. I want to remove all nasty things from biome spawing in a future alpha, and then do random encounters, which are leveled. Of course nasty biomes would have a raised game stage on these encounters but we could spare new players any hostile animals the first 5 levels or so and slowly add in nasty stuff, and increase the challenge as you level.


I love these ideas. Sound like quality progression to me.

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and your scrounging for it.


Is there any reason not to make different casings? Steel casings? Metal dukes worth 1 duke, brass dukes worth 5 dukes? Is there a "police your brass" perk book? maybe every 1 in 20 chance to keep your casing? There's really no reason to ever lose your casings using a Magnum is there outside of panic loading.


You folks are clever so give me another thing to look for or craft and i'll be just as happy.


in pimps we trust!



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