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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Yup built my business into a multimillion dollar business. Worked 7 days a week, 60-80 hours a week for 25 years. It wrecked my health but the business runs with small inputs from me leaving me time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.


My son got BA & MA in communications and couldn’t get a job. I had told him that medicine was the field where you would always have a job. So after wasting 6 years and tens of thousands of dollars, he’s working on a masters in nursing to be nurse practitioner...guaranteed employment anywhere. It makes you want to strangle these kids for not taking our advice seriously.


It's far too late already of course, but my advice would have been to thrown them out the moment they turned 19 and refusing to communicate with them until either they succeeded elsewhere, or if they ended up on the street. (From that point, you could have told them it was your way, or back to the highway.) Honestly, if I had uninterrupted full communication across the globe, I would give this advice to every parent out there.) Just saying.

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It's far too late already of course, but my advice would have been to thrown them out the moment they turned 19 and refusing to communicate with them until either they succeeded elsewhere, or if they ended up on the street. (From that point, you could have told them it was your way, or back to the highway.) Honestly, if I had uninterrupted full communication across the globe, I would give this advice to every parent out there.) Just saying.


In hindsight, you are correct. I didn't know a thing about a liberal arts degree and partially believed he would succeed easily knowing the person he was. However, what I learned is that getting a good job with a liberal arts degree depends more on who you know than what you know. Very very foreign way of thinking for a math/science guy. My second kid, my daughter, took my advice and has a fab job as a first responder, owned her first home before turning 25 and is on the road to a successful life. Live and learn.

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It sure doesn't help it be on topic to discuss UFC's last match ;)


I don't know how remarking on this makes me a hypocrite, though. I'd say it makes you more of a hypocrite to say that you can't read all and that some questions won't get answered, but apparently having the time to answer all those other absolutely unrelated questions, even in great detail, while telling other people off for writing walls of text that are more related to the game.


It's okay. Since Roland made it clear in his last response that he's not strictly moderating the thread then I'll feel free to debate you over off-topic things you bring up that I disagree with. I don't normally do it because I don't want to make it an off-topic conversation, but since it's allowed I'll just do that. It's the seeing posts of yours that I disagree with and not being able to respond to them that gets me.


And yes, I'm sure I'll get crushed many times in a18. I *hope* I will. That's part of the fun ;)


Was there something you wanted to talk about?

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In hindsight, you are correct. I didn't know a thing about a liberal arts degree and partially believed he would succeed easily knowing the person he was. However, what I learned is that getting a good job with a liberal arts degree depends more on who you know than what you know. Very very foreign way of thinking for a math/science guy. My second kid, my daughter, took my advice and has a fab job as a first responder, owned her first home before turning 25 and is on the road to a successful life. Live and learn.


As a disclaimer, if the family is poor and live in the middle of scenic nowhere, and there is nowhere for the teenagers/young adults to go (my situation), then I can give them a light pass for not leaving the nest at the appropriate age. But if they are every bit capable to succeed within their environment, even if their financial situation isn't the greatest, then there is no excuse for the 30 year old man child issue to persist.


When it comes to seizing positions in jobs and moving up the ranks, it's usually all very political. Having a good relationship with your boss and colleagues is better than not having one at all, but family or close family always trumps all else, for example. Either you're just not good enough (or they don't perceive you to be), or you are in an unfortunate situation where no matter what you do, the boss will always favor their cousin fifteen times removed working alongside you, and eventually, ahead of you.


Another piece of advice I always try to bestow upon people is to keep their dreams within sight, but always have a plan b or a plan c. Sadly, most youth are taught these days that they are special, that they can succeed if they believe hard enough. What foolish lies. Sure, that may be true for the few, but even for them, intelligence, talent, etc. were not the only factors that played in their success. Often times, it was due to simple dumb luck. Most people will end up working as clerics, cashiers, waitresses, you get the drill.


Regarding my situation, living at a dead end street in a dead end down in the middle of nowhere, my only opportunities lie in online work, which I am currently pursuing. If I fail, so be it; they can't all be winners.


My final piece of advice to you is to ignore the wishful thinkers, the unrealistic optimists. The people who have to scratch for every penny (for example), but believe that one day, they will live in their own personal manor, and will not accept any kind of realistic feedback in regards to their pipe dreams.

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Yes I meant high school. Even college is a waste of time and money if you don't finish it and get into the field you study for. A lot of people go and get a degree in some fantasy field like Forensic science then never make a dime with it.


I managed to become self employed by the time I was 25 by taking a 9 month trade school course for auto body repair, I worked in the field 5 years then started my own shop. I started new businesses and they all succeeded. Obviously I'm not normal, I worked 7 days a week and many long hours to make it happen.


You did better than I have done so far. Fellow auto mechanic here, still working on what you have already done. Dream is to one day own a mechanic shop, Ill get there. Though I'm more on the engine side of things.

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Sorry, but read the title. This is the developer diary. He writes about what interests him and the community responds. If Madmole brings it up it is on topic. When he says that a topic is over then it is off topic. If you are solely here to get only game related information then you are in the wrong thread.


Besides, A18 is pretty much in the can and pretty much every A18 related topic than can be discussed has been discussed. There is not going to be any earth shattering new reveals for A18 and most game related questions are Pimp Dream questions for down the road or the next game. My advice is to relax and wait for the patch notes if you're all about business and then you'll know everything without the community fun and shennanigans. It always gets really silly and crazy right before a major release when everyone knows its about all over and then when the A19 dev diary begins it will be back to mostly business and questions and reveals again.


We know just about everything.....other than Conventional Ralston that is.....


Actually it is titled, "Alpha 18 Dev Diary" not "Dev Diary" as such it kind of should be limited to A18. And yes for those of you that have been able to play A18 for weeks already I'm sure it feels like A18 is in the can. But for the masses that have to wait for every stupid MF to be fixed so an ALPHA can be released POLISHED it IS a little frustrating. And it is not even close to being released, remember we still have to give the Streamers their due so they can hype the game so it is at least 2-3 week away at best.

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As a disclaimer, if the family is poor and live in the middle of scenic nowhere, and there is nowhere for the teenagers/young adults to go (my situation), then I can give them a light pass for not leaving the nest at the appropriate age. But if they are every bit capable to succeed within their environment, even if their financial situation isn't the greatest, then there is no excuse for the 30 year old man child issue to persist.


When it comes to seizing positions in jobs and moving up the ranks, it's usually all very political. Having a good relationship with your boss and colleagues is better than not having one at all, but family or close family always trumps all else, for example. Either you're just not good enough (or they don't perceive you to be), or you are in an unfortunate situation where no matter what you do, the boss will always favor their cousin fifteen times removed working alongside you, and eventually, ahead of you.


Another piece of advice I always try to bestow upon people is to keep their dreams within sight, but always have a plan b or a plan c. Sadly, most youth are taught these days that they are special, that they can succeed if they believe hard enough. What foolish lies. Sure, that may be true for the few, but even for them, intelligence, talent, etc. were not the only factors that played in their success. Often times, it was due to simple dumb luck. Most people will end up working as clerics, cashiers, waitresses, you get the drill.


Regarding my situation, living at a dead end street in a dead end down in the middle of nowhere, my only opportunities lie in online work, which I am currently pursuing. If I fail, so be it; they can't all be winners.


My final piece of advice to you is to ignore the wishful thinkers, the unrealistic optimists. The people who have to scratch for every penny (for example), but believe that one day, they will live in their own personal manor, and will not accept any kind of realistic feedback in regards to their pipe dreams.




The current generation of young people, I've noticed, want things given to them or to start at the top rather than working and putting in their dues. I had hoped my kids would learn from watching me, going from a fine education to circumstances out of my control that led to 10 months on welfare to a very successful career, all due to not giving up and working my butt off for years. I was 50% successful with my kids though there's still time for my oldest to see the light. You don't become successful without a whole lot of blood, sweat and tears. It is what it is, I know my way works, those that don't listen to advice from experience are going to miss out.

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Actually it is titled, "Alpha 18 Dev Diary" not "Dev Diary" as such it kind of should be limited to A18. And yes for those of you that have been able to play A18 for weeks already I'm sure it feels like A18 is in the can. But for the masses that have to wait for every stupid MF to be fixed so an ALPHA can be released POLISHED it IS a little frustrating. And it is not even close to being released, remember we still have to give the Streamers their due so they can hype the game so it is at least 2-3 week away at best.


If you don’t like the dev diary don’t play the dev diary. Don’t try and force your play style on others.


This is my 8th or 9th rodeo and I know what I’m doing. If you or someone steps out of line you’ll be told so by myself or one of the other moderators. Otherwise follow the flow of conversation or just lurk or don’t open the thread at all and watch TFPs twitter feed.


The thread isn’t going to change to 100% business. This is Fun Pimp territory and those who are participating are having fun.


Now...since you want a firmer hand here it is:


No more talk about how the A18 dev diary thread is being moderated.

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If you don’t like the dev diary don’t play the dev diary. Don’t try and force your play style on others.


This is my 8th or 9th rodeo and I know what I’m doing. If you or someone steps out of line you’ll be told so by myself or one of the other moderators. Otherwise follow the flow of conversation or just lurk or don’t open the thread at all and watch TFPs twitter feed.


The thread isn’t going to change to 100% business. This is Fun Pimp territory and those who are participating are having fun.


Now...since you want a firmer hand here it is:


No more talk about how the A18 dev diary thread is being moderated.


Have you actually looked at the official Twitter feed? Almost no useful info is posted there so yes sadly we have to come here. Almost everything that is posted is a link to a video, sorry but I'm not a 15 yo kid, I don't have time to watch videos of people playing games. So while I would love to take you up on the offer to just watch Twitter feed, that is not a viable option to get info about the status of the development.

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Have you actually looked at the official Twitter feed? Almost no useful info is posted there so yes sadly we have to come here. Almost everything that is posted is a link to a video, sorry but I'm not a 15 yo kid, I don't have time to watch videos of people playing games. So while I would love to take you up on the offer to just watch Twitter feed, that is not a viable option to get info about the status of the development.


How about the lurking suggestion.....?

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Have you actually looked at the official Twitter feed? Almost no useful info is posted there so yes sadly we have to come here. Almost everything that is posted is a link to a video, sorry but I'm not a 15 yo kid, I don't have time to watch videos of people playing games. So while I would love to take you up on the offer to just watch Twitter feed, that is not a viable option to get info about the status of the development.


oh no. Whatever shall you do....


Life doesnt exist outside this thread huh.

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How about the lurking suggestion.....?


Ummm I've been here longer than you and I have 377 posts and you have 15,753; I'd pretty much say I already do that.


- - - Updated - - -


oh no. Whatever shall you do....


Life doesnt exist outside this thread huh.


I have plenty of life thank you. In regards to getting info on the development of A18, no there pretty much no source outside this thread.

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What is this hate for school? School is so important for education. It separates us from becoming a second or third rate country.


How is this becoming political in a games forum?


Ive read the posts.... didn't seem political-- they were just pointing out that a degree(especially these days) does not mean you will get a good job out of it… a 2 year technical degree seems to pay off more than others,,,,

and my 2 cents.... Universities have gone off the deep end... More interested in raising tuition fees and adding a bunch of social justice courses that do not promote free thought.

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Ive read the posts.... didn't seem political-- they were just pointing out that a degree(especially these days) does not mean you will get a good job out of it… a 2 year technical degree seems to pay off more than others,,,,

and my 2 cents.... Universities have gone off the deep end... More interested in raising tuition fees and adding a bunch of social justice courses that do not promote free thought.


It's not just the universities' fault, it's a natural consequence of improved quality of life. More and more people have access to higher education and are obtaining it more often, which is flooding the market with skilled labor. In the past a bachelors was of high value, now it's more or less standard.

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