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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Is this from 2012? Its this way forever.

I started modding around start of A17, which is when i discovered it. I just see it as a little missed opportunity, that's all. If you're not aiming to add anything like that, surely modlets can take care of it if anyone will want it.


I did check through all enemies at the time and found a few discrepancies, like the one thing above, different xp for zombies with same hp (i think it should be the same, just saying) or specifically using stats from a "parent entity" (no parameter mentioned for an entity) and sometimes rewriting the same value (for example some parameters appearing with same numbers as from ZombieMale entity, on which other Zs are based).


It's not like it's a bug, because it all works. Simply seems a bit chaotic in the files. I'm sure cleaning up code and XMLs is for a later time, after all bugs are squished, so i'm not that much concerned about it. The time used for cleaning it could be used elsewhere, although adding damage detriments based on material zombies hit could be interesting.

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Because this worked so "well" in Oblivion? Right now, everyone knows that Darlene is easy and glowy Darlene not for playing around with. Scale the enemies and the level 1 character can shoot glowies just like the the level100 and the level 100 will rightly ask why he did all the work to get better. Game would be improved in one rare circumstance and worse the rest of the time.




You seem to be confused or not reading correctly.


Oblivion is a single player game and therefore didn't use this solution to solve a problem it didn't have.


Right now, everyone knows that Darlene is easy and glowy Darlene is not for playing around with. Why are you suggesting to scale the enemies so that a level 1 character can shoot glowies just like level100? That makes absolutely no sense and has nothing to do with my idea. I'm talking about scaling enemies so that the regularly encountered Darlene doesn't suddenly jump to level 100 for a level 1 player just because level 100 player is nearby. Also, scaling doesn't mean all or nothing like you seem to be implying.

Perhaps there aren't as many numbers in the alphabet you're trying to use?


Why are you so against a solution that solves one common scenario, but has zero impact on any other aspect of the game at any other time? Zero impact whatsoever. The numbers here would basically be "situationally aware" and provide a properly tailored experience for each player, not some ridiculous nerfed system that you are implying.


But as Madmole said, the game currently doesn't have this problem, so I hand this solution off to the modders and who ever brought it up in the first place.

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You seem to be confused or not reading correctly.


Oblivion is a single player game and therefore didn't use this solution to solve a problem it didn't have.


Right now, everyone knows that Darlene is easy and glowy Darlene is not for playing around with. Why are you suggesting to scale the enemies so that a level 1 character can shoot glowies just like level100? That makes absolutely no sense and has nothing to do with my idea. I'm talking about scaling enemies so that the regularly encountered Darlene doesn't suddenly jump to level 100 for a level 1 player just because level 100 player is nearby. Also, scaling doesn't mean all or nothing like you seem to be implying.

Perhaps there aren't as many numbers in the alphabet you're trying to use?


Why are you so against a solution that solves one common scenario, but has zero impact on any other aspect of the game at any other time? Zero impact whatsoever. The numbers here would basically be "situationally aware" and provide a properly tailored experience for each player, not some ridiculous nerfed system that you are implying.


But as Madmole said, the game currently doesn't have this problem, so I hand this solution off to the modders and who ever brought it up in the first place.


Scaling enemies with player levels works great for ARPGs where it is all about monster slaying and advancing to greater challenges. But tying it completely to the player level never really works. Oblivion and Fallout are obvious examples were certain enemies completely disappear from the world because the player levels up. Areas and zones should have levels of their own and the player level only adding a bit to that at most.


It is crazy that a player is getting stronger but enemies get stronger just as much fully negating the advancements the player made. Borderlands is a great example of when all zones start to scale with the player after finishing the story on normal mode. You level up and suddenly your weapon is crap and does not work anymore on the enemies you were killing easily before. It kind of works for that game but 7dtd is a survival game where you become stronger and at some point overcome threats. At some stage certain enemies should no longer pose a danger. But there should be zones or buildings you previously could not do because they were to strong and now can do.


But instead currently you can walz into a t5 building on day one and get only low level zombies because it scales to your level.

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If I could do it all over again I'd have thrown out the diggable terrain. Alpha 1 could have had static Unity terrain, a simple water plane, ran 30% better, used way less ram, console wouldn't have been so beat down, allowed faster vehicles, looked as good as 18's terrain does now, (Minus the Justin talent) and we wouldn't have wasted energy on mining, cave systems, multiple versions of trees, etc. Mining could have been mining POIs with respawning nuggets like rust/skyrim/subnautica with a nice model. We'd anger 10% and gain 200% new players that don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about deformable terrain and buggy water.


At some point we might release a static terrain option for 7 days just to see the performance gains. IMO most people would run it for the performance gains and better pvp, none of this wimpy underground base business, fight like a man like in TWD. You don't see those guys living in caves/mines.


What may have made us great has also slowed us down and kept us indy looking/performing. I think mining is ok but its not part of the secret sauce, we'd still have mining it just wouldn't be ugly 3d mining. At this point we'd kind of solved it mostly but it could have saved us a lot of time and headaches, allowing us to focus on cool stuff like we are able to now.


Glad you didn't, because there are plenty generic zombie shooters..

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I'm just saying they don't hide in mines.


That said, the writers are so stupid I cringe any more when there are obviously easy ways to survive. Like oh there's 100 walkers... big deal they are on the other side of the fence. Stand there and poke holes in their heads through the fence for 15 minutes, problem solved.



O huge problem with this doing this that you are creating a ramp for them. Each body you drop the next steps on them. Next thing you know they are climbing over the fence. Next you are doing is the thriller.

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Glad you didn't, because there are plenty generic zombie shooters..


Indeed there are. Look at this LIST


Look at which game is at the top of the list (Okay, that's a freebie)

....now, do a search for "voxel".

What sets 7D2D apart from the pack?....



It's not the l33t FPS content

or the deep RPG backdrop

or the colorful Graphix

or the unique story

or the endless hordes

or anything else but... "voxel".





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I started modding around start of A17, which is when i discovered it. I just see it as a little missed opportunity, that's all. If you're not aiming to add anything like that, surely modlets can take care of it if anyone will want it.


I did check through all enemies at the time and found a few discrepancies, like the one thing above, different xp for zombies with same hp (i think it should be the same, just saying) or specifically using stats from a "parent entity" (no parameter mentioned for an entity) and sometimes rewriting the same value (for example some parameters appearing with same numbers as from ZombieMale entity, on which other Zs are based).


It's not like it's a bug, because it all works. Simply seems a bit chaotic in the files. I'm sure cleaning up code and XMLs is for a later time, after all bugs are squished, so i'm not that much concerned about it. The time used for cleaning it could be used elsewhere, although adding damage detriments based on material zombies hit could be interesting.


I did some rebalancing recently of xp for zombies, but it already does and has been doing what you are asking for. Zombie use a weapon like zombie_hand_weak, feral, strong etc, with each one doing more block damage.

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My journey would come to an end without the mine craft aspect. 3250 hours for what it is worth. it simply isn't comething I could play the game without.


Agreed. Of the 232 games I have installed on my PC, 7DTD is my favorite one because it's like minecraft but with much better visuals. I know that they want a popular game but making it like all the other non-voxel shooters would suck. 2087 hours so far.

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I hope u are wrong and Till murders Fatstalum. No respect for Fatstalum at all.


To be fair the knee by Masvidal wasnt luck, it was planned all along, rehearsed over and over and executed perfectly.


While I agree Khabib is the best lightweight out there, his 28 or 29 wins consists of about 25 cans. His resume wasnt THAT good 4 years ago.


He was smashing DosAnjos 5 years ago, a guy who went on to be a title holder and is now doing well at welterweight. Tibau went on to win like 6 straight never getting any respect.


Masvidal's knee though, was some luck. I mean yes you could plan it, practice it for your whole life, but landing a flying knee perfect isn't easy, but to land it perfectly and get the KO in the first strike of the fight, will not happen again in probably 5-50 years :)


Gastalum has very good hands and he can wrestle, and the more you hit him, the more he turns it up. He's never been KO'd and he hasn't been TKO'd for a very long time. Till is in over his head and will get schooled. He couldn't even beat a gate keeper like the barbarian how's he going to handle a guy like Antonio Carlos Junior who gains about 80 pounds after the weigh ins lol.


Some of those middleweights are like 6'3 or 4 Till's fat ass needs to stay at 170 and work on his ground game and diet. He gets stupid and eats trash in the off season then can't make weight. He got arrested for trashing a hotel in south america. He's unprofessional and needs to grow up if he wants to succeed. He's not even a big welterweight, he's a bit above average, but he's going to be a tiny middleweight, too small of a frame. Theres beasts like Yoel and Costa lol, then rangy Adesanya, Till is just tired of cutting weight, he's not serious about fighting.

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That is very true. But like you said once upon a time (which I completely agree with), people are too sensitive these days. The newer generations especially (millennials, Gen Z, etc.)... Smh.


(Note: I am technically a late millennial myself, but I don't count myself as one, mentally. I'm just too darn bitter over my generation. Lol)


Natural selection will cure their condition. Suck it up buttercup is a great mantra I wish they could adopt. They aren't all bad, and all of us old timers aren't all that great, but yeah somewhere in the midst of those two mindsets is best. Like I worked away a lot of my life and missed out on some things, but was it worth it? Yes.

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Natural selection will cure their condition. Suck it up buttercup is a great mantra I wish they could adopt. They aren't all bad, and all of us old timers aren't all that great, but yeah somewhere in the midst of those two mindsets is best. Like I worked away a lot of my life and missed out on some things, but was it worth it? Yes.


Hard times create tough people, tough people create good times. Good times create weak people, who end up creating hard times. People are only as civilized as society requires them to be. One day, our society will reach great heights again, but currently, we are slowly beginning to approach the hard times created by the weak. I just sit back and let those people doing the tide pod challenge do their thing. At the end of the day, it's a question if raw strength will be the deciding factor in our species' future, or brain power, or adaptability, or a jack of all trades. Time will tell.


As long as you can look back on your life and not be full of regret and despair, that's a good life.

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Hard times create tough people, tough people create good times. Good times create weak people, who end up creating hard times. People are only as civilized as society requires them to be. One day, our society will reach great heights again, but currently, we are slowly beginning to approach the hard times created by the weak. I just sit back and let those people doing the tide pod challenge do their thing. At the end of the day, it's a question if raw strength will be the deciding factor in our species' future, or brain power, or adaptability, or a jack of all trades. Time will tell.


As long as you can look back on your life and not be full of regret and despair, that's a good life.


I regret believing most of the ♥♥♥♥ that I was told while a child/teenager about how the world worked, and I despair of our ability to turn things around before that coming hard time you speak of really hits. I expect to live long enough to see the start of it, at least.

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