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Running for K-9's is futile


Wrong. All you have to do is break line of sight using whatever obstacles you can find (Buildings/large stone outcroppings are best) and then change direction. They will path to the last place they saw you and you're home-free.

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will the flame trap ever be implemented? or maybe a flamethrower type turret? the molotov we have now is ok ..but to be honest they suck since most of the time they hit the edge of the bars even if you see the sights right on the zombie and you think oh ok that's where it is going and nope you become the human torch.

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You mean a visual aid? Ew. Just no. :)


Game already has too many cartoony elements...


Most aaa games with throwables have had them for ages... all the farcry games have them. as all the assassins creed games. For open long distance throws it isn't an issue, but for tight spots like MM tossing them into an opening, you just need them. I think 2 or 3 hit the edge because he couldn't gauge getting them through the opening, which renders them worthless in that situation.


Having at least a perk available for it satisfies both types of players.. just perk into it if you want it.


(Of course watching MM fail without having it IS far more entertaining....lol!)

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I like that you are going to more builder friendly UI with radial and help blocks instead of having to craft a ton of shapes only to find out you have 100 corners when you needed 100 ramp frames :)


also the variable stats on weapons is cool that will up the trading and selling in the game. PS: I still see very little use of player vending machines at traders. need a better system like if I use one my loot can show up at multiple traders or something like WOW did with the cross-faction auction house maybe.

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Most aaa games with throwables have had them for ages... all the farcry games have them. as all the assassins creed games. For open long distance throws it isn't an issue, but for tight spots like MM tossing them into an opening, you just need them. I think 2 or 3 hit the edge because he couldn't gauge getting them through the opening, which renders them worthless in that situation.


Having at least a perk available for it satisfies both types of players.. just perk into it if you want it.


(Of course watching MM fail without having it IS far more entertaining....lol!)

Only games available on consoles have those systems. You will not find them in any older, pre console era games. Look at UT or quake to see how that still works fine, specially quake, which has a whole sub-game based on precisely thrown grenades

Or UT, with the translocators. With a bit of skill, you could pull off amazing maneuvers, all without any visual aids.

They are not required in my opinion, they are a system invented to combat the inadequacy of controllers for this kind of game.


I vote against visible throwing aids. They are for the weak and lazy :')

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Only games available on consoles have those systems. You will not find them in any older, pre console era games. Look at UT or quake to see how that still works fine, specially quake, which has a whole sub-game based on precisely thrown grenades

Or UT, with the translocators. With a bit of skill, you could pull off amazing maneuvers, all without any visual aids.

They are not required in my opinion, they are a system invented to combat the inadequacy of controllers for this kind of game.


I vote against visible throwing aids. They are for the weak and lazy :')


I dont have a dog in this fight because I don't care one way or the other about this but you last remark sort of gave me an itch.

You probably didn't mean it as a dig but it came off as one. When someone makes a suggestion and someone else comments that it is "for the weak and lazy" well that doesn't seem right to me. They have their opinion and ,yes you have yours too but remarks like that can lead to flame wars. Just saying. A18 being so close it making us all twitch but at least we can still be civil about discussions.

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I believe you misinterpreted his question. He said a lot of zombie drop bags had despawned before you could get to them. Any thoughts on this?


they are not indestructible... it could have been because of grenade radius, traps, zombie damage or he accidentally shooting them in a cluster of zombies.


i just finished my day 49 and all my z-bags but 1 survived... that one got wasted because zombie died at blade trap and blade took it out. :)

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interesting design, curious which is faster them running past the pressure plate or the dart hitting them and not the other dart trap, that will bear some watching. Also, crawlers and dogs and spiders will make the traps target each other, blowing them out as they are.


should have put a hatch every third bar above it tho, for repairs and looting unless you have a master switch for the pressure plates to turn them off for when you go by?


- - - Updated - - -




but are they ai'd like boars where if you get to close or attacke, they then go after you, or are they ai'd like wolves, where they see you they attack?


I ask because I have personally walked up on cougars and coyotes in the wild. they stared, but when I backed up or turned slightly away, they left me alone.


The hatches just cover my relays so I can walk on it. You can repair them from the top they are part of the walkway. There is a master switch in my base.

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Madmole, put a single line of electric fence along the passage (knee deep), it will slow them down and dart traps will have a chance to hit them.


Wouldn't that break their pathing if an obstruction is there? Or do zombies just walk through electric fences? I need to get in and out myself, so a fence seems like it would stop me from that.

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Any chance we can set up a cage match between a cougar and a spider zombie? :) And please let the coyotes chase the chickens and never catch them...maybe some random fake tunnels painted on walls? :)


JK I can't wait to play this alpha. those grenades look like a frickin blast. I feel like those helper blocks are really assisting MM in making multiple horde bases in a short amount of time...so you got that goin' for ya'.


My base is 95% cubes, so not really IMO. They are still nice though. There are only r concrete shapes, but concrete seems to have a lot of shapes yet. SHould get that fixed but we might overhaul the whole thing anyway so it might be a waste of time.

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wont work as is, pressure plates are in the way


It already works well a screamer came to see what was going on and her and her minions mostly died, I only fired a few assist rounds and that was with only a few on one side online, once the other side goes online it should work well.

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The problem is spawning stuff in the wild has no game staging so you can't be too brutal, at least not until we can make players only spawn in the forest. I can add some feral/rad dogs at some point.

Logical, as usual. On the other hand, it would be interesting to increase the hit points of animals (including harmless animals) according to the level of difficulty. When I play in extreme difficulty, animals should be more difficult to kill, as are zombies. But hey, it's not that important. Forget it : just release A18 :strawberry:

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Running for K-9's is futile


The reason I say this is that K-9's are faster and will out run you. Also you can not fight back when you turn your back to them.

OFC if they are a distance away and you can jump up on a car or something then by all means do so. But if they closed that gap then you may want to hammer them. Otherwise, they will just take chunks out of your backside till you drop.


In a pinch you could go around a tree to give yourself a few seconds but most trees and things are too spread out to do it right.


So if some K-9's jump you, fight. You might win.

AFAIK nothing is faster than a player unless your encumbered or out of stamina.

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