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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Submitted two more. ;)


Nahhh. I'll do all the cooking. Just make sure you have perked into "Iron Belly". ;)


Omg I couldn't stop laughing at your suggestion of Painted Creamed Corn and it's benefit 😂😂😂


Just a thought on traps, I wonder if the pimps could work in more oil based traps, including:


- Combustible liquid (perhaps oil and petrol (gasoline) that could be dispersed over the ground and ignited with a fire arrow or molotov to create a flame wall or local 5 or 6 block area of burning.


- An oil mixture with something like cornstarch which could be dispersed over the ground (again, 5 to 6 blocks) to slow enemies down. I know some may cry 'Barbed wire!' - but that is one block and also hurts the player.


I'm talking about a way to slow them without damaging them and without a structure so that dart traps won't mess with the object (that's if dart traps can damage barbed wire, which to be honest, I have no idea. Could someone confirm?)


[Yes, I'm looking at you, Sage :p ]

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Omg I couldn't stop laughing at your suggestion of Painted Creamed Corn and it's benefit ������


Just a thought on traps, I wonder if the pimps could work in more oil based traps, including:


- Combustible liquid (perhaps oil and petrol (gasoline) that could be dispersed over the ground and ignited with a fire arrow or molotov to create a flame wall or local 5 or 6 block area of burning.


- An oil mixture with something like cornstarch which could be dispersed over the ground to slow enemies down. I know some may cry 'Barbed wire!' - but that is one block and also hurts the player.


I'm talking about a way to slow them without damaging them and without a structure so that dart traps won't mess with the object (that's if dart traps can damage barbed wire, which to be honest, I have no idea. Could someone confirm?)


[Yes, I'm looking at you, Sage :p ]


You think that is good? Read the "Shamway Special". It's one hell of a sandwich. :D (Just edited it.)


Well, we do know that oil will be an ingredient in traps in A18... But it would be cool if we could dispense oil onto the ground, and then light it on fire with a flaming arrow. ;D


Good ideas though!


(Answer: No idea. :p)

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You think that is good? Read the "Shamway Special". It's one hell of a sandwich. :D (Just edited it.)


Well, we do know that oil will be an ingredient in traps in A18... But it would be cool if we could dispense oil onto the ground, and then light it on fire with a flaming arrow. ;D


Good ideas though!


(Answer: No idea. :p)


I hope the devs get wind of it. It would be nice to have something else to do with oil and it may also ease some of the molotov frustration, if they fix the burning arrow from blocking your target when aiming.


It would also be useful in your kill corridors (as well as the slowdown juice) - though the fire damage against concrete would have to be removed.


And yeah, about that Shamway Special.


After eating one of those you wouldn't have to worry about getting sick ever again. Corpses don't get infections 😏


*Looks out of the window at the 8 big Mommas and 3 Nurses on their way over...*


Erm... about my last point... 😐

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Is this an invitation? XP


(Responding to most recent comment):


I'm honestly wondering how molotovs hold up in A18?


I can just imagine what would be written on your playmates tombstone.


'Here lies Jimmy.


Survived the zombie apocalypse, couldn't survive Sage's kitchen.'




I think MadMole may have mentioned something about a throw adjustment due to the complaints of people setting themselves ablaze - my memory isn't as good as it should be but I could have sworn there was something done... 🙄

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I can just imagine what would be written on your playmates tombstone.


'Here lies Jimmy.


Survived the zombie apocalypse, couldn't survive Sage's kitchen.'




I think MadMole may have mentioned something about a throw adjustment due to the complaints of people setting themselves ablaze - my memory isn't as good as it should be but I could have sworn there was something done... ��


Kitchen. Apocalypse. Same thing. ;) That's how you take over a faction. You become their cook and you slowly and "accidentally" poison them to death. :p


Hey, as long as they fix collision hitboxes, I'll be a happy bunny. (: (Shooting an arrow through a doorway and have it be stopped by an invisible force field is... Ehh... *Shakes hand*)

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Kitchen. Apocalypse. Same thing. ;) That's how you take over a faction. You become their cook and you slowly and "accidentally" poison them to death. :p


Hey, as long as they fix collision hitboxes, I'll be a happy bunny. (: (Shooting an arrow through a doorway and have it be stopped by an invisible force field is... Ehh... *Shakes hand*)


I couldn't give you a bigger +1 if I tried re: collision and hitboxes. Spot on.


I'm suspicious of you... if you aren't a vigilante then I'd say you're working for the Duke 🙄


I wonder also since physics is getting or has gotten a spruce up if physics based traps could be a thing, like a dead fall swinging log trap or some spring loaded block to fire the zombies back over your walls 😁

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My new gauntlet trap, seems to work ok already with most of one side loaded. Getting 500 darts per trap minimum is some grinding. No luck finding any SMG to build any more turrets.


interesting design, curious which is faster them running past the pressure plate or the dart hitting them and not the other dart trap, that will bear some watching. Also, crawlers and dogs and spiders will make the traps target each other, blowing them out as they are.


should have put a hatch every third bar above it tho, for repairs and looting unless you have a master switch for the pressure plates to turn them off for when you go by?


- - - Updated - - -


Coyotes are small dogs.


Cougars are very fast and can leap.


but are they ai'd like boars where if you get to close or attacke, they then go after you, or are they ai'd like wolves, where they see you they attack?


I ask because I have personally walked up on cougars and coyotes in the wild. they stared, but when I backed up or turned slightly away, they left me alone.

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Coyotes are small dogs.


Cougars are very fast and can leap.


Any chance we can set up a cage match between a cougar and a spider zombie? :) And please let the coyotes chase the chickens and never catch them...maybe some random fake tunnels painted on walls? :)


JK I can't wait to play this alpha. those grenades look like a frickin blast. I feel like those helper blocks are really assisting MM in making multiple horde bases in a short amount of time...so you got that goin' for ya'.

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That is what I'm saying the old glitchy dogs were crazy hard and I still took down 19 with a club. Now they are nothing compared to the old glitchy dogs so I wanted to make them tougher but got some resistance on the topic.


Make them a threat. To stumble into and be devoured by a pack of dogs sucks, but to survive or spot and barely avoid them is exciting. Maybe add audio cues like howling that have a %chance to trigger? Edit: they might do that already...

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I start questing immediately so I have an expendable income and buy ammo and find mines ASAP so I have all the ammo I need. All you need is a choke point and feed them melee one at a time, numbers are irrelevant then. Like they say in Skyrim "Only a fool lets himself get surrounded".


Anyhow you guys should know


That's ok Madmole. We won't talk about how you suddenly ran away from them screaming like a little girl. ;)

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My new gauntlet trap, seems to work ok already with most of one side loaded. Getting 500 darts per trap minimum is some grinding. No luck finding any SMG to build any more turrets.


Pro tip. Put the dart traps behind arrow slit blocks to protect them from getting damaged.

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I saw that the dye saturation was lowered. Would it be possible to instead just use one dye icon and like the paint brush select a color and saturation level? Maybe even just open up all the textures to be available? Once selected you just drop it in the slot and you're good to go. I rather like the higher saturation. My hot pink fire ax was the bomb.


(*I know xml guys, there's always that option)

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Bones are so common I'd never go to the dog poi for some, animals and vultures attack me all the time and I get their bones. I think I had 250 glue a while back.

In A17 vultures don't give bones... has this changed?

If yes it would be kind of useful now that I think of it, especially if you live in the wasteland.

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Running for K-9's is futile


The reason I say this is that K-9's are faster and will out run you. Also you can not fight back when you turn your back to them.

OFC if they are a distance away and you can jump up on a car or something then by all means do so. But if they closed that gap then you may want to hammer them. Otherwise, they will just take chunks out of your backside till you drop.


In a pinch you could go around a tree to give yourself a few seconds but most trees and things are too spread out to do it right.


So if some K-9's jump you, fight. You might win.

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No they are super busy you guys have no idea what is coming.



Ok, first you hinted about a big reveal a few days ago no one picked up on, and now this.


The graphic guys are obviously knee deep in a surprise something...is it for 18 or 19? (I'm hoping its a big a18 surprise. ;) )


You've already said you weren't updating the current zombies, so its not that. Since they've been really hitting pois hard, I'm guessing its poi or possibly sub biome related since thats a thing now.


You already said dilapidated smaller pois were added so thats not a surprise.


You also said no new clean textures, so nope on that count.


I'm hoping maybe a few new skyscrapers, new underground pois, or above ground non building pois.


Any hints??

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Bones are so common I'd never go to the dog poi for some, animals and vultures attack me all the time and I get their bones. I think I had 250 glue a while back.


Should a vulture have viable bones? Bird bones are light and weak, and vultures are already feather delivery systems... Maybe take bones out of the harvest?

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