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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Yes, I would like to make common colds a thing for people who are getting the cold debuff too long, and then make players sneeze and wake up zombies and make an AOE buff that makes their friends sick, just to see the social dynamics. "Dude get away from me your sick" lol.


LOL I'ts a Zombie survival game ... if your friend is sick and making too much noise and attracting zombies, kill him and feed him to the zombies and escape while they eat him.

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Just because you can break any block doesn't mean you can't have fun things that are useful. What if you are early in the game and it takes 3 mins to break the safe?



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Heya TFP. Was curious about the stealth aspect. I miss the old system where if you were spotted (really good for behind "notices") then it would show "detected". I understand the new way, but thats more of a "you could be detected" if you were making noise/near lightsource, etc. Question is have y'all decided on method?

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Do we really need another sledgehammer?

I get that its stone and to be crafted but seems redundant, variety would be better.


I’d rather see a crowbar. T1 Heavy weapon, breaks doors and safes, still not as powerful as Sledgehammer when killing zeds, but faster swing.


Hatchet. Katana. Baseball Bat.

I believe for a zombie game they are must haves.

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We punted on the flamethrower for now but as of now it looks like:



How about airport POI(s)? Good place to find gyro and other vehicle parts? Don't need to be major metro airports, but small regional 1-2 hanger airports with a single landing strip. Anyway, just an idea.

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I think most people would agree the following are true statements:

1.) Finding gun parts and not whole guns was stupid. It was merely a gamey mechanic to slow players down from getting great firearms too soon.

2.) Teaching new players how to assemble, repair guns or parts was confusing.

3.) Mods that don't do damage are largely uninteresting.

4.) The current system at its core is fine, its way better than repairing individual parts (clunky AF)

5.) It just needs some sort of random ranges and it could be interesting


Given the context of those mostly true statements you can see how we fell on the design we did. Fallout 4 has all sorts of gun mods and the only ones worth a crap are the ones that increase damage and the scopes. I just don't see how to make enough interesting mods without getting too gamey "adds extra damage to super mutants", again, its even damage and its totally meh. All you go for in Fallout is the incendiary legendary weapons and its game over. At the end of the day damage is the main thing players are after and we didn't want 5 damage mods and 100 meh mods.


To be honest for me all 5 points are false.


1. Was not stupid and made sense that people also find Gunparts and not only assembled Guns. Also its not bad slowing people down to have on day 2 a Safe full of Guns cause it seems every House, Dungeon, Store was the last base for a Group of Soldiers.


2. Really? Dont think so we had no Issues on our Server with Gun Parts and new Players , was easy to explain and not really confusing . ok possible it is confusing for the "new" gamers this people only know how to play Social Games on a Smartphone or in Facebook.


3. Really? To be honest for me its the most stupid thing that every mod also if its only a different color add Damage to a Weapon that makes no sense and i would call it a really Easy and Lazy Way to have Weapon Mods withouth really thinking about it.


4. Also with parts there would be no need to Repair part by part. Part is broken so repair the gun not the part or exchange the part with a not broken one. The Current System i would not really call it fine it works yes but fine for me woudl be with parts with quality values so a Gun Quality gets up or down with the quality of the parts.


5. Random Ranges? You talk about random ranges for the damage values? if yes then no it does not need that to become interersting.


To make Weapons mods really interesting it would need more as only Damage DAmage Damage and more Damage for each Mod.

it woudl need mods with differnt effects.

Mod 1 woudl raise Damage

Mod 2 would give better handling

Mod 3 would give higher range but reduce Damage

Mod 4 ......


This would make Mods for Weapons interesting and People would have to think a little bit which Mods they add or craft for the different Weapons in this game.


Before i bought this game some years ago i read about it and thought its really a nice Game with some great ideas . The Game is still nice but it the great Ideas for me it looks like this great ideas more and more are removed from the game to make it more and more like a Skyrim, Fallout or Ark Game with Zombies and voxels.

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I'm with madmole and his changes



None of my gamer group would touch the game until the 'gun parts' system was removed

It was completely un-fun for new players joining into a server, as it simply took too long, and they ended up with way, WAY too much random items they had no use for, or no idea how to use. We ended up admin-cheating weapons in for players because it was just so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ed annoying, we have lives and jobs and the time requirement was just too damn steep for the 'basic' combat in the game.


3. unless they added something useful or added DPS, no one cares. Sights? awesome. Flaming mod? awesome (When it doesnt block your aim!)

Laser sight that clashes with the flashlight and doesnt seem to do anything? instant scrap.


4. Totally agreed with, current system is much better balanced, and easy to understand for all players. High level players can craft items with more durability, repair kits are costly, so 'junk' items *THAT STILL DO THE SAME DAMAGE* are worth keeping until they wear out, for most of the game

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I'm with madmole and his changes



None of my gamer group would touch the game until the 'gun parts' system was removed

It was completely un-fun for new players joining into a server, as it simply took too long, and they ended up with way, WAY too much random items they had no use for, or no idea how to use. We ended up admin-cheating weapons in for players because it was just so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ed annoying, we have lives and jobs and the time requirement was just too damn steep for the 'basic' combat in the game.


3. unless they added something useful or added DPS, no one cares. Sights? awesome. Flaming mod? awesome (When it doesnt block your aim!)

Laser sight that clashes with the flashlight and doesnt seem to do anything? instant scrap.


4. Totally agreed with, current system is much better balanced, and easy to understand for all players. High level players can craft items with more durability, repair kits are costly, so 'junk' items *THAT STILL DO THE SAME DAMAGE* are worth keeping until they wear out, for most of the game


And thats the interesting thing , you say none of your gamer group would touch teh game until gunparts system was removed.

The people who play on my server and also others in my Friendlist hate that gunparts system is gone and wish it would come back.


and exactly thats the reason why i think it would be great if the pimps simply keep both systems and add a toggle in the server xml files and client menu for sp games. Or offer a way to add back this gunpart system with modding, cause currently you can add back gun parts as parts for crafting but gun quality stil has nothing to do with the part quality.

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I think most people would agree the following are true statements:

1.) Finding gun parts and not whole guns was stupid. It was merely a gamey mechanic to slow players down from getting great firearms too soon.

2.) Teaching new players how to assemble, repair guns or parts was confusing.

3.) Mods that don't do damage are largely uninteresting.

4.) The current system at its core is fine, its way better than repairing individual parts (clunky AF)

5.) It just needs some sort of random ranges and it could be interesting


Given the context of those mostly true statements you can see how we fell on the design we did. Fallout 4 has all sorts of gun mods and the only ones worth a crap are the ones that increase damage and the scopes. I just don't see how to make enough interesting mods without getting too gamey "adds extra damage to super mutants", again, its even damage and its totally meh. All you go for in Fallout is the incendiary legendary weapons and its game over. At the end of the day damage is the main thing players are after and we didn't want 5 damage mods and 100 meh mods.


In outraging community, i think No


1.) Finding gun parts is not stupid, it gives reason for exploration and rarity of guns. In older version you can find whole guns too and gives the feeling of rare reward exploration. (SATISFACTION)


2.) YES, because my first time playing the game is very confusing. Idont know what to do or why i craft this item and what does it do? The game is lacking in tutorial and i think no one read the journal even me, idont read it cuz its confusing too. Tutorial should pop up when crafting or picked up a rare item like guns and tell you what does this item do and why you make it or how to assemble or repair it. (Example; when picking a gun schematics there a pop up that tells you what does item do). Tutorial overhaul is a huge help not only for the game for new players too. Like me.


3.) Mods that do damage make no sense and its laughable its stupid. Mods have there own functions. Like grips that improved handling and sights that improved accuracy. You know how weapon attachements works. Dont make the community stupid, most of the community are hardcore player or even play PUBG not just a bunch of kids. If some people want DPS add quality damage or bullets like green tip bullet and incendiary ammo etc.


4.)Yes its fine but why repairing parts when you can repair the whole gun even in older version. You just making it hard for yourself to repair each part. You just making bad reasons.


5.) Random Ranges? If your talking about effective ranges of each gun that would be cool its more realistic. Just make it balanced i dont like using shotguns for sniping.



A little realism to the game is not bad. But too much magical like the paint mod would end up like harry potter LoL. (i think that paint is from hogwarts)




BTW. Thank you for your awesomeness MM!

Im hyped in A18. The flamethrower, turrets, knuckles and other features. HYPED I hope you add wooden at steel baseball bat i want character be like that the walking dead guy with the baseball bat with bired wire who smashes heads(i forgot his name) he is in TEKKEN now. That would be so COOL!!!


Thank you MM and TFP


Keep up the work!!!

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I miss the old POIs. I like the new dungeon POIs, but not the way it currently is. Makes no sense really, sure some places being like that is fine. I think it's silly for 90% of the POIs to be like that though, since many folks would simply run away from the zed zones. I see the dungeon POIs as a place that was once inhabited by survivors who gathered together, and put traps and blockades to stop/slow zombies. We come along to find everyone has been turned or died, and so we clear it out and get all the loot we can carry. The old POIs were like homes and places that were abandoned in a mad dash rush for military protected shelters. Then there's bomb shelters and bunkers, which were hidden from plain sigh to avoid detection. Underground government facilities, cant forget those. These places werent really a maze to get into, just really well barricaded. Unfortinately, the survivors within died. Maybe illness, maybe someone who hid their infection until they turned on the others?


I just feel that a careful mixture of non-dungeon and dungeon style POIs is something to look forward to, for immersion. I already know why survivor camps have no survivors lol! The zombies walked in through the giant holes in their walls, they should have blocked up the crossbars on the side.

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new gas masks it would be his relive the suit of materials dangerous the suit has been forgotten it is an apocalipse that's why they need gas masks and armor and how about a subway station as a base or bunker

fabulous work follow if this is my favorite game

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I think most people would agree the following are true statements:

1.) Finding gun parts and not whole guns was stupid. It was merely a gamey mechanic to slow players down from getting great firearms too soon.

2.) Teaching new players how to assemble, repair guns or parts was confusing.

3.) Mods that don't do damage are largely uninteresting.

4.) The current system at its core is fine, its way better than repairing individual parts (clunky AF)

5.) It just needs some sort of random ranges and it could be interesting


Given the context of those mostly true statements you can see how we fell on the design we did. Fallout 4 has all sorts of gun mods and the only ones worth a crap are the ones that increase damage and the scopes. I just don't see how to make enough interesting mods without getting too gamey "adds extra damage to super mutants", again, its even damage and its totally meh. All you go for in Fallout is the incendiary legendary weapons and its game over. At the end of the day damage is the main thing players are after and we didn't want 5 damage mods and 100 meh mods.


1 - That's your entire game design though; you're already preventing players from doing feats, from finding good loot and from fighting hard creatures, so your argument isn't really consistent with the rest of the game. =) That being said, I'm fine with parts being taken out, but NOT quality levels. And sure, sure, yes we have quality levels, but they mean /nothing/ without mods, and by the time you can make/use mods you can make the weapons to USE them, so it's a wash. There is zero excitement level. You removed an entire mechanic ("real" quality) for the sake of what net gain? Mods would have been an interesting value add, but they're worthless as a replacement system. And yeh, you got a borderlands guy, so it's easy to see where you're going with this, but in the interim it's pretty "meh".


2 - Not too much confusion over that one; it was just like literally every other recipe.


3 - That's simply not true. Like, even a little bit.


4 - Agreed, at least on the repairing parts issue. We still repair items, so I don't know where you're going with that... hell I never need a new stone axe, I just use up a rock on the same one from day 1 to day 1000.


5 - Agreed, that would be an interesting thing to add, but a lot of times you guys "add" things, you're also taking something away, so the net gain of 0 is frustrating to your current player base.


...also, you don't get to say "given that everything I said is true" in a debate. =) Here, let me try: "Given everything I said is factual, you should design the game how I want it to be designed". See? Not a great argument. =)


And God, please will someone put a filter on the word "fallout" for the forum? I'm pretty sure I bought 7 Days to Die, not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, and it was a very fun game until it started trying to replicate ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Now it's just a clone of a bunch of other games that don't mesh well together.

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Hey Madmole !

Are you fortunately going to add flamethrower into A18?

Any new traps, generators or mechanisms? Seems like electricity needs attention from a16.




No we gave fortitude automatic weapons so the flamethrower idea is on hold.

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Except cold temperatures don't give you the common cold.


Yeah sure, tell that to the millions of grandma's that tell us to bundle up or we'll catch a cold. A runny nose from being in lower temperatures can happen, and you have germs on your hand you wipe your nose and boom, infected. So while the temperature isn't directly related to catching a cold, the runny nose from being cold opens up the gateways to catching stuff.

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Your statement is a huge pile of misinformation mixed with some prejudices and self doubts. It's ok. Due to the lack of Official statements from TFP (I'm talking about Steam) and several badly timed posts along with some poison from the community and

lack of reasuring console posts (which are needed now and then) your opinion turns into a 10% valid one.


My advise though, is to praise them. The are the worst marketing guys I've ever seen but also the most honest, resilient, true to their values and communicative of all game developers (specially inside this forum) to walk the face of earth, and these days that's a good thing.


I mean it, just stay for a while. You might not like some ideas at first, but the game WILL have npcs eventually, WILL have campaign, random weapons, a better random gen, better dissapearing Zs, better quests, more hard POIs, easy POIs,tall POis, optimization,... better everything. It might still take close to two more years to complete but, above all that you will enjoy some future alphas and as for the game, it WON'T be abandoned.


How do I know all that? By lurking in here and reading.


Oh, and one more thing, learn by doing was a grindfest ("drops C4 and runs away in the distance").

Thank you for the support. Whats wrong with some old school tell it like it is honest truth? Beats snake oil marketing IMO.

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Heya TFP. Was curious about the stealth aspect. I miss the old system where if you were spotted (really good for behind "notices") then it would show "detected". I understand the new way, but thats more of a "you could be detected" if you were making noise/near lightsource, etc. Question is have y'all decided on method?


The new way is the way. There are perks that will notify you of danger you can buy though.

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Do we really need another sledgehammer?

I get that its stone and to be crafted but seems redundant, variety would be better.


I’d rather see a crowbar. T1 Heavy weapon, breaks doors and safes, still not as powerful as Sledgehammer when killing zeds, but faster swing.


Hatchet. Katana. Baseball Bat.

I believe for a zombie game they are must haves.


Obviously you missed the memo about having three tiers of every weapon class. Stone sledge craftable in the first minute of the game will be good for sledge players. Now go file those TPS reports this Sunday at 8 am.

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