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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Take solace that you have yet dug into your own leg in this game ๐Ÿ˜‰
  2. Clearly it was meant to be a distraction from the farming changes that were made in Alpha 20. But it failed obviously ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. What mods are you using? Are you using any custom POIs? Did you happen to Alt-Tab out and pull up Task Manager to see how much RAM was currently in use? You can try going into the 7D2D/Data/Config folder and delete the rwgmixer file and have Steam re-verify the files (it will download a new one). Sometimes a file gets corrupted during download and this allows you to only download what you need Also, have you tried going into the launcher and deleted all the old saved data?
  4. Possible player profile corruption. Have you tried to see if you can log onto a different server? If you can (log onto another server), your profile on the server you can join would have to be deleted for you to rejoin.
  5. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ctmU1eMhVZYoUXCZtFijnbboLQ2r8FIj_D-Ui6b6YHU/edit#gid=0 That is the current list of known bugs (meaning verified by the TFP staff)
  6. It changed for Alpha 20. You now have a 50% chance of regaining one seed for each plant you harvest and you have to replant each time. Not sure how you missed the big thread in the General Discussions area on this very topic ๐Ÿ˜‰
  7. Currently I am using the following: JaxTeller's Harsher Death and Food Penalties, 2x increase spawning rate Khaine's HP bars and wandering hordes My own modlet that I am currently testing / modifying that removes recipe unlocks via progression, nerfs T0 equipment, reduces the chances of finding Q3Plus equipment in loot, makes changes to traders (only Q6 equipment at higher prices, different hours of operation), and brought back Q6 crafting (requires a new perk to spend points into as I nerfed the other perks to T1-Q3, T2-Q2, T3-Q1 max).
  8. It is up to TFP how long they want to be in Alpha. We purchased the game knowing it was in Alpha with no released date stated; but they have constantly updated the game since 2013 and pushing for final release after a few more development cycles. While it has been a long time, 3k+ hours means it has been money well spent on my part. As theFlu mentioned, using pipe weapons have benefits in the early game. Having a pipe pistol on my toolbelt allowed me to unload into a zombie when I was low on health and waiting on stamina to recharge. It was the only thing that saved me at that point. Just because some people find them useless doesn't make it universal. I been enjoying having those pipe weapons early game to use the ammo I have been finding to get out of sticky situations. If you don't want the pipe weapons, journey into the harder biomes to get your loot stage to jump up faster and you will start to find T1 weapons.
  9. Yes, it looks like clean installs of Windows 11 from OEMs come with something called virtualization based security on default and gaming systems were seeing as much as 30% drop in performance in some cases. If you upgrade to Win11 from Win10, that feature is disabled by default.
  10. Thatโ€™s faatalโ€™s new zombie AI workingโ€ฆ.they get smarter nowโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ..
  11. I made some changes to the trader times and loving it. Day 1 slowly make my time into town and reach the trader at 1600 hours only for him to close shop (I set Hugh to be 0400 to 1600. If I had found Jen instead, she would have still been open as her hours are 0800 to 2000. It does make a difference in how you manage your time since they open/close at different times and not opened as long. Asking people not to promote hatred is not censorship, itโ€™s called decency.
  12. Can you post the video settings of the game?
  13. You may have been the fastest, but unholyjoe definitely gets top marks for presentation ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. In the items xml file, there is the following effects group on the bows and knives <effect_group name="sneak damage bonus"> That sets up the bonus damage those weapons have while crouched. The other weapons don't have that effect group so you would need to add it to those items if you want them to have a bonus stealth attack damage.
  15. My modlet changed T0 equipment, including switching the ammo types of the pipe pistol and pipe machine gun. Updated loot tables for higher 44 cal drops early game also.
  16. This is a good thread on explaining xpath for 7D2D
  17. Your syntax is not correct. Append is adding those lines (and it is not adding in the right location). What you want is set <set xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier1_buried_supplies']/objective[@type='TreasureChest']/property[@name='default_radius']/@value">3</set>
  18. Itโ€™s not broken, just random. Day 9 and I got a beaker. I havenโ€™t found a workstation schematic or a cement mixer yet which are some items I want. I have no need of a chemistry station this early in the game. A beaker is not a must have early in the game, just like the crucible.
  19. If you are having an issue, it is best if you post your log files in pastebin. Null referenced errors can mean lots of things, so troubleshooting your issue will require more details.
  20. For every thug, there is a crawler that is around 80 hp, slow, and worth 400 xp. I think it balances out in the end.
  21. The issue that there is today is that there is only one cabinet lootcontainer in the game so it shares the same lootgroups no matter where you find it. I had the same idea, but when I started looking deeper in the code, that jumped out at me.
  22. Learning something new everyday.
  23. yeah, this is why I go into my configDump folder and look to see what my code is actually doing to the file. That was how I found out one of my lines of code was modifying power attacks when I didn't want it to.
  24. Ask and you shall receive Add this into your items.xml file <config> <remove xpath="/items/item/effect_group/passive_effect[(@name='EntityDamage') and (@operation='perc_add') and not(@tier='2,6') and not(@tags='secondary')]"/> </config> This targets the random entity damage modifier but doesn't touch the perk tier bonus or the power attack entity damage bonus you get for each weapon. This one took me a little longer to figure out how to make the change to all weapons without affecting the tier bonus or the power attack bonus.
  25. It really depends on where you are at. I didn't have a forge for my first Day 7 horde so I made mine out of wood bars and upgraded to cobblestone by Day 14. I personally prefer the progression from wood as I can upgrade them over time as I need to; plus having concrete between iron and steel is a nice option to have when I just need them to be a bit stronger than iron bars, but not wanting to invest in the forged steel yet.
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