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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. I just hope there will be 2 variants for each set. Not wearing heavy armor ever is basically the only thing that is true for all my playtroughs. For like 99% of all my playtime i used light armor. Only on very special occasions with really crazy POI`s from compopack i used heavy armor. Actually just 2 POI´s. If they force me to use heavy armor in order to not have a disadvantage by not using it, i can just hope that mods will take care of that problem. But i might be the minority here. When announced it looked like some sets where light and some heavy armor. Really hope that changed meanwhile. I really dislike the removal of clothing. I was actually hoping for more variety in future alphas, right now everyone looks the same. And with the sets, style goes out the window as everyone will wear what he can to get the best advantages. Wich will lead to the outfit jugglery. Wich sounds pretty annoying and tedious. One one hand they always say people who min/max their gamestyle do ruin their own fun, on the other hand they make a armor system that promotes exactly that playstyle. It´s weird.
  2. The Jarl Estate could easily be a T3. It was my first quest in the new playtrough. A ton of enemies, 2 with over 1000+ HP a bunch with 500+ HP. No way that´s a T1. NMM Cave01 could be T4 instead of T3. More than enough enemies, hard enough due to many archers. Maybe i can try to build a T4 during July or i can extract the castle our builder is working on at the moment as a POI and adapt it so it fits for T4. Should be room enough for enemies. Regarding spoilage, our miner/builder/farmer/cook is under constant stress due to this. It´s tedious af. Propably not a problem in SP but in MP you propably need two cooks now. There is a few workarounds, like having a cue full of food in the stoves/campfire that you only turn on if you need to eat, same for the meat grinder, if things are in the cue, they don´t spoil. But that´s cheesy af tbh, not happy with that solution. And yeah, honey doesn´t spoil.
  3. @playlessNamer Yeah, but if they die from falling you literally just need to dig a hole. No ressources, traps, ammo or anything else needed and you don´t need to repair anything at all. @RipClaw 99% sure that this will be made impossible if they know about it. Wich they now do propably.
  4. @hotpoon Fall damage beeing deadly for zombies makes bloodmoon a joke. You could just sit there and watch them falling to death. You just need to make sure they fall high enough. That´s it. No more danger during horde night. Not even repairs needed.
  5. Nah, taking them out really is no option. Gotta live with it i guess. It´s not like we die constantly from them. And there is a patch for sorcery mod already? Still testing i guess?
  6. It would be the logical things that snowballs melt (spoil). But gameplay wise you narrow down the positions of where people would want to live on a map. Pretty much everyone would want to live near or in the snow biome. Salt is a good idea. Smoking would also be an option for meat. Vinegar for vegetables maybe, you can make vinegar from things that are in game already. Potatoes, beer and honey.
  7. Just tried the latest github version and t saw food spoiling for the first time. Every other game that has food spoilage also gives you a way to conserve food, not right away but later in game. Couldn´t find anything in the crafting menu for that, but i might just not have found it. Is there anything in the mod for that? A little note to the bow/crossbow enemies: They never miss. Ever. That also a bit frustrating and unrealistic.
  8. That doesn´t help, playing with another weapon doesn´t make me a new player again and it also doesn´t add any more struggle. Switching from Shotgun to MG just means you need different ressources for ammo for example. "Rushing everyting is ruining your gameplay" is an overused phrase to end a discussion around here. And then comes the argument that all the balance is done for first timers. Wich i can understand, but a game that lives from replayability should consider long term players also. And not just tell them "don´t rush"
  9. As the game is designed it is made for more than just one playtrough. And i am sure TFP did aim for that aswell. So what are we supposed to do? Play bad on purpose? Even if you don´t min/max and rush there is not really a struggle. Even for people who are new but played other survival games there is a lack of struggle after the first playtrough. There is a reason that pretty much every overhaul mod makes the game harder. You always get out that argument that people rush. In a sandbox game where you have the option to do different playtroughs. Do you really expect people to play like it´s their first time every time they restart? This game doesn´t live from people who play it for the first time. It would be dead regarding the playernumbers if that was the case. And people don´t buy a game that no one plays.
  10. @PoloPoPo Turrets can be quite helpfull also in the bunker. But generally you need to dodge the fireballs. A horde base always needs enough room to dodge and a corner to hide for healing, repairing your weapons and such.
  11. It´s a performance issue. To many different colours do have a high impact on performance. They even hardcoded it so you can´t really put in new colors with mods unless you add a block with a texture already on them. That´s really BS not making this modable with the argument of performance. Following that logic a lot of mods shouldn´t be possible. Why care here but not for the rest of the mods that partly have a VERY high impact on performance?
  12. @drkstardragon When you removed the trader protection did you keep a block near the trader protected? Appearantly you need a protected block near a trader to get other quests as buried supplies. There was a thread lately where this was discussed, people wanted to place traders in their homebases and they only gave out buried supplies.
  13. Weapons look very nice. Did the firefly stuff get some love compared to the stun baton? The baton is kinda underwhelming in vanilla only good to use in combo with turrets.
  14. @Redai From my impression the MD500 and the UH60 are the same speed. And even if one is faster than the other they are still both slow af. And the super charger, wich is the turbo mod, doesn´t change that at all. Gyrocopter is way faster using the super charger. They still are great in MP as you can have 4 people at least in both and i think even more in the UH60 as there is 8 seats. Never happened that we had more than 4 online to test that though.
  15. Honestly just because i had an inventory full of ammo and first aid because i forgot to empty my inventory after some crafting.
  16. Clipping and beeing able to see trough the ground or even a wall is possible in every mod that allows you to fit trough a one block gap. As vanilla doesn´t allow you to fit trough one block gaps, it isn´t possible in vanilla to see and shot trough the ground. At least not that easy and not reliable afaik. And it doesn´t work at all with a wall in a POI. Like you can do it in the mod supereasy and kill everything above you trough the ceiling.
  17. Like is a strong word. DF definitly spiced things up. We were on day 90 something. It was full of demonics and their fireballs do call in screamers. Wich do summon more Z´s than in vanilla. It was the biggest and craziest fight i ever had. Each of us used around 6K energy cells.
  18. Nah if it´s that easy to edit it´s not a problem. I just don´t understand why you would remove a built in mechanic that doesn´t really make the game easier while keeping an unintended exploit that can do so much more. I can do the Joust POI pretty fine. It´s about the classification of the Joust POI as a T4. It´s so far the hardest POI i have seen, shouldn´t be T4 imo. There are a lot with more zombies that are bigger but i could clear them way easier.
  19. Meh, peer cafe. I mean it´s really nice, i like the new version and it´s a really tough one. But Hershels farm is something else. Oh man. What have we done to you? 😛 We only survived because i just made energy cells and paramedic kits right before going there and i didn´t empty my inventory. Did you ever play that POI in DF with a really high gamestage?
  20. And that´s the point we will stop playing. Why would you remove it? It makes building so much more tedious and mining also to some degree. And that´s all it does. It doesn´t add any challenge or difficulty for the actual game play. It´s simply removing a QoL feature. At least give us a choice here please. And now that i have done a lot of T5, i gotta say the joust arena is harder than the T5´s i did. At least if you don´t cheese it with the clipping bug wich would be a way more importnant thing to stop compared to nerd poling. That´s an actual exploit that makes a lot of poi´s easy af and can also be abused for buried supplies and treasure maps aswell as shooting zombies from bedrock when mining. In PvP you basically can´t hide your base anywhere due to that exploit. Clipping trough the ground does have a way greater impact than nerd poling. And there is a fix for it.
  21. Medvieal trash does give you tree resin, the wheels lying around on the streets and some of the carts, using the wrench for all to salvage. Still would recommend buying some if you can at the trader.
  22. The zombies aren´t as zombielike as in vanilla. There is no gore on the models if that´s the problem @RiceCakes211. A good part of them is skeletons and a few mushroomy ones. The others really look more like ghouls. The trader moving is a thing. Not only 1m, he is in the furthest possible corner for us. Luckily you can break the glass when jumping on the counter and crouching to get behind the counter. Otherwise that would be a problem.
  23. @itsBorked Well, Darknes Falls changes a lot of the original game files. And if your mod does attempt to change the same files, there will be problems. And as DF does change a lot of the vanilla files, it´s most likely that your mod doesn´t work because your mod does cover files that already are changed by DF. It´s easier to list the mods that work with DF than to list those that don´t. See post #3 or #4 in this thread.
  24. @RiceCakes211 I asked that already. It´s planned. See this post:
  25. I´d rather not have to join yet another discord channel only to find out what that mod even is. I honestly hate that behaviour. "Hey there is this cool thing. Join my discord to see what it exactly is" No thx. Describe what it does and give me a direct download link.
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