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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. If you are in SP, go into debug mode hit F8 twice and see for yourself. I don´t think it does though.
  2. In the last thread about this someone argumented like that.
  3. It´s sadly not in the game. There is tools for that, forgot what the are called but i am sure someone will know this. Pretty sure someone from the mod or dev team will come up with the excuse that people will blame the game/devs for running out of stamina and dying. Lame argument. Show me one game where people complain about having toggle sprint or toggle run/walk or even auto run/walk. Also make it optional, problem solved. It´s a QoL feature. Please add.
  4. There is generally something buggy with the arrows. I had a few occassions where the arrow went trough the Z while they were standing or moving. Also experienced this when they are down.
  5. I would say a leatherman as item of choice. Hot Sauce definitly "End of Sanity", not only because i like it, but because the name is fitting for the apocalypse. And no gun. Machete or maybe a halberd or a spear.
  6. The whole server situiation is a hot mess. Not only is there the issue with the favorites sitting there forever unless you fiddle with the registry (wich isn´t for everyone, but good to know for me). There is also the big issue that you can´t see your whole list of favorites if they are in different regions. Like wtf? What´s the point of a favorite list if not seeing all your favorites in one place at once?
  7. Not so sure about that tbh. We had that on a non CP map aswell. Started to happen around day 40 i think. On the same spot we have been with our base from day one. So the trader should have POI´s. It always happened when we returned to our base like 30 blocks away from the outer wall. We did live near a trader, but he had plenty of POI´s to choose from and always quests for us. No big deal, i was assuming it was our builder using decorative items you can´t craft from the creative menu tbh.
  8. Sounds interesting. I assume one can obtain more than one class? Removing the Gyro with the current RWG where the big POI´s are very rare and often very far away is a bit questionable tbh, it´s already tiresome with the gyro on most maps to get to them.
  9. That´s not a bug. Never seen this as an issue tbh. How many buildings do you demolish per playtrough that this is a problem? And why so many that this get´s tiresome? We do demolish one or two buildings in MP so we have enough room for our base, in SP i basically never do this.
  10. Feral sense isn´t an alternative to more zombies. I ofc tried it once it was available, but it´s not really helping. In fact it´s actually immersion breaking sometimes when they can sense you no matter what. Ofc it differs from player to player, how many zombies are enough zombies. That´s why we need the slider back to adjust how many zombies will spawn. I sadly forgot who from the mod or dev team said it, but when it was removed and i complained about the removal, i was told that it is for balancing purposes and will make a comeback at some point. Surely enough the balance on default right now can make things very spicy with more zombies on higher difficulties. But looking at the romero mod with 5x spawn, all of them walking no matter what and headshot only, i do prefer that very much over an empty world. It get´s spiced up with bigger more frequent wandering hordes aswell. Just the no bloodmoon isn´t my cup of tea but that is easily fixed. It´s harder than vanilla even with no fast zombies at all, at least for me. In vanilla i would say it would be good to be able to adjust up to 3x spawn, i think that was the limit back then aswell. Maybe also reintroduce the option to lower the zombie count. Not sure if that would be used by people or not.
  11. If downtown stays like it is, i rather don´t have a downtown area at all. It´s not even the FPS drops, it´s that it is a stuttering lag wich makes it so bad. If they can´t fix that i hope they rework towns again. Releasing it with a stuttering lag like this is a no go tbh. I do like the downtown area, it´s really looking good and feels like a real city compared to what we had before, but i don´t want it in the game if it behaves like it does now @Matt115 I don´t even mind that we have just a few zombie types. Sure more would be nice, but i really care more about the overall number of enemies. Right now we have 8 per chunk. we need at least 16 per chunk. And yeah, you can choose how many zombies you have on the map in PZ, but the lowest setting is still really a lot of them.
  12. Yeah, Project Zomboid does flood you with zombies. Basically everywhere you go. Sadly it´s too harsh for many people to play, and none of my friends really wanna play it anymore. But we can´t expect that many zombies ever in 7 days, that´s not gonna happen. But a bit more would be nice. And ofc you can explain the lack of enemies with a story. That doesn´t change that the game feels empty though. Even with a story reason behind it, it still feels it´s lacking a crucial part.
  13. I have seen people with good PC´s complaining about performance when downtown. If you can´t make it run smooth on a good new system, it might be better to just rework it. And it´s not like you said in just one spot as in lotr war, as you go to downtown pretty often usually. But it´s a quite new feature so there is hope. Now we all can only wish that there is also hope for having way more enemies. Wich is the most lacking part of the game that is about a zombie apocalypse. Especially downtown with things like subway stations and office buildings we should be flooded with zombies. Wich we can´t have right now without serious lags.
  14. Well, the game is in development still. So if there is no way of getting rid of those FPS drops and stuttering, they need to revamp downtown to be not as demanding to the hardware or the engine, even if that means that downtown buildings can´t be that tight together anymore.
  15. Ah dang it, i thought it was an actual roadmap. I knew this one already. Thx for the effort though. @Matt115 Wasn´t even hoping for any dates of release, just wanted to know what exactly is still on the list for the game overall besides the stuff for A21 and the kickstarter goals and maybe how many alphas we can expect. @Roland i really hope they don´t go too short on Beta. Optimizing the game is pretty importnant, right now during alpha getting for example those huge fps drops downtown is ofc acceptable, in a finished version this is an absolute no go.
  16. Do you happen to know on wich page of the thread by any chance?
  17. Yeah, that´s a spawned in cobwoy hat mod as soon as someone get´s that helmet in our group. Now can we please have similar mods for the chest armor pls.
  18. Avoid Nitrado. They are cheap, yeah, but it shows. We are using G-Portal for years now. Customer Support is awesome and fast. They even help you with mods. Couldn´t get Age of Oblivion running on the server, they managed to download the mod and install it for me in ca. 45 mins. You can backup your saves manually, wich is only a few clicks, just need to manage the 50GB cloud space and delete older backups from time to time. Have only heard good things about bluefang aswell, never had a server there myself though.
  19. I don´t mind holding down W for longer, but my pinky would love auto sprint. I would rather have an extra key for it though, don´t need it when on foot. T key for example.
  20. Having issues getting on our dedicated server, getting this error in the console. Getting stuck at creating player. Also it tell us the traders are unknown. No problems playing the mod when someone hosts it on his PC. Edit: Forgot to say we do use g-portal wich has the mod available, so it´s not a wrong installing issue. What is weird is, that after activating the mod, i couldn´t choose the AOO maps. They didn´t show up. I had to upload it to the worlds folder. EDIT: Solved by the hosting company they installed the mod for me and everything works fine.
  21. @warmer There is no working crafting stations at traders or in POI´s anymore in A20. And as said, the gyro recipes/parts are mostly bought at the trader due to having invested in INT and better barter, wich also gives you guaranteed access to a crucible in the secret stash. And tbh i have yet to see a vehicle attract zombies. They only recognize me when i am really near them and that´s the same as on the bicycle. Really rather save a LOT of time beeing way faster when traveling, even on survivalist i can spare the points for the motorcycle.
  22. Yeah, those blocks would be really nice to craft. Finally some nice decoration. And it´s really awesome that the flowers give indirect light trough blocks btw. You can make some really nice looking lightning, like in a fountain. The vanilla lanterns used to do that aswell, but not anymore in A20. Wich sucks tbh.
  23. Ohhh, fancy. Looks really nice. Regarding the Dragon Friend vehicle: I can´t figure out what to do to get one. I can´t craft it (looking into the admin menu, i saw that there is the workbench as a required crafting station), buy it and i see no quest that has it as a reward. Unless it´s the dragon slayer quest. Wich would be a bit late in game. Once i am able to kill dragons regulary, the playtrough is basically over. At that point there isn´t much to do. And we can´t seem to figure out how to craft all the items from the mod, like chairs, thrones and statues. Are those even craftable?
  24. Can confirm that you don´t need rain in Darkness Falls to get the crops watered, just the rain catchers will do.
  25. @meganoth The corridor base does rely on the fact that zombies see a path where there actually isn´t a path. It´s two solid walls with a roof wich they see as a path and inbetween you and them is a gap of 5 blocks and it´s impossible to path over that for the player aswell. That´s called exploiting the AI. No matter how you look at it. There is other ways of exploiting their pathing, but i don´t know anything about those. If you have blocks that push them down on their way to you, that´s a whole different story as there actually is a path with actual existing blocks that they could stand on if it wasn´t for the blocks on the side pushing them into a hole. That´s what we do often.
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