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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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There was no 7d2d/steam update in the last day or so that would prevent running DF was there? I'm assuming not, as there's nothing posted about it here.


I'm not a complete novice when it comes to installing mods, and feel confident that DF was installed correctly as I've had the server up and running over a week issue free.

I've now been unable to access the server for over 24 hours because it shows as running, but does not show in the server list, and is in an endless initialization loop if I try to direct connect. All the fixes Nitrado has come up with so far (most of which I had already done while troubleshooting) failed to work.


I just now attempted to start a new game save after altering the config xml, and low and behold it populates the server list. However it's just stuck on receiving and loading configs. All Googled results pointed toward the server provider having a different/outdated version of either the mod or game. That really doesn't sound like the issue here being that I was playing problem free on Wednesday (yesterday), restarted the server before leaving the house around 4pm EST and came back to it infinitely initializing.


Now, here's the caveat and reason why I emphasized on 'complete novice', because I am still very much within the novice spectrum.

I was testing a few modlets to see if they would work with DF out of the box/without the need for customization; everything went just fine per usual.

The last modlet I added also worked without any hiccups but because this one required client side install, I removed it in full from the Mods folder and restarted (final restart before issue and last known stable state of the server). When I got home I was informed the server couldn't be found in the list, and have been dealing with the above ever since.


My question: although no overwrite files were required for this modlet (dropped everything in Mods and then removed in full), could it have overwritten something in the save files somewhere? With that underlaying thought, I opted to restore the server to the last known stable restore point (created yesterday afternoon while I was on the server) prior to adding the modlet; that did nothing.


*The modlet in question is a video player/billboard addition from Xyth*


My last-ditch idea is to reinstall the modlet on both sides and see if the server will at the very least appear in the server list.

I don't know why that would work but I feel like I've tried everything else and it does seem like it happened immediately following the restart after removing the modlet.

I understand the issue likely does not reside with the DF overhaul, but I thought it couldn't hurt to share my struggle with minds that far exceed my own in hopes someone might have some insight or direction to provide.



Thanks so much in advance for anyone who even attempts to assist a very defeated me.

Edited by kageOP (see edit history)
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9 hours ago, kageOP said:

There was no 7d2d/steam update in the last day or so that would prevent running DF was there? I'm assuming not, as there's nothing posted about it here.


I'm not a complete novice when it comes to installing mods, and feel confident that DF was installed correctly as I've had the server up and running over a week issue free.

I've now been unable to access the server for over 24 hours because it shows as running, but does not show in the server list, and is in an endless initialization loop if I try to direct connect. All the fixes Nitrado has come up with so far (most of which I had already done while troubleshooting) failed to work.


I just now attempted to start a new game save after altering the config xml, and low and behold it populates the server list. However it's just stuck on receiving and loading configs. All Googled results pointed toward the server provider having a different/outdated version of either the mod or game. That really doesn't sound like the issue here being that I was playing problem free on Wednesday (yesterday), restarted the server before leaving the house around 4pm EST and came back to it infinitely initializing.


Now, here's the caveat and reason why I emphasized on 'complete novice', because I am still very much within the novice spectrum.

I was testing a few modlets to see if they would work with DF out of the box/without the need for customization; everything went just fine per usual.

The last modlet I added also worked without any hiccups but because this one required client side install, I removed it in full from the Mods folder and restarted (final restart before issue and last known stable state of the server). When I got home I was informed the server couldn't be found in the list, and have been dealing with the above ever since.


My question: although no overwrite files were required for this modlet (dropped everything in Mods and then removed in full), could it have overwritten something in the save files somewhere? With that underlaying thought, I opted to restore the server to the last known stable restore point (created yesterday afternoon while I was on the server) prior to adding the modlet; that did nothing.


*The modlet in question is a video player/billboard addition from Xyth*


My last-ditch idea is to reinstall the modlet on both sides and see if the server will at the very least appear in the server list.

I don't know why that would work but I feel like I've tried everything else and it does seem like it happened immediately following the restart after removing the modlet.

I understand the issue likely does not reside with the DF overhaul, but I thought it couldn't hurt to share my struggle with minds that far exceed my own in hopes someone might have some insight or direction to provide.



Thanks so much in advance for anyone who even attempts to assist a very defeated me.


Changing from novice to pro involves reading the logfile as the first step of any problem solving. 😉.


Generally if you remove a mod, that mod could already have added assets into the game which after removing the mod are referenced somewhere but there isn't any code which knows what to do with it.


I would assume a much saver way to remove mods is disabling whatever they do in the xml they usually add. For example if a mod adds a buff, remove any effect activations inside the buff's definition but not the buff itself.



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Hello all. Live the mod Khaine and the fact you made jawoodle purple for everyone is awesome. Love that pelican. Playing current version and it won’t let me place the elevator floors item. I’ve got the 3x3 base down but it shows red outline for the floors item. It’ll turn green if I move half off the shaft(no puns please lol) but after placement can’t find base. Wondered if the 19.6 update jacked the elevator or what. I’ve seen same issues in Reddit posts but no solutions I’ve seen. Thanks for any help and keep on keeping on!!!!! You’ve made an already good game greater.

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so i just realized that the "no spiders" mod i have is for the spider zombies. is there a mod to get rid of those giant actual spiders? i really do freak out around those things


i may have had it at one point but new install and what not


edit: wait i found the file the khaine gave me a while back i think that was it. i hope ><

Edited by Nickguy5467 (see edit history)
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Given how rare they are (i deleted the game where i found them in jen's inventory. Felt like too much of an exploit so early into the playthru shortly after i made the post about finding them), have you, or more to the point will you, consider incorporating the xp/crafting time reduction bonus's of the nerdy glasses into myth's shades? Maybe reduce the loot bonus by 10-15 points on the shades if you do?


Just asking purely out of a sense of lazy-ness of trying to remember to swap between the nerdy glasses/loot goggles whenever i hop between crafting / general looting. Plus given that myth's are pretty much the end-game version of glass's in the game/mod, it would make sense (at least to me) to have the convenience of both set's built into one.

Edited by wolfarus (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

Unlikely. Why would you want that anyways when you can configure the size of them in the wandering horde frequency mod?

i was just curious . because i had the other one. but then i realized the frequency mod was the one i meant to be using the whole time but wasnt


was just looking at the config entity groups . spider horde "animal spider" !!! nightmare fuel

<?xml version="1.0"?>


-<append xpath="/entitygroups">

-<entitygroup name="spiderHorde">

<entity name="animalSpider"/>





does this mean im going to see hordes of spiders? ><


but i guess i dont know how to edit these things. i am noob that has the dumb


edit: i think i just figured out by right clicking and selecting edit(duh right?) : so ill just need to figure out the information



Edited by Nickguy5467 (see edit history)
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I've been playing Darkness Falls for a few weeks now and have been having a blast, however today I am unable to load the game. I deleted an unused save in-game earlier in the day before closing out, but otherwise nothing out of the ordinary. Now when I launch DFalls through the mod launcher, the Fun Pimps logo and DF music come up and the game tries to load the menu, but fails at "loading block textures," before the main menu even comes up. The game just closes without any further notice of issue. I have uninstalled and re-installed DF, the mod launcher, and even the vanilla game and all related folders, but upon reinstalling the exact same issue occurs. What am I missing?

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11 hours ago, GammaPaladin said:

So I saw that this mod has uncapped fall damage for zombies, and I thought I'd ask: Is there any way you guys could possibly release a modlet that just uncaps fall damage for zombies?


I dug through the mod files, but I couldn't figure out how it was done, or I'd have done it myself.


No cos it's a C# patch. However, since rumour is A20 will load C# patches as modlets, I AM planning to release it standalone then.


9 hours ago, skullcleaver said:

I've been playing Darkness Falls for a few weeks now and have been having a blast, however today I am unable to load the game. I deleted an unused save in-game earlier in the day before closing out, but otherwise nothing out of the ordinary. Now when I launch DFalls through the mod launcher, the Fun Pimps logo and DF music come up and the game tries to load the menu, but fails at "loading block textures," before the main menu even comes up. The game just closes without any further notice of issue. I have uninstalled and re-installed DF, the mod launcher, and even the vanilla game and all related folders, but upon reinstalling the exact same issue occurs. What am I missing?


That's an odd one. Tried increasing your virtual memory?

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Recently got back into 7dtd so of course want to play Darkness Falls :)


Found out that Nitrogen is dead so im using Kinggen. I've read the comments about it in this topic etc. But I cannot seem to get a map to spawn with either the radiation zones or Caitlin (Seen your comment a while back about replacing DFalls_Settlements_Caitlin with Dfalls_settlement_trader - but neither of them spawn).


They are in the POI's list...


So - How do I get Kinggen to add the radiation zones for titanium etc. or have the radiation zones been removed?


How do i get Kinggen to create a map with Caitlin in...


Apologies if these are dumb questions and thanks as always for the amazing Mod!


Adr :)

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1 minute ago, Adr said:



Recently got back into 7dtd so of course want to play Darkness Falls :)


Found out that Nitrogen is dead so im using Kinggen. I've read the comments about it in this topic etc. But I cannot seem to get a map to spawn with either the radiation zones or Caitlin (Seen your comment a while back about replacing DFalls_Settlements_Caitlin with Dfalls_settlement_trader - but neither of them spawn).


They are in the POI's list...


So - How do I get Kinggen to add the radiation zones for titanium etc. or have the radiation zones been removed?


How do i get Kinggen to create a map with Caitlin in...


Apologies if these are dumb questions and thanks as always for the amazing Mod!


Adr :)


Are you sure that your generated map did not include these?


For example, when I look in an example prefabs.xml (from DFalls-VSmall3), I see two DFalls_settlement_trader POIs. So... how big of a world were you generating, and how did you check for Caitlin?


(Radiation is a different thing, though -- I do not know enough about how to double-check radiation. When I open example radiation.png files, I they seem to always just be a thin red border on the edge of the map, with everything else black. But, since I remember dying to radiation in a wasteland biome, I imagine that it's a hard coded feature of that biome, though perhaps the hard coding is in DF???)

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13 minutes ago, VicWint said:


Are you sure that your generated map did not include these?


For example, when I look in an example prefabs.xml (from DFalls-VSmall3), I see two DFalls_settlement_trader POIs. So... how big of a world were you generating, and how did you check for Caitlin?


(Radiation is a different thing, though -- I do not know enough about how to double-check radiation. When I open example radiation.png files, I they seem to always just be a thin red border on the edge of the map, with everything else black. But, since I remember dying to radiation in a wasteland biome, I imagine that it's a hard coded feature of that biome, though perhaps the hard coding is in DF???)

8k, checked by looking both at the stats in kinggen and in the poi list.... Obviously caitlin will be in the standard maps :)

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14 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

No cos it's a C# patch. However, since rumour is A20 will load C# patches as modlets, I AM planning to release it standalone then.

Fair enough. I did look through the dlls with ILSpy, but I'm terrible with C#, so couldn't figure out where the fall damage tweak was.

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2 hours ago, Adr said:

8k, checked by looking both at the stats in kinggen and in the poi list.... Obviously caitlin will be in the standard maps :)

You probably have a syntax error on the POI list and causing it to skip this POI.  KingSlayer and crew made an outstanding effort to make it work with DF.  Can you post your POI code so we can see it to determine why you are not getting her?

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