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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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On 10/11/2021 at 9:19 PM, Nickguy5467 said:

got that double guard captain at traitor joel's place again . gues that map is bugged or something. ill make sure not to kill the guard this time and get an OP horde for first time again


and i dont think my anti spider modlet is working T_T 



I can't help you with the anti-spider modlet.

But DF hordes are always OP. (And I am guessing you did not read my second sentence in my previous post. :classic_sad:)

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9 minutes ago, VicWint said:


I can't help you with the anti-spider modlet.

But DF hordes are always OP. (And I am guessing you did not read my second sentence in my previous post. :classic_sad:)

I did. I didnt kill any more guards. just saying i got 2 of the captains again next to each other  on that map. i started a new game on DF small1 and this time i got sent to Bob and no double guards


and i hope there are no spiders this time. i really dont like spiders

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12 hours ago, Canute said:

But only when you use a fire spell (Sorcery) to kill them ! 🙂


i never really cared for sorcery mod. maybe explosive arrows?


first time saw a cow and harvisted one. i was disappointed by the amount of meat i got. i was hoping it would be more than with like a boar or chicken

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2 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Thats just because the trader have no trader area, therefore the ! is in the wrong place. Talking to any trader in the POI completes the quest.

i dont know anything about that. but i reinstalled the game and DF and i no longer have twin guard captains but trader joel is no longer active, cant talk to him or what not. but i can hit him. so i guess there is that' how do i fix it?


oh also talking to the guard captain completed the talk to the trader quest for some reason



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Alright, i'm gonna say this one more time, because i'm starting to get annoyed.

ALL of the trader issues you're experience is because TRADER PROTECTION IS OFF!!!! Double captains? No trader protection. ! under the world? No trader protection. Can't talk to traders? No trader protection.

The ! thing doesn't matter. The double captains and/or traders? Kill one. Can't talk to one? Reboot your game.

All of this has been brought up several times in this thread and fixes explained.

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11 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

Alright, i'm gonna say this one more time, because i'm starting to get annoyed.

ALL of the trader issues you're experience is because TRADER PROTECTION IS OFF!!!! Double captains? No trader protection. ! under the world? No trader protection. Can't talk to traders? No trader protection.

The ! thing doesn't matter. The double captains and/or traders? Kill one. Can't talk to one? Reboot your game.

All of this has been brought up several times in this thread and fixes explained.

ah. sorry about that. i fixed it by deleting the region files. i can now talk to joel.  sorry about anoyying you. guess i should google first 

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1 hour ago, Nickguy5467 said:

is the stone hammer like special in a way better than all the other repair tools? i noticed when i get the claw hammer that it takes two swings while the hammer takes one for each level just to get to cobblestone from base frame


being that its exclusive to DF i think

Stone hammer can't upgrade beyond cobblestone, as I recall. So, there's that.

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I apologize if it's been discussed but..
I'm very interested in the buff 


However I'm confused as to what the trigger for this actually is. I think this could be a really interesting option to torment my friends with but I tried killing myself and also relogging to trigger the buff, to no avail.
I am fairly sure the line

<requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/>

is where I want to start investigating, but figured I would try my luck here before getting in over my head.

I do have neardeathtrauma disabled and am wondering if there's supposed to be a trigger on death, that might be the issue?


It did come in really useful for resolving an issue we had with someone going from 16 to max level instantly (as a result of my own @%$# up), but that involved me enabling the buff within the xml, restarting the server, applying the buff to player, disabling buff, restarting server once again. 


Really appreciate any insight @KhaineGB!


Edited by kageOP (see edit history)
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It's disabled by default.

This is the code I use to enable it in my current youtube series.


	<!-- This is all code for hardcore mode. Uncomment to enable it -->
	<append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group[@name='playerMale']">
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="ResetSpawnPoints, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore" target="self">
			<requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="RemoveLandClaims, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore" target="self">
			<requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="RemovePlayerVehicle, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore" target="self">
			<requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="ResetPlayerQuests, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore" target="self">
			<requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="ResetProgression" reset_books="true">
			<requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="ResetPlayerLevel, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore" target="self" value="15835">
			<requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="ResetPlayerSkills, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore" target="self" value="0">
			<requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="ClearMapSDX, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore">
			<requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="GiveQuestSDX, SCore" target="self" quest="quest_PlayerRespawn">
			<requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="buffNewbieCoat">
			<requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/>


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Not sure if it's DF related or just vanilla but i'll try my luck here:


I use other mods beside DF and 3 times now (1 while editing another mods block texture and forgetting a space, 2 while installing the POI light enabler dll and 3. after install ing an outdated mod that added deco blocks)

i got the issue that my game wouldn't load. And interestingly it wasn't the blocks xml that showed errors but the Biomes xml couldn't be loaded stating that "terrsnow" could not be found


Why terrsnow? I don't think any of the mods even touched the biomes and its always terrsnow

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oh ok, so simply uncommenting the buff in 1-DarknessFallsConfig > Config > buffs.xml will just make it available in the buffs list but not triggered by any event outside of an admin manually applying it to someone unless I also uncomment the block above, or is that an updated version you currently use?


incase I explained it ass backward like I sometimes do; I enabled the buff and can manually set the buff to a player in game, but don't know how or when it may automatically activate and wipe a player.

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