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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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47 minutes ago, Sir_Blaze said:

 also as for the ramp up i've also found it a tad extreme  on the 7th day i mean i was barely  a lvl 10 and had cops and frozen zombies  come in for the horde along with irradiated  and i'm playing on the default difficulty. my base which in normal difficulty can survive the day 14 horde when i'm at lvl 25+ was anhialated, i hadn't even found any missile weapons only had a pipe pistol that i'd made ( down to pure luck ) as  next game i tried i found  several guns. i survived . . .the night barely but pretty much had to restart due to  knowing i'd not survive the next horde night


This is pretty normal to be honest.  Wife and I started playing this mod a couple weeks ago and got murdered every horde night while we adjusted to the harder difficulty and learning the class / skill system.  Restarted after we figured things out and we're doing fine now.  Explosives are super useful for the early hordes, and you don't need anything crazy like rockets.  Just a pile of easily made pipe bombs will tear apart the early zombies if you can group them up in one spot.

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19 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Okay, so I have good news and bad news.

Someone in my discord reported a similar issue. Except for them, it let them spawn into the game, started the animation and then just crashed with the same error you're reporting.

I had a small SSD spare (256GB) so I put that in my laptop, installed Ubuntu 20.04 and had exactly the same problem.

From what I can tell, it's related to the custom assets the mod uses, PROBABLY the shader. So I think re-building them in unity will sort it out.

But... i'm likely going to have to rebuld them all for A19 anyway, so i'm not planning to do that until after A19 is in experimental, which I honestly think is going to be this month.

Yeah, the numbers are just different syles of hair/clothing/armor. They're all the same stat-wise :)

I can wait for that just fine. It does give a lot of shader pipeline errors when loading as well. If there is any help you might want testing it in the future I'd be happy to help, Have several different flavors of Linux running I could test and give any help with,  as I do love the mod and appreciate all you have done with it.



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Good day KhaineGB


I'm having a small issue, ever since I used the debugmenu and it doesn't happen on every start up .. has happen on 3 out of the last 5 log-ins. I get floating AK's around Trader Jens base "about a dozen or so" .. which is my base also after rebuilding it to a stronger build. (the same weapons the guards use and they all have theirs.)

I was wondering if you know anyone else having this issue and what might be causing it.

Any Clues

Take Care ... the Old Gamer .. 😌


PS: I tried to post a screenshot .. but it would not let me.

I can put it on your Discord site if you want .. I just linked to it .. but don't want to be a pest. .... (Just noticed the Link took me to Wilderness-issues, is that something else or is that good??)

Edited by gpcstargate (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, Rickrolladin said:

First to start I would like to thank you for the work you put in on this mod. I bought this game for a friend and tried introducing him to this mod but I am running into an error that I haven’t encountered. I started a new map and load into it the first time fine. He can also join it fine. But the moment it is brought down upon relaunching the save next time it throws an error. Says index is out of range. Any help or fixes would be appreciated. 

That's an issue with the launcher (sort of) which is why i've been recommending folks manually install the mod.

Gitlab changed SOMETHING and the launcher doesn't like it. I know Sphereii is remaking it to fix it. :) But in the mean time, I recommend manual installs.

7 hours ago, Sir_Blaze said:

first off i'd like to thank the Author of this mod for his time n effort  i've for the most part found it fairly enjoyable , though i'm  quite new to 7dtd joining just before alpha 18 was released so have had to get used to some things i've only heard youtubers comment about. 
  as for some input though, i think your first page needs at least some updating it doesn't include the scavenger class on it and i'm not sure if other classes are missing there either. 

 also as for the ramp up i've also found it a tad extreme  on the 7th day i mean i was barely  a lvl 10 and had cops and frozen zombies  come in for the horde along with irradiated  and i'm playing on the default difficulty. my base which in normal difficulty can survive the day 14 horde when i'm at lvl 25+ was anhialated, i hadn't even found any missile weapons only had a pipe pistol that i'd made ( down to pure luck ) as  next game i tried i found  several guns. i survived . . .the night barely but pretty much had to restart due to  knowing i'd not survive the next horde night

I do need to update the first page, but i'm a lazy @%$*#!.

If it's ramping up too fast, turn your difficulty down. In DF, Adventurer is more like Nomad, Nomad is more like Warrior and Warrior is more like Insane. However I'm gonna be looking at bloodmoon hordes.

5 hours ago, TechieZero said:

Is this experimental or as a regular release? Trying to figure out which link to use.

Regular release (V2.50.2)

5 hours ago, Gallantgrif said:

I can wait for that just fine. It does give a lot of shader pipeline errors when loading as well. If there is any help you might want testing it in the future I'd be happy to help, Have several different flavors of Linux running I could test and give any help with,  as I do love the mod and appreciate all you have done with it.



The shader pipeline errors are a windows thing too. :)

Once i've remade the assets for A19, i'll hop over to ubuntu and test.

31 minutes ago, gpcstargate said:

Good day KhaineGB


I'm having a small issue, ever since I used the debugmenu and it doesn't happen on every start up .. has happen on 3 out of the last 5 log-ins. I get floating AK's around Trader Jens base "about a dozen or so" .. which is my base also after rebuilding it to a stronger build. (the same weapons the guards use and they all have theirs.)

I was wondering if you know anyone else having this issue and what might be causing it.

Any Clues

Take Care ... the Old Gamer .. 😌


PS: I tried to post a screenshot .. but it would not let me.

I can put it on your Discord site if you want .. I just linked to it .. but don't want to be a pest. .... (Just noticed the Link took me to Wilderness-issues, is that something else or is that good??)

That happens even on guards that normally spawn in the world, but not all of the time.

I'm gonna look into it in A19.

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1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:


Regular release (V2.50.2)


OK updated my Dedi server with the regular release. I don't think this is an issue with the mod  - when I jacked in with my toon, all of the stuff was in the world, but my toon was level 0 with none of the classes as well.


I selfxp'd to my previous level, and creative menued up class books and attribute / skill books. Funny thing --- you can only pick book a single class, the rest you have to give yourself the starter class quest and --- well do the starter quest stuff for that class. BTW - Scavenger is quest_classtrainingcivilian1...lol


Unfortunately the Traders have reset me too. Anyone have ideas how I can advance my Trader quest level? Copying over the client save doesn't work as well...

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7 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Problem is that trader quest tier is a "faction" thing that's stored on your player profile. There isn't a way to just set that faction to what you had via commands or item or anything.

No biggie.


All of the Zeds in the worlds are slowly spwaning back. At 1st I thought they were not doing that.

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47 minutes ago, Worrun said:

I've had an issue that a lot of my peers can't seem to figure out, and was wondering if anyone here might have an idea too, it only occurs with Darkness Falls.


I transferred my game from Single Player (on my pc) to my dedicated server via an FTP, everything went well, apart from one thing.


The world was fine, our base was there

My backpack and hotbar was all good

My gear and mods were all fine too

Storage containers contained items as before (in our base and at the trader)

Zombie kills was still there

Player level, player perks and gamestage had reset to 1

"map discovery/fog of war" had reset too, only showing the area around my character (default)


I am no expert and am quite new to modding, but I have very good file management and research technique and have also spoken to a few mod creators myself, and none of us have any idea why some of the player profile has transferred and some has not.


It would be great to hear from anyone else that may have had this issue too.


Thanks, and again - great mod @KhaineGB

Scroll up :)


You are going to have to twink yourself back up to where you were. You can use a book to get  your 1st class --- but you will have to admin give yourself the starting quests for the other classes you had.


givequest    quest_classtrainingcivilian1 --- for scavenger

the others






You can find this in data\config\quests.xml


You can use attribute books to twink yourself up --- rememebr each book gives you like 5 pts in that attribute.


Use givexp to get yourself back up to level.


I had an issuewith an existing Trader (Jen) --- I had to kill her --- she respawned and before looking at her stuff I reset her inventory/quests.

Edited by TechieZero (see edit history)
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Been playing the mod for a week or so now with no real issue a tall besides being wrecked every so often, but that happens. Today though I was setting up a base in the jail POI and had an error start popping up often after I tried to put a workbench on a shelf above me. Looked back a few pages to see if I saw any of the same errors but even after I picked up the bench that seemed to cause this it continued to pop up almost every 30 seconds. After the first one and before picking it up, using the work bench even right next to it would force this error to pop up on demand. Restarting the game seems to have fixed it, I was just wanting to point that out here just in case it can be related to anything and isn't just related to me trying to cheese room optimization and is normal game errors.

"ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index"

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Being completely honest?

Most errors like that i'm currently ignoring, because more often than not it's due to the player using the launcher. Right now, with the mod manually installed to my PC, I can boot up and play for hours with 0 issues.

There are SOME problems, mostly niggling ones rather than red errors, but pretty much all the red errors can be traced back to launcher install instead of manual install.

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1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

Being completely honest?

Most errors like that i'm currently ignoring, because more often than not it's due to the player using the launcher. Right now, with the mod manually installed to my PC, I can boot up and play for hours with 0 issues.

There are SOME problems, mostly niggling ones rather than red errors, but pretty much all the red errors can be traced back to launcher install instead of manual install.

Oh I manually installed it myself lol, I have dumped well over 50 hours already and that's my first error lol. I have learned to not trust launchers and mod installers. I'm assuming its a default 7 days error that can happen when trying to cheese usable stations range. Either way love the mod!

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Hello I’m looking for some help. I recently joined my buddies server (which we also can’t join unless he’s in it for some reason) and he lost power and I was kicked from the game. After he logged back in and I logged back in I had a new character and had to start from scratch! Is there a way to recover my old saved game? 

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3 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:


The game is CONSTANTLY writing to the save file. If the host loses power, it corrupts the save file.

Dang. Any fix for us not being able to join his server without him in it? He’s tried taking down he’s firewall. 

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8 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

If he's literally loading up his game and then you're joining, no.

HE is the server and therefore has to be online.

Is there a way to set up a server where he doesn’t have to be online? 

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1 minute ago, 8 Ball said:

Is there a way to set up a server where he doesn’t have to be online? 

Either pay a hosting site for a few slots to play on and have server up full time, or if someone has an extra PC they can run a dedicated one themselves. But again if they lose power then its RIP. And that doesn't mean server hosting is without flaws or risks like a dedicated or local(what you guys are) they just happen less often normally.

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Hi guyz !


Having an issue at generating world. Get a lot's of error Prefab Loading Failed. Prefab 'xvanilla_snowy_ski_lodge' does not exist.

i tried to start the game with launcher cleared Game Data. (and desactivated EAC).

i used le link for 18.4 client download (not eac friendly).

may some one can help me to solve my problem pls ? wanna really try this mod (watched a lot's of youtube video about it).


Thx very much for your work KhaineGB.

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If this has been covered already I apologise in advance.


The link on first post says it’s not EAC friendly - does this mean I need to remove the EAC folder from the game?


I’m now trying this mod for the first time but currently whenever I click to run 7DTD I’m ending up on a permanent black screen where the game would normally be loading the main menu. Not sure if this is somehow related to the whole EAC thing? Any help would be much appreciated because I am so excited to play this mod after seeing it in a video last night for the first time.


**NEVERMIND** got it to run by running the version without EAC. Thanks for your work KhaineGB. Gonna have good times with this

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