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Preview of the Patch 4.3 Notes! Sometime this week! Below these are the Casual Version Notes



Patch 4.3


-Apocalyptic City Added. Rare spawning city designed for skilled and higher levelled players. Original versions of high loot POIs, Hive houses, and exclusive NEW Massive POIs line this city which is marked by the now abandoned skyscraper HQ of the Makasin Cartel. Low level and undergeared players should not dare try to infiltrate this city that was Ground Zero for the Apocalypse


-Casual Version Added to Extra Files Folder. It features reduced timers on all growing blocks, reduced zombie spawns, less XP required to level, stone starting tools given during opening quest, stone axe and stone pickaxe no longer break when degrading, a second support class selection at the end of Advanced Survival questline, mixer with more cities and other balances to help players who have difficulty with the normal Ravenhearst experience.







-Added 14 Day Versions alongside the 7 and 21 Day versions. 14 Days is now the recommended version to play for Ravenhearst.


-Makabriel's New RWGMixer with more towns and cities and better chances at traders. More POI variety mixture.


-Random Gen streets in cities are now slightly smaller and narrower to increase tension






-5 points per level now for levelling


-Encumbrance removed until it can be properly balanced


-Food will now drop to 25 on death


-Wellness will now drop no lower than 60


-You should only need one of each type of infection cure to cure infection. the difference is in the time it takes to cure it.


-Added lockpickable 2nd house door






-Medics now receive access to Medicinal Cream and Medicinal Bandages. Cream is made with 2 aloe plants, Bandages are first aid bandages made with Cream that offer more healing than a normal bandage.


-Fixed Medic Quest Requirements being inaccurate


-Archery now gets Iron Bow perk Unlocked on Start and the Compound Bow Schem


-Stone Knife removed from Survivalist and unlocked for all to make.(edited)






-Removed Stone Bolts from Archery Exclusive. Everyone can make them now.






-Stone Hammer can now be used along with Crowbars and Hammers to pry boards and boxes open


-Added gun parts back in as findable loot in all places you can find guns. Military Guns can yield Military Parts, Rad Zone Guns can yield Rad Zone Parts. Also added gun parts to places that previously had NO gun loot.


-Increased Probability of guns in all safes and Messiah


-Shelves now give back 1 guaranteed piece of loot instead of 2


-Safes have been rebalanced. Now Wall Safes Take One Drill Bit and 20 hits, Gun Safes Take 2 Drill Bits and 30 hits and Rad Zone Safes take 3 Drill Bits and 40 hits. This was done to increase Tension.(edited)


-Reduced birds nests in the world


-Lowered amount of logs you get from trees but also reduced the tress health to match


-Removed useless and unneeded loot from rad zone


-Removed no longer used loot lists (Rejoice Dan)


-Schematic 4 Page loot chance added to Supply Drops and Hive Treasure


-Changed how probabilities work for books


-Split Rare, Common, Schematic Page and Skill Books into individual groups for book loot and increased chances at each so book loot should be more varied now.


-Increased Chance of seed drops in cupboards


-Compound Bow Schematic Re-Added, as well as parts for it. All parts have been re-added to loot as well as the schematic.






-All building blocks now break into the block before it. No more tiers. You still start at wood frame and stainless steel breaks to reinforced concrete


-Reinforced Scrap to Flag now costs 5 cobblestone. Cobblestone to Bricks now costs 8 bricks.


-Microwaves, coffeemakers and blenders make their return as findable loot. Each work as a station and can then be crafted along with wood and forged iron to make the Appliance Table for an all in one station. They can be picked up when found by destroying them.


-Light Pole Tops now give back guaranteed steel


-Added full build line for Wood Plate Centered


-Bags now break down into one of 3 models instead of 6 to save block ids


-Added Large Garbage Bag, craftable from 3 normal trash bags that offers larger storage than a normal trash bag and saves space


-Mechanical Gate Health Raised to 10000HP


-All Juices now take the same time to craft


-Centered Ammo Table Model


-Lowered amount of rich ores that are harvested


-Lowered value on ores


-Carbon weight raised to 3


-1 piece of carbon yield added to all stone


-Iron, Concrete and Stone SI now match up exactly


-BBQ Grills can now spawn in yards of houses






-Drill Bit recipe now yields 3 bits to match the rebalanced safes


-Goldenrod Tea has been added to the tea cookbook


-All wellness giving drinks have had their hydration raised






-Fixed Medic Quest herbal antibiotics recipe needing 25 Chrysanthemum Plant


-Lowered Blunt, Bow and Blade Step 1 zombie kill quest from 50 to 15


-Removed unneeded craft Iron Bow step


-Removed Wooden Spear Quest for Starting Quests (RIP spear)


-Reduced schematic pages needed from 8 to 4






-Completely Removed Prisoners


-Set zombie spawns back to 4.1 numbers


-Night Terrors now have a very rare chance to spawn in forests and desert and plains


-Normal zeds have been added in low probabilities to Hive houses(edited)


-Removed no longer used zombies from Creative


-Reduced Block Damage on Utility Workers


-Lowered Herd Health Slightly


-Less "crackhead" zombie walks in walk randomizer


-Height variation in zombies lessened




Casual Version Notes



These are a preview of the notes for the Casual Edition of Ravenhearst that will be included with every install of Ravenhearst as an add-on. The purpose of the Casual Edition is to give struggling players some breathing space and be able to enjoy what Ravenhearst has to offer. It will be available in 7/14/21 Day editions.



-Cars do not respawn any more (Removed for Realism in Casual Mode)


-Plants take 5 in game hours now


-Animal Traps, Chicken Coops, Composter, Bee Hives and Rain Collectors take 2 in game hours


-Slight reduction in amount of XP needed to level (17,000 down to 14,000)


-Second Support class selection awarded at the end of the Opening questline


-Zombie HP Lowered


-Herd Health Lowered


-Terror Health Lowered


-Backpack now Stays 2400


-Remains now stay 600


-Dropped Loot now Stays 900


-Reduced KP Cost on Items


-Skill Points Awarded when Levelling Raised to 7


-300 Level axe, pickaxe and bow along with 150 arrows awarded as you quest in Basic Survival


-Break removed from the Quest reward tools and weapons so you will not lose them anymore


-Fuller RWG with more towns and cities


-Gamestage Increases slowed down a bit


-Reduced Zombie Spawning


-Animals will respawn every 5 days instead of 7

Edited by JaxTeller718 (see edit history)
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Please No More Wipe


We are playing ravenhearst with friends for a time.


At first, we've played v.3 for a long long time. Hours and hours.

Than we've noticed there is a new update v.4.


We say goodbye our beloved game. Started a new server with excitement. It was very hard and there was no tower... So it was a bit harder than older version.


While we are playing, a new version announced. It needs wipe.


So, we say goodbye again our game. And said "this will be last and we will play hours and hours again.".


Now you are saying a new version, 4.3 coming. What will happen to our progress and time that we spend?


Please make 4.3 no need for a wipe. Please.

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Things We Are Waiting From New Version


-The problem is not quality of loot, problem is looting time. Looting freeze user and making him or her vulnerable to attack. Please reduce looting time.

-Sometimes if you've already taken a quest, same quest appears to be readable but if you read it, it is disappearing from inventory.

-Please return guns, gun parts to be meltable in forge again.

-Sometimes a buff called "can't swim" appearing. If you go out water and walk on ground, buff is still not disappearing and user is drowning on land.

-Please add more recipe for meats. With last changes, meats are useless.

-Please add new buffs and skills.

-Please add NPC's. Survivors. If possible, please change minibike graphic with those Harley's lying on ground.

-Please add more realistic buildings and natural formations. Not mazes, castles, puzzles. Just realistic buildings. For example;

mini clinic, bridges, waterfalls, rivers, Metro's, train rails, bus stops, harbors, groceries, Chinese Restaurants, manhole covers, sewage network, Nuclear Energy Stations, Wind Power plants, BUS Depots, Customs, Border Lines, Mosques, Great cemeteries, biggest mines, gun factories, ammo factories, AA or Machine Gun Bunkers, Nuclear Explosion craters if possible.

-Please add a usable heavy machine gun. More effective pistols like desert eagle.

-Please add Main Battle Tank and a realistic conlfiict scene.

-More type of Zombies. We are really bored seeing and killing always same zombies.

-More type of User Profiles.

-Please add some new class and make harder to change classes or add a new class. Example for new classes; Sniper, Ninja (Sneak), Miner.

-Please make crafting and using sterilisation tablets easier.

-Need more crazy clothes. More post-apocalyptic cloths. Tattoos etc.

-Biggest caliber guns (such as 12mm) like Anti Air guns.

Edited by mbaran (see edit history)
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sorry, when you see:

"Makabriel's New RWGMixer with more towns and cities and better chances at traders. More POI variety mixture."

that means a wipe is required. Any changes to the RWGMixer, means new world will not be compatible with old.

(that and other reasons, like changing block id's)


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Well it's day 50 and another trader bites the dust. Great mod in most respects, but I have to disagree with the decision to not protect the traders. Sorry, but this is too frustrating for me (I could spawn them in, but don't feel I should have to do this).

Guess I'll take a break from 7DTD and play some Darkest Dungeon while I'm waiting for A17 to drop.


traders disappear frequently in vanilla with trader protection on.


here's just a sample google has to offer.



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traders disappear frequently in vanilla with trader protection on.


here's just a sample google has to offer.




traders disappeared in vanilla due to a bug, not intentional like RH had it.


- - - Updated - - -


Hmmm Not seeing it on the mod launcher - any ideas? I also checked the GitLab repo, but the 14 day repo was just a README file.


not released yet still in testing and QA.

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Well it's day 50 and another trader bites the dust. Great mod in most respects, but I have to disagree with the decision to not protect the traders. Sorry, but this is too frustrating for me (I could spawn them in, but don't feel I should have to do this).

Guess I'll take a break from 7DTD and play some Darkest Dungeon while I'm waiting for A17 to drop.


I was in the same boat found a dozen or more traders that were gone.


When this "feature" was first released in RH, there was an 80% chance for a broken/missing/dead trader visibly noticeable by the broken outer wall usually next to the door. 4.3 will be reducing that chance, to what %, idk.

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Please make the night monsters as scary as before in 3. Now this is an elementary school for a walk...


Unfortunately that is what headshots will do to them. As for the other assets we wanted to move away from using anyone elses work and use our own. I am looking into purchasing some of those terrors for our mod myself though, but that change will most likely occur in 17



For those who wish to continue 4.1 and 4.2 Games and Saves


I would start making backup copies of any of your 4.1 or 4.2 worlds in prep for release. The links in the launcher WILL be changing and may force a reinstall for those versions. Saves wont be touched as 4.3 will be on a new branch but previous versions will be moved to new links for archiving. This is the first and only warning for this change.

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I tried to like this mod, it does alot of nice things, but there are a few aspects I didn't like. I'll list them.


1: The game just feels like a slog, like everything was put in to make it take as long as possible. Also we need to be able to pick up some more of the stations without a land claim block, like the drying rack, and advanced campfire if its not pickupable. I tried the food prep table, but it just destroyed when I tried to pick it up. Tried to hit it like a campfire.


2: FAR FAR too much redundant unneeded clutter like the logs->log scraps->wood -> sticks thing, its really unnesscary to have 4 diff types (or more) of wood. Same for stone arrowheads, it just seems redundant.


3: The zombies.. why the hell are they now super tanky bullet sponges? Even on nomad it takes forever to kill them, On nomad they take longer to kill than on survival or insane in the base game. The zombies having so much hp, is one of the main reasons I dislike the mod. This coupled with their stupidly high spawn rate in v4.2 which was the version I played.


4: The repair kits for all diff types of weapons gotta go, its bad enough the zombies take for frigging ever to kill with headshots, but now you add in some overly convoluted repair system as well on top? I am sure its not a problem mid game, but early game, it just makes it far to much of a slog.


5: The UI lag, I know this is more a base game issue but, I think the recipie list needs to be edited to remove alot of the redundant things. Examples: stone arrow heads, sticks, etc.


6: The whole clean/dirty system is also just a pain in the arse. In a new game I spawned no where near any water, so I was pretty much screwed as I didn't have the mats being freshly started to make towels etc.


Other than those issues I rather liked what I seen. I'll give it a shot again when 4.3 comes out, from what I seen the spawn rate is being toned down to a lower level.

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I tried to like this mod, it does alot of nice things, but there are a few aspects I didn't like. I'll list them.


1: The game just feels like a slog, like everything was put in to make it take as long as possible. Also we need to be able to pick up some more of the stations without a land claim block, like the drying rack, and advanced campfire if its not pickupable. I tried the food prep table, but it just destroyed when I tried to pick it up. Tried to hit it like a campfire.


2: FAR FAR too much redundant unneeded clutter like the logs->log scraps->wood -> sticks thing, its really unnesscary to have 4 diff types (or more) of wood. Same for stone arrowheads, it just seems redundant.


3: The zombies.. why the hell are they now super tanky bullet sponges? Even on nomad it takes forever to kill them, On nomad they take longer to kill than on survival or insane in the base game. The zombies having so much hp, is one of the main reasons I dislike the mod. This coupled with their stupidly high spawn rate in v4.2 which was the version I played.


4: The repair kits for all diff types of weapons gotta go, its bad enough the zombies take for frigging ever to kill with headshots, but now you add in some overly convoluted repair system as well on top? I am sure its not a problem mid game, but early game, it just makes it far to much of a slog.


5: The UI lag, I know this is more a base game issue but, I think the recipie list needs to be edited to remove alot of the redundant things. Examples: stone arrow heads, sticks, etc.


6: The whole clean/dirty system is also just a pain in the arse. In a new game I spawned no where near any water, so I was pretty much screwed as I didn't have the mats being freshly started to make towels etc.


Other than those issues I rather liked what I seen. I'll give it a shot again when 4.3 comes out, from what I seen the spawn rate is being toned down to a lower level.






I just thought I would respond to this because I agree with a few points as far as my personal gaming preferences go, so I made a few xml edits to fit how I like to play.

It is, of course, important to voice these concerns, but here are a few things that may help you move past them if the dev team disagrees with these design suggestions.


1. I don't have a solution for this. This is something to get used to, it's how Ravenhearst is. Try and get in the mindset of different progression. It can be a struggle, but see my answer to 3 for a trickle-down solution that may help with resources.


2. Again with how Ravenhearst is, it also opens up a ton of future crafting options. I love the logs for fuel purposes. It does take a little to get used to.


3. Ok so this is a big point here, I personally HATE tanky zombies. It breaks immersion for me completely. So what I did was a minor xml edit to clean this up. In "items.xml" I did a search and replace for


DamageBonus.head" value="


DamageBonus.head" value="1



DamageBonus.head" value="11


DamageBonus.head" value="2

(so you don't have stuff at x117 head damage etc)


This will basically add an additional x10 entity damage to head shots. It knocks the zombie difficulty down a ton and increases the pace considerably. I also play with my wife and her friend and they don't care for the insane zombie difficulty.

This is a major difficulty drop, but in a way that, for me personally, increases the fun factor considerably.


4: The adjustment to 3 makes this issue wash out for the most part. I personally like it, but if it really bothers you editing

<property name="RepairTools" value="clubrepairKit"/>


with like


<property name="RepairTools" value="wood"/>


can remove the kits for key starting items, etc.


5: This one sucks. Quick workaround in the meantime is to use the favorites system. You'll just have to click favorites when you log on or are done crafting. Not a real fix, but may help for now.


6: Yeah, this one is a struggle with no water source. I don't really have any suggestions there :]


Hope this helps!

It sounds like you might want to tweak your game a little. Try the head shot damage thing, it may do it for you. You may want to use half the value too.


Good luck!

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Other than those issues I rather liked what I seen. I'll give it a shot again when 4.3 comes out, from what I seen the spawn rate is being toned down to a lower level.


the mod isn't for everyone, we've always stated that :)


zombies are nowhere near the bullet sponges they had been on v3 though, especially with the wilderness hives dying in 1-3 hits with starting weapons on warrior. fills up the world without every zombie being tanky. avoiding what you can early on is usually best.


there will indeed be a "casual mode" included in 4.3, as well as a "hell on earth" version.

people will just have to run them off of the .exe in the mod folder after installed, and not the launcher.




invitation for anyone not with us yet to join us on discord, nearly always someone available to help or chat



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We are proud to announce our final version of Ravenhearst for A16 Patch 4.3. There are a lot of changes and additions so read up below and head to our Discord for install instructions, guides and much more. We thank everyone for their amazing support and look forward to what 17 has to bring to Ravenhearst.



Patch 4.3 Notes Release 8/24/2018 Wipe Required


-Apocalyptic City Added. Rare spawning city designed for skilled and higher levelled players. Original versions of high loot POIs, Hive houses, and exclusive NEW Massive POIs line this city which is marked by the now abandoned skyscraper HQ of the Makasin Cartel. Low level and undergeared players should not dare try to infiltrate this city that was Ground Zero for the Apocalypse


-Casual Version Added to Extra Files Folder. It features reduced timers on all growing blocks, reduced zombie spawns, less XP required to level, stone starting tools given during opening quest, stone axe and stone pickaxe no longer break when degrading, a second support class selection at the end of Advanced Survival questline, mixer with more cities and other balances to help players who have difficulty with the normal Ravenhearst experience.






-Added 14 Day Versions alongside the 7 and 21 Day versions. 14 Days is now the recommended version to play for Ravenhearst.


-Makabriel's New RWGMixer with more towns and cities and better chances at traders. More POI variety mixture.


-Random Gen streets in cities are now slightly smaller and narrower to increase tension





-5 points per level now for levelling


-Encumbrance removed until it can be properly balanced


-Food will now drop to 25 on death


-Wellness will now drop no lower than 60


-You should only need one of each type of infection cure to cure infection. the difference is in the time it takes to cure it.


-Added lockpickable 2nd house door





-Medics now receive access to Medicinal Cream and Medicinal Bandages. Cream is made with 2 aloe plants, Bandages are first aid bandages made with Cream that offer more healing than a normal bandage.


-Fixed Medic Quest Requirements being inaccurate


-Archery now gets Iron Bow perk Unlocked on Start and the Compound Bow Schem


-Stone Knife removed from Survivalist and unlocked for all to make.





-Removed Stone Bolts from Archery Exclusive. Everyone can make them now.





-Stone Hammer can now be used along with Crowbars and Hammers to pry boards and boxes open


-Added gun parts back in as findable loot in all places you can find guns. Military Guns can yield Military Parts, Rad Zone Guns can yield Rad Zone Parts. Also added gun parts to places that previously had NO gun loot.


-Increased Probability of guns in all safes and Messiah


-Shelves now give back 1 guaranteed piece of loot instead of 2


-Safes have been rebalanced. Now Wall Safes Take One Drill Bit and 20 hits, Gun Safes Take 2 Drill Bits and 30 hits and Rad Zone Safes take 3 Drill Bits and 40 hits. This was done to increase Tension.


-Reduced birds nests in the world


-Lowered amount of logs you get from trees but also reduced the tress health to match


-Removed useless and unneeded loot from rad zone


-Removed no longer used loot lists (Rejoice Dan)


-Schematic 4 Page loot chance added to Supply Drops and Hive Treasure


-Changed how probabilities work for books


-Split Rare, Common, Schematic Page and Skill Books into individual groups for book loot and increased chances at each so book loot should be more varied now.


-Increased Chance of seed drops in cupboards


-Compound Bow Schematic Re-Added, as well as parts for it. All parts have been re-added to loot as well as the schematic.





-All building blocks now break into the block before it. No more tiers. You still start at wood frame and stainless steel breaks to reinforced concrete


-Reinforced Scrap to Flag now costs 5 cobblestone. Cobblestone to Bricks now costs 8 bricks.


-Microwaves, coffeemakers and blenders make their return as findable loot. Each work as a station and can then be crafted along with wood and forged iron to make the Appliance Table for an all in one station. They can be picked up when found by destroying them.


-Light Pole Tops now give back guaranteed steel


-Added full build line for Wood Plate Centered


-Bags now break down into one of 3 models instead of 6 to save block ids


-Added Large Garbage Bag, craftable from 3 normal trash bags that offers larger storage than a normal trash bag and saves space


-Mechanical Gate Health Raised to 10000HP


-All Juices now take the same time to craft


-Centered Ammo Table Model


-Lowered amount of rich ores that are harvested


-Lowered value on ores


-Carbon weight raised to 3


-1 piece of carbon yield added to all stone


-Iron, Concrete and Stone SI now match up exactly


-BBQ Grills can now spawn in yards of houses





-Drill Bit recipe now yields 3 bits to match the rebalanced safes


-Goldenrod Tea has been added to the tea cookbook


-All wellness giving drinks have had their hydration raised





-Fixed Medic Quest herbal antibiotics recipe needing 25 Chrysanthemum Plant


-Lowered Blunt, Bow and Blade Step 1 zombie kill quest from 50 to 15


-Removed unneeded craft Iron Bow step


-Removed Wooden Spear Quest for Starting Quests (RIP spear)


-Reduced schematic pages needed from 8 to 4






-Completely Removed Prisoners


-Set zombie spawns back to 4.1 numbers


-Night Terrors now have a very rare chance to spawn in forests and desert and plains


-Normal zeds have been added in low probabilities to Hive houses


-Removed no longer used zombies from Creative


-Reduced Block Damage on Utility Workers


-Lowered Herd Health Slightly


-Less "crackhead" zombie walks in walk randomizer


-Height variation in zombies lessened



Additional Last Minute Notes


-Changed how Ultimate Survivor works. Now you must complete 1 Ranged, 1 Melee and 4 Support classes in FULL. Each time you complete a quest line you will receive a quest to read that will give you a point towards unlocking the Ultimate Survivor. If you do not need the paper you get it can be scrapped for KP.


-Cook is now way more attractive. Cooks get the tea book, the stews book and a food prep table as they quest. Their quests have also been padded out a bit to make them less bland.


-Pitchfork removed from Blades questing


-Food Prep Step removed from normal questing and added to Cook


-Pitchfork Damage Increased


-Spear Damage Increased

Edited by JaxTeller718 (see edit history)
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the mod isn't for everyone, we've always stated that :)


zombies are nowhere near the bullet sponges they had been on v3 though, especially with the wilderness hives dying in 1-3 hits with starting weapons on warrior. fills up the world without every zombie being tanky. avoiding what you can early on is usually best.


there will indeed be a "casual mode" included in 4.3, as well as a "hell on earth" version.

people will just have to run them off of the .exe in the mod folder after installed, and not the launcher.




invitation for anyone not with us yet to join us on discord, nearly always someone available to help or chat




Honestly the only real issue I have, that really bothers me is how tanky most zombies are. I can deal with the rest easly enough, but zombies taking like 6+ headshots on nomad diffculty is a little nuts.

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Honestly the only real issue I have, that really bothers me is how tanky most zombies are. I can deal with the rest easly enough, but zombies taking like 6+ headshots on nomad diffculty is a little nuts.


turn down difficulty level or play casual, whining about it generally speaking wont change nothing. Make a list, name the zombies you are having issues with, in a more constructive way may get further here.

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Honestly the only real issue I have, that really bothers me is how tanky most zombies are. I can deal with the rest easly enough, but zombies taking like 6+ headshots on nomad diffculty is a little nuts.



come on. everyone knows you gotta hit them in the head


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Well it's day 50 and another trader bites the dust. Great mod in most respects, but I have to disagree with the decision to not protect the traders. Sorry, but this is too frustrating for me (I could spawn them in, but don't feel I should have to do this).

Guess I'll take a break from 7DTD and play some Darkest Dungeon while I'm waiting for A17 to drop.


Is there anyway that we can on our personal game change an XML setting to protect the traders this is my second run through and I haven't found one alive? First one was in 4.2 and the second just now 4.3.

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Traders cant die. They Are protected. The buildings arent and zombies can get inside but a trader won't die to them. What you are seeing is Khaines Destroyed Trader. There's a chance for a working trader and Destroyed Trader. It's just bad RNG as working traders are slightly more likely in cities.

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