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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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The weapon wouldn't be blocking the mod. The non-removable mod I put on earlier would be. I see not being able to replace it as the logical extension of making them not removable. The fact you can replace them but not remove them is, if anything, even more immersion breaking.


By the way, I don't think of this as a big deal. I'm just bored at work and this is an interesting discussion. So, please don't lump me in with the "OMG, YOU RUINED MY GAME" crowd. :)


Exactly. Since base weapons are craftable I don't think there is a problem if an attached mod blocks the slot forever. In a game you will have a progression of weapons. And while you have your momentary best weapon in hand (eventually with all slots full) you will scrounge for better mods to be put into the next weapon you craft or buy.

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Guns will be craftable in A17 so destroying the gun is not much of a loss if you get to keep the attachment.


I will can not remove the optical sight and install a new one?

I will can not remove the muffler and install another one?

I will must to have 50 items AK47 with a different set of mods?

I will have to throw out poor quality weapons with good quality mods, just because I found or made weapons of a higher quality?

If I made a mistake and installed the wrong modification, will I simply throw out the weapon? )))

Realy??? ))) This is complete nonsense! This is a very bad idea!


Sorry, but it's rave! rave! rave!!!


Craft weapons must very hard like solar panel!!!

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Well let's think about it in this case. For an options menu toggle it would have to be either:


1) All Permanent

2) All Removable


because anything more complicated than that would be ridiculous for an options menu. Eventually there will be dozens and dozens of mods and I certainly hope you aren't suggesting that TFP create option pages (yes pages) where players can toggle each individual mod attachment to either permanent or removable.


Also...casual players probably aren't going to care enough about this issue to even want to change it away from whatever the devs decide. Casual players tend to want to play games the way the devs designed it.


Also...those who want to change it presumably want to change it for realism reasons and so doing an option menu for all removable won't be realistic either (provided they are being genuine in their agenda and aren't just wanting to avoid tough choices). So for someone who wants the attachment feature to be realistic they really are going to want to use the xml settings menu already provided to tailor exactly which mods are permanent and which are removable.


I agree that in other areas of the game general menu toggles will be good. But not in this case.


(I had this ready thanks to Jax...)


Starting a game would be like starting a game of worms, 2.5 hours of checking and unchecking ♥♥♥♥ lol

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while i would welcome a more realistic weaponmod configuration, that is a smaller one, since weaponmods are weaponmods... with a bit of tinkering i bet you can attack nearly any scope onto other rifles.

But not beeing able to remove them, when (in previous alphas and in reallife) you can dismantle the whole gun into parts and rearrange them has no basis in reality.


I actually think you brought up a good way to base attachments on something you cannot remove and reuse... think of every attachment as something that was not made for the weapon, but you improvised a way to make it work. If you sodder a scope, silencer, etc to your weapon to make it fit, you can't remove it. This wouldn't apply to magazines, but explains away the lack of immersion you are feeling.


Maybe a later version/mod will make it a bit more accurate... SMG silencer, AK sights, sniper extended magazine and make them removable... but mix, match, and have it your way? This isn't Burger King!

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But now you wont have enough skill points to level up everything. Maybe they forgot about solo players, maybe not. But now to you have at least the same inventory from A16 you will have to sacrifice some points twice, what means that will be many. Those points earlier will be missing a lot, once you cant stay always looting with half of your inventory to survive because this cost time.

Its not about edit xml files too.. Its a coming change, so b4 it comes to A17, they can rethink about this..


You don't have enough skill points to level up everything now. You get 1205 points in A16, and you need 1892 to get everything 100%

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Well, after starting a new game yesterday and forgetting to switch from Navezgane to RWG, I decided to see how fast I could hit all the favorite high-value-loot spots without actually settling down anywhere. Hadn't tried either of those in a while.


By night 3 I'd looted two tool stores, two book stores, a pop'n'pills, visited two traders (skipped a 3rd because I wasn't carrying much worth selling) and left about 4 shopping carts' worth of lower value stuff near places I'd likely return to one day. I never got to the point of agonizing over whether to take something or leave it, really. Ordinarily I cart off almost everything or at least have chests every few buildings of stuff to retrieve later.


TLDR I'm not going to worry about the alleged reduced starting inventory space. I'll enjoy the extra space eventually but mostly I'll get along fine.


P.S. the nomad lifestyle has more to offer than I remembered. I'll probably make a base next time I play that world, but might then go off a'wanderin' again. The crack'a'book tower I skipped during day 3 is calling my name...

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Guns will be craftable in A17 so destroying the gun is not much of a loss if you get to keep the attachment.



Are you kidding me? Nice! I have been wanting that to come back ever since we lost it after the ninth alpha.

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I actually think you brought up a good way to base attachments on something you cannot remove and reuse... think of every attachment as something that was not made for the weapon, but you improvised a way to make it work. If you sodder a scope, silencer, etc to your weapon to make it fit, you can't remove it. This wouldn't apply to magazines, but explains away the lack of immersion you are feeling.

Well thanks for at least trying to find a reason for this.

It still makes no real sense as you could probably still remove it...

but at least you see my point and try to give an immersive reason on why its not removable :D

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Good day to all.

first and again, to the devs keep up the good work, I think I can say that we all are super stoked about the up coming release of A17. You folks are doing an awesome job, keep it up.


second, the last half dozen pages. I have seen a lot of complaint of emersion and realism, now this is just my opinion. you are playing a game that is still in alfa stage, now I don't no a lot about programing and developing. But can take a wild guess and say it is no where near being complete, after all it is not V.R.. so getting worked up over immersion being broke do to not being able to remove a gun attachment is kind of ridiculous. As far as realism, come on for real your playing a game about a zombie apocalypse. It is completely made up by vary artistic minds coming from the depths of their imagination. if you want realistic play call of duty or battle field or any number of the other games out there, that a based around the realms of reality. this title as far as I am concerned, brings to light a lot of aspects that other games have not even touched. Making it vary playable and enjoyable. So be patient my friends things will change, for better or worse we do not know, only time will tell.

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Good day to all.

first and again, to the devs keep up the good work, I think I can say that we all are super stoked about the up coming release of A17. You folks are doing an awesome job, keep it up.


second, the last half dozen pages. I have seen a lot of complaint of emersion and realism, now this is just my opinion. you are playing a game that is still in alfa stage, now I don't no a lot about programing and developing. But can take a wild guess and say it is no where near being complete, after all it is not V.R.. so getting worked up over immersion being broke do to not being able to remove a gun attachment is kind of ridiculous. As far as realism, come on for real your playing a game about a zombie apocalypse. It is completely made up by vary artistic minds coming from the depths of there imagination. if you want realistic play call of duty or battle field or any number of the other games out there, that a based around the realms of reality. this title as far as I am concerned, brings to light a lot of aspects that other games have not even touched. Making it vary playable and enjoyable. So be patient my friends things will change, for better or worse we do not know, only time will tell.


My inner english teacher is having a blow out....

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*Death due to dehydration or starvation are still possible, that hasn't changed. But due to how tied together it all is now, you'll know you're hungry or thirsty long before it's a life/death situation.


We need new achivement in Steam: "10 Death due to dehydration or starvation" :victorious::victorious::victorious:

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Well thanks for at least trying to find a reason for this.

It still makes no real sense as you could probably still remove it...

but at least you see my point and try to give an immersive reason on why its not removable :D


I absolutely see your points and they are logical, but not everything in life is going to make sense... especially in games. This is still Alpha and it takes a certain mindset to be able to ride the highs and lows of a game still in development (I've learned this rather quickly and recently). Some changes you'll love and other changes you'll grit your teeth through, but the challenge is to have an open mind and at least give it a try. Just because I support the devs in their decision whether they make weapon mods detachable or not doesn't mean I don't agree with you - it just means I understand they are driving this bus and I am just a passanger... That is the agreement I signed on to when I purchased the EA game.


These devs are awesome because they listen to suggestions... I've seen faatal read a post, say, "this shouldn't be hard to do" (actually paraphrased, not a quote) and reply in a short amount of time saying it is done. We are fortunate for that, but they don't have to implement every suggestion... Just ones that fit into the world they are creating and won't disrupt current plans/timelines. We should be courtious when presenting our opinions. Words like, stupid, retarded, idiotic, etc just takes away from the actual idea and could be offensive resulting in your ideas not being taken serious. Hostility is never a good approach.


The struggle is real and choices are difficult to make - That is what they are trying to create from my understanding. If I find a sweet scope, but have a tier 1 hunting rifle it will be tempting to add it, but I will probably stash the scope for a later tier 3... OR attach it to increase effectiveness of my tier 1 hunting rifle for the quick benefits in early gameplay and hope I can find another sweet scope by the time I hit tier 3 for weapons.


Damn... I need to stop writing text walls, but this damn brain of mine won't let me! Had the same struggle in college lol... Lengthy paper writing was my strongsuit. My weakness was a maximum word count.

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