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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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-Then one game using the Deliverance pistol and the 44 magnum from the assassin guy (forgot his name)

THAT my friend is the completely OP... ROTFL... FACE STOMP. Fire the Deliverance in Vats until your out, then switch to the 44 and fire with the flashing auto critical which resets all your vats points and switch back to the Deliverance! If you min/maxed your stats and perks you can not be killed by anything!


Do it for the lol :)


You can skip all of that Deliverance/Kellog's gun tom-foolery if you find an Explosive Plasma and give it an improved Splitter barrel. Not great around settlers, but otherwise the only gun you will ever need. Take out a pack of Mongrel Dogs with 1 shot, and wonder how you ever wanted any other gun. Spam on a Legendary Super Mutant and wonder at the unrecognizable giblets! Get Dogmeat to SIT and stay the heck out of your heckin' way!


Good times. Good times.

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I'm very excited for the next update as i'm sure you all are as well I have a few comments/ questions :)


1. Will bandits make it into the next update? I'm pretty excited for the challenge they will bring! Anything anyone can share? I know they worked on modcaps.


2. Will they add more zombie varieties? Also is the costume nurse lady staying? I find seeing groups of the same zombie type breaks the immersion.


3. What ideas for penalties do they have for bottom dwellers? I know that come up in the conversation in the past. Would love if there was spem special creepy underground enemy.



Thanks and I look forward to playing the next update soon!

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About zombies, it would be neat if their body parts could differ (like different shirts, pants, hats etc.) Similar system is in GTA IV and V.

-----> This game has same entity system as in GTA SA.


PS: I'm using gta as an example because its better to understand what i mean :)

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I'm very excited for the next update as i'm sure you all are as well I have a few comments/ questions :)


1. Will bandits make it into the next update? I'm pretty excited for the challenge they will bring! Anything anyone can share? I know they worked on modcaps.


2. Will they add more zombie varieties? Also is the costume nurse lady staying? I find seeing groups of the same zombie type breaks the immersion.


3. What ideas for penalties do they have for bottom dwellers? I know that come up in the conversation in the past. Would love if there was spem special creepy underground enemy.



Thanks and I look forward to playing the next update soon!


1. No word yet. AI is being worked on and bandit animation is being worked on-- so hopefully.


2. Yes. Yes. Same.


3. Penalties? No penalties. Challenges? perhaps.....

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About zombies, it would be neat if their body parts could differ (like different shirts, pants, hats etc.) Similar system is in GTA IV and V.

-----> This game has same entity system as in GTA SA.


PS: I'm using gta as an example because its better to understand what i mean :)


You mean like a randomizer that changes the appearance of zombies but not the model. That would be good to see. :)

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I'm very excited for the next update as i'm sure you all are as well I have a few comments/ questions :)


1. Will bandits make it into the next update? I'm pretty excited for the challenge they will bring! Anything anyone can share? I know they worked on modcaps.


2. Will they add more zombie varieties? Also is the costume nurse lady staying? I find seeing groups of the same zombie type breaks the immersion.


3. What ideas for penalties do they have for bottom dwellers? I know that come up in the conversation in the past. Would love if there was spem special creepy underground enemy.



Thanks and I look forward to playing the next update soon!


In response to the third question:


Why would you want to penalize people for there ingenuity?

On the other hand, people live above ground for a reason. They are not moles you know. :)

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I remember talk of needing to install a ventilation system in order to survive (and forge) underground. That still a thing?


A ventilation system seems like it would prevent players from building underground during early game because it would require skills and materials they won’t have.


Making underground living less safe via super zombies who can sense the player and burrow seems like a stretch and would break immersion IMO.


If people want to be 100% safe from zombies they can turn off spawn in game settings or (in the current game) they can live like moles.


Why stop them?


To me, a player asking for underground to be unsafe is the same as asking for zombies that can penetrate their 4 block thick reinforced concrete bunker.

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A ventilation system seems like it would prevent players from building underground during early game because it would require skills and materials they won’t have.


Making underground living less safe via super zombies who can sense the player and burrow seems like a stretch and would break immersion IMO.


If people want to be 100% safe from zombies they can turn off spawn in game settings or (in the current game) they can live like moles.


Why stop them?


To me, a player asking for underground to be unsafe is the same as asking for zombies that can penetrate their 4 block thick reinforced concrete bunker.


For single player, sure. For competitive multiplayer, i could see why underground threats would be more important.

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