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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Every indicator on the HUD should be gated behind some sort of enhanced perception perk. That way you start the game with a completely invisible HUD but purchase whatever you want to appear. Instead of a free toggle in the options menu make people PAY for their options.




We could start with time. Find or have a watch.

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I'm not even skeptical. I say no chance.


I'm with you here have seen some beast rigs struggle with with a couple POI's... namely the "Missile Silo" and the "Dishong Tower"... I cant even enter those with my current setup with out dropping to about 10 fps

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Only if they're all moving at the same time.


Based on what we've seen so far I'd expect them all to be moving individually, especially considering there are so many ways in which they could be damaged individually (turrets, explosives, player attacks, vehicles, etc.).

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Hmm. I wonder if anyone has tried marketing random gen maps, yet.


Well, you jest... but now that I’ve gotten into it myself, I will say that it does take hours of work getting the rwgmixer to make something worth sharing: a combination of math skills, design sensibilities, and geological research.


are you serious with this kind of answer? asking something about the update, then u reply: you can edit the files anyway, so dont worry.

its like: there will be more npc's / enemys / weapons?

-you can do it yourself // dont worry, modders will do it.


please HAVE expectations towards the devs.


An in-game option to turn off the health bar would be the best option for players. However, your comparison really isn’t fair, since modding in more NPCs, enemies or weapons is much harder than modding out a UI element.

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Based on what we've seen so far I'd expect them all to be moving individually, especially considering there are so many ways in which they could be damaged individually (turrets, explosives, player attacks, vehicles, etc.).


Yea, If they are all together, in one horde, yea, that's not as easy, lol, but never say never. Anything is possible. All it takes is willpower. Could increase the numbers by adding tricks if they don't already. For example, make zombies further away use chunkier physics, but use prediction to smooth it out on the client.

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I would have to disagree, I could build a gaming rig that could handle a load like that no problem, of course it would be over $5,000 USD and most people can't afford a rig like that, so your point is mostly valid. :p


No. No you couldn't. Even a 16-core, overclocked machine with 128GB or more of RAM would straight up buckle under all the AI it has to handle AND all the physics at the same time.

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Is it possible to (group) voxels together. Soil for example could be grouped in a 3x3x3 cube making it one big voxel. So if something damages it then it starts to buckle but only in the direction of the damage. So if one voxel gets hit then it caves and the other voxels shape around the first one. Much the same as digging a hole in real life.

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Originally Posted by KhaineGB

No. No you couldn't. Even a 16-core, overclocked machine with 128GB or more of RAM would straight up buckle under all the AI it has to handle AND all the physics at the same time.

How do you know that?


Off the top of my head: Unity (or any game engine currently) isn't developed to use all that hardware optimally.

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I would have to disagree, I could build a gaming rig that could handle a load like that no problem, of course it would be over $5,000 USD and most people can't afford a rig like that, so your point is mostly valid. :p


If the zombies are turned down to 2D stick figures with zero animation, sure maybe. Or maybe just a text in the corner that says "There's a horde of 1000 zombies in front of you. Press A to attack, Press S to run, Press D to accidentally drop you weapon"


Plus $5K won't get you much these days with BitCoin miners driving the cost of GPUs up and RAM seems to keep rising in price.

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To turn it off you have multiple options like 9mm, 7.62mm, clubs... =)
i hear looking at the sky works too lol....


- - - Updated - - -


Hey thanks man. You just made a lot of people happy here. :)


You are mistaken. All Roland did was pass along the message lol..

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Is it possible to (group) voxels together. Soil for example could be grouped in a 3x3x3 cube making it one big voxel. So if something damages it then it starts to buckle but only in the direction of the damage. So if one voxel gets hit then it caves and the other voxels shape around the first one. Much the same as digging a hole in real life.


Yes, but that's something that would have to be baked in from the start, but it wasn't (sub-voxels, so to speak). Wait for beta, they'll get clever and optimize the hell out of things, then we'll see what's possible.

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Yes, but that's something that would have to be baked in from the start, but it wasn't (sub-voxels, so to speak). Wait for beta, they'll get clever and optimize the hell out of things, then we'll see what's possible.


I think I already have.


I seen other games that appear to use this.

The results are that it makes the game look less clunky and more smooth.


It might be possible for TFP's to group them but it will take some reworking of the code. It really depends on what they want to do and what they can afford to do.

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funny reading this thread, half of time TFP team is telling they are just "in production video" and can be final or not. Why is it hard for new user to understand.


I can feel TFP team sometime thing of closing this thread due to frustration of same thing been asked again and again.


For red bar, I really don't care, I am sure some modder (counting on SMX) will remove it or make it thin, if TFP leave it. I don't see an issue with thin bar, The fun of game is to Build and protect for horde. So yes, I do love to see bigger horde not 50 alive at time, but instead of 1-2 coming it keep coming 7-8 at time and when you left with 4-5 alive more will come, so it swing between say 4 - 12 at a time after initial rush.

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Don't remove guns parts please!


Sorry my English is not so great.

(i don't really know about this website but i do know i live for this game and i never gave up on it or you guys who create it)

This game is so incredible good i didn't put my money S.A.D or any other zombie games because this game is one of a kind

the guns parts are great and its fun to learn how to make guns and switching them with other parts.


Please, Please don't remove the guns parts and other feature this game already has this is perfect and its only game that put me in apocalypse world.


Me one won't convince you guys but i have to try to to tell you guys to keep it in.


By the way 10 out of 10 with the bike,bicycle,off road car and the helicopter pulse animations guys those feature were required from long time and i am glad you put it in and i hoping you guys add in more in the game.

I am with this game for 100% like my bible. :peace:

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I added the numbers to test damage amounts without having to use Debug Logs. That's not something meant for players.


Also, stop with the health bar stuff. Regardless of if it goes to public, it helps me with testing.


I could just not show any update videos then you guys won't have to look at it as often. :)


Hey man, my critique was about the numbers present/visible on the health bars, not on the video itself :) Good to hear those values will not show up in the player version.

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So 25 hardcore players signed up on the forums with 1000's of hours of gameplay hate the health bars, so that MUST mean that everyone hates them right?




I don't like the health bar as well, even though I'm usually very critical of the game, and I don't have 1000's of hours. That makes me a super-special minority! :D

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Most of it has to do with optimization of the code, this thing is still an Alpha so there is a lot of work that can still be done to improve it.


If the workload is properly and efficiently distributed to all 14-16 cores and you are running at least 2 flagship Nvidia graphics cards in SLI not only is it possible but it would most likely surprise you how well it would run.


Again we are talking about a rig that most people can't afford so it's a near certainty that they would never go to all the trouble to make the code that robust and efficient for the sake of the top 1% of gamers so we will never find out.


I plan on building a rig at the end of this year with the Intel 14-core X series CPU and Dual 1080 ti (or 2080) running in SLI so in theory I could be a crash test dummy to test the optimizations but sadly it is highly unlikely they will even attempt to optimize the code to that extent so we will never find out.

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