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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Go back and watch the video. Joel talked about picking up arrows. He said he would love to be able to retrieve arrows. He literally said that what he showed is the starting place.


Everdeen is sticky arrows. Sorry if it is underwhelming compared to expectations but that is what hype is all about :) Trust me that playing with it is far more enjoyable than watching it. I probably ran around for 45 minutes just shooting zombies and deer and boars trying to stick as many arrows in them before their....ahem...huge red HP bar depleted completely. Sticky arrows adds more than you would guess to the archery part of the game-- even if you can't retrieve them yet.


So, Everdeen is firing sticky arrows from an Airship, then using a zip line like a bunge cord to fly down, pick up said arrow and pop back into my airship ready to fire again? WOW!


I'm sure that's what Jaxs and Gumpy want as well. It looks like you just confirmed this? Is your silent look of disbelieve a yes? OK good!


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Think gas bags made out of brass. Lots of brass.




It's called a McGuffin. It is one of the vehicles that (nearly) everyone wants to have to play around with.


OK, you had me at "brass" and with that "lots of brass" you're just teasing me now! :)

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Ad space.


Maybe you use it to attract traders?


I can see it now...


"Come to Dukes Casino, Hotel, Insurance and Protection agency! For a small fee we can guarantee that 1) You will walk out alive and 2) You will not wake up in your fort with someone nailing your head to the floor! Got it? Good!"


Its a big blimp.

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Go back and watch the video. Joel talked about picking up arrows. He said he would love to be able to retrieve arrows. He literally said that what he showed is the starting place.


Everdeen is sticky arrows


While he may have talked about. Everdeen as you know it is without the ability to pick them up. Therefore my statement is not incorrect.


More importantly.. will the arrows stick to bandits in A17?


Roland stop reading here.. Guys its a trick question, hopefully he falls for it.

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I'd give up all my dukes to remove the enemy health bar...


I just played through a game where I modded out dukes and traders. I died near the end of the horde time of day 7 because I had this crazy idea of confronting the remainder of the horde on foot. It might have worked except I broke my leg in an accidental fall. Oops. :p

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I for one like the health bars. Lets talk about the most overused buzzword on this forum "immersion"


Guys. We are a bunch of nerds sitting at a PC clicking buttons to slay zombies, build mega bases and carry about 10,000 pounds of concrete in a back pack. There IS NO IMMERSION. Its fake , Get over it.


Get used to the fact that your playing a game and can use health info to make decisions. With zombies that regen health... how do i know if this thing will EVER die?

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For me it's not immersion, it's garishness. That, and more importantly, it takes AWAY from any "oh ♥♥♥♥" moments, and "why won't this guy die" moments, as now, I'll know exactly how to meta game, which zombies to target, and when to run the hell away.



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What would be awesome is if it would change seasonally.


Would rather have this then the wasted time on vehicles that will remove you from the survival of the game ..just like the minibike does now.




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I for one like the health bars. Lets talk about the most overused buzzword on this forum "immersion"


Guys. We are a bunch of nerds sitting at a PC clicking buttons to slay zombies, build mega bases and carry about 10,000 pounds of concrete in a back pack. There IS NO IMMERSION. Its fake , Get over it.


Get used to the fact that your playing a game and can use health info to make decisions. With zombies that regen health... how do i know if this thing will EVER die?


BANNISHED from the forums...Be gone non believer!!

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I don't mind having vehicles, I'm just unsure on how easily they're come by. The gas especially should be a HUGE factor in using a vehicle, but I'm always so ridiculously flush with gas it's not even worth making.


But, think if gas WAS actually rare, and you DID have to fight to have it as a resource... and if a full tank didn't mean a weeks worth of driving... then driving wouldn't be so common, it would be a luxury only those rich enough could afford. Then vehicles would be contributing to the survival aspect of the game.

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Everdeen is sticky arrows.

I had no clue what you were referring to. =P



Lol. And I suppose we're going to break our arms punching rocks and trees for mats on day 1.

Good feedback! Thanks.



Guys. We are a bunch of nerds sitting at a PC clicking buttons to slay zombies, build mega bases and carry about 10,000 pounds of concrete in a back pack. There IS NO IMMERSION. Its fake , Get over it.

It's actually around 40000 tons.



I don't mind having vehicles, I'm just unsure on how easily they're come by. The gas especially should be a HUGE factor in using a vehicle, but I'm always so ridiculously flush with gas it's not even worth making.


But, think if gas WAS actually rare, and you DID have to fight to have it as a resource... and if a full tank didn't mean a weeks worth of driving... then driving wouldn't be so common, it would be a luxury only those rich enough could afford. Then vehicles would be contributing to the survival aspect of the game.

I'm totally down with that.


Joel did ask for increased gas in cars so now you practically never run out just wrenching down the occasional car.


The desert is... difficult.

Maybe if I switched the desert to a "coal biome" and randomly dropped bits of oil shale from there?

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Q. How exactly do enemy health bars improve my gaming experience?


A. They don't.



Not sure about your experience. But they would improve my experience by letting me not having to swing a club at a regenning health zombie for 5 minutes to even know if i have the power to kill it. Just One example

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I don't mind the health bar, after awhile I probably won't even notice it anymore and it will just be there, one option I would not mind having is a hud removal option, like those other fps games where you can run around with no hud and have to either open menus or watch for screen cues to know what is going on, like for infection, i would enjoy it if you cant cure it and your character stops for a minute to scratch an itch on his arm from the "bite" to remind you that you are infected, kinda like the dry breathing for being thirsty, shivering for cold, stomach growling for hunger, little things like that would be amusing i think.

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