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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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What would be scary as hell to most players would be a creature that sometimes travels with a horde which would snare the player with a sticky substance and temporarily make him as slow OR SLOWER than a walking zombie!


Running at night would be scary again. :)

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If they want to add such a "Devastating" zombie it should have really less HP.

Until now high damage is always paired with high HP. Thats bad in a perpective of Strategie and Tactic.


Tanks = Much hp but nearly no Damage

Destroyers = Less Hp but good damage

Special movement Zombies = as a Priority target dependent on the situation (normal HP)

this woud lead to a gameplay players really need to make decisions.


this is not really true.

i mean in the extreme maybe. BUT this is not a moba. A tank in mobas have CC or bodyblock.

In a zombiegame... tanks dont have any of that. So they either need: speed to be dangerous to players or damage to be dangerous to structures. I would rather have him have speed then damage. But a bulletsponge, that is in no way a danger is the last priority. The only other option would be to shift away the spawning mechanic from screamers to tanks... but then this defeats the purpose.

A tank needs some sort of either damage, speed or ability to be dangerous enough to be a priority target or make it at least more difficult for players to kill the "weaker" zombies.

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Could targeting of policeman be looked at ?


If you get a large group of zeds all in one area stuck and attacking nothing like the tooth structures is it possible for them to each give off heat and a threshold for a certain amount of block volume set so if it is reached then the policemans projectile is targeted there and also his running attack.

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A tank needs some sort of either damage, speed or ability to be dangerous enough to be a priority target or make it at least more difficult for players to kill the "weaker" zombies.


The point is if a Horde has no low Priority targets, there is no choice. It doesnt matter which high priority target you kill, if all are high priority targets.


As a idea, split the cops

Green with high HP pukes and generate mist around them and give other zombies cover

Red with low hp move in and explode

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Another option may be to add a volume component. 1 zombie whacks the wall, fly on windshield, but within a certain sphere, as the volume grows so does there pounding speed and strength. similar to season 7 walking dead, 1 z bounces off the wall. 1000 z's and it's Jericho. On horde night it would then be in a person or groups best interest to get the numbers down quickly.

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Spider zombies what if you changed there targeting systems to certain blocks instead of player entity.


Forges, workbenches,chem stations


So if the dont get stuck on your defenses and do get into your base they attack the things your trying to protect.


I missed out campfires and storage as it would be to easy and inexpensive to put those on the outside of the base.

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Targeting Crates, so more value inside so more "Targetheat"


Yes i started to think about that but players will just fill storage with junk........


Unless heat is calculated by economic value and that is targeted.


Would be really unpopular i think.


You could say it will push all players to have underground bases though.

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One thing that I don't understand is why both the Behemoth and Zip lines were suddenly cut from the game (cutting room floor).


We saw progress on both.

I mean the last time we heard about Zip lines is that it was delayed after Madmole showed us a cool video of it in the game.

Then we don't hear anything about it. Now after months of waiting for news. He suddenly drops news that both are cut from the game. As casually is if he said that he was changing the color of some POI from red to green.


At least tell us why they are being dropped.


After all that hype and now this...

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One thing that I don't understand is why both the Behemoth and Zip lines were suddenly cut from the game (cutting room floor).


We saw progress on both.

I mean the last time we heard about Zip lines is that it was delayed after Madmole showed us a cool video of it in the game.

Then we don't hear anything about it. Now after months of waiting for news. He suddenly drops news that both are cut from the game. As casually is if he said that he was changing the color of some POI from red to green.


At least tell us why they are being dropped.


After all that hype and now this...


Could be lot of stuff, could be just to have some more space for coooler stuff, could be just a moment of leaving it. Cutting room floor for a graphic designer is not the recycle bin. At least for me.

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He suddenly drops news that both are cut from the game. As casually is if he said that he was changing the color of some POI from red to green.


You mean as casual as he announced any new feature that gets in? I don't know, I don't like drama queens as news source, so for me thats a feature not a bug.


TFP surely have an almost unlimited list of features that they would like to have in the game. Some of them turn out as bad ideas, some just move up or down that list. Some turn out to be too much work for the gain, detrimental to some playstyles or collide with other features.


Spider zombies what if you changed there targeting systems to certain blocks instead of player entity.


Forges, workbenches,chem stations


So instead of a danger to your health they become a danger for you to have to farm some more. Doesn't really sound exciting. Generally you will hear a lot of people protesting base-crushing zombies just because they just translate to more boring base-fixing work. Generally I would prefer defense-circumventing zombies to defense-crushing zombies any day


Despite you still being wrong about how often you can swing the stone axe verses the clubs, you are right about the dps being higher against the wood club. However this becomes a totally different story for the barbed club and up, as the base damage and headshot multipliers make them definitively higher.


Additionally it depends on how you fight zombies, i.e. whether you can translate the higher swing speed to DPS.


If I just stand in front of a zombie and hit him at highest speed and my weapon doesn't stun him I get hit. So like many others I either run through them or step forward, hit, step backward. In both cases I want a high damage per hit while the hitting frequency is relatively unimportant as I can't hit that fast anyway.

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The things that I hope they fix is the lousy loot that is in the more dangerous zombies. Kill a Hawaii zombie and you will get nothing, same with some others. Big Momma gives tools, shovels and such and is worth fighting. Watched a lot of videos and there are lots of complaints of how TFPs must not play their game or they would know there is lousy loot so why fight the zombies, just hop on a bike and ride away, or run away from them and do something that gives better loot.

As for seeds, what a lot of players don't realize is that there is more than one spawn site. Spawn in the desert, or in a burnt forest near a burnt city, in the plains and have two or three days to walk to find a city, just a building here and there and get lucky they give food/water and find yucca in plains/desert. Corn in plains to have to eat; snow berries also to eat in forest and snow biome. Or a great spawn site with several cities close by, desert in one area for yucca and aloe and plenty of corn, potatoes and berries you can grow. That was in just one seed I was checking out. I'm not complaining about it, I expected that, but some don't (and should).

I don't think anything needs to be changed in the minibike, too many remarks, here and in comments on videos of how hard it is to find a decent engine and battery. Most are tan or yellow, and the higher quality are almost worn out. I had one where the deer outran me. And if a zombie had been feral, it would have been able to run me down. Remarks of how hard it is to find a bike and crossbow schematics.

These aren't from me, I get a lot of info from players who comment on youtube, but never post on the forums, which I think gives a good idea of what the casual players are dealing with. Most of those who watch youtube or twitch are of the younger generation, ages 15 to 20s. There are a lot of teenagers and adults in early 20s who play the game.


Ziplines, I was looking forward to, behemoth, not. It doesn't fit with the story of WWIII and virus due to _____ (whatever). Yes, I can see DNA research in trying to find a cure and the irradiated and feral zombies, but not a behemoth. And as for why, just like the smell had to be dropped and set aside for later on fixing, those could have caused problems in a more important area.

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That's a pretty ridiculous reason for mod support not being implemented if true. There are MANY games that are in early EA that offer Workshop support and people aren't "confused". As a matter of fact some of these games EXCEL at offering full mod support and thrive BECAUSE of it. It always struck me as odd that a survival game as big as this does not have a workshop. I really hope this isn't a possible reason why we haven't seen mod support.


I agree.


Roland, you can't be serious with that response.


Mods during development are one of the best proof of concepts you can get.

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I agree.


Roland, you can't be serious with that response.


Mods during development are one of the best proof of concepts you can get.


People who know what they do can allready use mods.

Offering them as "one klick" sollution would add many people with no clue to the moduser.

And i really expect many many "Rage Threads and Videos" because of clueless people that complain about Vanilla bugs they self caused with incompatible mods.

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Just do not turn this game into a Call of Duty. What I mean is do not add nukes, helicoptors, jets, or anything that cannot be crafted by a survivor. I mean this is a survive the dead type of game. I am for NPCs for quests and trading, maybe even for a little battle but not to the extent of it becoming Fallout or GTA. I mean what do people want next a dump truck to carry all of your garbage with you on a loot run? Oh, how about a submarine.

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Just do not turn this game into a Call of Duty. What I mean is do not add nukes, helicoptors, jets, or anything that cannot be crafted by a survivor. I mean this is a survive the dead type of game. I am for NPCs for quests and trading, maybe even for a little battle but not to the extent of it becoming Fallout or GTA. I mean what do people want next a dump truck to carry all of your garbage with you on a loot run? Oh, how about a submarine.

I'm pretty positive this is not the direction TFP intends to go.

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At a later stage in game development I would like for there to be bandits and NPC's that give you quests or info you need. You won't see any of the NPC's because they won't come within a KM of your base (defined by your sleeping bag and/or land claim maybe?) so you would have to leave your base to ever talk to one. When you do run into them you can trade with them for hard to get items and there being a chance if they don't have what you want they could trade you a map to someone that does have the item. Also if you don't have something they need (for something they have you want) they could also trade you for a map to someone that has that item. It's like little mini adventures with a reward at the end.

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Some Bright Ideas!!!


As far as Alpha 17 or any updates in the near future, I think it would positively and significantly impact players if you guys could make us some canoes or motor boats! I'm currently in a world filled with water everywhere on the Xbox One and it is such a pain in the @$$ to get anywhere.


Also don't forget about us console players! Please Please Please keep us up to date on the game!!!


Other Suggestions:


When it comes to crafting items, it is SO frustrating that things move around in the list and it becomes extremely tedious to find something as simple as a wood frame! I think all items should have its spot and not move around. I understand how it works now, but it still is frustrating.


Things that would be cool to see added:

-zip lines

-MASSIVE WANDERING HORDES (like 50-100+ zombies!!!)

-more animals to kill for meat (on Xbox one I find it tough to find enough meat)


Thanks for Listening!!! xoxo

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Hey Roland. Any idea why the Behemoth and Zip lines were taken out of the game now?


Scope Creep.


Neither of those things were ever mentioned in the kickstarter or any stretch goals. The devs experimented with them a bit and created a mock up of both. But as with anything as they started digging in to see what issues would have to be solved to make them a reality it was deemed too expensive in terms of time and money to fully pursue.


This wasn't a sudden decision as it seemed by Joel's sudden announcement. They have been looking for ways to cut the fat so that they can get the game they promised to gold. There are important features that were originally promised and those have to take priority. Why go down an uncertain road with the Behemoth when you still need to develop and implement the Duke of Navezgane and his bandits which were original promises. The ziplines were a whim and an experiment. Problems having to do with animation, collision, chunk loading and unloading, and more were not even begun when Joel showed that rudimentary video of the concept. Surmounting those problems would take a lot of time and money for a whimsical side project.


Believe me, I was disappointed when I found out but I also understand that they need to be focused and not spending weeks trying to solve problems associated with two ideas that were born late in the development cycle.



The good news is that they DO have these concepts and the beginnings of these features in rough form and who knows but they might fit in well with their next game and be stated as one of the goals from the beginning.

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