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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Not fair MM. Which no was for which part?


1. So what ur suggesting is while ur not planning cars...


2. You are planning to put in 4x4s...


3. Is that it?..


Could we get just a little clarification, are you planning on putting 4 wheeled vehicles in the game?


Not shopping trolleys or kids buggys, or horses on wheels, or two bikes strapped together, or one giant roller boot.


I mean as in cars/buses? Come on MM -.-"


I read it as no he is not planning 4x4 and no that is not it ..... totally confusing ... the Madmole way.

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We are working on concepts for the 4x4. It is not in production. In general, larger tires = easier to implement with the new physics system for vehicles so the design favors trucks before we do cars. The plan is to implement everything we've had sitting around first, so minibike, bicycle, hog, and then gyro copter, after that a 4x4 or off road vehicle, hopefully. And somewhere I want to shove a horse into the mix as well.


Great to know thanks, give us lots to talk about. Does that mean nothing to get over water with ?

Have a great birthday tomorrow sir.

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We are working on concepts for the 4x4. It is not in production. In general, larger tires = easier to implement with the new physics system for vehicles so the design favors trucks before we do cars. The plan is to implement everything we've had sitting around first, so minibike, bicycle, hog, and then gyro copter, after that a 4x4 or off road vehicle, hopefully. And somewhere I want to shove a horse into the mix as well.


The man with the plan has spoken. My eyes are mostly fixed on the gyrocopter, flying around by jumping over cliffs is a poor substitute at the moment. It will be interesting to see how TFP plans to differentiate the others, inventory size is the simple easy boring answer. Maybe gun turret for the 4x4/off-roader, the two-seater option, rotating spikes on the hogs wheels, radio, radar, amphibious operation.


What would interest me at the moment are the specific changes to the physics system, but probably I have to wait for the video.

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Funny. Vehicles is something that I'm not looking towards. I mean, I'll take it gladly, but I was ok with the bike -- then again, mine never fell through the world.


I'd like something to do at higher levels, while I work on bigger bases. Looting isn't fun because the loot is useless, and there just isn't enough (or interesting enough) challenges.


But, most of all, I'd like improved zombie AI. The breadcrumb system looks interesting, but the fact is that I'll take anything that makes the zombies more challenging outside increasing their damage, their hp or their number.


Vehicle physics was high on my list. They were none existent before. All the things you mentioned are being worked on and have been confirmed. The order in-which they are completed is dependent on so many variables. It's time to stop thinking the ENTIRE team focuses just on one task. They have multiple teams working on multiple areas of the game at the same time.

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We are working on concepts for the 4x4. It is not in production. In general, larger tires = easier to implement with the new physics system for vehicles so the design favors trucks before we do cars. The plan is to implement everything we've had sitting around first, so minibike, bicycle, hog, and then gyro copter, after that a 4x4 or off road vehicle, hopefully. And somewhere I want to shove a horse into the mix as well.


We already have hogs! Easy source of meat, but they are kind of slow, so I'm not sure what would be the benefit of riding one. :)

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With chunk resetting, are we talking about resource rocks and trees regenerating? That's going to be an immersion killer if that's the case. If it's more like POI's reset to occupied variants like was discussed previously, that's a much better idea, IMO.



Happy birthday, MM!

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I would prefer a big horn on the bike that sounds like a goose! Or just be able to tie a bunch of geese to the bike and let them do there business... No, I don't mean DROP THEIR NUMBER 2 on me, I mean fly!


Of course if they are going through all that trouble, might as well make an AIRSHIP! Right?


Airship ftw. Screw a gyro, I want an airship flying around shooting cannons at the behemoths head with some survivors keeping the improved zed vultures off of us!


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What is that a mine sweeper ? please no if we have that for a counter for wasteland mines what the hell are they going to introduce to counter the minesweeper?


Magical mushrooms.


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I'm going through a transition is all...


A transition.....erm.....


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Transitioning into what??


A trans-forum mod.....Geddit? A transformin' mod?....

I give up, my jokes are lame. I should be working, not zombie-ing out on the forums.

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Roland or someone. Explain this please?



Originally Posted by madmole

New vehicle system is coming along!




So what your suggesting is that while your not planning cars. You are planning to put in 4x4's? Is that it?




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No, and no.




We are working on concepts for the 4x4. It is not in production. In general, larger tires = easier to implement with the new physics system for vehicles so the design favors trucks before we do cars. The plan is to implement everything we've had sitting around first, so minibike, bicycle, hog, and then gyro copter, after that a 4x4 or off road vehicle, hopefully. And somewhere I want to shove a horse into the mix as well.




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We are working on concepts for the 4x4. It is not in production. In general, larger tires = easier to implement with the new physics system for vehicles so the design favors trucks before we do cars. The plan is to implement everything we've had sitting around first, so minibike, bicycle, hog, and then gyro copter, after that a 4x4 or off road vehicle, hopefully. And somewhere I want to shove a horse into the mix as well.



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