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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I'd lay off on the major zeds FOR NOW, the hulk and irradiated bullet sponges are already pushing it. come back to this part again later.


We are gonna have bandits and raiders as well. This is a major source of endgame badness that hasn't been tapped yet. they will be armed, hopefully have really good ai, clever ploys for breaching bases and stealing from our supplies. They should have the good loots that they have been out collecting. major defenses done gradually over time.


with no story, throwing out more zed types is just well... crappy. get the story done so we see where this stuff is coming from. It is time to progress. we got the zombies, bring out the rest of the world.


You hired new programmers, artists, ai and world builders,. Who is the story writer?


you have the flavor, it is time to start adding depth to the game.


edit: btw I say this with over 4700 hours played. so... much love, wanting more

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What I fear is that it'll just turn out like most zombie games where the focus on the zombies is lost and it just becomes a bandit shooter.


well, it is only supposed to be part zombie. survival, explorer, sandbox, builder. and bandits were in the original goals. no set main focus, just various threats.


Tho a slight zed revamp on timing would be nice. I know it is called 7Days to Die, but thought that was originally how long the infection took to kill us. I would rather have a monthly blood moon, with the old randomness of not knowing if you will be hit by a roaming horde some nights.


Night time biggest threat would always be zeds, but daytime? unless it is always feral, bandits would be the bigger threat. each having their own slot to fill.

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What I fear is that it'll just turn out like most zombie games where the focus on the zombies is lost and it just becomes a bandit shooter.


Personally I hope the Bandit thing becomes more of the mobile threat. So when you're out cruising around, you may get run up on by bandits or hit a bandit roadblock. Especially nasty if TFP makes more vehicles, like cars and trucks. Where off roading isn't as simple.

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Personally I hope the Bandit thing becomes more of the mobile threat. So when you're out cruising around, you may get run up on by bandits or hit a bandit roadblock. Especially nasty if TFP makes more vehicles, like cars and trucks. Where off roading isn't as simple.


Unless the road block was hidden around the corner of a hill or building. You would see it a long way off and plan accordingly.


Either by planning a way to clear it or avoiding it entirely.

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Unless the road block was hidden around the corner of a hill or building. You would see it a long way off and plan accordingly.


Either by planning a way to clear it or avoiding it entirely.


same could be said of most situations in a game. but those pitfall traps are in for a reason, that and paint. hmmm, freeway bridges need to be put in as well.

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What I don't understand is why people would rather have a zed only world instead of one that feels like a living breathing world with zeds and a few survivors and some of those survivors are good, some are neutral, and some are nasty.


They want to be the best.

Its easyer if you are alone !



Hi hi



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What I don't understand is why people would rather have a zed only world instead of one that feels like a living breathing world with zeds and a few survivors and some of those survivors are good, some are neutral, and some are nasty.


I would be good with that.


But anyway. I guess that some people like to focus on the zombie horror thing. Like there the last person on Earth or something.

I mean that's what this game seems like in single player. Well other than the supply plane ofc. It's like your having to survive on your own.


Adding bandits would change all that. Your no longer alone.


Plus you have to worry about people shooting at you and being able to chase you, even in the day time, in groups, pack behavior. Rather than a single zombie or a group of them stumbling after you.


Plus bandits think differently. Zombies are only after one thing. To feed. Bandits will try to kill you to get your loot. That means that they will try to steal your bike or loot your base. Even when the player wasn't there. Like MP.




I don't know what it is but I still think that Alpha 9.3 was the best. That's when I started playing the game. There is just something about that version that is really cool.

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I don't know what it is but I still think that Alpha 9.3 was the best. That's when I started playing the game. There is just something about that version that is really cool.


Well I think that anyone who is still here after all this time is not the average rage quitting player. We kept playing even when getting killed until we figured out how to survive in the world. That process of discovery can never be duplicated again. Every Alpha after the first one is just the same thing with some new aspects. You will never be able to return, though, to the coolness factor of those first couple of days when you were trying to figure everything out and everything was new and unfamiliar.


Alpha 6 was my first time... :tickled_pink:

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What I don't understand is why people would rather have a zed only world instead of one that feels like a living breathing world with zeds and a few survivors and some of those survivors are good, some are neutral, and some are nasty.



You really do not know what those "survivors" are called ?


-They are called **PLAYERS** !

Only thing that can make the world living and breathing is players!


You really thing you can make "living and breating world" out of NPCs ???

OMFG, it there anyone in here over age of 16 year that is not tired to tears with having to deal with NPCs in games ?

Only thing good npc's are are for insect-level intelligence enemies. Zombies and (alien) insect & animals.

Even Star Citizen NPCs look really stupid and boring and they have put insane amount of work into them.


When you improve the sad joke which is the performance of the Unity AI then the server can cope with more zombies and when the server can have more zombies it can have more players without them being bored to death liek now when server can only cope with 10-20 simultaneous enemies per players. Then we can get living and breathing world with active player community on ther server.

Do not waste the resource of both engine and dev team on npc's.

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What I don't understand is why people would rather have a zed only world instead of one that feels like a living breathing world with zeds and a few survivors and some of those survivors are good, some are neutral, and some are nasty.


For me, it’s the “last man on earth” vibe that is appealing.


I don’t relish the idea of interacting with NPCs. I do it with traders but even that breaks immersion.

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You really do not know what those "survivors" are called ?


-They are called **PLAYERS** !

Only thing that can make the world living and breathing is players!


You really thing you can make "living and breating world" out of NPCs ???

OMFG, it there anyone in here over age of 16 year that is not tired to tears with having to deal with NPCs in games ?

Only thing good npc's are are for insect-level intelligence enemies. Zombies and (alien) insect & animals.

Even Star Citizen NPCs look really stupid and boring and they have put insane amount of work into them.


When you improve the sad joke which is the performance of the Unity AI then the server can cope with more zombies and when the server can have more zombies it can have more players without them being bored to death liek now when server can only cope with 10-20 simultaneous enemies per players. Then we can get living and breathing world with active player community on ther server.

Do not waste the resource of both engine and dev team on npc's.


What you are ignoring is the tendency of PLAYERS to play the game like it is a competitive sport instead of roleplaying like they are in an actual apocalyptic world. I've never felt like other players are natural inhabitants of the world because they don't talk in character or behave in character for what people would do and say if they were actual denizens of the world. Instead they mostly talk and act like gamers sitting in front of their computer screens.


The appeal of NPCs in this game are quests and living people who will act the part consistently. None of them are going to feel the need to announce that they're going AFK or start chatting about the forums or aspects of the game they don't like or whatnot. Sure, that stuff is fun too and I'm friendly and engage in chatter when I play on a server but no PLAYERS are ever in character consistently to make me believe that I am interacting with members of the world.


Take the trader. Replace him with a player. Is that player going to stay in the shop and make deals and buy and sell in character? That would be awesome if someone would be willing to do that because they would be more realistic than the NPC trader we have but I've done trades and bartering with other players in the past and none of it was in character.


How about running a rescue mission? Is a player going to pretend to be trapped and in need of rescue so that others on the server can carry out that scenario? Doubtful. But NPCs can provide immersive scenarios that mesh with the setting of the world.


So I think you're wrong about the value that NPCs can add to a game. I think you are a straightforward PVPer so the game is more of a sport to you than a story of surviving so you probably don't care about roleplaying. But until there is a strict roleplaying server where the players are all committed to a character and act that character out in their actions and communications I'm looking forward to NPCs


So that is one 47-year old for your count.

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Well I think that anyone who is still here after all this time is not the average rage quitting player. We kept playing even when getting killed until we figured out how to survive in the world. That process of discovery can never be duplicated again. Every Alpha after the first one is just the same thing with some new aspects. You will never be able to return, though, to the coolness factor of those first couple of days when you were trying to figure everything out and everything was new and unfamiliar.


Alpha 6 was my first time... :tickled_pink:


I have been here a while and still loving it! ;) I don't say much lately but I am still here. :)

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You really do not know what those "survivors" are called ?


-They are called **PLAYERS** !

Only thing that can make the world living and breathing is players!


You really thing you can make "living and breating world" out of NPCs ???

OMFG, it there anyone in here over age of 16 year that is not tired to tears with having to deal with NPCs in games ?

Only thing good npc's are are for insect-level intelligence enemies. Zombies and (alien) insect & animals.

Even Star Citizen NPCs look really stupid and boring and they have put insane amount of work into them.


When you improve the sad joke which is the performance of the Unity AI then the server can cope with more zombies and when the server can have more zombies it can have more players without them being bored to death liek now when server can only cope with 10-20 simultaneous enemies per players. Then we can get living and breathing world with active player community on ther server.

Do not waste the resource of both engine and dev team on npc's.


well since main focus has been stated as single player, I'd perfer some NPC's here and there. not many, I don't want a Fallout filled world with lots of NPC's but a few maybe to give out quests and such.

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Unless the road block was hidden around the corner of a hill or building. You would see it a long way off and plan accordingly.


Either by planning a way to clear it or avoiding it entirely.


Are you kidding me? They will just start popping in all around you and behind you, same as zombies do now.

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You really do not know what those "survivors" are called ?


-They are called **PLAYERS** !

Only thing that can make the world living and breathing is players!


You really thing you can make "living and breating world" out of NPCs ???

OMFG, it there anyone in here over age of 16 year that is not tired to tears with having to deal with NPCs in games ?

Only thing good npc's are are for insect-level intelligence enemies. Zombies and (alien) insect & animals.

Even Star Citizen NPCs look really stupid and boring and they have put insane amount of work into them.


When you improve the sad joke which is the performance of the Unity AI then the server can cope with more zombies and when the server can have more zombies it can have more players without them being bored to death liek now when server can only cope with 10-20 simultaneous enemies per players. Then we can get living and breathing world with active player community on ther server.

Do not waste the resource of both engine and dev team on npc's.



I'm pretty sure there will be some sort of option or mod that allows you to turn off NPCs or something. But the reason why I personally would like some NPCs is that I seriously dislike the majority of actual players. If the server is PVE only, it's ok, but it lacks the tension of "is he gonna murder me or befriend me" but if its PVP... oh boy. Of the PVP servers I've joined the majority of people is just gonna go pew pew the moment they see someone and hunt you down for the hell of it. I play 7D2D for a lonely survival game where you are mostly threatened by the never ending hordes of zombies. NPCs in this case will perhaps bring something new to the table that isn't just "it's another zombie time to shoot it." So personally I like the idea of having NPCs as long as they are done right and doesn't appear too constantly. But if you really dislike it I'm pretty sure there will be a way to disable it xD


(also if you dont have wifi or something while traveling etc you at least have the option of NPCs lol)

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Well I think that anyone who is still here after all this time is not the average rage quitting player. We kept playing even when getting killed until we figured out how to survive in the world. That process of discovery can never be duplicated again. Every Alpha after the first one is just the same thing with some new aspects. You will never be able to return, though, to the coolness factor of those first couple of days when you were trying to figure everything out and everything was new and unfamiliar.


Alpha 6 was my first time... :tickled_pink:




We may snark at each other, group hug, argue, give rep, agree, disagree and everything in between but at the end of the day I think most of us would protect a Fun Pimp like we were Clint Eastwood in the 90's. Even if we dont always see eye to eye.


NPCs are pretty vital to the game IMO. They will give the world a lived in feeling. And after playing Subsistence and Next Day a bit it would be very thrilling to have to deal with bandits that could come to raid your base. The NPCs that people were modding in honestly were not that impressive but I didnt expect them to be considering they arent hooked up to any real AI. But if they get the AI right on them they could be a game changer in base design and comfortable living.

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What I don't understand is why people would rather have a zed only world instead of one that feels like a living breathing world with zeds and a few survivors and some of those survivors are good, some are neutral, and some are nasty.


Well, zeds should play center stage because otherwise it wouldn't be "THE APOCALYPSE", it would be hey, there is an unfortunate outbreak that is going to make you late for work. Oh and by the way some naughty people are taking advantage.

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What I don't understand is why people would rather have a zed only world instead of one that feels like a living breathing world with zeds and a few survivors and some of those survivors are good, some are neutral, and some are nasty.


Sometimes even the best of us temporarily don't like change. But once experienced, assuming a remotely reasonable change, most people will enjoy the new experience and drop any complaints.


**Note: The object in my avatars picture is an airship, she probably has a zombie bear crew as well. :)

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Sometimes even the best of us temporarily don't like change. But once experienced, assuming a remotely reasonable change, most people will enjoy the new experience and drop any complaints.


**Note: The object in my avatars picture is an airship, she probably has a zombie bear crew as well. :)


This is true, look at the current alpha and when the video went up about paint. I lost count on all the people the complaints that was post about the paint. But then when A16 released some if not most of the people that hated the idea once they started playing came back and said how cool it was and so on. This is just one of the many things that some of complain about but then came back and said how they actually liked it.

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