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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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On the topic of leveled loot, I agree with guppy that I don't really care for it. To me it's just an artificial way of creating a progression gap. It works in some rpg games that have more of a linear progression system, but in an open sandbox game it doesn't feel right.


I'd rather have loot be weighed more on the tiers instead. A tier of scrap metal tools between stone and iron would be a good start, and perhaps different tiers of crafting stations as well that are required for the highest tier item crafting.

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Isn't that block in creative menu? If so that might explain it.


Was it removed in A16? Because in A15 I remember making something like that from the concrete mixer. Didn't seem like it had much appeal to it, however. Just was like a terrain block I think...


Thanks for the info. I will look into it.

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Thanks for the info. I will look into it.


DM on then open creative menu, and choose the Dev icon (looks like computer and speakers on top left next to the search window), type the number 48 LOOTSTONEHELPER (only shows in dev section. also, item 1 Stone is still in game in the creative menu. :)

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More travel paths are a good thing but lets not diminish the good here. All of these houses were previously so plain long overdue for an update. I would love every old prefab get the "skyscrapper" treatment.


Aaaaah, no. Texture update, definitely. More variety, definitely. But not every house should have a cramped one-way street linear path. But MM already said the old houses will still be there, so all good.


It is worth mentioning players will find ways to make multiple paths given this is a voxel game already. :)


No, that was already mentioned and it's beside the point. It isn't about short cuts, it is about looking more realistic and less set-up and it is about the advantage a labyrinth and multiple doors have over a single path with always one door.


A player who follows the path instead of making his own path (and lots of players including me will do this at least once in each prefab) will check out any room and all alternative paths anyway, because something to see, zombies and loot could be anywhere. So it doesn't shorten the experience at all, but you don't feel as much as a customer of a disney theme park anymore.

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I am wondering if there will be changes in the houses and buildings in the other towns, Perishton and Gravestown. I figure the houses will be different, but what about the POIs, will there be changes in them also? I think it would be cool if you went into a POI, such as the gun store and there was a basement that had something like a coal chute in it. Some of those old buildings would have years ago used coal to heat and the chute would be there with nothing in it but some boxes, but behind one would be a zombie, or a crate that held some loot, or a door to another room that had crates with special loot in them. Or, it could be some empty boxes where they were tossed as they waited for trash pickup day. Empty pallets that we could break up for wood so the work of breaking into the room isn't for nothing; a bit of compensation. Nothing is more frustrating than fighting or working hard to get something and it be empty. The irradiated zombies for example. Stupid bullet or arrow sponges and no loot.

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I want rakes or hoes to show up on the road and infields randomly. stepping on them causes a mild concussion.


PS: I am currently in Cancun for 8 days so most of my post will not be very productive.


PSS: Why does 7DTD not have a resort location on a beach? maybe even fishing dock/pier to go with the future Fishing features that you will build because of my subliminal messaging...

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I want rakes or hoes to show up on the road and infields randomly. stepping on them causes a mild concussion.


PS: I am currently in Cancun for 8 days so most of my post will not be very productive.


PSS: Why does 7DTD not have a resort location on a beach? maybe even fishing dock/pier to go with the future Fishing features that you will build because of my subliminal messaging...


In Navesgane it does, on Spillway lake. There's a Fishing area in the middle of the pond, and a harbor, a marina called "Al's Marina" and a normal fishing hose near the lake. I lived there once, it was quite nice.

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PSS: Why does 7DTD not have a resort location on a beach? maybe even fishing dock/pier to go with the future Fishing features that you will build because of my subliminal messaging...


There already are piers/fishing docks on the Navezgane map.

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I gotta say tho it really bugged me seeing plastic wrapped full pallets in those houses, basements and attics no less. I'd love to see how that forklift got those in there and if you say they were hand stacked then why plastic wrapped together. That is done so you can move the whole pallet without spilling the load. Just looks silly and out of place in a house, belongs in warehouses and the back stockrooms of the stores.


as a person/couple who recieved not one, not two, but THREE emergency food pallets from a crazy friend one christmas about 10 years ago; the pallets are delivered onto your property, and you dismantle them and place them where you will.


pallets in your basement keep items safe if you get water, and afford better breathing for the items on them.


we used to joke about our zombie apocalypse supplies.


it's not so uncommon.


even costco and i'm sure others sell the things now, you don't need to get them from hippy doomsday types only anymore.


especially in remote regions where your desolate roads will be choked off for months in the winter.


come spring you eat things with shorter shelf lives and rotate as usual.

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as a person/couple who recieved not one, not two, but THREE emergency food pallets from a crazy friend one christmas about 10 years ago; the pallets are delivered onto your property, and you dismantle them and place them where you will.


pallets in your basement keep items safe if you get water, and afford better breathing for the items on them.


we used to joke about our zombie apocalypse supplies.


it's not so uncommon.


even costco and i'm sure others sell the things now, you don't need to get them from hippy doomsday types only anymore.


especially in remote regions where your desolate roads will be choked off for months in the winter.


come spring you eat things with shorter shelf lives and rotate as usual.


Yeah, Costco does do that. It's just like for shipping things, as you said.

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It looked like the normal Stone block to me, the one that's crafted in the mixer.


DM on then open creative menu, and choose the Dev icon (looks like computer and speakers on top left next to the search window), type the number 48 LOOTSTONEHELPER (only shows in dev section. also, item 1 Stone is still in game in the creative menu. :)


I see it now thanks. :)

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@Madmole, if you want more freedom with textures look into one of the texture streaming solutions for Unity, as a Unity dev myself I can say they help a ton as far as texture memory management goes.


For Unity I know of two solutions:



Web link:



Asset Store Link:



Amplify Texture 2: (PC only)



Unity can achieve far better graphics even with a voxel world just look at this voxel engine for example:



..side note, UMA is gross switch to MCS better for texture memory and looks way better; at least for player characters, it would only take a day or two to switch out then you just convert the UMA clothes to MCS which is a simple process, shouldn't break animations either.



#4k graphics 7DTD 2018?...don't let texture memory hold you back!


-Tolin Simpson,

Owner/programming lead, Leatherbound Games

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@Madmole, if you want more freedom with textures look into one of the texture streaming solutions for Unity, as a Unity dev myself I can say they help a ton as far as texture memory management goes.


For Unity I know of two solutions:



Web link:



Asset Store Link:



Amplify Texture 2: (PC only)



Unity can achieve far better graphics even with a voxel world just look at this voxel engine for example:



..side note, UMA is gross switch to MCS better for texture memory and looks way better; at least for player characters, it would only take a day or two to switch out then you just convert the UMA clothes to MCS which is a simple process, shouldn't break animations either.



#4k graphics 7DTD 2018?...don't let texture memory hold you back!


-Tolin Simpson,

Owner/programming lead, Leatherbound Games


Roland, can you see that this info gets seen by the right people?

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@Madmole, if you want more freedom with textures look into one of the texture streaming solutions for Unity, as a Unity dev myself I can say they help a ton as far as texture memory management goes.


For Unity I know of two solutions:



Web link:



Asset Store Link:



Amplify Texture 2: (PC only)



Unity can achieve far better graphics even with a voxel world just look at this voxel engine for example:



..side note, UMA is gross switch to MCS better for texture memory and looks way better; at least for player characters, it would only take a day or two to switch out then you just convert the UMA clothes to MCS which is a simple process, shouldn't break animations either.



#4k graphics 7DTD 2018?...don't let texture memory hold you back!


-Tolin Simpson,

Owner/programming lead, Leatherbound Games


The Devs need to see this! 7 days will look great!

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The new POIs look AMAZING! I'm super-pumped to go exploring them. BUT there's one thing that bugs me beyond measure, especially with the electricity implemented; the lights are on and the fridges are humming! It's a real buzzkill when you start to think of it! I'm no game-developer, but i reckon it shouldn't be hard to fix... But alltogether, this game ROCKS!

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We actually tried both, the draw calls went up substantially with AT2 and calling the workflow klunky would be generous. I didn't get a hands on with granite but was told by our coder it was slow as well. Basically we were seeing a good memory reduction, but at a huge cost of FPS drop. There were some options to decrease draw calls, but required free layers we didn't have the time to find. We gave our concerns to the AT2 devs so hopefully they can address them and we'll try again in A18.


Interesting, I assume each voxel is counted as an individual object so that might be why, I'd think it would be better for large objects over many small ones. Not my direct area of expertise but maybe try batching or instancing textures to be shared among common objects in the scene on the fly so you don't stream to each individual object but stream to the batched group that way FPS is only impacted by changes per object instance but overall groups of objects sharing textures stream from the same source until otherwise changed.

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the lights are on and the fridges are humming!

Fridges at least until now have no electricity dependency

But at lights thats mostly a Worldbuilder decision

Sure all lights can be off, but its a Balance question to give the player light or not.

I would prefer a other system too, but this is not solvable the way elecricity is implemented

I would like a Fuse box outside the house, if you connect a Batterie/Generator there it should power the house.

(But as i said, not possible because the wires are not saved in the Prefabs)

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But carrying fifty tons of stone, a few engines, etc is fine?


The inventory size issue is a necessary evil for gameplay, the pallets in the basement are not. See the difference? Yea as Roland said they may be preppers, but seems like every house? I know it's a small thing but it bugged me so I said so.

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