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Subquake's Undead Legacy


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Small issued about vehicle on elevator went stuck mid air when go down floors because don't have physics when get off vehicle, press number must quick get in vehicle before start go up or down floors. I make nice cars parking & crafting in underground base 🤘.

Bug vehicle stuck in mid air.



Worked fine when press number any floors must quickly get in vehicle before left up or down.


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Think that bug is the game itself.


I forgot to take my bike off it once when saving and on reload it reached escape velocity and it somewhere in orbit.


Most of the time the vehicles react as they should but every now and then if there too close to a edge there some weird behaviour.

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2 hours ago, Wolves Hero said:

Small issued about vehicle on elevator went stuck mid air when go down floors because don't have physics when get off vehicle, press number must quick get in vehicle before start go up or down floors. I make nice cars parking & crafting in underground base 🤘.

Bug vehicle stuck in mid air.



Worked fine when press number any floors must quickly get in vehicle before left up or down.


There's nothing I can do about it. If no one is in the vehicle, the physics calculations for them either stop or are slowed down, which results in this behaviour. Two things you need to consider if you want to keep using elevators:
1) don't leave them parked on the elevator;
2) when changing floors, select the floor and quickly jump into the vehicle if you are all by yourself, if not, then passenger can do it. Important bit is - when the elevator is moving, someone needs to be driving the vehicle.

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58 minutes ago, Subquake said:

There's nothing I can do about it. If no one is in the vehicle, the physics calculations for them either stop or are slowed down, which results in this behaviour. Two things you need to consider if you want to keep using elevators:
1) don't leave them parked on the elevator;
2) when changing floors, select the floor and quickly jump into the vehicle if you are all by yourself, if not, then passenger can do it. Important bit is - when the elevator is moving, someone needs to be driving the vehicle.

I think Developer Fun Pimps need improve physics all vehicles. Elevators maybe need bit more delay 1-2sec start moving when jump into the vehicle.

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28 minutes ago, Wolves Hero said:

I think Developer Fun Pimps need improve physics all vehicles. Elevators maybe need bit more delay 1-2sec start moving when jump into the vehicle.

It's to increase game performance, because you don't really need vehicles to calculate physics all the time when they are parked, that's a waste.

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I don't know what's wrong but I have major issue with Powered Glass Sliding doors. I have a setup where to each door two motion sensors are connected, so you can be seen from both sides. 

Sometimes doors will stop randomly working. I can be standing there while power is being delivered to doors and nothing is happening. I need to use debug mode to fly underneath the door to "reacitvate them".

Another peculiar issue I see, some sensors are able to see through floor. When I'm running on one floor, the door on floor above will randomly activate. 

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3 hours ago, Canute said:

Whats about a remote activation for the elevator while you inside the vehicle ?


Remote seems unlikely although adding a delay may be a option?

1 hour ago, Subquake said:

It's complicated, but that is a good idea, but yeah, it's complicated :( 

What about a five second delay?

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Just a thought ...  the more I watch people playing UL for the first time, the more I think it would be kind to really push it in people's faces that they can pick the carpenters bench up again after they place it in the starter quests. While it's great fun watching people spend 2-3 days looking for somewhere to make a base before they place any workbenches it would be kind to let them know ......

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Just started UL with my wife and a good friend last night.


After 1000h in vanilla, 7days feels kind of a new game.


We set it to warrior difficulty which is normally no problem at all, but in UL the zombies seem to have much more life (or starter weapons are just @%$# 🙂 ) and are a little bit faster.


We also have to get used to also pick up things instead of only crafring them. But so far it is a lot of fun.


Just one question: It is normal that map creation takes up to 16GB RAM on a random 6k map? Didn't notice this for vanilla.

We also had the impression that there is some interference with Discord which made both crash (game and Discord).

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2 hours ago, Thaledwyn said:

Just one question: It is normal that map creation takes up to 16GB RAM on a random 6k map? Didn't notice this for vanilla.

We also had the impression that there is some interference with Discord which made both crash (game and Discord).

Glad you like the mod and yes, Undead Legacy needs more system memory, best to increase your page file size to at least 32gb to reduce chances of an unexpected unity crash.

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- build 6 story elevator

- notice how big it is

- dig a big hole

- place elevator

- build concrete bunker above it and plattform on each level for parking cars

- finally be done and drive military truck in


- scream like a little girl because the truck is half a block to long and does not fit in the elevator



so a ground level garage it is for the truck


i still love the mod ^^

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17 hours ago, Thaledwyn said:

Thank you. I adjusted it.


Another question:


Is UL using the vanilla difficulties (see here) or are there any UL specific HP / damage percentages?


UL have slightly tougher zombies with randomized movement speed and walk animations and more wild spawn numbers, other than that more or less as vanilla.

1 hour ago, Ringkeeper said:

- scream like a little girl because the truck is half a block to long and does not fit in the elevator

When I was working on the Elevator, 9x9 was already huge, making it huger was a bit too much, so yeah, van is the most you can fit on it atm, sorry :D 

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Where can I find military Fiber more likely? It's really a problem in the growth of technology


Где я могу найти военное волокно с большей вероятностью? Это действительно проблема для роста технологии


P.S. Привет от зрителя канала KraboLandGames )

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Q: Can I run a Mac OS local Undead Legacy game and have freinds join me or invite friends?  I can on Vanilla, but cannot get this to work at all in UL?


Hi all,


I've done my best to search for any topics similar to my question, but haven't found anything.  In vanilla 7D2D, I can run the game and invite a friend to play with me in my "instance" of the game (peer to peer).  It's obviously not a persistent world and only exists when I run it, which is fine, since we only play together.


I cannot seem to do the same when I run the 7D2D mod Undead Legacy.  I cannot seem to invite my friends nor can they join me online when my game is running?  Can anyone clarify (since I can't find any documentation from Subquakes site or posts on this):  Does Undead Legacy require a server to play multiplayer, or can I do peer-to-peer like in vanilla?  I'd prefer not to run a dedicated server or pay to rent one for $20 monthly.


If I can do peer-to-peer, please tell me how, cause I cannot figure it out.  My buddy and I played around with this for a couple hours today and had zero luck.  Thanks.


Both of us are on 27" 5K iMacs running Mac OS 12.6 (Monterey), 32GB RAM, 8GM Radeon Pro 850MX.

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3 hours ago, Spladow said:


Q: Can I run a Mac OS local Undead Legacy game and have freinds join me or invite friends?  I can on Vanilla, but cannot get this to work at all in UL?


Hi all,


I've done my best to search for any topics similar to my question, but haven't found anything.  In vanilla 7D2D, I can run the game and invite a friend to play with me in my "instance" of the game (peer to peer).  It's obviously not a persistent world and only exists when I run it, which is fine, since we only play together.


I cannot seem to do the same when I run the 7D2D mod Undead Legacy.  I cannot seem to invite my friends nor can they join me online when my game is running?  Can anyone clarify (since I can't find any documentation from Subquakes site or posts on this):  Does Undead Legacy require a server to play multiplayer, or can I do peer-to-peer like in vanilla?  I'd prefer not to run a dedicated server or pay to rent one for $20 monthly.


If I can do peer-to-peer, please tell me how, cause I cannot figure it out.  My buddy and I played around with this for a couple hours today and had zero luck.  Thanks.


Both of us are on 27" 5K iMacs running Mac OS 12.6 (Monterey), 32GB RAM, 8GM Radeon Pro 850MX.

Make sure your game is running, if you're logged into steam and it detects you playing 7 days to die while you're playing Undead Legacy, your friends could join through your steam profile page green Join button, just make sure they have Undead Legacy open, otherwise steam will open vanilla 7 days to die.

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This mod lack craft lights, I founded other mod craft lights but still unlearned don't have lights schematic in research station, only vanilla game.

Light mods 1 & Light mods 2 both not compatible with this mods, only few mods been compatible with this mods - compatible mods list

I been comment about light mods but no reply just dead mods.




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