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Really? This is the final build?


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I've been following this game since it's kickstarter. I loved the concept, and had the kickstarter option that gave you four game keys. I remember the jumbled mess that launch was, and how torrenting sites got the initial build out better than TFP did. I don't blame them, they're a small indie studio, and even AAA games have a hard time launching smoothly. They've improved drastically since then. Over the years, through it's development, I've easily bought a dozen copies to chuck at various friends, and sunk countless hours into it. Each build, a buddy and I would launch a server, try it out, @%$# around until we were ready to move on, til the next build came out. 


I'm by no means new to the game, even though I'm new to the forum. I remember when crafting quality went from 1-100, based on your skill with crafting that specific type of item. I remember when perks were added. The skill system was overhauled, a lot. Often enough that every new build did genuinely feel different enough to have to swap up playstyle. But, the last few releases were more or less settled on the skill and crafting system we had for the last couple of years. Small tweaks, but nothing huge.

Then we get to the current build. Where, for some reason, armor and clothing slots have been reduced. They REMOVED options for the final build. No more layering clothing with armor, and having leg armor. There's less versatility in the final build, and there's no real reason given for this. We had a system that was MORE versatile than we do now, and it got pared down. We used to be able to invest in perks to get access to crafting items we wanted, or at least get a discount if we found the schematics already. Now, we have to scrounge for crafting skill books? I'm sorry, but the crafting skill system was introduced AGES ago, and summarily scrapped, because it was a bad system. Back then you were at least getting enough exp from crafting and repairing that you could progress with it. Now, you have to loot or hit traders. 
I've seen nothing the final build does BETTER, than the version before it. I know, I know, I can just load up an earlier version. There's nothing preventing me from doing so. I mean, people still routinely play earlier versions of minecraft because mod authors don't keep up to date with the current version. It's not new to have people prefer earlier versions. But with this being the final version, I expected something better, or at least more complete, than earlier versions. I didn't expect to regress to a long abandoned crafting skill, that was worse than the initial iteration. I didn't expect to lose gear slots.

This isn't even the complete game as promised. We hit the stretch goals, ages past, to let us tame and ride bears. We were promised animal husbandry, being able to domesticate animals and breed them for a reasonable supply of meat. We were promised enemy bandits, something that would have a better AI than shambling hordes of zombies. Not that I'm complaining about the zombies, it's a ZOMBIE game, but there was promised more. Hell, they dropped the hornets, which provided a solid early game threat when ranged weapons were in short supply, and their hives were a reasonable source of honey. But, I'm rambling on this point.

Stretch goals were not met. Promises were ignored. Animals are still just, kind of wandering around and an unreliable source of food, leather, bones, fat. They've had ample time to actually work on these things, and honestly, I wouldn't be so bothered by this, if they didn't completely throw out functional systems we had PRIOR to the full release, to replace them with inferior versions. Ones that were not asked for, ones that were not wanted, ones that were tried before and thrown out for being bad systems. 

That they did that, then turned around and began building a new game under the same IP, is just a slap in the face. I'm not looking for endless updates; a final version was always the ideal. It was a kickstarter to allow them to create and deliver on that. I just want the game to be better than it's beta version, which it isn't, and for TFP to fulfill their kickstarter promises, which they haven't.

There are loyal diehard fans who've been around since the start, who are being let down, because the more lucrative option was to make a new game rather than completing the one we were promised and supported way back when.


I am severely disappointed in TFP over this. 

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1 hour ago, Riamus said:

No, this isn't the final build.  See the roadmap.


It's out of Beta. It's a full release. Whether or not they do @%$# after, the points stand.


1 hour ago, fragtzack said:

Not able to decipher a point due to wall of text.


You're just here to @%$# about length. It was very coherent.

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It isn't really out of "beta".  It isn't gold, which they have stated a number of times.  Yes, most people consider 1.0 release to be gold, myself included.  And I even complained about that decision when it was announced.  But it seems they likely had no choice but to change it to 1.0 and take it out of early access in order to release to console.  In the end, the version is just a number with no real meaning, regardless what I or others think.  Gold isn't until the roadmap is complete. 


And, btw, it isn't TFP who are making Blood Moons.  It is another developer.  TFP likely gets royalties or a licensing fee for allowing them to make it, but they aren't the ones making it.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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8 hours ago, Ardon said:

This isn't even the complete game as promised.


You are correct.  It isn't the complete game as the roadmap clearly shows 3 more major development periods over the next 1+ year.  So clearly not the final game at this point.



We hit the stretch goals, ages past, to let us tame and ride bears. We were promised animal husbandry, being able to domesticate animals and breed them for a reasonable supply of meat. We were promised enemy bandits, something that would have a better AI than shambling hordes of zombies. Not that I'm complaining about the zombies, it's a ZOMBIE game, but there was promised more. Hell, they dropped the hornets, which provided a solid early game threat when ranged weapons were in short supply, and their hives were a reasonable source of honey. But, I'm rambling on this point.


I been following this game for a long time myself (even before I bought the game), but I never recalled that they ever promised us that we could tame bears or that there was going to be animal husbandry.  Madmole did talk about one point of them looking into taming wolves as companions, but then had to readjust their thinking about that mechanic as introducing a walking companion in a completely destructible, easily changeable environment caused issues with pathing and didn't meet their standards.  However, that was never promised to be added to the game.



Stretch goals were not met. Promises were ignored. Animals are still just, kind of wandering around and an unreliable source of food, leather, bones, fat. They've had ample time to actually work on these things, and honestly, I wouldn't be so bothered by this, if they didn't completely throw out functional systems we had PRIOR to the full release, to replace them with inferior versions. Ones that were not asked for, ones that were not wanted, ones that were tried before and thrown out for being bad systems. 


We all have our opinions on the current systems vs the old systems.  I actually prefer the current systems over the old ones myself.  And again, the game is not the final release as the roadmap clearly shows 3 major developments over the next 1+ year.



That they did that, then turned around and began building a new game under the same IP, is just a slap in the face. I'm not looking for endless updates; a final version was always the ideal. It was a kickstarter to allow them to create and deliver on that. I just want the game to be better than it's beta version, which it isn't, and for TFP to fulfill their kickstarter promises, which they haven't.


Which game?  The console version?  That is based on the current PC build brought back to the latest console hardware.


Blood moons?  The developer is illogika who basically taken the IP and converted it (spin off) into a different type of game.  TFP are supporting them in this project, but it is not their game, it is a collaboration.  In addition, the developers are clearly still working on 7 Days to die with...again...3 planned major updates to the game over the next 1+ year.



There are loyal diehard fans who've been around since the start, who are being let down, because the more lucrative option was to make a new game rather than completing the one we were promised and supported way back when.


I am severely disappointed in TFP over this. 



Say it with me....3 major developments are on the schedule for 7 days to die over the next 1+ year, so obviously not the final game yet.

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9 hours ago, Ardon said:

We hit the stretch goals, ages past, to let us tame and ride bears. We were promised animal husbandry, being able to domesticate animals and breed them for a reasonable supply of meat.

Where is this listed as a goal? Checking here shows nothing of the sort. I think I remember MM saying husbandry would be nice, but likely wouldn't happen. If you're gonna come and complain about stuff, at least get your facts right. And as far as the other goals they still haven't met, I think the stuff on the current roadmap just about finishes them off. And since the linked KS goals clearly states that not all features will come before full release, most of your whining makes no sense.

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22 hours ago, Ardon said:

I've been following this game since it's kickstarter. I loved the concept, and had the kickstarter option that gave you four game keys. I remember the jumbled mess that launch was, and how torrenting sites got the initial build out better than TFP did. I don't blame them, they're a small indie studio, and even AAA games have a hard time launching smoothly. They've improved drastically since then.


True story.


22 hours ago, Ardon said:

Over the years, through it's development, I've easily bought a dozen copies to chuck at various friends, and sunk countless hours into it. Each build, a buddy and I would launch a server, try it out, @%$# around until we were ready to move on, til the next build came out. 


Same story.


22 hours ago, Ardon said:

I'm by no means new to the game, even though I'm new to the forum. I remember when crafting quality went from 1-100, based on your skill with crafting that specific type of item. I remember when perks were added. The skill system was overhauled, a lot. Often enough that every new build did genuinely feel different enough to have to swap up playstyle. But, the last few releases were more or less settled on the skill and crafting system we had for the last couple of years. Small tweaks, but nothing huge.


I have vivid memories. Like it was yesterday.


22 hours ago, Ardon said:

Then we get to the current build. Where, for some reason, armor and clothing slots have been reduced. They REMOVED options for the final build. No more layering clothing with armor, and having leg armor. There's less versatility in the final build, and there's no real reason given for this. We had a system that was MORE versatile than we do now, and it got pared down. 


I am scratching my head over why TFP limits itself with money-wise equipment to only 4 slots? 😂


22 hours ago, Ardon said:

I'm sorry, but the crafting skill system was introduced AGES ago, and summarily scrapped, because it was a bad system. Back then you were at least getting enough exp from crafting and repairing that you could progress with it. Now, you have to loot or hit traders. 


I am sorry that I am not this time. Loot, Hit Traders, Survive, Repeat the beat.


22 hours ago, Ardon said:

I've seen nothing the final build does BETTER, than the version before it. 


Who has stated officially that 1.0 is a final build? It is one of the builds that will come out eventually. There is a reason for that uncanny zero after a dot. It is not v1.999.


22 hours ago, Ardon said:

We hit the stretch goals, ages past, to let us tame and ride bears. We were promised animal husbandry, being able to domesticate animals and breed them for a reasonable supply of meat.


If there is no Lizard King and Flying Dragons included then it is a lie!


22 hours ago, Ardon said:

We were promised enemy bandits, something that would have a better AI than shambling hordes of zombies. Not that I'm complaining about the zombies, it's a ZOMBIE game, but there was promised more.


Bandits are coming next year before XMAS 2025. Subject to change 💣💣💣


22 hours ago, Ardon said:

Hell, they dropped the hornets, which provided a solid early game threat when ranged weapons were in short supply, and their hives were a reasonable source of honey. But, I'm rambling on this point.


I agree that some bee nests and a horent should come back. Gathering honey from a trunk tree feels *cheap*. Mutated Grace is in the game but zero buzzing hornets.


22 hours ago, Ardon said:

Stretch goals were not met. Promises were ignored.


Sounds like someone has finally settled.


22 hours ago, Ardon said:

 Animals are still just, kind of wandering around and an unreliable source of food, leather, bones, fat. 


Unreliable source of food... invest into perception and animals are more than reliable source of food for the entire squad.


22 hours ago, Ardon said:

There are loyal diehard fans who've been around since the start, who are being let down, because the more lucrative option was to make a new game rather than completing the one we were promised and supported way back when.


I am severely disappointed in TFP over this. 


Kickstarting your own game or opening an official disappointment club on TFPs website might be a solution. You do still have access to older versions, right?

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17 hours ago, bdubyah said:

I think I remember MM saying husbandry would be nice, but likely wouldn't happen.


Wounding yourself and walking into the desert is practically vulture ranching. ;)

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This is the conclusion most I've seen are jumping to: "The game has 'gone gold'," they say...just because it's versioned "1.0". Erm, no. I don't think so.

The update was once being called Alpha 22 and, in alpha, it still is. I'm guessing the "1.0" was a console manufacturer consolation. Playstation does not have an alpha program and, so, probably would not have allowed release of the console version on that platform without the versioning schema in place. I don't think this is a miscommunication on TFP's part, either, because there's still a disclaimer on the home and store screens specifically saying it's a work in progress.

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7 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

Food? 🤮


Hobo Stew can be Vulture flavor, Zombie Bear flavor, Body Bag flavor, Zombie Dog flavor, Roadkill flavor, or Direwolf flavor.


Sham has a bit of everything...

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13 hours ago, Roland said:


Wounding yourself and walking into the desert is practically vulture ranching. ;)

You're...not wrong. Haha. Well, there ya go OP. You just missed it, it's actually been in the game for a while. Now who feels silly?

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  Should be renamed " Wasteland postman sim"  ......."Witness the tedium of one man taking back the wasteland one postbox at a time. Experience the ho humness of multiple book stores!".......... Kevin Costnowt to star in the trailer!

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58 minutes ago, asmosnuts said:

  Should be renamed " Wasteland postman sim"  ......."Witness the tedium of one man taking back the wasteland one postbox at a time. Experience the ho humness of multiple book stores!".......... Kevin Costnowt to star in the trailer!

Would be a great idea for an armor set. A post-man's uniform.




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On 8/23/2024 at 12:58 PM, Ardon said:

It's out of Beta. It's a full release. Whether or not they do @%$# after, the points stand.

No, it's out of Early Access Alpha and into a more-or-less Beta version. It's not a full release, as you can see on the roadmap there are a ton of thing still planned and being worked on.

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Considering this is the official release and out of early access this game still feels and by all means is still an early access version with many problems still around along with many promised features still missing. 


This isn't a beta, this isn't some other nonsense that certain people want to cope with an make excuses for the team to justify such a bad official release. 


This should by all means be alpha 22 and the game should still be in early access but then they wouldn't have been able to release the console versions and have folks pay up again for a game they already paid for. 

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