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  1. Feeling big huh? So its not going to do well because YOU have certain feelings and need some weight so you project it (again) to a "large" made up group which totally agrees with you, right? Category lame in my book. And a non-argument.
  2. So the point is? You dont like the game anymore and will uninstall and never go back? Well....thanks for letting us all know.
  3. Would be cool if that would become a pimp dream...
  4. Cool idea. Some way to describe it is a "Pimp Dream"
  5. Yeh yeh. Doom and gloom. We heard it all before. Happy uninstalling.
  6. First world problems. I hope you can still have a life.
  7. So...how do YOU know half the playerbase mods it out? Making up stuff doesn't count as argument. But nice try. The vocal minority and their alt account are still just that. A very small portion of the same few people that keep starting threads and convos. You have only your detest of this system. Keep whining about it all you like but stop making stuff up to make a point. It's embarrassing.
  8. No you "all" dont. You speak for yourself and i speak for me. Not speak on behalf of a non existing invisible crowd to make a point. INT is cool for me, period.
  9. Baton has a 10% chance of instant kill with the right perks. And having 2 turrets up while waking a room in a POI is a fun way to play. INT in my favorite build in A21. One could even say its OP nowadays. But still very fun and powerfull.
  10. Wrong. Its a game. Even without zombies it does not have to make any sense. At all.
  11. Well....thanks for letting us know. Consider us informed.
  12. If a server owner allows players to use pois as base, that should be the case. If they dont allow, there are servermanagers that prevent placing beds/lcb's in (quest)pois. If its allowed, you just have to cancel the quest. Unless you want to be "nice" and mess up a players base.
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