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Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Dev Diary

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2 minutes ago, mycrystalcrown said:

Do we get color customization for the armor sets?


Not yet, but that might come in a future update.

Answering all these questions, I'm not affiliated with TFP btw, I just keep up to date on as much as I can haha.

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38 minutes ago, kimbar2636 said:

everyone should boycott the streamer weekend, several of us have played this game for years and should have the same access to the game. 


Once again, you're complaining about a tiny fraction of the player-base who get to play it early. If there was no streamer weekend, it would still be released on Monday. Nothing would change. Of course the argument might then be, "Release it to everyone on Friday!" Releasing experimental content to the masses prior to a weekend is generally a bad idea. The potential for things to go wrong is higher and there would likely be less staff to address the issue over the weekend, causing delays in the response and thereby angering the fanbase. Giving advanced access to a handful of players who can quickly verify that it works for them is much more manageable and has likely been accomplished well before the start of streamer weekend.

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1 hour ago, Grandpa Minion said:


With all the news about 1.0 recently I haven't heard of any mention of updates for the PVP community. It is no secret over the last year almost every major pvp server shut down from lack of support- including ours , NAPVP. 


I can personally tell you that those shut downs effected thousands of players across the world- alot of whom have dm me in our discord wondering when we will re-open our server.


my recommendation would be please stop ignoring the pvp community and their requests as most pvp players i know have playd this game for years and years. 


Seems to me that the  people who are going to benefit the most from the new animations and character designs are those who play multiplayer, whether that’s PVP or coop. 

Now, if you’re asking why they aren’t fixing the issues that occur when you have more than 8 players on a server, that’s another question. I imagine that it’s because you’re using the game in a way it’s not intended. This is the same reason that TFP don’t respond to bug reports on modded games. 

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New game argument “-newprefabsmod=somemod” allows defining a mod in which new prefabs get stored instead of going to “LocalPrefabs”. Mod name is given by its internal name from its “ModInfo.xml”, not the folder name


Tell me if I understand this correctly...


So this relates to where POIs get created by default. Normally in the Prefab Editor, a new POI gets placed in LocalPrefabs. If you specify this option, then the location you gave will put any newly created POIs into that modlet.


... is that correct?

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1 hour ago, kimbar2636 said:

everyone should boycott the streamer weekend, several of us have played this game for years and should have the same access to the game. 


Even if there was no streamer weekend, you would still get it on Monday.

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13 hours ago, faatal said:

I don't know if that is an area we would want to focus on. The roadmap is full. End of year of coming fast.


...so, essentially what you're saying here is that LBD might be coming back...right? :whoo:



-Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

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4 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

just to immediately point out, its nice that the pine forest doesnt sound as drab as it used to, i preferred the SFX used around alpha 11 so its nice to hear more varied sounds in the wilderness glad to see some love there.


Feature suggestion: A very rare bear roar could be added to the ambience, perhaps? ;)

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11 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


Feature suggestion: A very rare bear roar could be added to the ambience, perhaps? ;)


Distant wolf howls too. Would love some ambient 'oh no is there an animal around' type sounds

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Here's a potential bug report. I'm watching Kraken and Grand Spartan, and whereas Kraken got the shovel before getting the Buried Supplies quest, Grand Spartan got the shovel AFTER completing the Buried Supplies quest!!! The difference: Grand Spartan had not opened the Challenges Window before visiting the trader.

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@faatal When I've gone back to play A16 it would wipe my settings (mouse sensitivity, etc) when I would return to A21. Will switching back and forth between A21 and 1.0 do the same thing? 

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3 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

According to Eko, he roughly described it as the zombies spawning in in stages versus all at once. Hypothetically, this could mean that a batch of 5 businessmen spawn in one at a time (but still quickly) in the Crack-A-Book HQ, for example, and then another 3, then 5.

@faatal? :)

Edit: It could also mean that zombies spawn in one at a time like blood moons or wandering hordes versus all at once like they currently do.

Sleeper volumes now have a basic scripting system called Min Script. It is just a list of commands. There are commands to spawn, wait x amount of seconds or wait for a zed count and play a sound. At some point i would like to add looping with a count and reuse of sleeper spawn points.

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5 hours ago, stretch611 said:


I also watched Eko's video as well as the dev streams.


I was also surprised at the use of only one rare crafting component for crafting Quality 6 items. I felt for sure that higher tier items would require more of these rare crafting components. I was expecting one additional rare component per higher tier. The cost of higher tiered items can be offset by a higher drop rate of the rare crafting component.


I generally frown on theory-crafting before even playing a game mechanic, but I share MechanicalLens's critique that the smart player will hold off on crafting any Quality 6 items at the lower tiers and save the rare crafting components for late game high tier equipment.


By increasing the drop rate of these rare crafting components you can encourage a little more "waste" of this resource by crafting them into lower tier items. At the same time increasing the cost at the higher tiers will keep the availability of quality 6 items low despite the higher drop rate of the component.


4 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


On one hand I get your argument, but if these crafting components are as rare as they say they are (only T5 and T6 quest rewards, T5 loot chests (rarely), and extremely rarely in any clothing related containers, combined with the fact that quality level 6 items are gone from traders and loot now, means you'd probably only craft 1, maybe 2 items per playthrough if that were the case. I'm not saying we'll be expected to max everything out - choices will still have to be made - but the alternative is they make them a lot more common and that could disrupt the balance.


4 hours ago, stretch611 said:


Actually, that is a very good point.


If the rare crafting components only show up at tier 5 and higher pois/quests, one would hope to no longer be using primitive and tier 1 equipment at that time.


But even that may depend on how fast game progression is in the new release.


I'm thinking the same thing here.  If you only get the legendary parts in high tier POI, you will likely never craft any tier 1 quality 6 equipment and probably rarely any tier 2 either.  That doesn't really make any sense.  Add in the interest in holding these until you can craft tier 3 stuff if it's so rare and you've really only added quality 6 crafting at tier 3 with a small amount of tier 2 for those who feel like it.  It doesn't make sense to so clearly cut out quality 6 tier 1 and most tier 2 stuff.  I'll probably end up modding quality 6 equipment back into the drops because of this.  It isn't like quality 6 equipment is actually "legendary," regardless of the label they put on it.  So no reason it should be hard to get.


All in all, I am not looking forward to the slow progression.  A21 was already slowed down enough that I stopped playing the game.  Now, it's even slower.  I'll give it one shot at vanilla settings but I have no doubt I won't enjoy the slow progression at all and will either stop playing again or will just give myself tons of stuff at the beginning to basically skip hours of doing practically nothing.  The early game is so old after tons of new games of it and little to really do in it that it's not even remotely enjoyable.  Having that extended is worse for me.  I like actually being able to do major building and try unique defenses against horde nights and being slowed down so much that the fun part of the game (to me) is after many hours of slow progression isn't going to be fun for me.  But that's just me.  It will be good for some people, especially new players who aren't tired of doing the same repetitive early game stuff dozens of times over and over before you actually have freedom and resources to do stuff.  We'll see how things go but I only use a few minor mods right now and it's looking like I'll need some significant mods to want to play the game from now on.  Oh well.

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1 hour ago, Arez said:

@faatal When I've gone back to play A16 it would wipe my settings (mouse sensitivity, etc) when I would return to A21. Will switching back and forth between A21 and 1.0 do the same thing? 

Probably. On Windows, settings are in registry under the game name and the game name is the same.

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4 minutes ago, dcsobral said:

Quest reward: one (1) bacon and eggs. I'm fairly sure you use more food running to the quest site and back than you'd get with that reward.

If that's what we can expect from quest rewards, then that's dumb.  TFP went from way too much to way too little.  How hard is it to have a balanced middle ground?

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58 minutes ago, Riamus said:


I'm thinking the same thing here.  If you only get the legendary parts in high tier POI, you will likely never craft any tier 1 quality 6 equipment and probably rarely any tier 2 either.  That doesn't really make any sense.  Add in the interest in holding these until you can craft tier 3 stuff if it's so rare and you've really only added quality 6 crafting at tier 3 with a small amount of tier 2 for those who feel like it.  It doesn't make sense to so clearly cut out quality 6 tier 1 and most tier 2 stuff.  I'll probably end up modding quality 6 equipment back into the drops because of this.  It isn't like quality 6 equipment is actually "legendary," regardless of the label they put on it.  So no reason it should be hard to get.

It's going to depend a lot if scrapping a Q6 item gives you the legendary part back.

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1 hour ago, Riamus said:

I'm thinking the same thing here.  If you only get the legendary parts in high tier POI, you will likely never craft any tier 1 quality 6 equipment and probably rarely any tier 2 either. 


There is a rare chance to find them in loot.  In my last default playthrough up to 14 days, I think I only found one.  Others in the same time frame had found more than me.

Edited by Laz Man (see edit history)
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