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Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Dev Diary

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3 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:



It seems that country towns aren't 100% perfect yet. 😛 There's more than a few places where entire sections of the town are simply cut off from the main body. Good luck getting around everywhere by a vehicle pre-apocalypse times.


Yep, we are aware of that specific issue.  I think it is isolated to small countrytowns only.

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6 hours ago, Tete1805 said:

Did anyone else encountered unusually high tier zombies in POIs?

I was doing a tier 2 infested clear and got ambushed by 3 feral bikers, a military zombie and a feral tourist.

With a pipe machine gun, the fight wasn't very fair and I got my ass handed to me.

It's only the morning of day 10 and I'm level 25 in the burnt biome (game stage 63).

Also, fought four radiated military zombies in a T4 (forest biome on day 6).

I usually play on warrior difficulty but I dropped the difficulty to default for the new Alpha after seeing a few streams but didn't expect that much of a jump in difficulty.

I'll adjust but I was just wondering if that was intended.

Yes.  I think the balance is off between where your crafting is and what you encounter in POIs during normal progression. I’ve seen a feral soldier in a regular tier 2 and with primitive weapons and no armor bonuses to offset the increased hp, it’s rough. I also started running into radiated zombies in tier 4s with a purple iron melee weapon and a blue pipe machine gun. It did not go well. All of these were in the forest biome.  I’ve never run into such high level zombies so early and with such poor equipment. 

Edited by Kosmic Kerman (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, Tete1805 said:

Did anyone else encountered unusually high tier zombies in POIs?

I was doing a tier 2 infested clear and got ambushed by 3 feral bikers, a military zombie and a feral tourist.

With a pipe machine gun, the fight wasn't very fair and I got my ass handed to me.

It's only the morning of day 10 and I'm level 25 in the burnt biome (game stage 63).

Also, fought four radiated military zombies in a T4 (forest biome on day 6).

I usually play on warrior difficulty but I dropped the difficulty to default for the new Alpha after seeing a few streams but didn't expect that much of a jump in difficulty.

I'll adjust but I was just wondering if that was intended.


This is partly due to the increased experience you're getting from challenges.  If you're completing these, they can level you up faster than normal, making your game stage higher sooner than it would have been in A21, which means you get higher tier zombies sooner as well.  I think they may have increased higher tier zombies in infested as well, though.  Had radiated in a tier 2 infested, which was surprising.


4 hours ago, FramFramson said:


I've been seeing scattered but steady reports on Reddit, Twitter, etc. that complain about stability just kind of glitching out. People building bases the way they normally did in previous alphas only to have them collapse, POIs, especially new ones, having sections collapse if a player gets near or touches something innocuous.


Usually it's good to be skeptical about cranky anecdotes, but there's been enough of these complaints that I've noticed it as a trend as opposed to an isolated gripe and they're also fairly consistent.


It's possible the POI issue could be weaker systems generating POIs with blocks missing (which is something I've seen happen on big, unwieldy maps), but that doesn't explain the player building issue. Still possible that these are all just separate user errors somehow, but if it's possible to check the "glue", might want to look to see if it was touched by anything for 1.0. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if it was very difficult to test for subtle stability errors.


I will say that we built a bridge path for horde night that was slightly different from normal but should still have held up fine.  When it was still wood, we were running back and forth multiple times without issue.  Then one time, it just all collapsed even though nothing had changed.  As cobblestone, there wasn't any problem, including during horde night with the same setup.  So SI might have a bug.


4 hours ago, Teteria said:

-It's too easy to break a leg or twist an ankle now, a lot of POI's can't be completed without breaking a leg like before. I wanted to level up Parkour skill but I can't find it anymore?


-Looting piles of clothes, wardrobes... it's a bit underwhelming now that there are not that much clothing variety (color and slot-wise) and you will 90% loot leather or cloth pieces.

-I wonder if dyes will work by changing colors or in some cases add details i.e. "Shamway" on a T-Shirt or something like that (variation and recolors).


-There seem to be tons of available POI's for quests, but the game decides to repeat the same ones (even the exact same place) i.e. the same Kill All at a Century Outlet over and over when there are tons of Tier 1 POIs nearby.


-Make zombies unable to climb on other zombies please. And a toggle to prevent them from using ladders.


-Sometimes I DM and switch to Third person and play Resident Evil: 7D2D Edition. Playing with guns is funny, an "official" third person mode with melee working better would be a dream. I love watching the backpacks and the armor detail jiggle, characters are incredibly good looking now ❤️


Parkour is in the same spot as before.



I've gotten used to only cloth from clothes.  Not a big deal.  The armor is nice enough to offset it, though there are things that need improved with armor.  Dyes will supposedly work later, though they don't yet.  Unlikely to have them add words to stuff.

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8 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

It seems that country towns aren't 100% perfect yet. 😛 There's more than a few places where entire sections of the town are simply cut off from the main body. Good luck getting around everywhere by a vehicle pre-apocalypse times.


If you were to visit the map in Godmode and throw the little switch in the upper right corner (from memory, might be elsewhere) it should show the outlines of the Tiles which makes it more obvious if those are Cap tiles, Straight tiles, etc. that didn't connect with each other.


Ah, nevermind. @Laz Man said they knew of the issue already.


11 hours ago, Tete1805 said:

Did anyone else encountered unusually high tier zombies in POIs?

I was doing a tier 2 infested clear and got ambushed by 3 feral bikers, a military zombie and a feral tourist.

With a pipe machine gun, the fight wasn't very fair and I got my ass handed to me.

It's only the morning of day 10 and I'm level 25 in the burnt biome (game stage 63).

Also, fought four radiated military zombies in a T4 (forest biome on day 6).


I've not made a big study of this with Vanilla A21, and certainly not with 1.0 since I've not been able to play it yet, but POI designers can choose to amp up the zombies in a zombie volume. Some independent designers think higher tier POIs should be for higher level characters, so they will amp up a few volumes like that as a way of saying "not kidding around here." Perhaps TFP is also willing to do that?

Edited by zztong (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


When did TFP state that everyone should use the club?  I know they mentioned that the club (and strength) was made more for new players to help them out while they learned the game, but I don't think I have ever seen a TFP member or even a moderator push everyone to use the club.

I'm quite sure it was this guy who pushed it... it's one of the "new" moderators:


Crazy Caveman Holding A Club With Background Similar Illustrations: background of caveman with club stock illustrations


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@faatal I generated about 10, 10km maps and every single one all the large city's were is the wasteland and it did not matter % of slider I changed it to, is this normal, forest only ever got small towns and rest of the biomes was small town to medium city's.


It tended to give me 3x large city's in the wasteland.


The other point is the the Nerd armour T6 chest piece bonus where it increases your magazines chance is completely nuts it's way way to powerful, the bonus it gives you need to be reworked at T6 it's crazy powerful.

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12 minutes ago, Annihilatorza said:

@faatal I generated about 10, 10km maps and every single one all the large city's were is the wasteland and it did not matter % of slider I changed it to, is this normal, forest only ever got small towns and rest of the biomes was small town to medium city's.


It tended to give me 3x large city's in the wasteland.


The other point is the the Nerd armour T6 chest piece bonus where it increases your magazines chance is completely nuts it's way way to powerful, the bonus it gives you need to be reworked at T6 it's crazy powerful.

Forest no longer gets large cities.  You will need to edit/mod the rwgmixer file to change that.

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10 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Forest no longer gets large cities.  You will need to edit/mod the rwgmixer file to change that.

Okay cool, problem I have its the 3 city's are right next to each and filled the whole biome.


Is there a way to change the rwg to have a a city that spans over two different biomes, I know how to make them bigger.

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I had an intuition that trader item prices are a bit off, and having run some numbers, they really are...


Q1 armour pieces cost 3000 dukes, which is VERY high compared to their materials/skill to craft cost, but Q5 pieces cost 4800 or so, which is comparatively low.

Buying the materials to make a Q1 armour piece is (roughly):

1 Armour Part - 490 Dukes
1 Sewing Kit - 190 Dukes
10 Cloth/Leather - About 150 Dukes?
So 3000 Dukes for an armour piece that would cost about 830 to make yourself, assuming you actually bought all the materials.

For the Q5 stuff, the materials cost is more than 5 times that, about 5200 with the additional 10 steel required , yet you can buy the entire armour piece for less than that. That, coupled with the fact it's WAY harder to have picked up enough magazines to actually do the crafting, makes the pricing a bit nonsensical.


I'd expect already made armour to cost something like double the materials cost, so Q1 pieces at about 1500 maybe, whereas Q5 pieces should probably be more like 10-12k.

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Hi there guys ! Long time no seen. Lately, I've been playing 1.0 like crazy and I find it quite refreshing. The top things for me are optimizations and armour.


It might not have quite the "better fps", but it sure is A LOT less bumpy. Good job to everyone at TFP for this amazing update!


A couple of questions for the devs:


@faatal , can I ask for a couple of tweaks to make the "nerdy veteran experience" more complete?

LESS loot:  Like a 5% option or so? 25% is still too much for 1, even 2 players. Still, it's a niche option but akin to "nightmare loot setting". 25% is just ok, so it can be less, I wish.

A zd hp percentage would also be nice, I mean like untie the hp from the general difficulty setting and add another option just for that. It could solve some "bullet spongy" problems without actually decreasing the Zd damage tied to the insane difficulty.


And for the RWG:

1- Could you make PLAINS, HILLS and MOUNTAINS sliders  like the biomes`? . Sliders for those 3 are not very easy to handle and you cannot exactly put the percentages that you want. They should work like in the current upgraded biome sliders.


2- A cave option for terrain features? DLC for that at least? pretty please.


@Gazz Why can we still use an axe, or certain tools against an item in the begining of the game (before doing too much damage to the object) as a cheat way to get more resources like feathers against a birds nest before we take the things inside and it dissappears? Shouldn't you guys finally remove that niche feature-cheat?  We should not be able to  collect pivotal resources from manually hurting objects tagged as "disappear after looting"  , it can be a pain to balance for the purpose of nothing at all. 


Thanks for reading, Hugs, guys!

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12 minutes ago, Annihilatorza said:

Okay cool, problem I have its the 3 city's are right next to each and filled the whole biome.


Is there a way to change the rwg to have a a city that spans over two different biomes, I know how to make them bigger.


I don't know if you can change that with a simple XML mod.  Might be something to ask in the mods forum.


3 minutes ago, Uncle Al said:


I had an intuition that trader item prices are a bit off, and having run some numbers, they really are...


Q1 armour pieces cost 3000 dukes, which is VERY high compared to their materials/skill to craft cost, but Q5 pieces cost 4800 or so, which is comparatively low.

Buying the materials to make a Q1 armour piece is (roughly):

1 Armour Part - 490 Dukes
1 Sewing Kit - 190 Dukes
10 Cloth/Leather - About 150 Dukes?
So 3000 Dukes for an armour piece that would cost about 830 to make yourself, assuming you actually bought all the materials.

For the Q5 stuff, the materials cost is more than 5 times that, about 5200 with the additional 10 steel required , yet you can buy the entire armour piece for less than that. That, coupled with the fact it's WAY harder to have picked up enough magazines to actually do the crafting, makes the pricing a bit nonsensical.


I'd expect already made armour to cost something like double the materials cost, so Q1 pieces at about 1500 maybe, whereas Q5 pieces should probably be more like 10-12k.


It isn't (currently) that hard to get the magazines.  Without even trying, in my 2 player game, I had armor magazines completed by day 8.  In my single player game, I'm on day 6 and at level 4 armor.  Again, without trying.  My 2 player game I did a single Crack A Book store and hit mailboxes on my travel routes but don't go out of my way.  On my solo game, I haven't done any Crack A Book stores and still only hit mailboxes on my travel routes.  Armor magazines are probably too abundant right now.


That isn't to say that the prices make sense, of course.

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I wonder how many balance changes will be made to the armor set bonuses and various other things through the version 1.0 builds

one thing I do miss in Version 1.0 is the early access to wooden bows/cross bows. I feel like this magazine set should be alot easier to find or should be much quicker to progress to tier1 of bows and crossbows because  these weapons overall have far less power then higher tier equivalents  and they already feel power crept and weak by the time I have other tier1 weapons. the tier1 bows feel like they belong in the early game and now you have to invest into agility to use a inferior weapon/playstyle early on? Doesn't make sense to me

I really miss the early accesibility of bow weapons since they shine there while still not being to overpowered


Edited by POCKET951 (see edit history)
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A few questions (including ones I've asked already @faatal@schwanz9000):


Vehicle storage mods - These were shown in the teaser pictures for the new vehicle models, but aren't available in 1.0 Experimental. Are they still coming, or were they scrapped?


Vehicle Armor Mod - Bicycle - This was shown on the Bicycle. Scrapped idea, or still coming?


The other armor sets we haven't gotten yet (Desert Survival, Hoarder, etc) - Scrapped, or still coming? I could swear I saw them listed as coming later at the start of this Dev Diary, but they seem to be absent now.

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16 hours ago, Cr0wst0rm said:

Also, I have just proven that you were lying about the resolution. Grow up.

Yes you have hit, I don't like being told I'm lying with no information to back it up, just using your schizophrenic ramblings about photoshop and the untruthfulness of what you've seen, nothing you've proven.
Let's note the date of this post is 2021.
1. I purchased a 1080p monitor a long time ago (as stated in previous videos it is an Odyssey G40B and specifically emphasized 1080p resolution)
2. TAA in 7DTD still does not work correctly, namely the developers for some reason lowered all the standard parameters for TAA, as a result it almost did not fulfill its functions, I took the situation into my own hands and fixed it for myself, and for many others in the community, posting my fix as a mod on TAA Fix (Nexus). At the time of 2021 there was also an issue with low texture resolution, this is a limitation, if the graphics card had less than 2400MB of memory and RAM was less than 4900MB, the textures were of low quality, I also fixed this for myself because a 950 GTX with 2GB of memory was still able to run the game at the then current resolution of 1680x1050 with acceptable FPS. (I hope you see the black bars on the sides? Which are now gone on my 1080p.)
Also, the game uses two separate renderers, for the world itself and separately for the character's hands, and there and there uses its own antialiasing, the developers made it so that SMAA is overlaid on top of TAA, well in general everything was flickering, fixed it.
I recorded my order of actions on video and sent to the developer for consideration, but it was rejected, since then I am still updating my mod.

3. And lastly I have RTX 4070 Super now, and for 1080p it's a great option, considering my 240Hz monitor.
No, buddy, you're lying here, to me and everyone here.



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2 hours ago, Riamus said:


I don't know if you can change that with a simple XML mod.  Might be something to ask in the mods forum.



It isn't (currently) that hard to get the magazines.  Without even trying, in my 2 player game, I had armor magazines completed by day 8.  In my single player game, I'm on day 6 and at level 4 armor.  Again, without trying.  My 2 player game I did a single Crack A Book store and hit mailboxes on my travel routes but don't go out of my way.  On my solo game, I haven't done any Crack A Book stores and still only hit mailboxes on my travel routes.  Armor magazines are probably too abundant right now.


That isn't to say that the prices make sense, of course.

Are you playing at 100% loot and 1 hour days? If so, there is absolutely no way that your play is in any way representative of the player base. I’m on day 7 in this play through and haven’t hit tier 3 of armor yet. I have spent zero time building or mining and haven’t bothered to set up a horde base.  It’s been pure questing but I don’t do quests at night early game. Based on your other comments about progression I have to assume you are on two hour days and/or you beeline fetches and have most of the POI layouts memorized. If magazines weren’t this abundant I may not have even be able to craft any of the new armor at this point. 


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So, this is going to be about the last several alpha releases and more precisely, the endgame.

I have been playing since 10.4 and around A13 I teamed up with another guy, and we have been playing together ever since. We usually play around 2 months, before switching to another game, because we hit endgame.


Now, to something that is bothering me, when we get to endgame. However, I will mention that we play a server that allows you to get to level 300 (not sure if that is normal or whatnot) and 100% loot.


When we get to endgame, there are 2 main things for us to do. there are horde night on foot, and there are missions.

Missions: we do highest tier in the worst locations. red mesa is the easiest of those, after crack a book..... We go in with 500 AP 7.62, we go to trader, get reward, go home and smelt all bullets we found, into brass. and even on a @%$#ty run, we get over 6k brass, We basically get a stooped amount of reward, while we also get 2 reward items. which we usually sell to the trader, unless it is something dumb, like 5 med kits (they give loads of xp).

Horde night: what do we bring to horde night? 1 AR T6 fully modded with drum and rad, 10k AP bullets and a few rep kits.


We also use fully modded tier 6 light military, and we heal our own HP like a mofo...

Now, I do know this sounds more like me showing off, than anything else.

But with this information, is there a way to reduce the amount of ammo and things you get in those big ass reward chests, when you are "finishing" those missions? I mean, I dont really need to ear more bullets (smelted to brass, and reprintet to casings) than i use.

The mission type I talk about, is the infestation..


On a sidenote, reducing crop yield and then again boost it with a certain armor set.. is it only me who finds that, in lack of a better word, idiotic? I mean, who would even be planting and harvesting stuff, untill you can do it in a sustainable way?
I dont want to be dictating how to do things, since this is just a game, but what about applying some real world to the creation of seeds? like, 1 crop for 1 seed, but the growth time gets boosted to something like 10 real world hours?

Yes, I know that single players will rage about this, but I dont play single player, because I enjoy plaing games with other people..

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5 minutes ago, Cruiser said:


On a sidenote, reducing crop yield and then again boost it with a certain armor set.. is it only me who finds that, in lack of a better word, idiotic? I mean, who would even be planting and harvesting stuff, untill you can do it in a sustainable way?
I dont want to be dictating how to do things, since this is just a game, but what about applying some real world to the creation of seeds? like, 1 crop for 1 seed, but the growth time gets boosted to something like 10 real world hours?

Yes, I know that single players will rage about this, but I dont play single player, because I enjoy plaing games with other people..

Crops should produce more and need more useaged for crops. Like better buffs for food..it would encourage more people to grow crops and cook unique food for specific uses. (I'll make a post later about foods) 


Medical items. Like herbal painkillers. Weaker but better then nothing, 

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For farming to be realistic, one crop harvest would always give one or more seeds but there would be a failure rate on crops, where a planted crop fails to fully grow.  So crop growth would be the variable, not seed drop.  If you really were a novice at farming, the failure rate would be much higher and you lose that seed.

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22 minutes ago, DocRussel said:

For farming to be realistic, one crop harvest would always give one or more seeds but there would be a failure rate on crops, where a planted crop fails to fully grow.  So crop growth would be the variable, not seed drop.  If you really were a novice at farming, the failure rate would be much higher and you lose that seed.

Yeah but I kinda understand what they are going for. Make crops harder but they need to be better. 


My main go too is aloe and corn for first aid, potatoes and hops if I do a fortitude playthrough.  Oh and coffee

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40 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

Crops should produce more and need more useaged for crops. Like better buffs for food..it would encourage more people to grow crops and cook unique food for specific uses. (I'll make a post later about foods) 


I'm completely fine with farming, the effort/reward balance seems fine IF what you do with the rewards (crops) is actually impactful. Which mostly means 'Are you a brawler?' because having a dependable beer supply is really impactful for fist weapon users.


The high end food buffs generally disappoint, and I'm surprised they haven't had a balance pass in all the time I've been playing the game (since A19).  The harsh fact is, adding a bonus to flat baseline stamina really doesn't do much. Stamina regen is far more important. Food could do so many useful things, buffing damage resistance or critical injury healing times or whatever, which would make being able to craft the highest tier foods actually feel impactful.


The current state of 'read 90 magazines and source varied rare ingredients so you can craft spaghetti, which doesn't really do much that's useful' feels like a let down. It doesn't surprise me that most players seem to just get to meat stew and crank that our for the rest of the game while not really engaging with the rest of the food crafting system at the top end.

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