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Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Dev Diary

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18 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

My guess is since they got rid of clothes, there's no real way for the player to deal with hot/cold at the moment, so they've basically disabled it (by giving large resistance to the player) until the overhaul that's supposedly coming.


Are the insulated liner and cooling mesh mods still in the game? There's no real reason they shouldn't be. That would take care of the heat and cold resistance, though maybe they'd have to be buffed up a bit.

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3 hours ago, Callum123456789 said:

does anyone know from the streamer weekend if wondering hordes have been made a bigger threat? for a long time now they've been capped out at around gamestage 52 so when you surpass this level, you will only find zombie cops, big mamas and fat hawaiians as your worst threat and no ferals/rads and i just hope they get some love at some point since they were made to have a higher chance of loot drops incentivising the player to fight them but you quickly lose the feeling too when you're more powerful due to them just all being basic zombies


I don't know the answer to your question regarding 1.0, but you're actually incorrect about how wandering hordes work in A21. They aren't "capped." They wrap around at gamestage 50. So if your party is at gamestage 51, you get the same wandering horde group that you got at gamestage 1. It's the same with gamestage 101, 151, 201...


There's a comment in gamestages.xml that they will "probably need to undo that later." The comment has been there for years (I first noticed it in A18 I think).


Judging by the code, there are going to be bandit wandering hordes in the bandit update, so if it isn't fixed in 1.0 it'll probably be fixed then.

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1 hour ago, khzmusik said:


I don't know the answer to your question regarding 1.0, but you're actually incorrect about how wandering hordes work in A21. They aren't "capped." They wrap around at gamestage 50. So if your party is at gamestage 51, you get the same wandering horde group that you got at gamestage 1. It's the same with gamestage 101, 151, 201...


There's a comment in gamestages.xml that they will "probably need to undo that later." The comment has been there for years (I first noticed it in A18 I think).


Judging by the code, there are going to be bandit wandering hordes in the bandit update, so if it isn't fixed in 1.0 it'll probably be fixed then.

yeah, hopefully they do since when you're getting beginner level zombies at around level 70 it gets old seeing them with their non feral/rad counterparts.

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watching Jawoodle's stream and noticed the zombies are very dark and grey even full day in the pine forest. is this intended? Because it negates the random colours on zombies, they all look dark grey!

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1 hour ago, spud42 said:

watching Jawoodle's stream and noticed the zombies are very dark and grey even full day in the pine forest. is this intended? Because it negates the random colours on zombies, they all look dark grey!


I've seen quite a few complaints about this. The zombies weren't so drab in the first dev stream, but zombies weren't shown that much. The last one was all in the wasteland if I recall with the dreary lighting so hard to compare. A shame. They add variety to zombies, and then make them all look the same.

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45 minutes ago, seven said:


I've seen quite a few complaints about this. The zombies weren't so drab in the first dev stream, but zombies weren't shown that much. The last one was all in the wasteland if I recall with the dreary lighting so hard to compare. A shame. They add variety to zombies, and then make them all look the same.

I think the color difference is enough.  


We just need a few more colors and maybe tinted skin tones and we will be grovlicious


That and just more specials 

13 minutes ago, mstdv inc said:

People: We are tired of colorful zombie clones, we want them to be like in Left 4 Dead
Developers: make a gray mass of zombies, like in Left 4 Dead
People: we don't like it! :boink:


I love it. They look darker, sweaty, nasty. They look... dead

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14 minutes ago, mstdv inc said:

People: We are tired of colorful zombie clones, we want them to be like in Left 4 Dead
Developers: make a gray mass of zombies, like in Left 4 Dead
People: we don't like it! :boink:



I for one was fine with the old saturation values. not everything needs to be grimdark primer gray.


And FWIW, while I like the green haze in the wasteland, the changes to having more sky-obscuring effects is actually counterintuitive. Why would a desert be so hazy? TFP shouldn't be afraid of clear blue skies in an apocalypse - just look at the Red Forest, it's one of the most beautiful places on earth now that it's also one of the most lethal (for humans). It's human activity and pollution that really give you grimy haze.


Or as George Carlin famously said,



The planet is fine; the people are @%$#ed! Difference!


The planet isn’t going anywhere... we are!


We’re going away! Pack your @%$#, folks! We’re going away and we won’t leave much of a trace either, thank God for that. Maybe a little Styrofoam.


The planet will be here, we’ll be long gone; just another failed mutation; just another closed-end biological mistake; an evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet will shake us off like a bad case of fleas, a surface nuisance.



But we'll see what players overall say, I suppose. TFP might tweak the colour palette, might not.

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1 hour ago, Adam the Waster said:

I love it. They look darker, sweaty, nasty. They look... dead

This. You can absolutely still see the new color variants, but they look good. Why would a dead, decaying, bloody, shambling corpse still have a nice and bright shirt on? They wouldn't. They did look a bit oddly shiny in some instances, but nothing too bad. And as Woodle said, it makes them blend in to their environments much better. I think that is a great thing.

And also, I've seen a single bacon and eggs as a quest reward a few times now. Is that intended? Even for a T1 quest that feels a bit lacking. Surely it should be at least 2 or 3?

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32 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

This. You can absolutely still see the new color variants, but they look good. Why would a dead, decaying, bloody, shambling corpse still have a nice and bright shirt on? They wouldn't. They did look a bit oddly shiny in some instances, but nothing too bad. And as Woodle said, it makes them blend in to their environments much better. I think that is a great thing.

And also, I've seen a single bacon and eggs as a quest reward a few times now. Is that intended? Even for a T1 quest that feels a bit lacking. Surely it should be at least 2 or 3?


As I said before to someone else: Have you summed up the rewards, i.e. the contents of the chest (in case of dig quests), the dukes, the xp and that bacon and eggs? If **all that** together is not worth it, then you got a point.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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9 hours ago, toores said:

Can anyone tell me if it has been confirmed that the farming is going to stay as it is?

It used to be a fun part of the game but now it's just not worth the trouble and investment. Unless you're going Fortitude tree anyways.... The thing is, it's not like weapon choice because each tree has it's alternatives. Food is something all players need.


At the moment farming is DESIGNED to be discaded by MOST of the players. 1 tree out of 5. Even if you account for everyone leveling multiple skill trees, it's still a minority in all the combinations. And even if you can max out all trees (I usually don't play so long in one save), farming is actually most relevant in early-mid game and not so much late game.

It makes little sense to make a fun gameplay mechanic and make it useless for most - especially if it's FOOD in a SURVIVAL game.

Remember that you can respec your skills with a drink for not much cost, so you can have LotL in the early-mid game when you feel you need it and then remove it when you don't feel you need it anymore.  I think many people farm considering how many people talk about it on the forum.

4 hours ago, spud42 said:

watching Jawoodle's stream and noticed the zombies are very dark and grey even full day in the pine forest. is this intended? Because it negates the random colours on zombies, they all look dark grey!

Yeah, I've noticed that since the dev streams.  Not all are that way, but it does seem to happen often.  I think it's an intended version of them but it feels like bad lighting rather than a bug.  But I think it would look better to be removed or adjusted since it just looks like a bug.

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The color saturated zombies was a bit of a vibe killer. The way the zombies look now is more like how they looked in A16.

We don't have many different zombie models. When they were colorful it amplified that aspect. 

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10 hours ago, toores said:

Can anyone tell me if it has been confirmed that the farming is going to stay as it is?

It used to be a fun part of the game but now it's just not worth the trouble and investment. Unless you're going Fortitude tree anyways.... The thing is, it's not like weapon choice because each tree has it's alternatives. Food is something all players need.


At the moment farming is DESIGNED to be discaded by MOST of the players. 1 tree out of 5. Even if you account for everyone leveling multiple skill trees, it's still a minority in all the combinations. And even if you can max out all trees (I usually don't play so long in one save), farming is actually most relevant in early-mid game and not so much late game.

It makes little sense to make a fun gameplay mechanic and make it useless for most - especially if it's FOOD in a SURVIVAL game.

You don’t have to go down the fortitude tree for farming.  One point in LoTL at Fortitude level 1 doubles your harvest amounts (2 for wild plants, 4 for player planted crops).  Seeds are plentiful in loot and traders so you don’t have to scrap crops into seeds, just replace any harvests you fail to get a seed back from purchases / looting.

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@faatal While watching streamer weekend I was reminded of 2 things you've been saying for a long time. 

1. On dev streams A20 TFPs said there would be a setting to disable dismemberment. Some youtubers are complaining that YouTube doesn't like it. Are you still planning this customization?

2. On dev streams A19 TFPs said there will be a button for streamers to quickly change brightness. It's not as relevant now, but it would still probably come in handy.

And by the way, why don't you specify the times of the various events for UTC? I think a lot more people know the difference between their time zone and UTC than the difference with CST. It's convenient for the USA, but hardly convenient for Europe, for example.

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10 minutes ago, Chaton Noir said:

@faatal While watching streamer weekend I was reminded of 2 things you've been saying for a long time. 

1. On dev streams A20 TFPs said there would be a setting to disable dismemberment. Some youtubers are complaining that YouTube doesn't like it. Are you still planning this customization?

2. On dev streams A19 TFPs said there will be a button for streamers to quickly change brightness. It's not as relevant now, but it would still probably come in handy.


I would honestly suggest three settings if possible. Full dismemberment, headshot dismemberment, no dismemberment. The middle ground in case people want to keep the chance of insta-killing zombies occasionally with headshots, but don't want tons of limbs flying everywhere, adding to the lag.

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1 minute ago, MechanicalLens said:


I would honestly suggest three settings if possible. Full dismemberment, headshot dismemberment, no dismemberment. The middle ground in case people want to keep the chance of insta-killing zombies occasionally with headshots, but don't want tons of limbs flying everywhere, adding to the lag.

And fourth: dismemberment like in Dying Light 2 and Dead Island 2😁. Eh, dreams)

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2 hours ago, bdubyah said:

And also, I've seen a single bacon and eggs as a quest reward a few times now. Is that intended? Even for a T1 quest that feels a bit lacking. Surely it should be at least 2 or 3?


Saw someone get offered a single can of Miso Soup for a T3 quest reward

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