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  1. You could change the link to use yehonal instead of minhaskamal to get around this. Or, you can download the whole modlet collection from github directly, https://github.com/KhaineGB/KhaineA21ModletsXML
  2. Yes, there is one trader but she can't help you. You're on your own. Spoiler
  3. Yeah, I've used that feature often, but csv is unlike any other xpath statement I've used, and this is the first time doing anything with it. Seems powerful, TFP did a good job with it.
  4. Thank you for the reply. That thread is one of the few bits I found. It's good to know about the wildcard in the zombie name, kind of missed that, but those were poor example names, any they actually differ a lot. Maybe wildcard wasn't the proper term. I wasn't sure if by not selecting specific groups with an @name= or starts with if it would select all groups (what I meant by 'wildcard') and then apply the remove only where appropriate. You're right, it's been working fine. Thank you for the confirmation.
  5. You could change the link to use yehonal instead of minhaskamal to get around this. Or, you can download the whole modlet collection from github directly, https://github.com/KhaineGB/KhaineA21ModletsXML
  6. So if you have a zombie expansion mod and wish to remove a specific zombie from the spawn groups, I can write a remove for each group. But if there are many, many groups, will this work? <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" > CustomZombie1 </csv Further, say there are two zombies you wish to remove, will this work? <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" > CustomZombie1 CustomZombie2 </csv I have tested both, and both seem to work. At least there are no errors thrown starting the game and the configs dump looks ok. But am I missing something? I haven't found a lot of information on csv edits in my googling.
  7. I'm sure many would appreciate it if you asked for permission, or at least some guidance on how to do this. I rolled my own for A20 since I didn't quite agree with all the choices made in the existing mods.
  8. I keep hoping that someone will update one of the mods that did this but nothing so far. In A20 it was easy enough I could figure out how to do it. In A21 I guess it's not so simple.
  9. If the nerd outfit is anything like we saw a preview of last year I'll gladly wait a long, long, looooonnnnng time. Like forever.
  10. I'm trying to learn more about the titled variables but information is rather slim. So, just some basic questions to start. In buffs.xml it lists a number of read only CVARs from _degreesabsorbed to _stunned. Is this a complete list? I'll include the list below. The file also mentions game variables ($gameVariable) which are read only constants. The only example shown is #GameTime. Are there any others? There are other variables that can be used in the game UI like maptemperature, mapwind, mapelevation etc. Can these be assigned to cvars and then used in a compare in a new buff? Like if I wanted to mod a buff that triggers if ambient temperature (not player core temp) was below a set value? Read only CVARs from buffs.xml _degreesabsorbed : _coretemp : _sheltered : _shaded : _wetness : _underwater : _difficulty : _biomeradiation : _encumberedslots : _encumbrance : _fallSpeed : _crouching : _notAlerted : _stunned :
  11. Well, your mod is working, but I don't think the code is doing what you think it's doing. Or else you're doing a little obfuscation. I modified your items.xml like so, just 9 damage, and still die in one hit. <HellsJanitor> <set xpath="//item[starts-with(@name,'meleeHandZombie')]/property[@class='Action0']//property[@name='DamageEntity']/@value">9</set> <set xpath="//item[starts-with(@name,'meleeHandAnimal')]/property[@class='Action0']//property[@name='DamageEntity']/@value">9</set> <set xpath="//item[starts-with(@name,'ammoProjectileZombie')]/property[@class='Action1']//property[@name='DamageEntity']/@value">9</set> </HellsJanitor> If I delete items.xml from your mod so it's just vanilla, still die in one hit.
  12. So, I thought I'd check this in A21 and it doesn't work, at least not for all zombies. Basic zombies like Marlene and Arlene the damage is unchanged. The lumberjack, fatcop, mutated etc. do have increased damage. I think it depends on which HandItem they get but on a brief look I couldn't see how things were that different. I wasn't curious enough to really check it out though. Is your mod working for all zombie types?
  13. I more fully answered your question in the mod topic so others can find it but the quick answer is to use [{daycolor}] in the day display.
  14. You can have the day turn red on horde night by editing the mods controls.xml. Add [{daycolor}] to the yearcounter line so it looks like this: <label depth="2" name="yearcounter" width="300" height="30" pos="240,-60" text="[{daycolor}]{# localization('daycount_' + day%364)} {#Floor((day-1)/364) + 2020}" font_size="28" pivot="center" effect="outline" upper_case="true" justify="center"/> Because of the way the day is shown the entire line e.g. "Monday, January 7th, 2020" will be in red.
  15. This is my mod I used in A20. Haven't tried in A21. <one-shot-kill> <set xpath="/items/item//property[@name='DamageEntity']/@value">2000</set> </one-shot-kill> It just sets all zombie damage to 2000, so one touch should kill you.
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