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The PoI labels and strength meters are ....


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I do like seeing the names in game, it's made discussions about POIs a little less about "you know, the place with the dogs and the coffee maker in the corner".


But the pop-ups are Huge for that use, they feel like they should be accompanied by some revelatory sound effect. "You've discovered the cure for cancer, tattarattataaa"


The UI is luckily (rumoredly) getting an overhaul, so.. keep the feedback going, let's hope they notice :)

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1 hour ago, theFlu said:

I do like seeing the names in game, it's made discussions about POIs a little less about "you know, the place with the dogs and the coffee maker in the corner".


But the pop-ups are Huge for that use, they feel like they should be accompanied by some revelatory sound effect. "You've discovered the cure for cancer, tattarattataaa"


The UI is luckily (rumoredly) getting an overhaul, so.. keep the feedback going, let's hope they notice :)


See, I'm fine with the name being up in the corner. I don't need it popping up in the middle for three seconds, and I don't really care about the skulls. I'd like to be able to turn off the popup but keep the names showing in the corner. No skulls. The skulls aren't that helpful anyway.

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The part I don't get, on the one hand there is theory or confirmation (maybe) that sleeper volumes spawns teleport is for fright and oh fecalmatter moment.  On the other well let's let them know they are going into a dangerous place.


Doesn't compute.


I will go look for another modlet.

3by my count :).


declutter compass

no zombie respawn

now no red skuls


I know not much compared what some of you do.  But...but BUTT.




8 hours ago, Maharin said:


Speak for yourself.  I'm just stupid with a side of dense.


Ah you are one of them Idens... Heard of them, ain't never seen one.

Edited by Rotor
Tyoos (see edit history)
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I don't mind seeing the POI names. I don't need the big popup window, but the small name is fine.


I have mixed feelings about the little skulls. Where I find them really handy is when exploring the map and confirming a POI is Tier 0. Those make great bases in multiplayer as there's no quests associated with them. It's pretty cool how many there are and interesting that players don't tend to get to know them because they let the quest system determine where they go.


I kind of like the idea of a brand new player being able to spawn next to a Tier 1 POI and not be wildly over their head at first. They don't necessarily need the skulls to make that possible, but world building doesn't guarantee they won't start next to something more brutal and the skulls might be enough warning.


I'm also starting to wish some mods could be player-by-player and not server-wide, especially when they modify the UI. A server I play on has installed a UI modlet at the request of another player. Its a decent UI, but not exactly what I'd want. Another server I played on installed a mod that removed the game's crosshairs. I wasn't into that and just stopped playing there. Anyways, my point here is that if we leave it to modlets, and modlets are entirely server-side, then we'll probably never see everyone happy. Either adjusting UI modlets to be player specific or having the skulls be a TFP-supported game option might be the only way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hopefully when they add options before gold they will allow disabling this.  The popup is horrible.  The name at the top right is good and great for troubleshooting screenshots since it shows where you are.  I really don't care about the skulls as they are easy enough to ignore but if I have the option, they will be off.  The popup is the one thing that really has to go.

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I like having the POI name up in the corner, but I removed the skulls from the gui. The skulls are basically just a spoiler, and I don't like spoilers. Accidentally poking your nose into a high tier POI on day one is part of the fun, and blatantly showing the level of POIs right there in the gui ruins it.

The giant popup I removed entirely using Khaine's mod.


But yeah, it would be nice if the options menu allowed us to control how POI info is displayed without resorting to mods.


@Rotor The relevant bits are in windows.xml, starting at around line 2494 or so, under <window name = "windowLocation". The quick and dirty fix is to simply comment out all the sprite="ui_game_symbol_skull" lines. That retains the windowLocation gui which shows POI name, but prevents the tier level from displaying. Or you could do a proper xpath mod, but I'm too lazy for that.


Edited by EvilPolygons (see edit history)
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Yes, it is pretty @%$# but considering that localized difficulty/loot is new I think this is more related to that than it is actual finalized gameplay.  It would not surprise me if they remove it after creating a more natural way of indicating the difficulty level like hints on the exterior of the buildings.

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My theory why TFP implemented the skull system:

-it was always their point that they don't like "learning by doing" and never want to have their game work like this.

-somebody said "hey you know what, if a player just enters a poi and clears it, he finds out how hard it is by doing it...that's literally learning by doing!"

-everybody was like "NOOOO!"

-all resources were immediately redirected into the development of a system to tell the player the difficulty of a poi before he can learn by doing it.

-this is why all the good stuff like bandits, new armor system and so on got pushed forward to A22+



Where I live they have these little chili symbols on the boxes of frozen pizza, to give the customer a general impression on how spicy it is.

So if you buy a pizza with three out of three chili symbols, you know it will be hotter than the one with only two or one chili.


Yes what a great idea in theory...but really, you end up buying all three and test out for yourself what's your taste.

So you know it from experience which one you like most, and which one you can't really handle.


In the end the damn chilis didn't help you a single bit...if you were one the few people who bothered to chili-care in the first place.

All the others just buy the pizza that looks the most tasty on the picure on the box, and don't even recognize the lil chili system.

And they find out whether they like it or not just by having a bite.


And that's me in 7D2d.

I don't skull-care, I enter the building that looks nice to me, and just have a bite...or get bitten...learning by doing...Hah!


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