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Why do most of the vending machines at the trader not work for me? (only one and its mostly drinks) 


Why am i having so much trouble with the guns? I have a pipe machine gun and i bought some ap 7.62 ammo but its not firing? 



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Also note that normal 7.62 ammo is the cheapest (to make or buy) and using the AP (armor piercing) stuff in the early game is somewhat of a waste because it won't have any added benefit over non-AP ammo.  The zombies just aren't tough enough yet.

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There are two types of vending machines at the trader. The first is the normal vending machine which is mostly drinks and maybe a very small amount of canned food. There is only ever one of these.


The second type is a player vending machine. If a player wants to sell something while they are offline and do it securely, they can hire the vending machines and other players can buy the items in there without them having to be online or risk a rogue PvP player shooting them and just looting their gear.

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4 hours ago, Gav said:

Why am i having so much trouble with the guns? I have a pipe machine gun and i bought some ap 7.62 ammo but its not firing? 

you have to reload with R like others told you, and keep an eye on the durability, you have to repair it with a pipe if reach 0

non-pipe gun require repair kit instead

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10 hours ago, Gav said:

Should i be changing the time settings for when im building? 

Not sure what you mean by that.  But I hope to address the time setting specifically and maybe what it can potentially mean:


1.  Time is a strange thing and is one of the big balancing factors when determining what sort of game you intend to play.

2.  Fast days can be great if all you're doing is looting/shooting/scavenging and you want a permadeath solution.   Fast fights, fast looting, fast to horde night, etc etc.  Great if you just want to kill time for an hour perhaps.

3.  Longer days are great if you like to take your time, level up well, play with a friend, etc like a sandbox type scenario.  Dying just sets you back a bit and you dust off and try again.

4.  If you change time settings, you might also want to look into how that affects how fast you might level and proliferate.  Increasing/Reducing your resource and XP gain can be an issue when deciding how smooth you want your experience to be.

5.  Building can also be quick and dirty, versus well thought out trap/turret/killing field bases.   You may want to decide your own level of involvement accordingly.

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To expand on the vending machines that were explained are player vending machines for you to rent and sell items out of, if you're playing single player they're useful for you there, too. You can put items in there and an invisible/random person will, at random, buy things out of it. Be careful not to set prices too high or they'll refuse to buy your scalped items :)

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If you stumble into a little trio of vending machines those are for multiplayer servers and will never have anything in them while solo. The blue one is the one you want (and its inventory changes daily, so keep an eye on it!)


As many have said, hold your reload button to open the radial to change ammo types. This goes for all ranged weapons. 


I'd bank the AP ammo, personally unless you're in a pinch. I don't know how early on you are, but bows are your friend because stone arrows are basically free to make, and you find iron arrows pretty commonly. Plus, you have a good chance to recover them.

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56 minutes ago, Gav said:

Thanks people


Anymore tips for beginners? 

I build a separate base just for hoards. I find this helps keep damage to my home base low and I don't lose anything important, but you certainly don't have to.


wrench down broken workstations and defunct vending machines for some good loot!


Don't go into the wastelands unless you crave depression.

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15 hours ago, Jugginator said:

To expand on the vending machines that were explained are player vending machines for you to rent and sell items out of, if you're playing single player they're useful for you there, too. You can put items in there and an invisible/random person will, at random, buy things out of it. Be careful not to set prices too high or they're refuse to buy your scalped items :)

WTH? This is a thing?! Is this explained to the player at any point? I'm gonna have to try this next playthrough (currently doing a no trader/vending thing ATM)

14 hours ago, Lenny Lettuce Lips said:

If you stumble into a little trio of vending machines those are for multiplayer servers and will never have anything in them while solo.

Umm, I'm going to have to go with the QA, aka @Jugginator  on this one. But I thought the same thing 2 minutes ago.

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1 hour ago, JCrook1028 said:

SP they'll never have anything for you to buy but you can sell thru them.

Yeah, that makes sense. I just had no idea using them in SP to sell stuff was a thing at all. Maybe I missed the fine print somewhere.

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5 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

WTH? This is a thing?! Is this explained to the player at any point? I'm gonna have to try this next playthrough (currently doing a no trader/vending thing ATM)



Honestly, I can't recall if this also works in MP games/servers, but technically you always run a "server" when playing single player so I assume it at least works everywhere but dedicated servers, but it may work there too. 

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Always check garbage, cars, and trashcans for glue, pipes, lumber so you can easily make other guns like the pipe shotgun and pistol so that you can use any ammo that you find. Also a rifle for deer. Oh check toilets for pistols of course - srsly. Those drinks and candy can be pretty useful imo- especially jailbreakers to open safes and ATMs. 


Later in the game my wife each rent one make a lot of money from the rentable vending machines but players can only own one each. The markup on stuff that you put in the machine to sell is outrageous! Not that I'm complaining. 


Oh yeah - arrows seem to be better for the early game than bullets so learn how to hit from a distance but the machine gun is effective on zombies early game (as well as using up bullets). 

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3 hours ago, Maharin said:

Never try to attack something while holding broken glass.  It is not a weapon to be used on others.

I'd found this out the hard way at a very inopportune moment. 

Later in life I actually used this when I got stuck in a spot that I couldn't reasonably escape from. Always carry wood or frames on you. Maybe that's another tip. 

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At some point you WILL lose everything you've looted, crafted, bought, and worked hard for. Either through a natural in game thing or an unnatural in game thing. But it'll be ok. You can rebuild... Better, stronger, bigger. We've all been there and will feel your pain when it comes. 


Keep this in mind and remember, rage quiting is dumb. 

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