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54 minutes ago, meganoth said:

I would consider the absolutely most basic and most useful info for any beginner that zombies can't reach ladders two blocks high from the ground, but you can.


For now... :) You know a change is coming in future. My opinion only btw.

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1 hour ago, Gamida said:


For now... :) You know a change is coming in future. My opinion only btw.


I don't think that likely. As long as they keep frame shapes and tilted doors they would just add some tedious routine work without making the situation practically different.


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21 minutes ago, meganoth said:

I don't think that likely.

Me neither; even ignoring the "manual labour" options of frames and doors, the difference is in jumping for pathing. We had that for a short bit when the AI improvements were rolling in and it wasn't exactly zombie-like, and pretty disliked by all. Maybe with bandits, if they're going to be doing base raids at some point.

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2 hours ago, meganoth said:


I don't think that likely. As long as they keep frame shapes and tilted doors they would just add some tedious routine work without making the situation practically different.



2 hours ago, theFlu said:

Me neither; even ignoring the "manual labour" options of frames and doors, the difference is in jumping for pathing. We had that for a short bit when the AI improvements were rolling in and it wasn't exactly zombie-like, and pretty disliked by all. Maybe with bandits, if they're going to be doing base raids at some point.


I was thinking it is almost the "one block egress" situation all over again. Maybe they will make it so the zombies can "World War Z" higher so they can reach ladders higher. I think they sometimes do now. :)

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2 minutes ago, Gamida said:

Maybe they will make it so the zombies can "World War Z" higher so they can reach ladders higher.

Two-zed stacks are perfectly capable of catching a ladder, but that requires them to be piling at the position of the ladder. They usually don't, as the ladders are (at best) set at a random spot of an even wall, and there's a weaker / closer / otherwise better spot for them to gather at.


As in, it's not really a matter of height, just Where the pileups happen. Maybe they could be artificially attracted to the bottom of ladders, but that would really just open more exploits.. like doors used to :)

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2 hours ago, theFlu said:

Two-zed stacks are perfectly capable of catching a ladder, but that requires them to be piling at the position of the ladder. They usually don't, as the ladders are (at best) set at a random spot of an even wall, and there's a weaker / closer / otherwise better spot for them to gather at.


As in, it's not really a matter of height, just Where the pileups happen. Maybe they could be artificially attracted to the bottom of ladders, but that would really just open more exploits.. like doors used to :)

Ah but you are forgetting about us brainiacs who wonder if they will climb the ladder while standing at the top of a ladder looking down at them. They may not be attracted to the ladders but they are to us dumbasses that stand at the head of them.

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8 hours ago, theFlu said:

...like doors used to :)


I haven't played in about 4 weeks due to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness keeping me away from game rig, but I don't think "used" is the proper tense here :).

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8 hours ago, Rotor said:

I don't think "used" is the proper tense here :)

I maybe mistaken here, I never abused it myself; But I think the zeds used to attack doors regardless of their viability for pathing. So, door against a wall, or standing alone in a field: "it's a door, attack!" Now they just see doors as weaker than they really are, that means they need a viable path through it to be interested.

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I think they absolutely should be attracted to ladders if the ladder is a viable path to their target. Maybe a 2-high ladder (which is part of a complete path to the survivor) is close enough that their tiny little Z brains clump at the base of the wall and WWZ to the ladder, but 3-high is too far and they aren't interested. Or 4-high. Pick the appropriate balance, I dunno what it is. The behavior would fit perfectly with a half-sentient monster who just wants to eat you and knows or senses that it can climb that thing attached to the wall. If...only...it...could...................reach it.


16 hours ago, Gamida said:

us brainiacs who wonder if they will climb the ladder while standing at the top of a ladder looking shooting down at them.


Vertical kill-corridor FTW. We used that in one of our horde bases. Intentional ladder path to the top of the base (a re-purposed POI IIRC) with a hatch at the top and a surrounding walkway. We just concentrated our fire straight down the ladder and tore them to shreds. When they got too close (due to radiated Z's toughness I think) we slammed the hatch shut and shotgunned the top ladder segment off the wall. It was fun, but probably only viable for 2+ players. Reloads would cause problems in SP.

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1 hour ago, Boidster said:

Pick the appropriate balance, I dunno what it is.

That would be a great place for a breadcrumb-mechanic, the zeds either saw you getting up there and gathered below, or smelled or otherwise sensed a often traversed path. Might still open up some potential exploits, but they'd be somewhat as realistic as the mechanic itself.

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On 5/30/2022 at 8:55 AM, Gamida said:


For now... :) You know a change is coming in future. My opinion only btw.


23 hours ago, meganoth said:


I don't think that likely. As long as they keep frame shapes and tilted doors they would just add some tedious routine work without making the situation practically different.



The thing is that bandits should be able to path anywhere the player does so hopefully whether the zombies continue to be foiled by the 2-block ladder gap, bandits won't be and if you set up a ramp to leap to a ladder that only extends partway down, hopefully bandits will be able to navigate that as well even if zombies can't.

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28 minutes ago, Roland said:



The thing is that bandits should be able to path anywhere the player does so hopefully whether the zombies continue to be foiled by the 2-block ladder gap, bandits won't be and if you set up a ramp to leap to a ladder that only extends partway down, hopefully bandits will be able to navigate that as well even if zombies can't.


Bandits are a problem later in the game.


Even then I'd assume people will want to keep zombies out of their homes and castles. And that makes the hint still very valid.




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1 hour ago, Roland said:



The thing is that bandits should be able to path anywhere the player does so hopefully whether the zombies continue to be foiled by the 2-block ladder gap, bandits won't be and if you set up a ramp to leap to a ladder that only extends partway down, hopefully bandits will be able to navigate that as well even if zombies can't.


An easy way to do it is have bandits pull out rocket launchers or start throwing explosives if they can't path to the player....😎

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I carry a stack of cobble blocks. Great to toss in a doorway if a bunch of zombies coming. You can also use them when confronted by a dog, bear or wolf. Just nerdpole up 5 or 6 blocks, depending on which animal, and shoot from above. They have limited xp (1500) so get to killing right away. If you see a bear and he doesn’t see you….build a 2x4x6 high block surrounded by wooden spikes. Once you are safe up top, shoot the bear to get his attention. The spikes help decrease the number of arrows you use.

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