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15 minutes ago, Roland said:

Right…and if we had kept it as May all the way to the 30th and then changed it to June you would’ve LYAO that we kept it saying May when we knew it would probably slip to June. 

Don’t you want communication?  It’s looking like June is as likely or more likely as May at this point so we updated the information to reflect reality. 

Honestly that's all I ask for (communication) I do wish we had more dev's but I'm happy that we have dev's that give their input and not just no offence yourself Roland, I'm glad you updated the release timeline but bummed however its close and I cant wait, don't want to start a new world or continue and existing one rn bit burnt out after playing everyday since 2019 patiently waiting for alpha 21. Loved what I saw from the streams  

Edited by david18
cohesive sentences (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Roland said:

Right…and if we had kept it as May all the way to the 30th and then changed it to June you would’ve LYAO that we kept it saying May when we knew it would probably slip to June. 

Don’t you want communication?  It’s looking like June is as likely or more likely as May at this point so we updated the information to reflect reality. 

Communication? To me, it seems more like a one-sided announcement.🤔

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37 minutes ago, Kiwi69 said:

Communication? To me, it seems more like a one-sided announcement.🤔

Communication in this case is "providing information to customers".

The word itself doesn't imply two-ways communication, and that's normal when one party has all the knowledge of the facts you're interested in.


Isn't that communication, after all, when you're watching TV, and you hear all the lies that the "propaganda machine" spews out to you? :heh:

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8 hours ago, Riamus said:

With all the complaints that they haven't released it yet after suggesting mid-May as a goal, I doubt they'd want something like that.  It would likely cause many more complaints.  It is also not really the easiest thing to try and estimate an actual percent finished as you can't really know how long certain things (especially bugs) will take to complete or fix.


Which is why Lathan told Rick not to say anything about a release date during the stream.

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39 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

Which is why Lathan told Rick not to say anything about a release date during the stream.

I'm sure it's all an elaborate prank to make Rick look bad.

Lathan is probably having a secret meeting with everyone else @TFP while performing his best evil laugh! :heh:




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I have no idea what’s going on here. It’s no wonder a YouTuber made an entire video discussing this. Is it really okay for someone like Roland, who works in customer service or PR for a company, to speak to customers and fans with such arrogance and playfulness? I’m shocked that so many people are defending this person and their attitude. Is this some kind of Communist Party forum where only TFP is right? OMG… And don’t even try to tell me that being rude is part of your company culture. ‘Oh wow, this is so freaking cool in 2023.’


You guys can tell this is only my second post on the forum because I usually just lurk and browse. But this time, I can’t stand the arrogance. It leaves me at a loss for words. I don’t understand why I have to put up with such rude arrogance when I’ve recommended your alpha game to so many friends and even bought at least 4 copies myself. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.


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7 minutes ago, Kiwi69 said:

I have no idea what’s going on here. It’s no wonder a YouTuber made an entire video discussing this. Is it really okay for someone like Roland, who works in customer service or PR for a company, to speak to customers and fans with such arrogance and playfulness? I’m shocked that so many people are defending this person and their attitude. Is this some kind of Communist Party forum where only TFP is right? OMG… And don’t even try to tell me that being rude is part of your company culture. ‘Oh wow, this is so freaking cool in 2023.’


You guys can tell this is only my second post on the forum because I usually just lurk and browse. But this time, I can’t stand the arrogance. It leaves me at a loss for words. I don’t understand why I have to put up with such rude arrogance when I’ve recommended your alpha game to so many friends and even bought at least 4 copies myself. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.



I don't believe I have ever spoken to you directly. What arrogance are you reading into my posts? Your first post ever was a snarky quip about how the change of release window somehow doesn't count as communication and your second post ever is castigating me for the responses others gave to you that your characterization of what does or doesn't count as communication is extremely limited. I didn't say a word to you until now.


Here's your problem:


You think I'm a customer service rep in the same vein as some hotel clerk who must take whatever crap a customer dishes and always return a smile and a servile will to please. If you can't adjust your view on this then you're just going to continue to be angry and steamed as you read the forums.


You think that a video game site about a game dealing with zombies and irreverent humor while surviving should be as professional and sterile as a forum for St Jude's or the Mayo Clinic. If you think I'm not going to be playful with the subject matter we discuss then you are going to be disappointed again and again.


You believe Saven too ardently....


You are welcome to post and participate but only if you can get a bit more playful. :)

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2 minutes ago, Kiwi69 said:

I have no idea what’s going on here. It’s no wonder a YouTuber made an entire video discussing this. Is it really okay for someone like Roland, who works in customer service or PR for a company, to speak to customers and fans with such arrogance and playfulness? I’m shocked that so many people are defending this person and their attitude. Is this some kind of Communist Party forum where only TFP is right? OMG… And don’t even try to tell me that being rude is part of your company culture. ‘Oh wow, this is so freaking cool in 2023.’


You guys can tell this is only my second post on the forum because I usually just lurk and browse. But this time, I can’t stand the arrogance. It leaves me at a loss for words. I don’t understand why I have to put up with such rude arrogance when I’ve recommended your alpha game to so many friends and even bought at least 4 copies myself. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.



Your Post made me re-activate my Account that was sleeping about 2 years. You talk about arrogance, while you think bought copies entitle you to some sort of special treatment. Take a step back and choose your words more careful. All i read is a big whiny outburst of dissapointed feelings.



That being said i agree with the essence of your Post. After a decade of broken Promises TFP still didnt learn and spews out Releasedates they dont hold. But that is ok. It happens in Software Development.


What is not ok, is the lack of communication and behaviour towards the Fanbase. While Roland is not "Supermoderator" any more, he still has a representive Role but doesnt act accordingly.


No Entry in that Dev Diary, not on the Streamer Weekend-Thread that the Release now most likely is June and people who wonder why/how get treated poorly.

As it was stated the other day, if the Release would be the 22th, we would know by now.


The only good/fair approach in communication was made by Laz with the Silver Lining of possible more POIs that might be in the next Update. Thank you Laz.

But after one of the bosses of TFP said "Mid-May" the least the community deserves is an official Update. You know, something like an Entry by a Dev in the Dev-Diary.



Enough negative things. While i skipped A20 entirly since im more and more ....unhappy about certain things and Devs, im looking forward to A21. Love the new Blocks, new Prefabs (enjoyed Laz´s Part in the Stream alot) and the improved graphics and i think it will be the "roundest" Alpha so far.


There was Talks about a Playtest Dev-Stream, why was this cancelled? Can we still get one please?

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26 minutes ago, Kiwi69 said:

I have no idea what’s going on here. It’s no wonder a YouTuber made an entire video discussing this. Is it really okay for someone like Roland, who works in customer service or PR for a company, to speak to customers and fans with such arrogance and playfulness? I’m shocked that so many people are defending this person and their attitude. Is this some kind of Communist Party forum where only TFP is right? OMG… And don’t even try to tell me that being rude is part of your company culture. ‘Oh wow, this is so freaking cool in 2023.’


You guys can tell this is only my second post on the forum because I usually just lurk and browse. But this time, I can’t stand the arrogance. It leaves me at a loss for words. I don’t understand why I have to put up with such rude arrogance when I’ve recommended your alpha game to so many friends and even bought at least 4 copies myself. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.




i'm also someone who is lurking, browsing and reading posts and this, because english is not my main language.

It's harder for me to write something done as reading. I think thats a problem for most people, who are not so familiar with a language.


However, i try to answer from my personal perspective about your post with "arrogance and playfulness".

Imagine two scenarios ...


A person responses to the delay of A21 like this: "Ah, dammit, i was hoping for the earlier release of A21. But i'm sure there is a reason"

Do you think  the answer from Roland would be the same? I do not.


However, related to the OT,

Best of luck for fixing all bugs and for all a awesome A21 if it gets released :)


Edit: Fixed Typos ...

Edited by Benton (see edit history)
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2 minutes ago, Guppys Fur said:

There was Talks about a Playtest Dev-Stream, why was this cancelled? Can we still get one please?


They're pretty busy trying to not continue disappointing you in those other areas you mentioned....

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42 minutes ago, Kiwi69 said:

Is this some kind of Communist Party forum where only TFP is right?

I think that this forum is quite the opposite... we can have fun and tease each other with jokes, exactly because there's so much freedom.

And I hope you're not referring to my example in my response to you, because that was evidently a joke (did you see the emote??). :rolleyes2:

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24 minutes ago, Roland said:

If you think I'm not going to be playful with the subject matter we discuss then you are going to be disappointed again and again.



What Roland really means....





-Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

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47 minutes ago, Kiwi69 said:

I have no idea what’s going on here.


I’m shocked that so many people are defending this person and their attitude.


I usually just lurk and browse.


I can’t stand the arrogance.


It just doesn’t make any sense to me.


Just lurkin' and browsin' might be the problem here.

Once you stay a little and listen (sorry to bring up that famous D4 qoute here), you will probably just the same fall in love with our beloved "Trolland".

Just as mostly everbody else who's coming here regularly.

We usually don't take things too serious here, which is a good advice you may take into consideration too.


Welcome to the forums.

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1 hour ago, Kiwi69 said:

I have no idea what’s going on here. It’s no wonder a YouTuber made an entire video discussing this. Is it really okay for someone like Roland, who works in customer service or PR for a company, to speak to customers and fans with such arrogance and playfulness? I’m shocked that so many people are defending this person and their attitude. Is this some kind of Communist Party forum where only TFP is right? OMG… And don’t even try to tell me that being rude is part of your company culture. ‘Oh wow, this is so freaking cool in 2023.’


You guys can tell this is only my second post on the forum because I usually just lurk and browse. But this time, I can’t stand the arrogance. It leaves me at a loss for words. I don’t understand why I have to put up with such rude arrogance when I’ve recommended your alpha game to so many friends and even bought at least 4 copies myself. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.


Communism is when you have to wait for vidya

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7D2D is a nice game I would say, but I would not get overly upset over what people type or what TFP wish to do or not do. 


In this universe, the only thing you can absolutely control, is yourself.

That said, there are ways to influence others, but getting angry has proven many times in this forum to be counterproductive.

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24 minutes ago, Aldranon said:

7D2D is a nice game I would say, but I would not get overly upset over what people type or what TFP wish to do or not do. 


In this universe, the only thing you can absolutely control, is yourself.

That said, there are ways to influence others, but getting angry has proven many times in this forum to be counterproductive.


Agreed.  Anyone who is overly upset and posting here about it needs to re-evaluate.  It's a video game.  If a release date slipping back a bit makes you so upset that you Karen post on here, look inward.


I've been here since A11 and this always tends to happen with releases.  They slip a bit.  It's not the end of the world.  Unironically go touch grass if it bothers you that much.

Edited by DoctorB0NG (see edit history)
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The funny part of all this to me is that just about every game has some sort of delay, and yet there is a vocal minority from every game that acts like this only happens to them and it is personal. Software development hits bugs and snags 2ft from the finish line all the time (it is my job to know this). This is a video game, not your bank. There are many other things worth actually worrying about these days. The update will come.

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20 minutes ago, DoctorB0NG said:

Unironically go touch grass if it bothers you that much.


Because you said that, now all anyone can do is touch grass ironically. My days of innocent grass touching are gone forever, thanks.


EDIT: I just read what I wrote and realized that I've most likely invoked Snowdog...

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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One wonders if people already make up an opinion on something based on a youtuber they follow, then go into that area and only grasp the things that reinforce that opinion while ignoring anything that counters that opinion.....




That's my deep thought for the week

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3 hours ago, Kiwi69 said:

I have no idea what’s going on here. It’s no wonder a YouTuber made an entire video discussing this. Is it really okay for someone like Roland, who works in customer service or PR for a company, to speak to customers and fans with such arrogance and playfulness? I’m shocked that so many people are defending this person and their attitude. Is this some kind of Communist Party forum where only TFP is right? OMG… And don’t even try to tell me that being rude is part of your company culture. ‘Oh wow, this is so freaking cool in 2023.’


You guys can tell this is only my second post on the forum because I usually just lurk and browse. But this time, I can’t stand the arrogance. It leaves me at a loss for words. I don’t understand why I have to put up with such rude arrogance when I’ve recommended your alpha game to so many friends and even bought at least 4 copies myself. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.

You know, whoever made that saying that the customer is always right was an idiot.  The customer is wrong far more often.  And following that "rule" is essentially saying that anyone in customer service is a slave to the customer.  "Yes, master.  Whatever you say, master.  Right away, master.  You're right, master.". It is ridiculous.


I was pleasantly surprised when I came here and see people talking normally and not falling into that master/disagree mentally that we see everywhere.  Roland isn't rude to people.  He might tell it how it is or even be a bit sarcastic at times but there isn't anything wrong with that.  On fact, the only times I've seen anything by devs or moderators here that might be considered rude is when the person they are responding to started out being rude and won't stop.  Devs and moderators do not have to listen to people being rude and can respond however they want to such people, imo.


Your posts have been written in the form of attacks on the game and devs and moderators.  What kind of response do you expect to get?  Far different to write someone like "I wish they wouldn't give a date if they might not hit that date." versus someone like your post.  One will get you perfectly respectful responses.  The other will get sarcasm and snark and so on.


The level of entitlement these days is insane.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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44 minutes ago, Riamus said:

You know, whoever made that saying that the customer is always right was an idiot.  The customer is wrong far more often.  And following that "rule" is essentially saying that anyone in customer service is a slave to the customer.  "Yes, master.  Whatever you say, master.  Right away, master.  You're right, master.". It is ridiculous.


I was pleasantly surprised when I came here and see people talking normally and not falling into that master/disagree mentally that we see everywhere.  Roland isn't rude to people.  He might tell it how it is or even be a bit sarcastic at times but there isn't anything wrong with that.  On fact, the only times I've seen anything by devs or moderators here that might be considered rude is when the person they are responding to started out being rude and won't stop.  Devs and moderators do not have to listen to people being rude and can respond however they want to such people, imo.


Your posts have been written in the form of attacks on the game and devs and moderators.  What kind of response do you expect to get?  Far different to write someone like "I wish they wouldn't give a date if they might not hit that date." versus someone like your post.  One will get you perfectly respectful responses.  The other will get sarcasm and snark and so on.


The level of entitlement these days is insane.


But you don't understand. He bought 4 copies of the game and got all his friends (yes yes ALL of them) to buy it too. He considders himself the biggest shareholder alive of this game. He really thinks he deserves to be treated like a princess. That entitlement is more than insane.

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