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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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19 minutes ago, hiemfire said:

Biggest critique I can give at the moment being as I've only been watching others play is the following: That is not how the human eye works TFP. Standing in a dark section of a room and looking into another area of the room or even another room that has light sources does not cause our vision to got to near pitch black and stay there, especially when there is a light source shining from behind us and regardless of if the sky gets cloudy or is clear. Our eyes adjust so that we can see. I've got a headache right now thanks to my eyes fighting to adjust to the lower light level.


Yes I know this is how they've had it programmed for ages but this update looks to have doubled down and made it even worse than the previous one.

Yep.  This is very annoying.  It doesn't happen all the time but it's very annoying when it does.  I actually walked into a tree shadow outside with open sunlight all around and the game darkened everything as if it was dusk.  Definitely not how our eyes work or how light works for that matter.  I hope they fix this because it really is bad when you walk into a room and stop moving and the light slowly fades to dark... Take a step and it slowly fades to light.  This effect looks horrible.

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4 hours ago, meganoth said:


... first try out a modded game where you can't stack full glass jars and tell me if you liked it. I doubt *I* would like such an inventory grind


We had this in Alpha...something when we could use tin cans to hold water. Each can took one inventory slot. That was a #### no!

Dew collectors should be churning out water like crazy, because it NEVER STOPS RAINING! So much water falls from the sky that it should never be an issue. Boil it > campfire, Distill it > chemistry station, filter it > dew collector. Drinkable water by the barrel


Edited by kattenijin (see edit history)
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So far, so good. I have only issues with voice chat - i have no idea how it works. I was sure its connected with distance, but sometimes Im able to make conversation with 300m away person, and sometimes I cant hear for half of a day friend mining 10m away - funny is, that if there are 3 of us - one can talk to all, and other 2 didn't hear each other at all.  I cant also use discord, because from some unknown reason when I am using it, I am freeze with fps down to 1 every 2 seconds, unless I press the talk button, then I am unfreezed again - so at the end I need to hold talk button for whole the time, and then its working, but its not how I want to play. Any clue what can I do?     

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1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

Only if you've read the right book from the archer series.

I thought this was will but watched a streamer seen to do it and it didn't look like they had read that book.  I need to test this and see if it is changed in A21.


1 hour ago, Amanitasec said:

So far, so good. I have only issues with voice chat - i have no idea how it works. I was sure its connected with distance, but sometimes Im able to make conversation with 300m away person, and sometimes I cant hear for half of a day friend mining 10m away - funny is, that if there are 3 of us - one can talk to all, and other 2 didn't hear each other at all.  I cant also use discord, because from some unknown reason when I am using it, I am freeze with fps down to 1 every 2 seconds, unless I press the talk button, then I am unfreezed again - so at the end I need to hold talk button for whole the time, and then its working, but its not how I want to play. Any clue what can I do?     

I have never tried voice through the game, which it sounds like you are going?  I use voice through Steam.  If you create a group voice chat, everyone can hear everyone and distance doesn't affect anything as it isn't tired to the game at all.  Of course, if you aren't using Steam, that isn't an option.

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Having seen some of the gameplay now for A21 the animations for other players still look floaty as hell, I think that is one of the things that can probably fixed, it seems as if the animation state is not synchronized with the actual player state and the floaty feeling probably comes from interpolating the position, but when animations stop and the character still moves then it just looks weird. One way to compensate for this like the Source Engine/Quake does is to not network the velocity of the player and rather estimate the velocity by using the last known position to calculate the velocity and assuming the animations use the velocity that should make it look a lot better. Would be great if a developer could look into this, perhaps @faatal. I haven't looked into what the game networks so this is mostly guess work but I'm fairly confident that this is the underlying issue as to why characters keep moving but stop animating as it probably just uses the velocity sent from the server, would be also nice to know if I'm wrong.

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5 hours ago, hiemfire said:

Biggest critique I can give at the moment being as I've only been watching others play is the following: That is not how the human eye works TFP. Standing in a dark section of a room and looking into another area of the room or even another room that has light sources does not cause our vision to got to near pitch black and stay there, especially when there is a light source shining from behind us and regardless of if the sky gets cloudy or is clear. Our eyes adjust so that we can see. I've got a headache right now thanks to my eyes fighting to adjust to the lower light level.


Yes I know this is how they've had it programmed for ages but this update looks to have doubled down and made it even worse than the previous one.

Agreed! I keep thinking it's the reverse of what *should* happen. When going into a darkly lit room from a bright room, everything would look extremely dark, but our eyes would adjust, even with a small amount of ambient light, but the colors would be muted. The less ambient light, the longer it takes to adjust to it. This would be an AMAZING effect, if pulled off correctly. Similarly, going from a really dark room to a very bright room should almost be like a flashbang effect for a few seconds. I can't think of any games that do this properly, but I could be mistaken.

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10 hours ago, meganoth said:

If the Dew Collector is a workstation, and workstations have tools that augment them (like anvil, bellows, cooking pot, grill) then why isn't the Filter a tool for the Dew Collector? If it were, a Dew Collector would turn out Murky Water until it had a Filter. You could make it so that there were slots for multiple filters and the chance of getting potable water depended on the number and quality of those filters.


10 hours ago, meganoth said:

Once you have a cooking pot the filter would be superfluous then and you could produce fresh water in unlimited quantities, immediately from day 1. Exactly what the filter as a gate tries to prevent


Oh, I see. You could make many dew collectors with no filters and then just boil the water. Good point.


9 hours ago, katarynna said:

If this was a change tfp actually considers, you could change the dew collector recipe in other ways to make it difficult to spam them early game. Increase polymers to 250 from 100, for instance. Gathering bulk polymer early game is not super trivial. For mid to late game, even if it stays the way it is now, everyone will be able to have enough dew collectors to ensure they have all the water they want.


I've not made a study of how much plastic is available, so maybe 250 works.


The other thought I had... where filters wore out, potentially also makes for an effort to keep all the filters going.

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I have only had a few hours play time but I am thoroughly enjoying the new "no jars" change making the early game a lot more challenging for me. In a20 And most alphas prior, water was just.. obviously too abundant, so I feel like this is a positive change even though it may not feel as "realistic", the change makes the survival aspect a lot more satisfying in my mind. I have still been able to find enough murky water just from looting things which is good. 


I have died twice but only because I am getting used to the slower progression of Food and water accumulation I just had horrible stamina recovery and bit off more than I could chew, so I know I have to hold back from zooming forward a lot more (which I like because I actually have to think about how I should approach things in general).

The loot stage I am at  is only dishing out mainly stone tools which is also feeling like a nice balance although by chance I found a orange iron crossbow which was A real feel good find! 


The "read books to learn" change is also good although I do miss the "get better by doing system" even though it makes everyone cheese things. 


Anyway, I can't wait to play more! a21 is golden, Thanks Pimps.



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8 hours ago, meganoth said:

I can promise you I won't buy such an optional water filter in the first days at any price.  They could as well remove it if they implement the idea. Or keep it so I am tempted to buy them for comfort when my money bag is overflowing with dukes much much later in the game.


That does seem like the likely result. You can scale up the number of cooking fires with cooking pots so what the filter saves you is fuel.


I'm struggling to see the vision about if water is supposed to be rare and for how long. I kind of get that it is supposed to be an issue for a couple of days then not an issue at all after that. I know everything is still being tweaked and all and I'm perceiving a moving target. My perspective right now is that water isn't rare unless you're out in the wilderness and the map didn't put a water source near you, but cook pots can be rare, or not, if you're lucky.


All in all, it's fun trying it all out.

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45 minutes ago, zztong said:

The other thought I had... where filters wore out, potentially also makes for an effort to keep all the filters going.


This is interesting. Right now dew collectors are fairly passive and don't really offer any interaction other than checking if any water is available. What if filters acted like fuel/ batteries instead of being part of the recipe?

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I noticed with the Dew Collector I often waste time going up to it only to find out there is no water ready yet. Unlike crops I don't think there is a visual to tell, you would have to walk up to it and see if it says empty or not, unless I'm missing something.


Some visual indicator would be nice, an idea I had was perhaps make the barrel transparent (or semi-transparent), and depending on how full the barrel is would indicate how much water can be pulled from it

ex: empty, 1/3rd full, 2/3rd full, completely full to represent 0, 1, 2 and 3 bottles of water

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10 hours ago, Morloc said:

The roaming hoards seem to sometimes have a destination (usually your location, or close to it). When they get there, and there's nobody to fight, they just mull around. Is that possibly what you're seeing? It's not new though.


-Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

They always have a destination when spawned, but when they reach it, they wander around and then despawn. If they did get a destination in the air, then would be under it and jumping, but the destination should be on the ground.

2 hours ago, ZehMatt said:

Having seen some of the gameplay now for A21 the animations for other players still look floaty as hell, I think that is one of the things that can probably fixed, it seems as if the animation state is not synchronized with the actual player state and the floaty feeling probably comes from interpolating the position, but when animations stop and the character still moves then it just looks weird. One way to compensate for this like the Source Engine/Quake does is to not network the velocity of the player and rather estimate the velocity by using the last known position to calculate the velocity and assuming the animations use the velocity that should make it look a lot better. Would be great if a developer could look into this, perhaps @faatal. I haven't looked into what the game networks so this is mostly guess work but I'm fairly confident that this is the underlying issue as to why characters keep moving but stop animating as it probably just uses the velocity sent from the server, would be also nice to know if I'm wrong.

Possibly. What and when entity network data is sent has been optimized. Data is sent less often when farther away. More when close. Player outfits and anims are being redone for A22, which they are already working on.

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I've noticed that zombies seem to congregate around the trader.  Even when I haven't been there in a long time, I'll come back and see a few zombies all walking around one of the closed doors.  Not sure if that's intended?

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okay this little detail was so bloody good, I killed a chicken at long range near a zombie with my crossbow and then that zombie came up and started chowing down on my kill! @%$# only left me 10 feathers! A damn nice surprise, really unexpected 👏👏👏.

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Some feedback on playing multiplayer with my friend:

Quest sharing is nice but the notifications for every quest either one of us takes is super annoying, not helpful. It should work the same way all other waypoints work, not shared until selected to share.


Loot for shared quests needs reworked as well, currently it's not fun since there's nothing ensuring that each player gets fair amount of loot/books other than goodwill.... in a game that's trained everyone to just be a loot goblin and take or scrap everything not nailed to the floor. I think a nice addition would be that the final chest/box resets after everything is emptied from it once for shared quests as a game option.


The trader is supposed to give different quests however I was sent to the same quests right after him 3 times, one of the times he died and it wouldn't let me start the quest for 4 in-game hours and he couldn't restart it either so I just had to cancel my quest. I started a new quest that he joined and it fixed the stuck quest on his side.



General feedback:

The magazines are difficult to figure out atm. I typically don't choose which weapon to specialize in until day 4-5 but now if I don't specialize into one of the weapon perks I'm pretty SOL due to the high stamina drain of everything. Also having to specialize into harvesting tools to not have a giant stamina drain just to do buried supplies feels likes a waste of skill points due to the prior point.

Also even though it seemed like the point of the new system was to give more flexibility I'm finding myself more forced than ever to take perks that I could have done without in A20, such as advanced engineering, whatever weapon I first craft, and cardio just because the extensive running this Alpha's forcing rn.


Zombies feel exceptionally sponge like, haven't gotten to play with many proper guns, but 6 power attacks for a soldier is a bit excessive even for a t1 club as that's two full bars of stamina drain. A single normal big boy took ~11 power attacks.


Low quality bow in-accuracy is so frustrating currently I just scrapped my bow instead of use it at all. Just because a bow quality is lower should not make it less accurate to the point the arrows fly all over the place, waver sure, but when it's leaving the bow at a 30 degree angle away from where I'm pointing it's more like, why is there even a crosshair? 


Maybe I haven't walked around enough but I haven't seen a single one of the prior sedan vehicle model. Please add them back to the mix of road debris if they're not. I personally prefer that model over the new plastic looking ones.


We're playing default difficulty but the number of ferals at night feels more like warrior. Also the amount of stacking statuses is just too high, my friend's died x2 the amount he normally does and every time has included 3-4 status effects from one hit.

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2 minutes ago, Belgarion32 said:

Some feedback on playing multiplayer with my friend:

Quest sharing is nice but the notifications for every quest either one of us takes is super annoying, not helpful. It should work the same way all other waypoints work, not shared until selected to share.

You can change this setting in Settings>General.  Both auto-share and auto-accept.  I like auto-share but not auto-accept but only with someone who I know I'll quest with regularly.  Auto-accept is just a pain because everyone in a group accepts it and then you have no idea who is actually going to show up until you get everyone to reply about whether or not they are coming.  But some will like both on and some both off.


Loot for shared quests needs reworked as well, currently it's not fun since there's nothing ensuring that each player gets fair amount of loot/books other than goodwill.... in a game that's trained everyone to just be a loot goblin and take or scrap everything not nailed to the floor. I think a nice addition would be that the final chest/box resets after everything is emptied from it once for shared quests as a game option.

I think that if you're playing this with a friend, you should be able to work out loot sharing.  The person I usually play the game with works very well with me in this regard.  And we have shared storage anyhow.  Maybe one of us who loots something ends up getting the better weapon or armor or tool but since no one is rushing loot, this is just "RNG" and isn't really a problem, imo.


The trader is supposed to give different quests however I was sent to the same quests right after him 3 times, one of the times he died and it wouldn't let me start the quest for 4 in-game hours and he couldn't restart it either so I just had to cancel my quest. I started a new quest that he joined and it fixed the stuck quest on his side.

This is new so they probably have to do some tweaks.  It does not work for quests that someone else took, so if you were to complete your quest and then they took a quest, it could end up being at the same place.  It's a per-person thing.  But it may still not be working perfectly.  The timer on redoing the same quest is new and I'm not sure the reason for that.  Easiest to just do the other person's quest and then come back to yours afterwards or cancel it like you did if you prefer.  I think that with the POI names showing on quests now, it's not too hard to make sure you're not doing the same POI again before accepting a quest.  And as far as two people doing a quest at the same place at the same time, even in A20 you had to complete and turn in (or cancel/fail) one of those before starting the next one.


General feedback:

The magazines are difficult to figure out atm. I typically don't choose which weapon to specialize in until day 4-5 but now if I don't specialize into one of the weapon perks I'm pretty SOL due to the high stamina drain of everything. Also having to specialize into harvesting tools to not have a giant stamina drain just to do buried supplies feels likes a waste of skill points due to the prior point.

Also even though it seemed like the point of the new system was to give more flexibility I'm finding myself more forced than ever to take perks that I could have done without in A20, such as advanced engineering, whatever weapon I first craft, and cardio just because the extensive running this Alpha's forcing rn.

I think this will just take getting used to.  I do run out of stamina quickly but I also have only put one point into my weapon because I care about other perks more.  In A20, I wouldn't even have put one point into sex rex yet, so I'm actually better off than before.  But I'm using power attacks now when I didn't in A20, so I do run low far more often.  After some time getting used to how things work and what order I should take perks to get the best benefit, I'm sure it'll feel no different than in A20 for stamina.


Zombies feel exceptionally sponge like, haven't gotten to play with many proper guns, but 6 power attacks for a soldier is a bit excessive even for a t1 club as that's two full bars of stamina drain. A single normal big boy took ~11 power attacks.

This seems unusual to me.  Are you hitting them in their head or body?  Are you sure you're making contact?  I'm using a spear and I power attack once to the head, which almost always results in them being knocked down if not killed outright from decapitation.  After, I'll usually just finish them off with regular attacks.  This can range from a few to maybe 6 or so for most zombies.  By the time I'm at higher zombies, my spear should be plenty good enough to do the same to them.  I can't see needing so many power attacks if you're hitting them in the head.  If you're just hitting the body, then that's the problem.


Low quality bow in-accuracy is so frustrating currently I just scrapped my bow instead of use it at all. Just because a bow quality is lower should not make it less accurate to the point the arrows fly all over the place, waver sure, but when it's leaving the bow at a 30 degree angle away from where I'm pointing it's more like, why is there even a crosshair? 

That really isn't new.  Low quality bows (with low quality arrows) have worse aim.


Maybe I haven't walked around enough but I haven't seen a single one of the prior sedan vehicle model. Please add them back to the mix of road debris if they're not. I personally prefer that model over the new plastic looking ones.

I'm sure that won't make a comeback as it doesn't fit with the style of the new vehicles.  I like the new vehicles.  I think they did a good job with them.


We're playing default difficulty but the number of ferals at night feels more like warrior. Also the amount of stacking statuses is just too high, my friend's died x2 the amount he normally does and every time has included 3-4 status effects from one hit.

The crits/debuffs are apparently bugged a bit.  I've had a similar experience in one save but two other saves are not doing this.  If you're not hooked on your current game, maybe start another and see if it's better.  Since they know about the issue, it'll probably be fixed before very long.


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10 hours ago, hiemfire said:

Biggest critique I can give at the moment being as I've only been watching others play is the following: That is not how the human eye works TFP. Standing in a dark section of a room and looking into another area of the room or even another room that has light sources does not cause our vision to got to near pitch black and stay there, especially when there is a light source shining from behind us and regardless of if the sky gets cloudy or is clear. Our eyes adjust so that we can see. I've got a headache right now thanks to my eyes fighting to adjust to the lower light level.


Yes I know this is how they've had it programmed for ages but this update looks to have doubled down and made it even worse than the previous one.

The problem of poor indoor lighting arose in the A20. Even then, after half an hour of playing, my eyes started to hurt. The problem was solved with the help of a mod that returned the same level of lighting outside and inside. Now A21, and the problem is relevant again. Until the flashlight is detected, my eyes will suffer. Unfortunately, the modification from the A20 did not fit the A21.
Of the options for realism or comfort for the eyes, I would choose the second option.
There is another problem, and it is especially noticeable on YouTube. As he started compressing the video more, all the dark areas on the video turned into squares, regardless of the bitrate of the original video.

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My feedback so far for SP and MP played with friends:

- I hate Dew collectors. Are we really going to farm lots and lots of it to keep up with water consumption for glue, water drinking and food?? In multiplayer is even worse that you need even more water for each player.

- Book system are a bit of mess to be honest, I keep taking books as reward from traders and I keep receiving books I don't really need at the moment, like robotic stuff of vehicle stuff on the first days. I am at day 5 and still no way to craft the forge because I don't read the right books for these. I don't like this mechanism. At least, let us decide what books to receive as reward from trader or at least let us know what kind of books the trader is gonna give as reward so I can decide if I should pick something else as reward.

- Are zombies walking faster now? I've seen zombies semi-sprinting towards me when I try to run away from them without stamina left and they beat me out so easily even for low difficulty. The stamina is really punishing in this update for early days, not to mention that it's harder to kite zombies now. I guess this difficulty could've been easily kept under higher difficulty to be honest.

- No way dogs should be in a Tier 1 POI difficulty lol and they hardly die by a spear now. I get killed 3 times of the same dog because it refused to die fast lol.


This game is made unnecessary harder for early days, killing the fun honestly and leaving little room to prepare yourself for the horde day because you need to grind more for other stuff first.

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3 minutes ago, mstdv inc said:

The problem of poor indoor lighting arose in the A20. Even then, after half an hour of playing, my eyes started to hurt. The problem was solved with the help of a mod that returned the same level of lighting outside and inside. Now A21, and the problem is relevant again. Until the flashlight is detected, my eyes will suffer. Unfortunately, the modification from the A20 did not fit the A21.
Of the options for realism or comfort for the eyes, I would choose the second option.
There is another problem, and it is especially noticeable on YouTube. As he started compressing the video more, all the dark areas on the video turned into squares, regardless of the bitrate of the original video.

I think this is a different issue with lighting than in A20.  I didn't use a mod in A20 for lighting and never experienced this extreme lighting problem there.  Yes, you could get dark times during the day (like when it rained) and it can be dark inside in A20 but the way lighting is working now seems to be a combination of a delay in when the light changes (it fades in and out, which looks really weird) as well as a misunderstanding perhaps of how you see in conditions where lighting changes within a room.  Stepping into a shadow doesn't reduce your own vision but reduces the visibility others have of you.  Lighting should work in a way that if you are standing in light and a zombie is in a dark corner, they should be very hard to see but the area around you should be bright.  If you are standing in dark and the zombie is in the light, they should be very easily seen as well as any area around you that has light.  If you're both in darkness, then obviously it should be dark, though you should actually see a little better than if you're in light and the zombie is in dark.  Right now, it just feels backwards - if you're in dark, everything is darker; if you're in light, everything is lighter regardless of other light sources.  This doesn't seem to be a perfect explanation of the effect we seem to be seeing but it's at least a general idea of what's going on.

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2 minutes ago, JaJe said:

My feedback so far for SP and MP played with friends:

- I hate Dew collectors. Are we really going to farm lots and lots of it to keep up with water consumption for glue, water drinking and food?? In multiplayer is even worse that you need even more water for each player.

- Book system are a bit of mess to be honest, I keep taking books as reward from traders and I keep receiving books I don't really need at the moment, like robotic stuff of vehicle stuff on the first days. I am at day 5 and still no way to craft the forge because I don't read the right books for these. I don't like this mechanism. At least, let us decide what books to receive as reward from trader or at least let us know what kind of books the trader is gonna give as reward so I can decide if I should pick something else as reward.

- Are zombies walking faster now? I've seen zombies semi-sprinting towards me when I try to run away from them without stamina left and they beat me out so easily even for low difficulty. The stamina is really punishing in this update for early days, not to mention that it's harder to kite zombies now. I guess this difficulty could've been easily kept under higher difficulty to be honest.

- No way dogs should be in a Tier 1 POI difficulty lol and they hardly die by a spear now. I get killed 3 times of the same dog because it refused to die fast lol.


This game is made unnecessary harder for early days, killing the fun honestly and leaving little room to prepare yourself for the horde day because you need to grind more for other stuff first.

- There are a variety of ways to get more water without needing dew collectors or not having many of them.  Of course, in a larger group, they'll be necessary and if you're someone who needs a lot of glue, then you'll need more for that.  But just boiling murky water that you can find everywhere should cover most of your water and even cooking needs... at least if you're regularly questing.

- Try looting places where you'd expect to get the forge ahead magazines.  Places like gas stations or even residential garages seem to have them.  And be sure you're looting all the workstations you find as that's also a great place to find them.  If you're still having trouble, a point in Advanced Engineering should help, though I found plenty without needing to do that.  If you're only looting mailboxes and newspapers, you'll be stuck on a more random set of magazines just like at the trader and so it's far more RNG that way.

- I don't think they are any faster but default is sprint for night and feral and they can run when you hit them.  Also, certain zombies will just usually be fast.  That really hasn't changed from A20 that I've noticed.  Try to use a power attack to knock them down before trying to escape (obviously this can't be done if you use all your stamina before making an attempt to escape.

- I don't mind dogs in tier 1 POIs.  As far as I've seen, if there is a dog, there is always a doghouse visible before you see the dog so that you can be prepared (this assumes you didn't wake up the dog before getting to it and caused it to come to you before you get to where the doghouse is located).  


It is true that the zombies are hitting harder and there is a bug apparently that relates to crits/debuffs that they'll have to fix that might help with some of what you're experiencing.  Other things will get tweaked over the next few weeks or so as they see how they are working (or not working).  I'm sure you'll find that it works better by the time A21 goes to stable from experimental.

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19 minutes ago, Riamus said:


I just found that setting in general and was about to edit my prior post but yes, thank you. But I'm still of the opinion they should default the behavior to be like other waypoints however.


The main issue with the looting is the books tbh. Neither one of use is going to double check every book we get, there's simply too many to care about what it is, so often I'm just reading it then reading the prompt on the other screen that actually tells me what it unlocks instead of even slightly caring what the book refers to. And while we do also play shared storage, I play the quest, he bulldozes the quests to the objective if it's not 5k blocks.... and even then I've seen him still go through that too so if I want loot I don't even check containers anymore, I just spam r on the last half second through every container I want and let him have at it. There's two fixes in my mind, either loot rooms need to be 10k+ blocks or there needs to be more loot. I'd personally rather not play with loot abundance higher than default but I would like it to be higher in that scenario.


The power attacks are all head hits, on a soldier it's 3 head power attacks and it drops once, it gets back up and another 2-3 power head attacks finish it. Mechanic, lady zombies, business men, and two skinny dudes seems are all ~2 power attacks on heads, biker and the thug are around the soldier. The big guy and lumberjack are about ~11 power attack head hits. Like I said, it was a t1 club but still, I guess that's just how it is with no points into it.


The bows are worse this round and I can feel it. I used the bow a lot in A20 and before what was a 70% for a true shot at 20m now feels like a 30%, before was playable and now it's just frustrating.

I was going to try a knuckles build but with the debuff's rn I'll wait on it.

Side note: what perk controls fire axes? I prefer to use them over the sledge and it's not blades but I don't see it listed elsewhere.


And I don't dislike the new models though compared to the army truck they look off, I just really liked the green sedan before, it was a nice color.

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1 hour ago, JaJe said:

This game is made unnecessary harder for early days, killing the fun honestly and leaving little room to prepare yourself for the horde day because you need to grind more for other stuff first.

It's not fun, it's survival.
You can have fun if you disable zombies and activate creative mode.

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13 hours ago, hiemfire said:

From what I've seen in vids so far it doesn't look like poi spawn screamers summon hordes. They do make for one heck of a jump scare and "Oh @%$#" moment though.

That's too bad :( Well it's still experimental. We could change that with enough crying xD

13 hours ago, hiemfire said:

From what I've seen in vids so far it doesn't look like poi spawn screamers summon hordes. They do make for one heck of a jump scare and "Oh @%$#" moment though.

That's too bad :( Well it's still experimental. We could change that with enough crying xD

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