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KingGen - A Random World Generator for 7 Days to Die


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1 hour ago, VicWint said:




So, conceptually, all I need to do is point kinggen at the game instance.


But how?



Not necessary. If you are creating your own prefab list to play, just copy all the prefabs to a 2nd folder and create the list from there, does not need to touch the installation copy at all, when completed move the map to either the worlds folder in your install path, or to the generated worlds folder that lives in %appdata%

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40 minutes ago, Cpt Krunch said:

Not necessary. If you are creating your own prefab list to play, just copy all the prefabs to a 2nd folder and create the list from there, does not need to touch the installation copy at all, when completed move the map to either the worlds folder in your install path, or to the generated worlds folder that lives in %appdata%


But how would I do that?


I looked at the CPVANILLAKINGGEN13PREFABLIST.txt from the compo pack, and there's a bunch of information in there which does not appear in rwgmixer.xml files nor in prefabs.xml files.


I can't use that specific prefabs list for darkness falls, because it's missing about 100 POIs from darkness falls (for example, stuff like A16_fire_station_01, A18_store_hardware_lg_01, sphereii_cave_01 and xcostum_Gallery(by_TopMinder_and_Pille) and has about 200 POIs which do not appear in darkness falls (a bunch of xcostum_Supermarket and xcostum_Trader pois, for example).


Removing the unused lines from CPVANILLAKINGGEN13PREFABLIST.txt is probably straightforward (I have not tried it, and there's a few POIs which are listed multiple times, so there may be an important subtlety which I do not yet understand). But to add lines for the missing POIs I would need to know how to generate the extra "columns" of information for those prefabs, and I would need to understand where to place these rows in the file (and possibly I would need to understand something I do not know how to ask about that's related to the lines which begin with @ in that file...).


But maybe I am needlessly worrying, and I do not actually need to supply those columns for kinggen? (Is there some documentation about this that I should have been reading?)

Edited by VicWint (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, VicWint said:


But how would I do that?


I looked at the CPVANILLAKINGGEN13PREFABLIST.txt from the compo pack, and there's a bunch of information in there which does not appear in rwgmixer.xml files nor in prefabs.xml files.


I can't use that specific prefabs list for darkness falls, because it's missing about 100 POIs from darkness falls (for example, stuff like A16_fire_station_01, A18_store_hardware_lg_01, sphereii_cave_01 and xcostum_Gallery(by_TopMinder_and_Pille) and has about 200 POIs which do not appear in darkness falls (a bunch of xcostum_Supermarket and xcostum_Trader pois, for example).


Removing the unused lines from CPVANILLAKINGGEN13PREFABLIST.txt is probably straightforward (I have not tried it, and there's a few POIs which are listed multiple times, so there may be an important subtlety which I do not yet understand). But to add lines for the missing POIs I would need to know how to generate the extra "columns" of information for those prefabs, and I would need to understand where to place these rows in the file (and possibly I would need to understand something I do not know how to ask about that's related to the lines which begin with @ in that file...).


But maybe I am needlessly worrying, and I do not actually need to supply those columns for kinggen? (Is there some documentation about this that I should have been reading?)

Gallery by topminder and pille is in. 


What pois are doubled up. KG can't double up pois when it generates a list. Unless you have added a poi more then once. 


Place the darkness falls POI's in a folder click generate custom list in KG. Then direct it to that folder and save.  Open list up in notepad++ 


Then copy the list generated to the cp list and edit/remove any pois you don't want. 


Make sure the pois for cp and df are in your game prefab folder when playing. 



Edited by stallionsden (see edit history)
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53 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

What pois are doubled up. KG can't double up pois when it generates a list. Unless you have added a poi more then once.


In CompoPack-KingGen/CPVANILLAKINGGEN13PREFABLIST.txt at main · stallionsden/CompoPack-KingGen (github.com) I see these duplicated POI lines (line number : prefab name):




Edit: but darkness falls already includes most of compo pack's POIs (and edited versions of them, for balance reasons). Anyways, I was not looking to combine compo pack with darkness falls -- I was just using the compo pack poi list because it was the only example of a poi list that I had found.


Anyways... now I understand that the "Generate custom POIs list" feature will build the thing for me. So that's good. (And I checked the poislist.txt generated by kinggen -- it doesn't have any duplicated pois.)


On the other hand, it seems to contain 844 pois, and the prefabs directory has 893 pois. Kinggen has tossed all the POIs whose names begin with two 'A' letters. Like AAA_quonset_01 ... or maybe those are not really POIs? It's odd...

Edited by VicWint (see edit history)
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2 minutes ago, VicWint said:


In CompoPack-KingGen/CPVANILLAKINGGEN13PREFABLIST.txt at main · stallionsden/CompoPack-KingGen (github.com) I see these duplicated POI lines (line number : prefab name):



Argh yeh ty will remove them from the vanilla. When I generated the vanilla I forgot to remove those as they are in the farm settlement . Will correct that now.



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16 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

Argh yeh ty will remove them from the vanilla. When I generated the vanilla I forgot to remove those as they are in the farm settlement . Will correct that now.




It might not even be an error.


I think Cpt Krunch was just surprised.

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51 minutes ago, VicWint said:


In CompoPack-KingGen/CPVANILLAKINGGEN13PREFABLIST.txt at main · stallionsden/CompoPack-KingGen (github.com) I see these duplicated POI lines (line number : prefab name):




Edit: but darkness falls already includes most of compo pack's POIs (and edited versions of them, for balance reasons). Anyways, I was not looking to combine compo pack with darkness falls -- I was just using the compo pack poi list because it was the only example of a poi list that I had found.


Anyways... now I understand that the "Generate custom POIs list" feature will build the thing for me. So that's good. (And I checked the poislist.txt generated by kinggen -- it doesn't have any duplicated pois.)


On the other hand, it seems to contain 844 pois, and the prefabs directory has 893 pois. Kinggen has tossed all the POIs whose names begin with two 'A' letters. Like AAA_quonset_01 ... or maybe those are not really POIs? It's odd...

Fixed, thanks for picking that up

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There is quite a bit thats included in vanilla that you will not use. You are better off using the CP vanilla list, as it doesnt have all that extra Nav and deco pieces, you dont want those included in your mixer, granted they would be mostly excluded anyway due to the way they are tagged, but they will clutter up your mixer list.

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Hello, I had an error on multiple attempts (So its reproducible) generating the seed "PottatoPotato" at 8K on kinggen 0.13.1 A19.6:

Generating heightmap.
Generating biomes.
Generating cities.
Generating water.
Generating roads.
Generating villages.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "crash_log.py", line 19, in handle_crash_log
  File "gui_generation.py", line 27, in generate
  File "ntime.py", line 11, in ntime
  File "world.py", line 1301, in run
  File "world.py", line 272, in generate
  File "world.py", line 349, in gen_villages
  File "world.py", line 393, in gen_villages_forest
  File "hub_factory.py", line 79, in gen_hub
  File "city.py", line 46, in __init__
  File "city.py", line 53, in generate
  File "city.py", line 125, in gen_grid
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed



And I was using these settings on the latest compolist (Kinggen) which fixed vanilla POI duplication:





Edited by nilanthanimosus
-Include the fact its reproducible (see edit history)
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36 minutes ago, piroman182 said:

Ok i get frustrated here..i have do all the things..put the list in a folder and everythings..and i still get the same error and it wont load the map. I get those damn gui pi error..

Ok, I think you are trying to do a lot of things, all at the same time, and its making it too confusing for you. Lets break down what you are trying to do.

1 You want a Darkness Falls Map

2 You are trying to use prefabs from, Darkness Falls, Vanilla, and Compo Pack 47. Is this correct?


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I solved my issue to get a world to work atleast but now I have a question is there things in the POI list we can remove that isnt needed I have all ready gone thru and got the signs, bridges , NAV only stuff , but can u remove anything else like the STONES and stuff or will that lead to no big boulders?


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2 hours ago, AmethystLainey said:

I solved my issue to get a world to work atleast but now I have a question is there things in the POI list we can remove that isnt needed I have all ready gone thru and got the signs, bridges , NAV only stuff , but can u remove anything else like the STONES and stuff or will that lead to no big boulders?



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I started using KingGen yesterday and first of all.. DAMN what an amazing tool!

However, I encountered 1 problem today and I have 1 suggestion. Suggestion first:


On the 7 Days to Die Discord Server someone told me that you can "edit" the worlds that the generator spits out. I had a perfect world generated but I wanted to change a single bit (add an island to a huge lake). They, however, couldn't tell me how to do that and also didn't find the instructions anymore. Could you maybe let me know (or add it to the inital announcement?) how to do that?


The problem I encountered is as follows: I wanted to load up a world from a friend in KingGen but it gives me the following error whenever I try to load up ANY map:


Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tkinter\__init__.py", line 1892, in __call__
  File "gui.py", line 316, in open_world
  File "gui.py", line 1201, in load_world
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pois' referenced before assignment


I could load maps yesterday super fine, no problem, today it doesn't work anymore. Any fix for that?

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BUG REPORT: Functional regression - KinGen no longer generates maps using the Compo Pack 

I attempted to generate a map on a fresh install of 7D2D, only the Compo Pack installed, as per the instructions found on the above link. When using the supplied POI list, KingGen throws an error.


Verison: KinGen 0.13.1

Platform: Linux x64 (Arch)

Python: 3.9.6 (repo installed)


The error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "crash_log.py", line 19, in handle_crash_log
  File "gui_generation.py", line 27, in generate
  File "ntime.py", line 11, in ntime
  File "world.py", line 1301, in run
  File "world.py", line 272, in generate
  File "world.py", line 349, in gen_villages
  File "world.py", line 393, in gen_villages_forest
  File "hub_factory.py", line 79, in gen_hub
  File "city.py", line 46, in __init__
  File "city.py", line 53, in generate
  File "city.py", line 125, in gen_grid
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed


Without any other error messages, I am at the end of my ability to troubleshoot without access to source. Thank you, and have a great day.

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