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22 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


When it first was implemented, I tested it with the debug tool that shows what the AI is doing.


It was cool to see them  "investigate" a noise where it occurred then go "wander" mode.  Line of sight is definitely enhanced as well as they would target me when facing me from farther away.


A great feature that adds alot for those looking for a more challenging experience. 😁




That sounds great, so the sneak isn't useless either then. I will have to try it. 

On a side note, I am unsure what I am doing wrong but my 2nd trader is still giving tier 1 quests, does anyone know why this would happen?

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4 minutes ago, Tmodloader said:

That sounds great, so the sneak isn't useless either then. I will have to try it. 

On a side note, I am unsure what I am doing wrong but my 2nd trader is still giving tier 1 quests, does anyone know why this would happen?

each trader has to have all of their quests done as progression. finishing t1 at jen does not open t2 trader hugh or who ever.. each trader has t1-t5 quests and you must work them all. opening the trade route basically lets you know where another trader is. but you will need to go back to original trader if you want to do t2 quests.

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The few of us who play together have talked about quests and whether it might be a good idea to have a 1-job limit per trader per day. It would slow down the questing a bit as well as encourage people to spread their work around to all the traders. Right now if you find a new trader they only offer T1 quests so you’d rather just work for your first trader. But if you can only do one job for your trader then you might feel better doing a T1 at the next trader as a bonus. 

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8 minutes ago, Roland said:

The few of us who play together have talked about quests and whether it might be a good idea to have a 1-job limit per trader per day. It would slow down the questing a bit as well as encourage people to spread their work around to all the traders. Right now if you find a new trader they only offer T1 quests so you’d rather just work for your first trader. But if you can only do one job for your trader then you might feel better doing a T1 at the next trader as a bonus. 

maybe 25% more dukes earned through each t1 quest done in succession per day? sounds like a good idea as long as the bonus is worth doing this i think

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11 minutes ago, Roland said:

The few of us who play together have talked about quests and whether it might be a good idea to have a 1-job limit per trader per day. It would slow down the questing a bit as well as encourage people to spread their work around to all the traders. Right now if you find a new trader they only offer T1 quests so you’d rather just work for your first trader. But if you can only do one job for your trader then you might feel better doing a T1 at the next trader as a bonus. 

It feels like there should be a solution but hard limit to quest per day hmm, unsure how I feel about that. I would like there be a reason to move around, is this new to A20 or did I just not notice it before? I thought you had to unlock new routes to get higher tiers everywhere. I used to do that and pretty sure that's how it worked.

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10 minutes ago, Roland said:

The few of us who play together have talked about quests and whether it might be a good idea to have a 1-job limit per trader per day. It would slow down the questing a bit as well as encourage people to spread their work around to all the traders. Right now if you find a new trader they only offer T1 quests so you’d rather just work for your first trader. But if you can only do one job for your trader then you might feel better doing a T1 at the next trader as a bonus. 


Why always have to be a nerf/gate?


Make the first one give a bônus to incentive the player do at least one and do other activities in the day.

Or the trader always give one of each type of quest on the day:

-A Fetch

-A kill

-A tresure

-A Night

On tier 2, combine them:
- A Fetch/Kill
- A Treasure/Night

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6 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

each trader has to have all of their quests done as progression. finishing t1 at jen does not open t2 trader hugh or who ever.. each trader has t1-t5 quests and you must work them all. opening the trade route basically lets you know where another trader is. but you will need to go back to original trader if you want to do t2 quests.

I think change this would be good and logical solution with "lore explanation" - they have radio towers right? so they speak eachother. So they  can talk about their "workers". So if they know that Tim is good with killing zombies because his was working for Rekt everyone else don't have to test his skills

2 minutes ago, Roland said:

The few of us who play together have talked about quests and whether it might be a good idea to have a 1-job limit per trader per day. It would slow down the questing a bit as well as encourage people to spread their work around to all the traders. Right now if you find a new trader they only offer T1 quests so you’d rather just work for your first trader. But if you can only do one job for your trader then you might feel better doing a T1 at the next trader as a bonus. 

I thinks it is bad idea - if someone rush quests and have good stuff why you don't do this same. It is like -if you are looter you can find most of  the time junk but maybe you can find someday forgotten military truck and find good stuff there. If someone is mercenary and doing job for traders he will have better stuff that most people but not top tier for doing this. 

But from gameplay point of view- i think crafting is so underpower. So trader is the best option because looting sometimes can be pointless as hell.  so it will annoying if you play with friend and you can only do 1 quest per day.  

If trader is meta and you want to be the best - use it.

In cod STG is meta - so people using this

DS have meta builds too.

So - if you want play with strangers - expect that they want to have best stuff.


For me quest rushing is the best. why? because from my point of view the gameplay should be focused on blood moons. So how to do to have the biggest chances to kill zombie without dying? well - get the best axe possible cut trees make spikes and farm to have endless food supply  get guns and ammo and be "support" for turrets and  passive traps. I know this sounds like ww1 gameplay when you 99% doing trenches and fortification but.... this can be soo fun! i know people love to diffrent places for loot etc but for me looting is just "necessary evil"

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Not so much a nerf as a progression. Once you’ve found a few traders you can get enough work to do multiple jobs a day. Like I said, I’m going to try it out and see how it plays. It’s definitely a change that can be roleplayed voluntarily just like dead is dead.

It’s not a new idea. Plenty of RPGs have limits to the number of jobs an NPC will give during a period of time. “Come back and I might have more jobs later” is something I know I’ve read in other games. 

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10 minutes ago, Hameshy said:


Why always have to be a nerf/gate?


Make the first one give a bônus to incentive the player do at least one and do other activities in the day.

Or the trader always give one of each type of quest on the day:

-A Fetch

-A kill

-A tresure

-A Night

On tier 2, combine them:
- A Fetch/Kill
- A Treasure/Night

if i think correct - because some people want to be looting and checking POI core of the game 

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Oh I just thought of the biggest downside of limiting trader quests per day. This would cause you to feel like you have to do the quest every day it becomes available.

9 minutes ago, Roland said:

Not so much a nerf as a progression. Once you’ve found a few traders you can get enough work to do multiple jobs a day. Like I said, I’m going to try it out and see how it plays. It’s definitely a change that can be roleplayed voluntarily just like dead is dead.

That's a huge amount of travel time, on my maps they're normally 1km+ away which I like to make it a full day journey

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23 minutes ago, Roland said:

Not so much a nerf as a progression. Once you’ve found a few traders you can get enough work to do multiple jobs a day. Like I said, I’m going to try it out and see how it plays. It’s definitely a change that can be roleplayed voluntarily just like dead is dead.

It’s not a new idea. Plenty of RPGs have limits to the number of jobs an NPC will give during a period of time. “Come back and I might have more jobs later” is something I know I’ve read in other games. 


Have you brought this up with the TFP crew?  I think its great idea... Even diminishing returns per day or some such.

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Just now, Roland said:

Not so much a nerf as a progression. Once you’ve found a few traders you can get enough work to do multiple jobs a day. Like I said, I’m going to try it out and see how it plays. It’s definitely a change that can be roleplayed voluntarily just like dead is dead.

It’s not a new idea. Plenty of RPGs have limits to the number of jobs an NPC will give during a period of time. “Come back and I might have more jobs later” is something I know I’ve read in other games. 

Well not always- this depends if you have minibike or not but btw.

Yeah that is true but : this is because you need to do some "story quests",  you need to have reputation or level or something like that and last variant : microtransation like assasin creed - so you can get premium currency only by doing limited quests or pay real money

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21 minutes ago, Roland said:

Not so much a nerf as a progression. Once you’ve found a few traders you can get enough work to do multiple jobs a day. Like I said, I’m going to try it out and see how it plays. It’s definitely a change that can be roleplayed voluntarily just like dead is dead.

It’s not a new idea. Plenty of RPGs have limits to the number of jobs an NPC will give during a period of time. “Come back and I might have more jobs later” is something I know I’ve read in other games. 

It's an interesting idea. It would slow progression a lot for the first couple weeks, but generally after week 3 I'm only doing 1 quest a day, and by the 4th week only a couple quests per week as my character shifts towards complete independence. The traders having independent quest tier progression has slowed it down somewhat, but it's still the same pattern for my particular playstyle. 

I wonder if a ui toggle for trader density might have a similar effect for a more random challenge.

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3 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

if this change was to happen i feel like there should be traders closer to each other because early game i think it may be next to impossible with limiting factors for example the very limiting stamina you have and the access to no vehicles

You are gifted a bike when you finish the tier one quests. There’s your easier access to more jobs and once you have a motorized vehicle your ability to do more jobs a day will grow. 

It definitely will slow things down and ruin the early game quest rush strategy and so wouldn’t be popular among that group. 

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9 minutes ago, Roland said:

You are gifted a bike when you finish the tier one quests. There’s your easier access to more jobs and once you have a motorized vehicle your ability to do more jobs a day will grow. 

It definitely will slow things down and ruin the early game quest rush strategy and so wouldn’t be popular among that group. 

sounds good to me hopefully the bonus things you get from doing more than one job a day will be worth the grind

because it slightly reminds me of when i had done a tier 5 quest in alpha 17 do you want ONE antibiotic or a tier 6 marksman rifle if they are implemented the rewards should probably carry over to each quest tier for example tier 1 do 2 quests maybe get an extra antibiotic as a bonus as they aren't so common tier 2 extra weapon or more dukes tier 3 medical supplies or ammo supplies tier 4 high tier construction materials or tier 5 more dukes, a higher tier weapon a higher quality weapon reward or vehicle parts this is just my take 

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1 hour ago, Roland said:

But if you can only do one job for your trader then you might feel better doing a T1 at the next trader as a bonus.

Distance between the traders will end up defining if players even bother with that "might feel" part of capping the # of quests per trader per day... As in if it takes more than 5-10 minutes real time to travel between the traders it is probably going to be a "Nope, just going to strip down the pois in the area." till they're all scavenged and the player quits that game save.


Edit: And 10 minutes is really pushing what I think would be considered "Okay".


Don't forget to not take another quest if you turn in one you accepted on a previous day. That turn in would be your one for that day.

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@faatal @madmole and everyone involved in the quests

Reflections and suggestions for quests. 

1. The quest for the same building may appear twice or even three times. The preview of the POI to which the trader wants to send us might have solved this problem. Or removing the quest mark from this POI for this world.
2. The building in which the quest was completed is not marked in any way. Perhaps a slight highlighting of the tiles with this POI on the map would solve the problem. Put manual marks = clog the compass and the mark menu.
3. Distance. I understand that if there is no Tier 4 and Tier 5 POI in the nearest city and the trader will send me for 7 km to the other end of the map, by this time I will already have a 4x4 or a helicopter, but at the initial stages it is too much to receive tasks of more than 1.5 km. time consuming.
4. Rewards do not match the experience multiplier setting. I received a response from the madmole about this. This will be fixed in A21 with the addition of a traderstage
5. Variety of quests.
I'm happy about the new energy recovery quests, but it's still not enough.
The game supports two timer modes:
The quest is completed when the timer reaches the specified time. Can be used for quests where you need to hold out for a while.
The quest is completed if other conditions are met and the countdown has not reached zero.
Will this be used in the future?
There are also conditions for killing a certain number of zombies, any or specific.
All this can be mixed with a timer.
Random daily (or only night?) Time challenges with increased difficulty and reward.
Tier 4 and Tier 5 quests Buried Supplies? Do you need auger and build a temporary base, because when you get the box, a whole horde will come after you, and maybe even bandits will want to intercept your cargo on the way to the trader?
Perhaps whole chains of quests, such as setting up a new base for peaceful NPCs that we found in the world. Search / Buy / Craft certain types of tools / armor / weapons / traps / vehicles for them.
Quests to restore specific POI tier 1-5? Only for this you will need to have two types of one quest POI: destroyed and whole, to which the player must restore it.

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1 minute ago, mstdv inc said:

@faatal @madmole and everyone involved in the quests

Reflections and suggestions for quests. (I do not require anything)

1. The quest for the same building may appear twice or even three times. The preview of the POI to which the trader wants to send us might have solved this problem. Or removing the quest mark from this POI for this world.
2. The building in which the quest was completed is not marked in any way. Perhaps a slight highlighting of the tiles with this POI on the map would solve the problem. Put manual marks = clog the compass and the mark menu.
3. Distance. I understand that if there is no Tier 4 and Tier 5 POI in the nearest city and the trader will send me for 7 km to the other end of the map, by this time I will already have a 4x4 or a helicopter, but at the initial stages it is too much to receive tasks of more than 1.5 km. time consuming.
4. Rewards do not match the experience multiplier setting. I received a response from the madmole about this. This will be fixed in A21 with the addition of a traderstage
5. Variety of quests.
I'm happy about the new energy recovery quests, but it's still not enough.
The game supports two timer modes:
The quest is completed when the timer reaches the specified time. Can be used for quests where you need to hold out for a while.
The quest is completed if other conditions are met and the countdown has not reached zero.
Will this be used in the future?
There are also conditions for killing a certain number of zombies, any or specific.
All this can be mixed with a timer.
Random daily (or only night?) Time challenges with increased difficulty and reward.
Tier 4 and Tier 5 quests Buried Supplies? Do you need a drill and build a temporary base, because when you get the box, a whole horde will come after you, and maybe even bandits will want to intercept your cargo on the way to the trader?
Perhaps whole chains of quests, such as setting up a new base for peaceful NPCs that we found in the world. Search / Buy / Craft certain types of tools / armor / weapons / traps / vehicles for them.
Quests to restore specific POI tier 1-5? Only for this you will need to have two types of one quest POI: destroyed and whole, to which the player must restore it.

speaking of the rewards don't match up i seem to get higher quality weapon's and tools from tier 4 quests than 5 which is really odd and so far i have done easily over 30 of each tier 4 and 5 quests

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5 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

speaking of the rewards don't match up i seem to get higher quality weapon's and tools from tier 4 quests than 5 which is really odd and so far i have done easily over 30 of each tier 4 and 5 quests

I hope that all traders will get even more love in A21 :)

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