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Alpha 19 blood moons too short


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Alpha 18 blood moons were correct. You had constant waves of zombies through the whole night. Now in Alpha 19, we are back to what it has been in Alpha 17 where there was only some waves of zombies which would last like 2 hours (from 22 pm to midnight) then the rest of the night nothing happens; it's just like a flat normal night except that the sky is reddish.


So my proposition is that you put back the feature of constant non-stopping zombie waves throughout the whole blood moon night until the day rises. Because now how it is, it's kind of boring and less exciting and less adrenaline-like play when da blood moon is arrived!

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16 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

Of course, and remember that any difficulty above normal increases your game stage growth percentage. It's a flat rate though, no difference between nomad and insane.

From what I've heard this is a lie. In A19 difficulty no longer is part of the gamestage calculation.

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7 minutes ago, myrkana said:

From what I've heard this is a lie. In A19 difficulty no longer is part of the gamestage calculation.

Don't believe everything you read on the internet, it's in the .xml files. Everything higher than default has a 1.2x (could be 1.4x, not able to check atm will check later) modifier rather than 1.0x.

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read thru the xml yourself and not rely on grapevine misconceptions. i wont try to explain as i play the game to enjoy myself and not watch for numbers fluctuating around.

but if you play long enough (without dieing), you will get your gamestage up... the game now stretches out for the player instead of getting to the top in one week.


but if... watching numbers and min/maxing is your bag.... giveyourself xp and go for it sooner.


content in spoiler is comment for how gamestage is calculated copied from gamestage.xml enjoy :)




Game stage spawning: All game stage spawning starts with a "Spawner" which is a named object referenced in the code
or other data (like POIs). The spawner itself contains all of the gamestage information for that particular spawner.
Examples: BloodMoonHorde spawner, or a large POI spawn, or a POI spawn that contains football players.

Each spawner defines a set of game stages. An individual game stage defines the actual spawning and spawning progression
for that specific stage. The game stage number is an estimate of "difficulty", higher game stages should be harder than
lower game stages.

<spawner name="BloodMoonHorde">
    <gamestage stage="1">

        // Starting spawn stage is in this first entry.
        // It will spawn up to 300 zombies, but only 8 can be alive at any one time due to performance reasons.
        // Zombies will be spawned from the ZombiesNight spawn group defined in entitygroups.xml
        // (Optional) The duration of this stage is 1 game hour, after that game hour the next spawn will start OR the spawning will complete
        // if there are no more spawns.
        // (Optional) Interval is a delay in seconds between the end of a spawn group and the next one
        // If we have a use for it this could also trigger a stinger sound.

        <spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="300" maxAlive ="8" duration="1" interval="60"/>

        // After 300 zombies have been killed this defines a kind of "station keeping" mode
        // where there will be one zombie sent to harass the players until sunrise.

        <spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="9999999" maxAlive="1"/>
            maxAlive is now per player, not per party

The code will use the highest stage that is less than or equal to your computed stage.
There is no cap on gamestage. If you feel like defining a stage="5000" - go nuts.

The gamestage is calculated once, when the "event" occurs.
When the blood moon rises the game considers nearby players as "a party" and figures out the accumulated gamestage.
This gamestage will be in effect for the duration of the event.
If players log in later or drop out, such as during the blood moon event, the gamestage will not change.

- - - - - - -

There is a metric which maps a player or group of players to a game stage number.

    This is a running total, kept for every individual player.

    Every 24 hours GAME time 1 (day) is added.
    On every death "daysAliveChangeWhenKilled" is subtracted from the total.

    After this the daysAlive is capped.
    It is low-capped at 0, high-capped at "your player level".
    At player level 41 you can have a daysSurvived value anywhere from 0 to 41.

gameStage = ( playerLevel + daysSurvived ) * difficultyBonus

So if a player was level 10 and survived 4 days playing when the game stage points are calculated the game stage points would be
gameStage = (Player Level 10 + Days Survived 4 ) X difficultyBonus 1.2
The total would be 16.8 or 16 game stage points.

If the same player was level 10 and had survived 25 days and died 2x:
    25 days - 2 x 2 (daysAliveChangeWhenKilled) = 21
    Then daysAlive of 21 gets capped to player level so 10.

This is how the gamestage of a PARTY is calculated:
The gamestage of all (up to) 6 players is calculated.
The players are sorted by gamestage.

The highest GS number is multiplied by "startingWeight".
This then loops down the list and "startingWeight" is multiplied by "diminishingReturns" every time.

Players with GS 120, 30, 60, 91, 5, 80.
startingWeight= 1.7, diminishingReturns=0.5

So we get
120 * 1.70 = 204
 91 *  .85 =  77
 80 *  .42 =  34
 60 *  .21 =  13
 30 *  .82 =  24
  5 *  .11 =   1
... or a total party GS of 353

- - - - - - -

Which gameStage list of spawn groups is actually picked and "ran" if it calculates a GS of 15?

It rounds down.

At a GS of 15 the <gamestage stage="14"> is used.

At a GS of 14 <gamestage stage="12"> is used.

- - - - - - -
Console command: gamestage
    Displays your current gamestage.

Console command: forcegamestage
    This will force a gamestage for testing.
    The calculation will not run at all but you jump directly to the spawn set for this stage.


my day 7 bm (i am casual player not trying to max myself), i have found all scrap iron armor and am around gs 18-25  roughly.

QA Tester-unholyjoe


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53 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

Don't believe everything you read on the internet, it's in the .xml files. Everything higher than default has a 1.2x (could be 1.4x, not able to check atm will check later) modifier rather than 1.0x.

In this case, do believe everything you read on the internet.   Difficulty is locked in at 1.2 now.   It does not change.

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1 hour ago, unholyjoe said:

read thru the xml yourself and not rely on grapevine misconceptions. i wont try to explain as i play the game to enjoy myself and not watch for numbers fluctuating around.

but if you play long enough (without dieing), you will get your gamestage up... the game now stretches out for the player instead of getting to the top in one week.


but if... watching numbers and min/maxing is your bag.... giveyourself xp and go for it sooner.


content in spoiler is comment for how gamestage is calculated copied from gamestage.xml enjoy :)



my day 7 bm (i am casual player not trying to max myself), i have found all scrap iron armor and am around gs 18-25  roughly.

QA Tester-unholyjoe



Interesting, when did they change that again? I can't keep track anymore lol. I swear I gain gamestage faster than default difficulty, but maybe that's just because when I do that I'm going for combat and going to the wastelands anyway.

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The calculation is:


(player level + days survived) * 1.2


The days survived is capped at your player level so even if you have survived 50 days, if you player level is only 30 then your days survived will be 30. So that would be (30 + 30) * 1.2


The 1.2 multiplier used to be different for each difficulty but now it is the same across all difficulties because increasing it would move you too quickly through the progression.

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Like everyone said, the experience is going to be different depending on what you've done before those first few hordes, and of course if it's SP or MP... and this could give you the impression that something might have changed between A18 and A19.
When I play solo, sometimes the beginning of the game doesn't work out the way I want so I take advantage of this. When that happens, I tend to avoid leveling and zombies as much as possible until after the first horde. The result has sometimes been 6 zombies for the first horde, and that's it. Immediately after, I get my game back on track and start leveling as normal.

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13 minutes ago, uselessjunkaccount said:

So what does change, any idea? Just zombie health/dps?

It changes how much damage you get when a zombie hits you and how much damage you deal to a zombie. Nomad for example is 100% in both directions and Insane means you get 250% damage and you deal 25% damage.

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2 hours ago, davdes said:

Blood Moon day: #43

Player level: 33

Blood Moon ended at: 1h33

Zombie numbers per wave set to: 12


So what's the matter, howcome it still ends that short in the night?

There is a finite number of zombies total. How quickly are you burning through them?  For example, if you only have 8 at a time and are shooting each one individually it will take longer to kill them all. But if you were to have 32 at a time and you insta kill large numbers at a time using explosives then you will much more quickly kill them all long before the night is over.

The number you need to share is your gamestage just the day and your level isn’t enough information. 

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