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Fix me. Please.


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Although the term "game breaking" is probably overused, I'm going to use it here.


That thing where ALL of your gear and inventory gets lost....it's getting OLD.


Yes, it's possible to re-add everything via the console...you do remember EVERYTHING you were wearing, carrying in your pack or on your belt; right? ...but not really. You won't be able to add items with the subtle difference in stats that you'd been painstakingly upgrading over your 100 days of play.


This game breaking problem (missing backpacks) has persisted for way too long. Stop suggesting it's fixed every so often. Heck...stop trying to fix it! You haven't been able to figure it out yet, and it's important enough that you should have.


Instead of trying to fix it, put a damn console command in that will allow you to summon that phantom backpack to your feet...or loot it from afar. Nobody will judge you...we will cheer! If the data isn't available when your backpack is "lost", then start recording it during play for this eventuality.





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I had one in my last play through go missing. Still showed up on the map and compass, but I never could find it. Wasn't on or near a hill or anything else. I even went into god mode and grabbed the dev super digger and went to town all the way to bedrock. Never could find it.


I think one thing that would help is if the icon actually followed the bag instead of just showing where you died. I do remember one fix from 18.3 I believe that was supposed to help with the bags bouncing too much, but I haven't played 18.3 yet. Were you on 18.3 yourself?

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It's up to you to set the drop-on-death parameter. Either backpack, or toolbelt, or both or nothing.

I also don't know what you mean with lost backpacks. I play since A16 and I have always(!) found my backpack.


It happens. A lot. We were so sick of it, and i deciced to use loose nothing on dead, before the rage quits start to happen and a perfectly good playtrough gets ruined because the skills from the rage quitter are missing.


We would like to see this fixed tough. It seems a bit like cheating and you are tempted to die just to get back home....

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As each new version comes out (currently 18.3), if it's mentioned in the notes I'll turn on "drop everything" again and see if it's finally fixed. While I'm not a ragequit kind of fellow, I can't think of many things more demoralizing/irritating.


Adding a command line to summon the pack (it's no more cheating than trying to recreate all the items, and a hell of a lot less frustrating) would be swell.




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Not saying, summoning it back is cheating. The dying because you loose nothing but get back home is what i meant. A Console Command would be perfect. Sadly the only response on the last topic regarding this, was a semantic correction from TFP that the backpacks don´t fall trough the ground when dissappearing.

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Well, there is the death penalty which would generally make me want to walk/ride but when I arrive back at camp after dying I'm not above unloading everything I'm carrying (when drop is off).


I much prefer to play the game with dropping everything ON (corpse recovery can be fun/scary), but losing everything is certainly not worth it.




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I never lost my backpack during the A8-A16 due to a bug.

Whenever i didn't find it there - it existed in the world. Very often it rolls to the side and the compass shows its wrong position.

Once it was that he fell through the world, as a result of a collapse, but this was written in the console.

I advise you to keep an eye on the console in such cases, so you will know exactly why.

Thus - i do not claim that the bug does not exist, but perhaps it is imaginary.

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I have also reached the end of the road regarding backpacks vanishing. From as early as I can remember this bug has always been. Although in A18 having only put maybe 400 or so hours in I've only had my backpack delete twice. The last time is when I decided to strictly play with drop pack only instead of the way I love, Drop everything on death. I would also like to see hours dedicated to once and for all fixing this bug.

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I wonder if they can add that little arrow icon to your backpack like the one you see on quests for satchels. At least that way you could tell if it was above you or underground. For those times when you die in a building and it could end up in ground or in wall somewhere.

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I wonder if they can add that little arrow icon to your backpack like the one you see on quests for satchels.


It's a good thought, but digging or flying up or down at the position it was dropped has never once yielded the backpack. I do look for places it may have rolled to, etc., but that has only rarely been the case.



Have you tried not dying?


Is that a mod? :miserable:




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Never noticed this bug as I play dead is dead but it is interesting that empyrean has the exact same issue and I play online in that game so death is a given at times.


I wonder if there is a deeper problem going on here and that is why they cannot squash this bug. A console command would be nice or maybe even forgo the backpack entirely and have an activated point like a quest where you died that returns your stuff. Cheesy for sure but better than losing 100 hours of looting to get your stuff.


Nothing is more frustrating than losing your progress because of a bug.

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Have seen the missing backpack a few times on my servers. We have managed to find them up to half a region away from the death location.


Are you using a command (something like "Listents"?) to locate the pack, or just combing the area?




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It's a good thought, but digging or flying up or down at the position it was dropped has never once yielded the backpack. I do look for places it may have rolled to, etc., but that has only rarely been the case.





Does the backpack show only where it was dropped or where it actually is? I never really noticed because it was always where my icon showed it. So if it rolled down a hill it would show where it was dropped and not where it rolled? Yeah that would suck.

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Does the backpack show only where it was dropped or where it actually is? I never really noticed because it was always where my icon showed it. So if it rolled down a hill it would show where it was dropped and not where it rolled? Yeah that would suck.

The icon only shows where you died. It doesn't account for the bag being moved because it rolled down a hill.

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Have seen the missing backpack a few times on my servers. We have managed to find them up to half a region away from the death location.




I had my auto turret vanish on me the other day when placing it on the ground at the tier 5 shotgun messiah. Quite upsetting as it was far better than the other one I had. Just fell right through the floor (or ceiling in this case). I think it had something to do with the fact that it was a half block that I placed it on.


Found it two weeks later on the other side of the building when doing another quest there. Still the best turret I have too.

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Here's a radical concept... do away with the dropped backpack design all together since it clearly can't be trusted to operate 100% all the time. The concept of gear on a corpse died out 20 years ago with EQ . Hell, even EQ doesn't have corpses with gear on them anymore. Do you know why? Because it was a terrible idea that even after years of tinkering with player tools like corpse summoning necromancers, a full blown CS staff, and an army of volunteers, that it still warranted being removed as a mechanic.


Before the death teleport argument gets brought up, there are already death mechanics that cover someone using death as a form of transportation constantly. There is literally no need to subject your players to this sort of bug. Especially one on the level of "I'm never going to play this game again" frustration.

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